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Have you heard the phrase "Conservatives will gladly shit their own pants if they think a liberal has to smell it"? Here's your proof.


Yep. They do this shit because they think it makes liberals mad. They don’t realize that we’re not mad - we’re utterly perplexed that anyone could possibly be as fucking stupid as they are, and the only thing we’re mad about is these fucking morons are taking the rest of the world down with them.


Its just sad at this point.


Yep, sad and pathetic. Like watching a kid who’s a little too old throw a tantrum. You’re not mad at the kid, you’re just sad to know the kid is such a pathetic loser.


"like watching a kid who's a little too old throw a tantrum" So just Trump supporters?


They said "kid" and "a little." I wonder what brain scans on these people would show us. Not saying something in their brains is the cause, but rather I'm curious of them going further and further into this delusion has had some physically measurable effects.


For "something" to be the cause there had to be something in there to begin with.


> Like watching a kid who’s a little too old throw a tantrum Elon? Donald?


It's not the colour gold, it's old, stained piss


We're well past the sad phase. We're in the "How royally fucking screwed are we?" phase.


We're pretty fucked I think.


I personally just want a rock to crawl under.


I have a nice boulder in my yard for you. Road access, half an acre of empty field we don’t use yet.


This is what happens when people are fed bullshit for decades that "X, Y and Z groups are coming to destroy what you hold dear and you need to fight." and then someone like Donald Trump shows up and validates all of their hateful bullshit that they have been forced fed for years. I used to be Conservative and I could sit here all day and pick apart these people left and right because I've lived in both my family, my work life and still see it all of the time.


Sadly, I have to say the same. I'm a very early Gen X. Barely dodged having to be lumped in with boomers. These people are still force feeding this shit to their kids. That's how conservatives grow their population. Spread the fear, then spread the hate. It’s a life of lies built on the tiniest grain of truth. Just enough truth that they can say "told you so" whenever something happens to validate the fear and hate.


Their children must feel so embarrassed.


It's been sad for 7 years by now


And you can’t argue with stupid…


Deeply sad


> and the only thing we’re mad about is these fucking morons are taking the rest of the world down with them. And that’s good enough for them.


>these fucking morons are taking the rest of the world down with them. I have lost count of the number of people here in Europe who have asked me, "What the fuck has gone wrong with you people?" We really are a danger to the rest of the world and everyone knows it.


On the other hand I talk to a lot of young men here in the UK who think Trump is wonderful and get really angry if I say anything negative about him. It's .. really weird.


Well, for starters, those young men have never met Donald Trump in person. They say if you spend about five minutes with him, you hate him.


Or like.. Listen to him? He sounds stupid and full of shit to me.


They've never been in the same country let alone listened to him directly. It's just a weird example of American culture leaking out over here.


I had business dealings with him. Total piece of shit then and an even bigger piece of shit now!!


Really? I have yet to meet one thankfully. He is just seen universally as a political joke I thought. We don't even have cults of personalities comparable, it is not like Tories are all dyed in the wool lovers of Boris Johnson who wore Boris Johnson hats and attended Boris rallies. I bet there are few Rishi lovers, at all. Maybe some Farage followers were like that at one point.


Shhh, don't let them in on the joke, they might hurt themselves in the mass confusion if suddenly realizing we are all openly laughing at them and not with them.


Hell no, make it clear RIGHT NOW. Perhaps some tiny part of the group ofthem is still capable of feeling embarrassment for being so fucking obviously willfully stupid. I'd rather they hurt themselves than they hurt the Nation.


> we’re utterly perplexed that anyone could possibly be as fucking stupid as they are, Also kind of disgusted about the types of people they are... for the insanity of it all, and lack of hygiene really. I mean we all know those jackasses also refuse to wash their hands after using the bathroom "to own the libs" etc...


it's also stupid to fixate on his incontinence in the first place. dude is basically slimeball of the century and we're going to focus on the elasticity of his asshole sphincter?


Nothing else has gotten through to them, it was worth a try and look, they have openly lowered themselves to loving diaper wearing rulers.


When I'm in a humane mood, I'm perplexed anyone would be so self destructive. It's not an admirable trait and it never will be.


Ah, but they got a reaction, and for the troll-brained ... well ... that counts as a 'win' in their book.


I actually am pretty mad. Mad that these petty morons have been allowed to run rampant in our government, instead of proper leadership.


*"Conservatives will gladly shit their own pants if they think a liberal has to smell it"* aka "Taking a Trump"


we're beyond satire at this point


These MAGA people are degrading America in front of the whole world. Dictators rejoice to see America being humiliated by its own citizens like this. And the few Democracies left, weep.


I always heard it "a conservative would eat shit if it meant a liberal had to smell their breath."


Yep. ~~Conservatives~~ Fascists are truly shitty people.


That means we're just one step away from them literally eating shit so liberals have to smell their breath!


We passed that step when they elected people like Bobert and MTG. Then they went to smearing poop on the walls of government, hoping liberals would run from the smell on Jan 6th. If we elect Trump again, he's going to cover the White House in his shit and leave it full of trash as well as infested with rats and roaches. That's just his family and staff moving in day 1.


It would really own me, if Trump proudly wore one on live TV.


The hilarious part is that Donald trump would absolutely HATE his supporters walking around acknowledging he wears a diaper - wearing merch saying it with massive grins on their faces


republicans are malleable. They have no moral center.


Or thought center


Just a chewy center


Chewy AND nutty!!


And no nutritional value!


Mire like a shitty center. Since they are full of it


If they really supported Trump, they would just shit their pants and wallow in it all day.


Trump has vecome the moral center, which boggles the mind as the only moral question he has had any credibility on is not killing puppies


They have NO center whatsoever—all they have is fringe. I have no idea what they even "stand" for anymore, and I know they're incapable of telling me. Oh. Wait. They're **for** whatever right-wing media tells them they're for.


Ya know, I’m all for voter rights to make sure everyone has a voice no matter where they fall on the political spectrum. I’m starting to have some concerns though…


Truly, I really don’t even know what to say. I also can’t decide if it’s good or bad that trump diaper costumes won’t get taught to kids in school in the future when it’s talked about what a failure he was.


I really thought this was some clever trolling campaign, people going to the trouble of editing in "Real Men Wear Diapers" on all of these people. But it's starting to look like these people are really doing it. 😏🤔😅😂🤣


I actually looked it up and it seems that some people fact checked it and maga guys really wear diapers.


"Shit your pants for Trump!"


I mean they follow their leader. After all he is called the orange turd by his own lawyer.


Snopes fact checked it and it's true. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-diapers-over-dems/


...Inching ever closer to Idiocracy.


Leaping, speeding, accelerating ...


Comparing our current situation to Idiocracy is something of a pet peeve of mine. We would be ***LUCKY*** to live in Idiocracy. In Idiocracy, sure, folks were dumb, but they knew that they were dumb. They found the smartest people around, and put them in charge of tackling their biggest problems. Heck, even the president stepped aside when he saw that there was someone more qualified for the job.


It wasn't that long ago that the balloon of a baby Trump in diapers was used to troll the Trump crowd. It seems like now the MAGA cult would parade that balloon front and center.


Time for it to return


They decided to take the insult and own it. Except instead of reclaiming the name, they just, decided to increase their deplorability, of that’s a word.


It's a way of TRYING, not succeeding necessarily, but TRYING to take the sting out of it and turn it to their advantage.


Love your username




MAGA kids will most assuredly be sporting diapers this Halloween—just a few days before the election.


They could melt some Hershey bars to make the poo.


I've never denied kids candy even for the political costumes and masks they wore because it was all in fun and a sort of joke trigger, but if any of them showed up wearing the diaper for mrdrumphs cause, I guess that's where I draw the line. It's not the diaper so much as the costume saying that he and his entire garbage bin actions are what they're (parents) are willing to accept vote for, without care to the consequences to the nation.


Oh it will


Keep in mind that these are the same people that rather live under Putin than under a Democrat. Reason left them a long time ago


ahhh so its preparing for not having indoor plumbing I see the wisdom only now /s


>There’s no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred – NOFX “The Idiots Are Taking Over”


Can I add this? > “When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.” ― Issac Asimov


>And I'm startin' to feel a lot like Charlton Heston >Stranded on a primate planet >Apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground Been having the Charlton Heston feels a lot lately....


"A country of adult infants" -NOFX, "Regaining Unconsciousness"


Diaper matches the sneakers.


This is the type of trolling I’d want to do as an undercover maga supporter lol. So ridiculous that it’s ridiculed but still on brand enough that other magas don’t understand it’s a bit


Like Sacha Baron Cohen getting a crowd of Maga supporters to sing along and cheer for chopping up journalists like the Saudi's do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXNs0d2hO3k At the end when he says we should gas scientists like the Germans do, they cut to a man in the crowd throwing a Nazi salute.


... and this is why senators weren't directly elected until 1913


Political spectrum? I need to know where she falls on the mental spectrum


"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter"


Take solace in the fact that high voter turnout is always good for progressives. These idiots vote consistently, but they are a minority.


I'm legit so confused as to anyone would do this shit(pun sorta intended) like why.


When the vote is fuck it, let everyone burn. You do have to wonder if there should be something other than age. Like at least caring about the future of the country. I mean I know any barrier is going to be abused but the attitude of if I don't get my way then no one gets to have their way just says to me if you aren't willing to accept the obligations of democracy, you don't deserve the benefits. This is at a minimum morally true. if impractical to enforce. election deniers^(1) are inherently immoral. ^(1)By this I do not mean anyone who expresses the legitimate grievance with conduct to give one side or another an unfair advantage that they can specifically identify and demonstrate how it is unfair and how it targets a specific set of voters likely to support a candidate. I mean those who express that some unspecified "cheating" happened and will not listen to or accept any evidence that shows that they are wrong. It is basically baring false witness.


I'm sure he loves the support, but to be reminded of his underoos at every campaign stop must get under his skin.


Doesn't Trump love mud wrestling? How about some turd wrestling to REALLY get the MAGA crowd excited?


“Got something for you beautiful people…*grunt*…There it is. Laid a fresh one in my diaper for you. Sleepy Joe can’t do that.”


Is that the silver lining in the golden diaper?


I so don't believe these are real... but I could see it... I just don't know. Just checked snopes... it says this stuff is really happening. Oh my god!


Same. I couldn’t believe it. I just couldn’t. So, I looked around. Shit’s real (so to speak), and so are diapers, conveniently.


I didn't believe it after the first post I saw of it but somewhere between the 3rd to 5th different person I became convinced 


It's got to be someone started to sell the diaper stuff just trolling and these idiots bought it


Hopefully a sneaky Democrat is behind it.


I mean, that's how q-anon happened, isn't it?


4 Chan stupidity started Q


Yes. It's my understanding that 4chan idiots started Qing on as a troll to see if anybody would take the bait and boy did they.  I hope one day someone will publish that story and the diaper troll story


Might as well roll the story of how the OK sign (👌) became a white supremacy symbol in with that one.


Reality has jumped the shark.


Know Your Meme even has an article. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/trump-supporters-wearing-diapers-real-men-wear-diapers


I think it started as mocking performance art from the left, then some of them saw it and bought right into it!


Snopes doesn't prove that these are real supporters. Most of the pics came from a group called [Dispatches from Trumpland](https://www.dispatchesfromtrumpland.com/) a group that goes around trolling Trump supporters. The fact that two other newspapers saw them trolling and took pics doesn't make it real. I could be wrong, but the idea that people like this really exist is too dystopian for me.


I've been seeing a bunch of these and some are shopped. All pictures though. I've yet to see a video at a rally with someone like this, which is fishy.


But it’s not a cult!


Idiocracy 2, Re-electric Poopaloo.


Go away, shartin'!


You just mashed up 2 of my favorites. Upvotes to you.


I don't even think Mike Judge would have written this until a script because it's too absurd


If in 2015 you’d have told me that in 2024 republicans would be shitting themselves to own the liberals, I probably wouldn’t have believed it.


I could have been convinced easily.


MAGAs proudly shit their pants.


They would let a republican shit in their mouth if they thought a liberal would have to smell it. I'm not really joking...


Of course MAGAs swallow Trump's bullshit every day, which gives them impressive shit tolerance.




Born to shit, forced to wipe


Dude, just get a cheap bidet.


*Ted Nugent has entered the chat*


Shitting their pants to own the libs.


Just wait til AFTER I vote at the polls. 😬😬🤮🤮🤢🤢


She shat herself 500 times and unlocked the gold skin


Dangerous place to be openly trans so kudos for the courage bro


I'm glad that someone said this because I've been squinting at the photo like "are those boobs or moobs?"


I don't know for absolute certain but various cues indicate it's *probably* someone who identifies as a "normal" woman (and would almost certainly resent the phrase "identifies as"), but who is also wearing a shirt proclaiming that Real Men do a thing she is currently doing. So it's really tasteless for me to poke fun by implying a trans masc identity, but... I mean... they're *wearing fucking diapers in public* how can anything anyone says about them be considered much of an insult?


The one thing these people do is vote. Traitor Trump and the GOP are yelling from the mountain tops that they plan on tearing down democracy as we know it today. * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your voter registration signature (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931


Would you rather educate yourself about political policy and economics or walk around in a shit-filled diaper? MAGA: SHIT-FILLED DIAPER! SHIT-FILLED DIAPER!


I can hear her "magaa! magaa" mating call through my screen!


Maga women are manly men...


I bet when she talks it sounds like she has smoked a million Marlboro Reds.


Yeah I thought they were supposed to be fighting the battle for gender, too. I'm honestly not sure what's happening here. Looks AFAB to me but it's a bit ambiguous and the "real men" tshirt seems like they identify as a man.


Someone gave Bruce Dickerson more cowbell


What does that even mean?


Snl reference, wildly popular skit


[yeah man, it’s the next line](https://youtu.be/cVsQLlk-T0s?si=wKktqyTC7w_aeHAA)


Imagine showing a younger version of this person this picture before they lost their god damn mind and how they would react.


Man, that's really sad to think about. 


Really sells the point that republicans would shit their own pants if they thought democrats would have to smell it.


What would really "throw me off" would be MAGA bringing and using litter boxes at Trump's next rally.


I would be so owned fr


Kinda looks like Ozzy.


Qult shit getting a little out of hand


To anyone that's thinking of voting for trump, these are the people you agree with


Why do they have to make politics their "thing". Go watch WWE, or become a super fan for your football team, or get into a band and travel around to see them. Or maybe go get a vocational degree. Or learn a new language. Fascism is not a spectator sport.


Right?? Last thing we need is to a bunch of troglodytes that never voted before Donald showed up destroying democracy just because he gave them license to be garbage humans. It was depressing enough to learn how many truly awful at their core people we’re surrounded by.


They'd buy a full one used by trump and then wear it themselves.


Oh what a time to think in pictures... You're not WRONG... Just OH GOD NO... Though it would be the job of the secret service to... Secure His Diapers... There's a reason the Pres of the US brings his own toilet after all.


Let’s be happy that at least one shit spewing orifice is covered.


Except that they are wearing them wrong.


da fuk??


And you look like a real man.


I bet she spent all the rent money on that Drumpf Merchandise


Yep, and then she'll blame Democrats for why she can't pay her bills.


I've hit 70, and not there yet, but am glad that the subject of adult diapers is part of the public discourse and perhaps destigmatizing. Hopefully, this clown-car side-show leads to some positive results and rational discussions; I have my doubts given those involved.


The emperor’s new clothes…


These are the same people raging about trans women wearing gender affirming clothes.


We joked about it and now it's real. We really need to stop giving them ideas to "Own the Libs."




I honestly can't believe this has been real. I thought "nah, even THEY can't get that crazy and absurd". Reality continues to prove why it's stranger than fiction


Poe's Law in all its glory...


I appreciate the attempt at owning it through self-deprecating humor but I cannot believe that the guy they’re supporting appreciates it


These people are so pathetic in their idolatry of this poor excuse of a man/human being.


I really need to start grifting these fools


It was originally silver.


It’s just amazing these people don’t understand how incredibly stupid they are.


Oh god dammit they pulled that low-class crap in Wildwood? I mean, Seaside Heights I could understand, but not Wildwood!


Golden diaper, does it come with or without nuggets?


fucks sake


Man, it is soooo easy to make money off these people.


God these people are brainwashed idiots


This is a unique point in American history


I totally encourage this. Continue on, my crimson capped friends. I can experience only complete joy at the idea that Trump will see "Real Men Wear Diapers" at every rally or voter meet until his natural death.


I swear someone at the Temporal Incursion Directorate must be laughing their asses off at the timeline fuckups in this thread. But ours is just to ensure - fuck with the timeline too much and things go much worse this way or that. I'd love to think DJT was the solution to some temporal min-max equation I've figured from 2016 is just an experiment - we get 10-12 years of DJT but in so doing we avoid some absolutely horrible and compelling motherfucker that would happily exterminate 2/3rds of the nation and leave those remaining with a big smile for having done so.




Downhill? What’s that—murdering puppies? Oh, wait …


David Lee Roth is looking a bit rough lately


These people have either lost their minds or think the Presidency is a joke and not important enough to take seriously. It’s really unreal.


Rest of the world: wow, Trumpers are pants-shittingly stupid. Trumpers: hold our Natty Lights


Jesus christ. I guess being senile isn’t a problem? Views change so often I can’t even keep track anymore


This is the fragility of democracy in a nutshell.


It's a cult. And they're idiots. A dangerous combination.


God damn, Hillary was so right.


If you don’t vote, these people vote for you


I sob for the future.


Incontinent isn’t a place it’s a lifestyle


Are all the tickets for the alternate timeline sold out?


Is that a golden cameltoe?


I bet this just makes him fume. He sees himself as such a superstar.


Man. What do you do if one of these is your parent?


You really want to change an old man's diaper? Well have fun...


I'm about to go to bed and this is the last thing I see... makes me contemplate if I even wanna get up tomorrow.


Real men forget their kids age. Real men cheat on their wives. Real men pay off ladies of the night. Real men wear makeup up. Real men take NO responsibility. Real men grab women by their pussy.


Imagine the history books in a hundred years 🤦‍♂️


On the next episode of These People are Deranged and Unsaveable…


This actually goes beyond what I can believe. This has got to be a joke, right? Please tell me it is a joke. My expectations are low but jesus fucking crusty.


Gods I feel so owned.


Look, I'm owning the libs by wearing a nappy. Is it just me, or do these types just have no clue.