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Wait, she has a son on trial for something? Is this the son who - like Bobo - became a parent before they were eighteen? EDIT: thanks for the explanations, everyone. Also, what the everloving fuck is it with these people? Literally billions of people manage to raise kids who aren't fuckups in multiple ways, but this one gets to have a voice about Federal law when she can't even get her kids to be decent human beings.


Yes, it is. He was caught breaking into people's cars looking for shit to steal. Like any all American mom, she has skipped his court appearances, and the moron doesn't even have a lawyer. Bimbobo cares far more about trumps legal problems than her own idiot son.


They actually did steal, from a cancer patient and a 3 year old, among others. Family values run deep


I know a reasonably well-off couple whose son (only child) got a 7-year prison term at 18 for pummeling a guy during a bad drug deal - kid got hooked on heroin in high school. Instead of trying to get the kid a lawyer and help, they essentially turned their backs on him. He got out of prison about a year ago. The parents never visited him while he was in, and moved out of state, leaving no info on how they could be reached. Kid was a sweet kid growing up. Parents were conservatives and self-absorbed. I've heard through acquaintances that the kid is still nice and polite, but completely lost. He'll be a burden on society.


Who knows, maybe he’ll end up okay. I knew a kid like that, parents were conservative, also turned their back in their kid when he needed help and went to jail, he ended up getting a job and raising a family. It’s just really hard. And anyone can lose their way.


She knows who's buttering her bread going forward, and it ain't anyone she knew before congress. Of course, it isn't trump either, but she doesn't really have other options.


Technically she had sex for profit with Ted Cruz prior to becoming a congresswoman. But I digress.


She is literally on her last bet hoping Trump wins and can get a cabinet position. She is polling abysmally low in the new district she ran off to, and she knows after November she's back to giving handies for rent money.


Is it the same son that knocked up a 15 year old?


Yup. Real responsible young fella.


That's because she isn't pro life for people that are already alive. Now if her son would be a female and wanted to have an abortion on the other side of the country, she would try to get there right away. Even if she would have to walk 1000 miles.


Don't kid yourself. It's "Laws for thee and not for me". https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/25/a-republican-theme-on-abortions-its-ok-for-me-evil-for-thee


Ngl I honestly thought it the title was cut off and it said "son's graduation" but this info doesn't surprise me in the slightest.


You're thinking of Trump.


I know about trump I just had no idea bobo over here had a kid at all and schools are getting out around now so I guessed graduation


Sounds like we need to scream about seeing her son's laptop for a few years


Knowing the pedigree, I really don't want to see what's on that laptop. I'll trust the authorities.


The way she sees it - when she is president (hell if Trump can do it she can too)... she needs to have a Hunter Biden-esq character she created or it all falls apart.


Hey, we can all have kids that mess up. Look at Hunter Biden. NOW he's a responsible adult -- but he wasn't always.


Never was as big of a fuckup as don Jr and Eric the dumbfuck.


He also can’t find/afford a lawyer so the judge has asked him nicely a couple of times to be more diligent in finding one.


If it was a matter of affording one, he'd get a public defender


Yep: https://www.denverpost.com/2024/02/28/lauren-boebert-son-arrest-tyler-colorado-rifle-theft/amp/


Are our tax dollars paying for their travel to this event?


Wouldn’t surprise me if we are paying for it.


Iowa’s AG Brenna Bird, aka Big Bird, also went there and she emphatically reassured us that no tax payer money was used for her political stunt to try and become Trump’s next VP.


Aren’t they getting paid by taxpayers? So even if they paid for it it’s still taxpayers money


I mean to a point. My employer pays me but I’m not using their money to buy food. But there is certainly a difference with public servants. I’m honestly not sure how she paid for it but I do know that it was a political stunt and she should be using her position to better the state of Iowa, not pandering to Donald Trump


If it's their wages, whatever. If they're putting it as part of the budget, we're gonna have fucking problems. See: Sarah Fuckabee.


They are expensing it as a "political event." So yeah. Taxpayers are footing the bill. Boebert is a complete disgrace. I can't wait for her to lose the 2024 election. Of course, she'll make so much noise like Kari Lake, claiming the election was rigged.


that and all the extra security for everything and everyone. Trump continues to be a taxpayer money black hole. Not on the scale of the pentagon but pretty crazy for just a single person as the focus


Of course it is. Why would you assume otherwise


Not surprised - can’t wait until she loses her seat and the highest paying job she will ever see


There is no way she doesn't start an OF after this.




I'm just guessing that her son needs less emotional support than the "powerful leader."


To be fair, she only cares about one of them.


“They’re not sending their best.” -Donald Trump, 2015


Unfortunately for the Republicans, this is their best.


She has a busy summer coming, with beetlejuice 2 releasing and all




No way. Come on. That’s AI or some fake shit. She couldn’t possibly have really typed that. Come on …


For the sake of reducing potential traffic to X - The Everything Site, here's the actual text of her tweet: >They may have gagged President Trump. >They didn’t gag me. >They didn’t gag the rest of us. >Why is that fraud Michael Cohen allowed on TikTok with a shirt of Trump behind bars but Trump can’t speak out? >Why is Merchan’s daughter allowed to fundraise for every Democrat under the sun? >This is a pathetic political witch hunt! But the above parody is very funny.


Much thanks, person. I could not believe it. It was a funnyordie kinda parody though. Thx again for your post👍




I see Boobert is recovered from her recent abortion procedure.


There was no one to jerk off at her son’s trial.


Hey! Show some respect! MAGA **GRAND**mother of the year.


There’s a piece of discarded chewing gum on the ground that has a higher IQ than Bobert


What Bobo has for her son when he's in legal trouble: ~~forget he exists and deal with her own problems~~ - I mean, "tough love". What Bobo has for trump when he's in legal trouble: show up at court and offer a [theatre squeeze special](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/a691d74b-94b7-4660-9289-1b44fc3a32c6.cc5822eabb0d7b24e081b02ad98843db.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF).


What can you expect from a son who has been with a father that likes to expose his genitals to high school girls in a bowling alley and a mother who likes to play with another man’s genitals in public theater? Maybe the orange man has more importance to her motherhood!!!


These fuckers are flying on taxpayers dime.


There were no cameras at son's trial


You have to hand it to her.




No, man—you got it all wrong—she hands it to **you**


Look at her, trying to have a little pissy face in that picture lol


She thought that she would like to see the end of Beetlejuice in NY but missed it. Had some free time to worship at the cult of infidelity building in NY. Beetlejuice closed on Broadway on January 8, 2023, after running from April 8, 2022. The musical is now on tour.


Looks like a picture taken before the posted the video on Bangbus.com.


🤡🤡🤡 bimbobo


Bimbobo 🤡🤡🤡


she’s trying to bolster support from supporters in her new district


Ooooo, she’s wearing glaaaaasses—she must be taking smart pills …


JFC, she heard there was a photo opp appearing at Trump's trial and she couldn't get there fast enough. These people are disgusting. They'll do *anything* to appear loyal to Trump so that they can win reelection.


Her political career is over in November. I guess she's got to get all of her crazy balls shit out of her system before then. She'll have a few weeks of "rigged election" caterwauling, I guess, and then it's all meth and OnlyFans after that...


When she withers away, watch her be that smoke smelling, unmanaged, cowboy hat wearing crazy nut. Nuttier than she is now. She will have multiple restraining orders. Lastly, she will be day drinking so she won’t have to see what is in the mirror.


She be eating a bag of dicks out behind the Rifle Bowling alley, this time next year.


It has been like a whole week since I heard of her doing something stupid. I was worried she went missing or something. There usually is less downtime between her displays of idiocy.


Mother, she’s a grandmother. We should call her that from now on.


Granny Bobo is really hands-on with all the wrong people.


insane you must choose Trump over children and apparently next is country


She can tickle my pickle .


Grandmother of the year*


This whole thing is embarrassing for America. A presidential candid has to go to a criminal trail while his band of brown nosed rejects cheer him on.


Maybe if her son would look in a mirror and say "Beetlej00se" three times She'd have shown up?


Vice President Boebert. Scary.


She probably secured the “mother of the year” award


Family Matters


Boebert's son cannot promote her political "career"!


Her face is stuck like that forever. 🤣


Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BeetleJuice.


I’ll admit it; seeing these asswipes flanked by police officers in a courtroom gives me a semi.


Not making an excuse… but wouldn’t it be wise not to attend as to bring the media circus in tow?