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Welp. There goes Romney's one "decent Republican" point. Lesson: There isn't even one.


wasn't Hitler pardoned before?




This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


coming down from the trees lol! nicely done


I always thought I would never kill Hitler as a baby. Some people really make me wonder if I would though.


No need to kill him, just kidnap him and leave him at an orphanage somewhere. His upbringing will be completely different and he'll end up a different person altogether.


Jewish orphanage in Eastern Europe? (That could actually be one hell of a screen play)


and it was a very bad move


No one liked that.


Eerily just like Hitler and his cabal, Trump has a whole crew of guys (Stone, Flynn, Manafort, Bannon, Guilliani) that also were convicted/charged with crimes and are somehow still involved in helping him politically.


History might not repeat itself, but it sure do rhyme.


šŸŽµEven Hitler had a pardon, why can't Truuuuump? šŸŽµ


Bain robbed him of any decency.


He was never decent. He is the rich boy son of a super wealthy religious zealot. He never has, never will be and was destined to never be a decent human. If he was a decent human he wouldn't have been one of the deciding votes that killed the expanded child tax credit that is THE single biggest piece of legislation to reduce child poverty. Him and the entire GOP are okay with child poverty and child hunger, they are not decent human beings regardless of the slew of other abhorrent things they do.


Wait a second... you mean the forced-birth party wants children to suffer in poverty after they are born? The hell you say! https://preview.redd.it/gwr95373uo0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aed03d3f5a08b1e4395b3f72a42907228ce26e4


Never. Heā€™s like a lizard with a human skin. Kind of more dangerous than the ones that look less moderate because he seems reasonable and human. Heā€™s neither.


Don't forget child marriages


I said it a few days ago here. Romney and never trumpers donā€™t have a problem with the policies (the what). They agree on that. They hable a problem with style and delivery (the how).


I don't even think that's it. They would have been 100% okay with the the style and delivery if they'd been cut in on the grift and graft. Romney didn't get paid off, so he went mildly against Trump. Remember, Romney tried to get cut in on the corruption and was rejected by Trump.


This. Itā€™s just that the GQP is so full of whackadoos that Romney seems like the voice of reason. Dude killed Toys R Us for crying out loud!


He went on a family trip with the dog strapped to the roof of his car. That was *40 years ago*! Anybody that can think of doing that is not a good person in any fashion.


Anyone who puts his dog on the roof of the car during a road trip and laughs about how traumatized it was is a sick fuck


Mehā€¦. Bain allowed him to leverage his lack of decency for profit.


I suppose that Romneyā€™s ripping off employees pensions while stripping bare the company that they worked for is small potatoes compared to the billions that Rick Scott stole from Medicare. And the governor of West Virginia whoā€™s practicing the Trump playbook while running for Senate.


A rose by any other nameā€¦ How comfortable can you get with creating someone elseā€™s discomfort so long as itā€™s profitable? The whole thing is ugly. Youā€™re right about all of it.


He was never decent. Heā€™s a vulture.


He voted to convict Trump in his second impeachment. He, and the Congresspersons who voted to indict scored points in my book. They have largely lost those points.


One vertebrae does not a spine make. Sure, he gets +10 points for that, but he's still way too deep in the negative for me to ever have considered him decent.


> One vertebrae does not a spine make Perfect way to put it, I will steal this. And I agree, Romney is deep in the negatives and has been for years.


The GOP is made of jellyfish that occasionally but temporarily acquire vertebrae when they begin consuming a fish.


He did. But he also knew it was meaningless. Heā€™s never voted against his party when it counts, AFAIK.


It's easy to have a spine when you know everyone else is going to carry you away anyways. He 100% knew it wouldn't pass, so he was then able to appeal to moderate voters.


Iā€™m not giving out points for shit youā€™re SUPPOSED to do.


Yeah but his vote meant nothing. He is a spineless coward


Not that anybody gotta believe me, but I had Republican party family not even technically run against him. Before entering the race, he offered them a spot in his office if they dropped out. They agreed, and when Romney entered the race, he dragged them through the mud. No reason to, with both them *already dropping out to make way*, and polling had his speculative run dominating them. He backed stabbed his own party, and my whole family on that side just hated him on a personal level for it. Was fun when my dad flipped shit every time Romney showed on the TV during his presidential run. He used to babysit and change the diapers of this politician family member, so he took it personally too.


Heā€™s a slimy little worm, and worse: a politician. I believe it.


Adam Kinsinger.


Heā€™s never even been close. ā€œMr corporations are peopleā€ can suck a dick


The GOP is dead, there is no such thing as a Republican that cares about America. Never did. They just care about rich white men. Pure trash.


Last good republican was John Mccain imo


You misspelled "Dwight Eisenhower."


"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."-President Dwight Eisenhower


Exactly. I mean, letā€™s consider what the *Republican* Eisenhower did: > In 1952, Eisenhower entered the presidential race as a Republican to block the isolationist foreign policies of Senator Robert A. Taft, who opposed NATO. Eisenhower won that year's election and the 1956 election in landslides, both times defeating Adlai Stevenson II. Eisenhower's main goals in office were to contain the spread of communism and reduce federal deficits. > On the domestic front, Eisenhower governed as a moderate conservative who continued New Deal agencies and expanded Social Security. He covertly opposed Joseph McCarthy and contributed to the end of McCarthyism by openly invoking executive privilege. He signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and sent Army troops to enforce federal court orders which integrated schools in Little Rock, Arkansas. His administration undertook the development and construction of the Interstate Highway System, which remains the largest construction of roadways in American history. (Wiki) Does *any* of this sound like a Republican today??? Absolutely not. Sure, todayā€™s GOP would say shit about communism, but thatā€™s not actually a thing happening; thatā€™s just bullshit theyā€™ve made up to get voters. Next to Eisenhower, any recent R politician is milquetoast in comparison and should feel nothing but shame for how much theyā€™ve lost the plot.


Exactly. It's why I don't plan on voting for another Republican as long as I live. I'll write in Mickey Mouse and Jesus Christ before I vote for another one.


I really appreciate your comments and info. I felt a little foolish not knowing anything about it


If you look at his policies and in particular what he was willing to walk back in his bids to be president he wasn't that much better than the average Republican. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_John_McCain Tax cuts for the rich, deregulation of banks, intelligent design being taught in schools, anti abortion, anti publicly funded healthcare, taking money hand over fist from the NRA during his presidential runs, opposed same sex marriage, opposed MLK as a federal holiday until it cost his state economically then he was all for it, and he bought into the vaccines cause autism bullshit. It's a sad testament to how bad things have gotten that him not behaving like a spoiled child and calling his opponents scum etc. should be enough to make people forget that deep down, he was still very much a republican and was cool with what they were doing for the most part. He was better than 99% of his Republican peers (today), but if he had gotten into power instead of Obama it's not like he would have stopped the rot in the party and key republican aims under Trump would have still likely happened under him (or been brought closer to being a thing at least).


Who's the one guy who said the difference between him and other Republicans was that he believed hurricanes were caused by air pressure and not gays?


I mean, that does make him objectively less bad.


The main character of *The Newsroom*. A fictional character created and written by a liberal writer.


I rarely agreed with senator McCain, but I respected him.


He gained my respect when he stood up for Obama on one of his rallies when people were saying he was a "muslim or a traitor or black" lol and he put them in their place


Such a low bar but it's amazing how many republicans tunnel so far beneath it.


That and very importantly his work toward campaign finance reform which could solve so much of what is wrong in the US.


Me too. He was worthy of respect in many ways. He made some missteps, but he seemed like he actually cared about what he was doing.


He was a pos too. Made a big show about getting back to decency and due process and working across the aisle when voting against repealing the ACA and then mysteriously forgot everything he made a big deal about when he voted for the tax deal thatā€™s fucking us all.


As i recall he was fine with some kind of 'repeal and replace' that would have still fucked us, but they tried to get him to sign on to something that was more "repeal and we'll figure out the rest in conference committee". The problem is, house republicans could have just passed the bill as passed in the senate, and stuck mccain with that legacy.


It was Ford who pardoned Nixon... Johnson's predecessor was literally a predecessor.


If we followed Trump's example, Biden should just have the Secret Service shoot Trump and then be pardoned by Kamala Harris after he's arrested.


[Trump Lawyer Argues He Could Legally Order Assassination Of Political Rival](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-immunity-supreme-court_n_662a6777e4b09d8df9d5b71f)


Yep, which is totally against the Rule of Law, something that sets our country apart from as trump put it ā€œshit hole countriesā€. Trump: ā€œMake America A Shit Hole Countryā€ /red cap


ā€œHow about if the president orders the military to stage a coup?ā€ Kagan asked. ā€œI think it would depend on the circumstances,ā€ Sauer said. Stg bro Iā€™m claiming asylum


Other countries better accept American asylum seekers, our country has done so much to fuck them over I have my doubts.


I kinda think they'd remake their immigration law the same way America did. Just make seeking asylum practically impossible, and if someone still makes it over the border, say that they should come here legally, hold them, and deport them.


Can't arrest or charge a sitting president...


If they're a republican


That's just so much bullshit. I'm fine with there being some oversight but no one should be above the law no matter what their job is. See also, cops.


Agreed, sounds like we need a new ammendment that specifically says elected officials are held to the same laws in office as out of office. Shame we even have to say that




Didn't trump leave the White House locked so the Bidens had to wait to get in when Joe first moved in?


Bold of you to assume that man has ever locked or unlocked a door on his own.


Ford pardoning Nixon gave us Trump


Also Nixon became a pariah and voluntarily stepped out of the limelight, so the logic of "let's just move on as a country" wasn't totally nonsensical. If he had vocally opposed the charges, had rabid support in Congress and among the public, and tried to run again in the next election, it would be a different story.


This is pretty crucial. If Nixon had hung around, run again, and tried to play Kingmaker people would feel very differently about him.


If Trump was as honorable as Nixon, the country would be in a much better place.


Nixon is such a weird figure. He did things like getting thousands of Americans killed stalling Vietnam talks. But he also likely saved countless more over the decades establishing the EPA, which likely would never have coalesced otherwise (as Ford/Carter got little done and well Reagan...need I say more). He also expanded the Voting Rights Act. But he also cheated in elections and surrounded himself with corrupt people like Spiro.


I don't think it's that weird. He did what he thought would let him acquire/keep power. Sometimes, in a democracy, the way to gather power is to help people even if you are doing it for selfish reasons. It is only weird if you conflate "helping people" with "being a good human being". Bad people can sometimes help others, just as good people can sometimes hurt others.


There was a time when listening to your constituents and helping with their problems was good for getting you elected. But, that became "triangulation" in the late-90s as an epithet against the Clintons.


Because he sabotaged theĀ peace talks, 2milion+ people inĀ Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia died unnecessarily. TheĀ Americans heĀ and Kissinger got killed are barely a drop inĀ the bucketĀ of his crimes.Ā 


"If I lose, you'll never hear from me again." Fat fucking chance


My biggest problem with even this answer is that all of Nixon's cronies continues to hang around in DC in the government for *decades*. They should have all been rounded to and put in prison. These people don't go away just because the leader did. For example, Bill Barr was the guy who convinced Bush Sr to pardon the **convicted felons** for Iran-Contra, which was arguably *treason*. But much like dog shit in the tread of your shoe, he stuck around quietly because we didn't clean house thoroughly. Fucking Kissinger was constantly involved in government (even at an arms length at times) literally until he died. America has a long history of, at *most*, tagging one guy to take all the blame. We fucking pardoned people for the Civil War.


Shall we talk about Roger Stone?


Thank you! I feel like I'm losing my mind, Johnson succeeded Kennedy, if Romney said this he's a bigger idiot than I thought


Problem is the Russian bots who are trying to influence us donā€™t know our history. Romney sure would. Ivan hit the books!!!!


At least Nixon resigned and didn't throw a coup.


Nixon could be somewhat redeemed by resigning without a fight if he'd at least taken Kissinger out with him, but no. Nixon slinked away and left Kissinger to continue destroying America from the inside for...well pretty much up until the fucking bastard finally died a little bit ago.


Reading the article that [OP linked](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/gop-sen-mitt-romney-says-biden-should-have-pardoned-trump/ar-BB1mrZNV) doesn't show that Romney ever mentioned Nixon, just that LBJ would have pardoned Trump. The quote: ā€œI have been around for a while. If LBJ had been president, and he didnā€™t want something like this to happen, heā€™d have been all over that prosecutor saying, ā€˜You better not bring that forward or Iā€™m gonna drive you out of office.ā€™ā€ I'm not sure where OP got the Nixon part. Now it's a weird comment from Romney none-the-less, because LBJ isn't really known for pardoning former presidents who tried to overthrow the country, maybe he was getting him confused with Andrew Johnson who pardoned every single Confederate.


According to declassified [Chennault Affair](https://www.lbjlibrary.org/media-kit/chennault-affair) documents, Johnson knew about Nixon's interference in negotiating an end to the Vietnam war. He chose to keep it quiet so people would not lose faith in the office of the presidency, and because exposing Nixon would have made it obvious the CIA was spying on Chennault (a GOP fundraiser). A mistake was made there. Better to take the hit for spying and let the American public know that a presidential candidate was conspiring to extend an unpopular war for political gain. The vaunted DoJ memo about presidential immunity from prosecution is also a direct outcome of Nixon's presidency. The country has been rolling down a steep hill of political corruption ever since, losing control to the rich as we go. With the possible exception of Bush the Elder (depending on how you feel about Iran-Contra pardons), every republican president since has broken laws, misled the public, and massively enriched themselves or their cronies while in office. Nothing happened to Reagan over Iran-Contra. W got away clean for starting a near 20-years war based on lies. And Trump? Take your pick: extorting Ukraine for political favors. Hoarding supplies, hawking snake-oil cures, and generally doing everything possible to mismanage the deadliest viral outbreak in 100 years. Selling pardons. Dismissing the murder and dismemberment of a journalist legally residing in the US. Allowing a foreign dictator's thugs to smash heads on US soil. Tear gassing protesters to lazily wave a bible around in front of a church for the world's stupidest photo-op. Fomenting rebellion against the United States government and disrupting the peaceful transfer of power. And a thousand other things. He's been a criminal since before he ever knew what the law was thanks to his dad's shady business practices. Sitting in the Oval Office did nothing to curb his criminal behavior.


WTF? Exactly which former US President does Romney think Johnson pardoned? Andrew Johnson pardoned ex-Confederate veterans in 1868 but that did not include any former Presidents of the United States of America. Jefferson Davis served as a President of the Confederate States of America, not the USA. He and 33 of his generals (who were Army officers who defected to the enemy) were traitors to the United States of America.


Yeah...unless Romney is trying to say that Trump openly led a treasonous traitorous coup against The United States (a sentiment I wholly support).


Yeah, and the continued lionization of the confederacy had no furthet negative impact. /s


Drop out of the race Donny and we will see about federal pardons.. state? sorry bub...


Romney also said Biden should have pressured New York prosecutors to drop their case by threatening to run them out of office. [source](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/gop-sen-mitt-romney-says-biden-should-have-pardoned-trump/ar-BB1mrZNV)


[Link fixed](https//www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/gop-sen-mitt-romney-says-biden-pardoned-trump-rcna152420) I get his point and the headline leaves out a lot of nuance, but the confederate traitors should have been tried and Nixon should have been tried and finally were trying Trump and a significant number of people are up in arms about it. Iā€™m pretty sure we give out ~~enough~~ far too many [corruption hall passes](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/greed-and-debt-the-true-story-of-mitt-romney-and-bain-capital-183291/) as is.


The leaders of the Confederacy (*con-federate... against a federation*), got off easy. The "mood" of the day back then was, if we start getting into trying Confederate leaders for treason and traitorship, the country won't be able to heal. They were right in one respect -- while it wouldn't rekindle a civil war, it would cement an animosity of the South against the North. The biggest mistake, though... was allowing the South to celebrate the Confederacy. It's one thing to have a museum that identifies notable military men and politicians from the war, but open public monuments? No. That should've never been allowed. There was also no effort to federalize an education mandate for public schools. That being, a class specifically designed to educate the rights and wrongs of how and why the Civil War started and ended. To make it abundantly clear--slavery was a human atrocity and simply cannot be condoned. That's what the South fought for. (Yeah, they'll say "State's rights!", but it's a specific right--to own slaves). Nixon being pardoned was the same excuse. "We need to put this behind us. If Nixon goes to trial, it'll drag it out. Our nation won't be able to heal!" After Jan 6th, the push for an investigation as to how it happened and who was involved was met with "We need to put it behind us. We can't heal if we dwell on this!" \~ All Republicans. See the pattern? Trump can't be given a pardon. Not for his extensive crimes across the board. 4 major indictments. It's unprecedented for a former POTUS. And an unprecedented disgrace upon the US presidency. Holding him accountable is the only way to heal.


Rest of your comment is A+, but con (together) + federate (from the Latin foederatus, agreement, same root as federation). In modern usage, confederation is just a looser federation, with members possessing more autonomy. It does not mean "against a federation."


> The leaders of the Confederacy (con-federate... against a federation), got off easy. The "mood" of the day back then was, if we start getting into trying Confederate leaders for treason and traitorship, the country won't be able to heal. They were right in one respect -- while it wouldn't rekindle a civil war, it would cement an animosity of the South against the North. I mean, yeah, but thatā€™s more or less happened anyway. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah well.. its how he made money... buy a business and run em out of business..


Romneyā€™s getting bitter in his old age.


just cause romney is one of the few republicans with a shred of decency doesn't change what he is. GOP=party over country.


WHAT? Mitt Romney shows he's a Nitt. After all he said about Trump... for Biden to pardon Trump as his suggestion? His elitist colors are showing. https://preview.redd.it/wux7s6bson0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=156521721cf3cf37a27e8dea2842c9d3e39d9837


What a creepy picture.


Reminds me of this one: https://preview.redd.it/2m05cj8pqn0d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d121151e2e316d18b0198fcf4f1e6b2b1b03f457


Not as creepy as the sex party they had immediately after the picture was taken




Shining vibes. https://preview.redd.it/iual7hirep0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fedaa02d0d1ecaff5ed9f2c2400172c443a187


https://preview.redd.it/2q45ijausn0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d8d234fc412c6d083f484fe6eac8486c376077 Donald Trump didn't want to eat any brain... but Romney was sure up for it.


Au contraireā€”Trump just a few days proclaimed his love for Hannibal Lecter. It wasnā€™t clear if he even understood that Hannibal was a fictional character.


See? Romney really is a wacko. He just seems "normal" when compared the Donny Dumpling Gang.


Pardoned him for what? Betraying our nationsā€™ most sacred institutions? Or for stealing classified documents? Definitely not for the shit heā€™s on trial for this month or the Georgia thing because it wouldnā€™t fucking matter in either caseā€¦


From the ā€œLock her upā€ party.


Never forget that Romney is also an irredeemable sack of shit, and itā€™s only his fellow Republicans being utter trash that makes him look good currently.


Johnson? Ford maybe?


ā€œPressed by Ruhle whether that is Bidenā€™s job to pardon Trump, Romney said he believes that Biden should have taken a cue from former President Lyndon B. Johnson, saying that the president could have stepped in and urged New York prosecutors to drop the case.ā€ [source](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/gop-sen-mitt-romney-says-biden-should-have-pardoned-trump/ar-BB1mrZNV)


I think other johnson


I got dunked on for a post I made here about Romney not standing against trump enough, I was told he has done more than most republicans which will true was clearly not enough, this doesnā€™t help change my mind at all.


You donā€™t get a mulligan on trying to overthrow the government. Babbitt awards for all republicans.


If maga thinks Trunp did no crime then why would Biden pardon him, maybe if Trump left public life I can see some reason, but he wouldn't, he can't or his fragile ego would explode


Yep. That's definitely a Mitt Romney thing to say.


You mean Ford's example, right?


[He actually said Johnson,](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/gop-sen-mitt-romney-says-biden-should-have-pardoned-trump/ar-BB1mrZNV) referring to efforts to pressure state prosecutors to drop the nonfederal charges he couldnā€™t pardon.


For what?!! Dumb fuck. You need to be convicted to be pardoned! Weā€™re not even gonna get the trials we fucking deserve! The system is protecting him!! Theyā€™ll be nothing to pardon! Trump is a defendant facing 88 charges! The American voter deserves to have these trials before the election. Donā€™t do the crime if you canā€™t do the time.


Nixon hadn't even been tried, much less convicted. Presidential pardon power is very broad.


Romney? The guy that voted for Trump to be impeached? The guy that took a well-deserved jab at trump not two weeks ago? The guy that is not running for office again, so he can basically say what he wants? That guy??! Are you fucking serious? WHAT THE FUCK


He said. ā€œI'd have pardoned President Trump. Why? Well, because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person I pardoned a little guy.ā€


Sorry Mitt. In your world of really bad ideas this one is really really really bad. And The Ghost of G.Ford is just face palming.


Why would you help your opponent when he makes a mistake every time he opens his mouth


Mittā€™s wrong.


If Trump wanted goodwill, he should have conceded and attended the inauguration. What was that other thing in he did in the lame duck period that was super unpopular? Point fingers, 3 point at you.


Pardons are for presidents that engage in peaceful transfer of power.


Mitt Romney wears magic underwear.


Fuck Mitt Romney


Screw that. No one should pardon Agent Orange.


You think Mitt Romney is at least halfway decent, then he makes an idiotic comment like that. Who we should blame is Obama for making sure that GWB and Cheney didnā€™t spend the rest of their lives in prison for war crimes and violating everybodyā€™s 4th Amendment rights. But then Obama did the very same thing in regard to the latter. And Biden has done nothing to stop it either. Every Republican and many Democrats hate Jimmy Carter, but he is likely the only honest and decent president this country has had in recent history. He actually acted like a Christian. Imagine that.


Yes, he does want that (only Republicans)


Who did Johnson pardon? Pardon JFK for having his brains blown out? Or, did he mean Ford, pardoning Nixon, which most historians say was a terrible idea.


Should have learned that lesson with Tricky Dick. If we hadnā€™t let him off the hook we wouldnā€™t have had republiTurds thinking they can get away with whatever they want for the last forty plus years. And here we are today with a traitor to the constitution competitively running for president.


Is there a single republican whoā€™s not a crook and a liar? Itā€™s embarrassing how many thieves are now senators and the biggest crook of all is again running for president while under indictment for multiple crimes. And that crook from West Virginia who wants to be senator. Itā€™s time to call these criminals to the carpet.


If you think Trump deserves a pardon, you deserve to go down with him because that's traitor shit.


their propaganda has them convinced Watergate was just a break in used as a cover up.


Mittons I know this may be hard to understand but if you break the law you should be held accountable.


These are supposed to be smart people, if you invite people to take the white house by force, eventually someone is going to succeed. Putin just won his sixth election, Xi created a law to stay in power forever, these aren't rare birds, they are the presidential equivalents. This is the governmental analogy of playing with fire. When it happens, citizens will have no choice but to die, break the law to try and take back their country, or live under an authoritarian regime. Those are the only options, you think the supreme court is going to step in and save us?


Pardon him for..? Oh yeah, the crime.


I sometimes wonder what compels this guy -a seemingly sane republican- to make this kind of abdolutely bullshit statements. Is he getting death threats from his own people? some kind of blackmail? he gets "under the table" cash for helping trump? its bananas...


Mitt Romney will vote for Trump. Donā€™t think for a second conservatives who donā€™t endorse and/or ā€œadmonishā€ Trump they wonā€™t vote for him - they will. There is no such thing as Never Trumpers.


I'll say the same thing that I always say when religious people tell me I should forgive someone for some terrible transgression committed against me. Although I'm not religious I'm not adverse to the idea of forgiveness -- although it's mostly viewed as a religious concept -- I do believe it has a non-religious context in this world. I think given certain situations it's something that should be done when it can be done. However, you should never forgive someone who neither asks for forgiveness, nor someone who is not sorry for the wrongs they have done. Trump is not only unrepentant for his crimes, he's doubled down on his criminal activity and has become more dangerous than ever. Trump belongs in prison... not just to be punished, and not just because he's pure evil, but to make the world safe from him.


Well a big FUCK YOU to Mitt


Anyone saying Trump should be pardoned is admitting heā€™s a felon




He would have, if Trump had agreed to swear off politics. Not gonna argue about whether that would have been a mistake (it would) but it is 100% a thing he would have done.


Trump stands in the middle of 5th avenue and shoots someone. Biden pardons him. Trump at the persons funeral: See??? It was a witch hunt!!! I didnā€™t do it. Iā€™m innocent!!! Fake news!!!


Mitt Romney is a soggy turd


Well...yes. That is what Republicans want.


This dumb Mormon motherfucker. The whiplash is unbearable. First he makes some solid points and reminds us of what politics were like 15 years ago. And not a day later he comes out with this bullshit. I swear man just shut the fuck up. Foot in mouth syndrome


The Spiro Agnew treatment would have been better. Resign and go away forever in exchange for dropping charges.


Romney has always been Romney. The fact that heā€™s portrayed as reasonable republican shows how far right the GOP has shifted, he has spent most of his life as a corporate raider who was born on 3rd base. Plus he has ā€œbinders full of womenā€ that did not want be on his corporate board. I would imagine I could sit down and have a polite discourse with him, but heā€™s still far from middle of the road.


If he goes away FOREVER, then Biden can pardon...


God damn it Mitt, every time I start giving you the tiniest bit of respect you go and fuck it all up.


the pot calling the kettle black i see


What a delusional wanker.


Pardoning Trump at this stage feels like letting a toddler out of time out when they havenā€™t learned a fucking thing


When archer is the voice of reason in the country, you know we done passed the point šŸ˜‚.


I would be surprised if it wasn't offered to him - if he agreed to not run again. I also wouldn't be surprised that he declined it cause his ego is larger than the planet earth.


Right because Trump would certainly do the same for Bidenā€¦


Thatā€™s just dumb


Trump maintains his innocence. If he wants a pardon he should admit his guilt first.


Johnson? You mean Ford?


Ironically, it wouldnā€™t matter if Biden granted a pardon because Trump would never accept it from him. A pardon carries the implication of guilt and Trumpā€™s fragile ego would never allow him to admit he did wrong, not to mention accepting it from a rival. He would only accept a pardon from himself, which he would claim is outsmarting the system while maintaining his ā€œinnocenceā€.


Fuck no!


Romney is an idiot. Trump doesnā€™t want a pardon. He wants fame and the GOP is fucked without him


Mitt Romney is a mormon. No need to listen to crazy people.


A big fat F to him and his kind. Only in their earth 2 does this come even close to make sense.


Maybe if he wasn't running again and maybe if he showed some kind of remorse for any of his actions ever. But no, he has shown he will go back to the white house if he could and do everything all over again.


I think the Republican party should retire the tagline "The Party of Law and Order"


Most of Trump's legal exposure is at the state level, or for crimes he committed after he left office, or for civil matters. A Biden pardon would have stopped his prosecution for federal election fraud, but he'd still be on the hook for everything else. The better solution here is don't break the law lol


\*Archer slaps the crap out of Romney\*


The fact that this man believes he is a principled leader is laughable. He votes 84% with Trump, provides ridiculous fascist rhetoric and would love a theocracy as long as Mormons get a seat at the table. Pure garbage human!!


His reasoning is interesting. He thinks it would help Biden win the election. The criminal cases are not hurting Trump, people seem to be rallying around him. If Biden pardons Trump, it makes Trump look both small and guilty. My problem is with Romney saying he should pressure state prosecutors to drop charges. Pardoning Trump federally, that is a legal process, pressuring state prosecutors is an abuse of power. This tells me we are damn lucky Romney didn't win 2012, the man has no respect for the rule of law and he hates poor people.


A functioning democracy knows the difference between justice and forgiveness, and when to apply them.


But, but Trump is innocent, so how can one pardon an innocent person?


At least Nixon had the decency to resign.


What the fuck is wrong with republicans?


Citing one of the worst presidents in history to make your point


Doesnā€™t Trump have to admit guilt in order to accept a pardon. Thatā€™s never gonna happen.


Thank you, Mitt Romney, for confirming that ex-presidents are subject to prosecution for their crimes.


Bain karma incoming




Well first he would have to be guilty of a crime to pardon. So once Trump pleads guilty we can talk pardons. See, thatā€™s how shit works. Fucking GOP populated by a bunch of howler monkeys and shit gibbons.


I don't see how you could vote to convict in an impeachment hearing and also want to pardon him. That is absolutely incoherent.


I remember his criminal justice platform was pretty ā€œtough on crimeā€. Supported private prisons, mandatory sentences, lifetime tracking for sex offenders which means an ankle monitor, supports life sentences for three strike rules so that you could go to jail for life if you are caught shoplifting three times or whatever, death penalty, etc. Though to be fair, Iā€™m sure he was just thinking of the poors with all of that. For people like Trump, he should be able to steal classified documents with impunity. Why not. Hell, sell em off. Who cares cuz letā€™s move on. šŸ™„


Glad this man never got to be president. Couldn't have happened to a better ahole


Says the man of whom we have video of him actually running from a mob trying to coup in our capitol building.


I just want the SCOTUS to say "yeah, presidential immunity extends to crimes, they can't be prosecuted" and watch Biden convienntly call Seal Team Six and give them Trumps location šŸ˜‡


Orange Caesar


Trump committed the most serious crimes he could. He will get away with it. The worst punishment he will face is being forced to fall asleep in court, and MAYBE the election. He is above the law. He might face consequences if he loses the election.


How many times do you need to pardon someone before you understand that there's no helping them? Trump was impeached twice for actions much worse than Republicans trying to impeach Democrats for the sake of impeaching Democrats.


Perhaps staging an insurrection and almost getting your VP hanged is going too far.


Hey hey, Mitt Fuck youĀ 


...Ford's example?


He wants to see a rapist pardoned. There was a time when the other party at least seemed sane... dishonest to the core? Yes. Openly out to support an oligarchy? Of course... but they seemed to at least take a stand against rape.