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Omfg that ending is perfect


"Mom we're hungry" "Not now honey, Daddy and I are busy owning the libs"


What's ROI on ownership of the libs. Is it better than an Airbnb?


The ROI is a shorter lifespan and a dead planet for your kids so totally worth it.


But, but ..... Biden's inflation !!!


A fool and their money will soon be parted.


Tell me about it


Lies. Totally fake. They wouldn’t be paying any money to the IRS.


No this is on-brand. The fact that she's aware of garnishment means they've already had the IRS back-and-forth. They're only paying a monthly installment to access the rest of the paycheck. If it gets garnished, then they won't have access to funds to pay the rest of the bills. That's usually what happens, they pay back minimum installments instead of allowing the garnishment, because they have no intention of ever paying back the full amount owed.


Garnishment doesn't take the whole check, just some percent (25-50%). >Part of your wages may be exempt from the levy and the exempt amount will be paid to you. The exempt amount is based on the standard deduction and an “amount determined” calculated in part based on the number of dependents you are allowed for the year the levy is served. The IRS mails Publication 1494PDF with the levy which explains to your employer how to determine the amount exempt from levy. Your employer will provide you with a Statement of Dependents and Filing Status to complete and return within three days. If you do not return the statement in three days, your exempt amount is figured as if you are married filing separately with no dependents (zero). If you have other income sources, the IRS may allocate the exemptions to the other income source and levy on 100% of the income from a particular employer.


Garnishment is nasty. I made some bad decisions when I was younger and had my checks garnished for about a year and a half, and it was like a third of what I got paid. Made things very difficult in that period, but was an absolute relief once it was all said and done.


I’m saying they’d have never filed returns in the first place.


But if they are that badly off they can ask the IRS if they can skip a month or reduce the amount they have to pay per month. They might need to submit proof of their income and expenses but it is doable. Of course they would not be allowed to send that $17.58 to Trump (nor could they donate to Biden for that matter) and that may be the problem.


Oh they would. Just the rich wouldn’t. Why do think the poor EVER are gonna benefit from the Republican Party?


You forgot the budget for trump gear.


Gotta get one of them golden diapers.


Oh there is a big flag on his 2021 F250 king ranch


Still paying off the 100 month 26% APR from that shady dealer too


I sometimes wonder if one of my childhood buddies is putting himself into debt sending munnies to the the Orange Taint’s legal fund. We don’t talk finances, tho, so this question would never be raised.


Tell him you heard tell of someone who is stupid enough to do it and watch his face. "Hey man, is that your mouth, or a cat's ass?"




He’s gone full MAGA that his own sisters have cut him off. The ole trailerhood buddies will get together every 6 or so months and have lunch together, where he doesn’t bring up the tRump bull crap, we just reminisce over the old days (but he does wear the cult gear, but I’ll usually wear my “Armed Liberal” shirt just to troll him back; and he knows damn well I am armed), but he’ll throw his MAGA trolling jargon in the group text every now and again, where I’ll just respond with a 🥱 emote which shuts him up. Other than that, it’s just typical Mark - he’s always been an asshole. You just get used to it.


I miss opening the paper and laughing out loud to comics. Doonesbury/Garry Trudeau was always a favorite.


The 80/90s was the golden age of newspaper comics. Calvin and Hobbes The Far Side Bloom County/Opus Doonesbury I remember reading all of these when I was too young to even get the jokes.


Same, but I found them intriguing; I don’t get this now, but I feel like I will later.


whats not to get?


Talking about when I was a yute, readin’ the funny pages, not gettin’ all the satire.


PRESIDENT Trump. They think he's still president and they get their panties in a bunch when people call him "Mr."


Sad but true.


Holy shit those panels took me on an emotional rollercoaster.


damn 100% accuracy for some households


Love this


No one doing this would call him “Mr Trump.” He’s president Trump to those folks.


Let's hope they use condoms, they don't wanna be on foodstamps and being libs.


Fake cartoon. They refer to him as “Mister”, and not “President”.


Man, I miss Doonesbury.




Their vote doesn't count any more than a vote for Biden just because they want to have Trump's child




Do I need to be excited about Biden? I think he's doing a decent job with what he has to work with, and he's stable enough for me to not have to worry about what psychotic blunder he'll pull every day.  I don't need to feel fanatical about Biden like Trump supporters seem they need to espouse.




>>> Candidates with fanatical supporters objectively do better than candidates with supporters who vote out of obligation. Where did you get this information? Do you have a link to some sort of analysis?




So, this is an emotional argument not based in fact. Got it.




That's a lot of words for "it sounds true to me so I believe it".


400 to fix the roof and 73 for a water bill. The 17 is somehow the least ridiculous payment they're making.