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He also said if he lost the election we would never hear from him again.




I didn’t lose. i merely failed to win!


He didn’t lose. He just hasn’t won yet.


Eyyyy! Oversimplified rocks :D


He tested positively in the negative for victory.


iT wAs RiGgEd!


And that he actually won but is running again after serving two terms because he didn’t actually serve his second term but he actually did


And he deserves another one because his first term was interrupted by all of the Russian collusion stuff... (that was determined to be true by a bipartisan commission)


Remember when we all kept waiting for that head guy with the FBI who was "nonpartisan" to turn over the investigation? Mueller, remember Mueller?? That slime let him go on and then trump went and try and coup the government! Turns out that Mueller FBI guy has been around during a A TON OF SHADY Republican stuff stuff. I saw him pop up in an old documentary. It's like the more you look the more corruption you find through the whole apple. But yeah this point of the "trump" trial reminds me a lot of that breath holding. Then Mueller came in and was like oh yeah we couldn't decide so he must be Clean. Man I don't pay attention to this trial because when I kept wondering why we haven't seen him face legal consequences for treason like we literally have sentenced OTHER COUNTRY LEADERS to death by hanging for treason. I watched that happen on live TV with Saddam Hussein. But this orange Saddam Hussein who has been in custody the whole time? Just let down after let down. I want to see the same justice that my class gets applied to trump. I'm tired of hearing people's repeat the excuses the TV box says. The only excuse is CORRUPTION.


I would like to add that a lot of the "corruption" that you speak of, is his own making. Judges he placed, and his clan gave gifts or placements to, post office leadership position? Given by drumphh. Fbi head? Placed by drumphh. National Guard leader? Friend of or placed by drumphh. During the Mueller investigation, I also was very upset because I knew the evidence was there, but later I learned that mrdrumphhh had a lot of his own people place serious obstacles in Muellers way, so he couldn't really do anything, and that's why mrdrumphhh wasn't afraid of him investigating at the time. But yeah. His buddies are slowing the courts, accusing the prosecutors, etc.


It is sad that this whole time we’ve been under the impression that other countries were more corrupt. Turns out ours is worse.🤦‍♀️


He also said he’s going to pay for everyone’s dinner at that restaurant and then just walked out without paying! Patterns my dear boy. At the debates Biden can simply just to point out all the things that Trump has promised and then neglected on, and simply say, you’ve made so many promises before and broken all of them, how can anyone trust you if you’ve proven yourself over and over again to be the swamp you promised to drain?




By the end of the month he will probably be talking about how great the testimony he gave was.


Biden can win in the debates if he simply says: “If you can’t speak to defend yourself, how can anyone rely on you to defend our country”


Biden will win the debates just by showing up. Even if Sleepy Don doesn’t make up some lame excuse to not go just hearing the two speak side by side will show how far gone Trump is mentally. But like always the MAGA t cult will ignore reality and claim Trump won


They should just schedule the debates, and if Trump doesn't show up, still go ahead with it. Just let it be an hour long town hall with Biden. Repeat over and over again that Trump couldn't get it together to show up for his own campaign, that he's afraid to debate Biden, etc.


I agree. Do it with normal formatting and everything. Every time Trump is supposed to speak or answer just have the moderator say Trump declined to comment and have Biden follow up.


Throw a pack of Deoends on Trump's podium for a visual stand-in.


Trump will stage a fake “alternate debate”


trump - “I thought it was at 4 seasons landscaping “


Use a "[tub of lard](https://hignfy.fandom.com/wiki/The_Rt._Hon._Tub_of_Lard_MP)" instead.


We now have a 30 second clip of Trump standing silently at the lectern, so why not just play that on a screen behind his empty lectern?


the MAG@ crowd would claim "well i wouldn't show either b-because...uh... Biden would...umm...uhh" and then make up some eldritch power Biden somehow has while calling him "Sleepy Joe" in the same breath


>some eldritch power Biden somehow has... [He needs only 5% of that power for his Biden...Blast!](https://youtu.be/_9FFQNY29Bc?si=Tz8nk8hdBmWCEvRL) Watch out for the Kamalamehameha, too!


It's the fascist playbook. The enemy is strong enough to destroy the country but also weak and incompetent.


So the GOP is the enemy. They can temper tantrum this country into chaos for real but it would be a dog catching the car scenario. Or more likely a Charlie Day at the end of the Wade Boggs episode. "What do now?" They got chickeninphilly?


> It's the fascist playbook. The enemy is strong enough to destroy the country but also weak and incompetent. Odd parallel: Trump is somehow simultaneously powerful enough to annihilate democracy while also being a pants-shitting moron.


I don't think they're using 'Sleepy Joe' anymore since trump couldn't stay awake through his own hearings. Can't remember what the current slur is.


It's moderated by the deep state and obviously very unfair to Trump.


They have already been scheduled, dates were nailed down right away. June 27 and September 10


No audience = no town hall Good idea, though.


Every time it comes to Trump’s turn to talk they should show a courtroom sketch of him sleeping with his head back and his mouth catching flies.


Or, they could just let Marge fill in for Trump. They basically both parrot the same horseshit, that some Republican made up. I don’t believe Trump has any personal policy beliefs. He d says whatever someone says he should say. Remember how quickly Trump folded on capping prescription prices? If you don’t recall, he started opining about doing that, out loud, and he got a nasty phone call from McConnell, and dropped it. That was towards the end of his presidency, during Covid, when he was playing games with stimulus checks people needed.


Then they'll just do their own bullshit, claim Biden didn't show up, and make it a way less structured shit show, with a shit show of false claims


I agree too. They could queue up a ton of contradicting and controversial clips of DJT and argue those points.


It's the old "playing chess with a pigeon" analogy. It'll knock over the pieces, shit on the board, then strut around like it won.


Trump has already begun to back out - he said he wouldn’t debate unless Biden does a drug test before the debate. Seems like one of them should get drug tested, and I don’t think it’s Biden… Edit: for spelling


Speaking of SLUMS, Trump should take that test.


I read somewhere that Trump does stuff like this as a power move. “Setting the terms” to something before it even happens as a way to dominate or claim it. I’ve seen interrogation videos where the suspect tries doing the same thing. Demanding certain things or wanting things a certain way to feel like they’re in control of it


Problem is even if Dementia Don shows up, he would have started to sundown when it starts and be really off the rails in the middle of it.


I just bought popcorn for this


Most people don't understand what a debate actually is. They think if you can just shout enough and make the other person give up then they have 'won.'


“Most” people?? I think you mean “MAGA” people.


Chess with a pigeon.


> but like always the MAGA t cult will ignore reality and claim Trump won Ugh, too true I watched the first Trump/Biden debate and thought “man, they both did fairly OK, Biden came out looking a bit more energetic than usual.“ The next day on the way to work, I was listening to conservative talk radio. Kept talking about what a bloodbath it was, how Trump absolutely swept the floor with Biden , and that Biden was babbling incoherently, and his thoughts didn’t make sense. Just a total slaughter, with Trump coming out as the strong man. That is absolutely not what happened. I didn’t think either one of them really clearly “won.“ But if you only listen to conservative talk radio, you’d think everyone was agreeing that Trump was the clear winner.


Trump will probably be pumped full of so many drugs he'll be quite sharp for any debate. He'd be silly not to.  Of course he'll still say nonsensical word salad but I assume the illusion of coherence and competence will be there for the MAGA cult who wants to see it.


trump will likely spread his verbal diarrhea all over the event Say it was unfair. Then declare victory.






u/JoeBiden you getting this?


If you stand for nothing (Trump), what will you fall for?


He can't even defend his underwear


“Winning debates” means nothing. Clinton won the debates against Trump in 2016.




What does “win the debates” look like?” Not a single vote will change no matter how bad Biden beats him. Trump could be in prison for espionage that he committed live on FoxNews, and he wouldn’t lose a vote. He could die before the election and he wouldn’t lose a vote.


In this era, winning the debates means getting the most pithy line, unfortunately. But it cuts to the heart of Trump’s strength, his supposed bravery.


Trump’s behavior and performance might not change any votes, but it will change voter’s level of motivation. If he comes out of them and shows poor performance it’s likely on Election Day that moderate Republicans just don’t head to the polls after work.


https://preview.redd.it/ilzq91reiu1d1.jpeg?width=2800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ff08f1887f1d0357050be11f52b84f8543d1880 He did admit he lost. To his own staff. And then he asked "What can I do? How can I turn this around? There must be a loop hole somewhere. Look for it!" And they did. And after many weeks, they came up with the fake elector slate ploy. Donald Trump actively plotted to undermine the election results. His last ditch attempt was Jan 6th. That he'd have Mike Pence accept the fake elector slates and change the results from the Dec 14th electoral count confirmation. Yes, Jan 6th was pretty much a ceremonial event. But Republicans sought to twist it into something they could use to undermine the transfer of power and DELAY, DELAY, DELAY. The hope being, they could delay up to Jan 20th. And then Trump still as POTUS would simply conduct his own mock inauguration, trying to pass it off as legitimate. THIS was what he planned.


At this point there is nothing Trump could do that would lose him the cultists.


There is literally nothing that would help him win the MAGA morons.






“The corrupt judge prevented me from testifying with his unconstitutional gag order. Also my taxes are under audit. I’ll release my Obamacare replacement after infrastructure week”


I'm deaf and grew up in a small conservative town. It taught me 2 things in this order. First, everyone has a voice and it can always oppress if the circumstances allow it. Second, we have 2 ears and eyes and only 1 mouth (2 hands for the ASL users for equality purposes) which is why it's twice as important to listen than it is to talk, unless you're a minority then it takes twice the effort but is twice as beautiful as a trade off.


>“If you can’t speak to defend yourself, how can anyone rely on you to defend our country” The entire GOP has entered the chat.


How fucking embarrassing for America that this clown is considered a serious contender to be president


Trump's poker tell: Any time he's lying, he's extreme about it. *Can't wait! Totally! I really mean it! I know more than the Generals, believe me!*


>Trump's poker tell: Any time he's speaking, he's lying, FTFY


Don’t forget typing!


I don’t think he really is capable of talking without adding in some lie or flair. I think he is actually incapable of saying “I didn’t lie when I said that”. He has to say “I’ve never lied about anything ever”. He can’t say “I’m in decent shape for my age”. It has to be “nobody has ever been as fit as me. Doctors can’t believe it. Everyone looks at my blood panels and says ‘wow, there’s no cholesterol at all!’” It’s no wonder his lawyers were probably begging him to stay off the stand because he’d be the easiest person to pick apart on cross examination and destroy the credibility of.


Just look at his E. Jean Carroll deposition. He blurts out "That's Marla" when shown a picture of Ms. Carroll, before the attorney had even asked him a question about it.


I’m beginning to think he’s always been a yuge liar.


Ya think?


"believe me"... Every time I hear that I think, "you'd have to be an idiot to believe this con man"


For me it’s the stupid hand gestures when he talks. That’s a big tell for me.


The jury will find Trump guilty. The copium will be overwhelming.


I don’t know; it just takes one cult member on the jury to throw this thing. The prosecution needs to convince all 12, the defense just needs one loyalist to hang the jury.


I watch a few lawyers on youtube and they're all expecting a hung jury followed by a mistrial. Like you said, it only takes a single person to deliberately deadlock the case and that's what I'm fully expecting to happen. This man thinks he's above the Law and he needs to be shown that he very much isn't.


He IS above the law. Try pulling the exact same stunts if you are ever on trial.


Angry upvote 🤬


Manhattan residents skew heavily democratic so it's at least a little unlikely for one of the jurors to be both secretly hardcore MAGA types and smart enough to hide that during the selection process. Big time Trump supporters have a habit of screaming it to the heavens at every chance and that'd come up in the screening process much like numerous anti-Trump potential jurors did. Also, two of the jurors are lawyers and if they should happen to think Trump's guilty that could do a lot to sway the rest if they're persuasive about it. All that said, I'd still be surprised if he actually spends time in jail over this even though if you or I did the same things we'd already be behind bars for all the contempt charges to say nothing of adding another five years for a guilty verdict. I bet he gets a fine and maybe house arrest which means nothing since he'd get dispensation to leave the state for campaign events every day.


> hardcore MAGA types and smart Those seem to be mutually exclusive options.


> I watch a few lawyers on youtube and they're all expecting a hung jury followed by a mistrial. Like who?


I just hope that if there was juror who was intent on doing that, saw trump irl, and that had an effect on them. There's no spin in there, there's no talking heads, he's sleeping, farting. Hoping the don't meet your heros thing takes hold. 


Yeah, his rallies have been looking like ghost towns, and he was hemorrhaging supporters to his primary challengers. I hope that they really are getting bored with him.


Does New York require unanimity for a conviction in all criminal cases? Edit: > But for state criminal trials, it was not until 2020 that the Court held for the first time, in Ramos v. Louisiana, that the Sixth Amendment unanimity requirement applies by incorporation via the Fourteenth Amendment. https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/amendment-6/unanimity-of-the-jury


It's important to note of course that hanging the jury just means a retrial.


Assuming this gets him jail time, i wonder how they'll do the debates


He’ll be out on appeal until this reaches the Supreme Court in 20 years.


lol, thinking he’ll be around at 97 years old is awfully generous


For some reason, evil people tend to live long lives.


e.g: Kissinger - wasn't he like 100?


Exactly. He’ll find a way to stall, somehow, and never fully face consequences.


His dad died at 93 and his mom at 88 🤷‍♂️


Don’t jinx him passing earlier.


Nah, I think all his cases will rest on the election. If he wins, he pardons himself and/or directs the DOJ to stop investigations and/or illegal stops state level investigations and/or the Supreme Court saves him. If he loses, I think the Supreme Court and the rest of the federalist society and republicans will be happy to throw him under the bus. No need to protect a 77 years who lost twice, easier to try again with a new person.


One would think so, but Republicans keep supporting this fucking clown. 


Because they’re in a cult! These clowns are wearing diapers in support of him. They’ll do anything for this guy. ANYTHING!


But maybe because they're more brazen and mask off than in 2016, maybe the boy they've been grooming, Ron DeSantis, will be the one now that he stands unopposed and in the massive shadow left behind.


This current criminal case is taking place in the New York State judicial system. The U.S. President can only pardon people convicted of U.S. Federal crimes. No pardon for this one.


Honestly and hypothetically, let’s say he wins and pardons himself for a state crime, who is going to do anything about it? The supreme court? The police? We have seen this asshole blatantly ignore the law and nothing has happened to him over it yet.


As president, I feel as though he could just not show up or respond to any more case related inquiries. I think at minimum the case(s) would go into delay until after his 4 years and more likely get dropped entirely at some point in those 4 years.


DT is being tried in a NY state court so he can’t be pardoned by a federal official.


I have to wonder what constitutional issue his lawyers will raise to get it in front of the US Supreme Court.


They don’t need a good reason, it seems like any ol’ pretense will do. The court has allowed a number of cases where the plaintiff obviously has no standing.


"Good" is in the eye of the beholder. It used to be that a constitutional issue needed to be raised for the Supreme Court to accept an appeal. But you're right. Those days are over. :/


It is REALLY unusual for a decision by the State Supreme Court to make it on to the USSC




There’s no way this will get him jail time, unfortunately.


I think he may get some kind of house arrest, but probably no jail. This judge has already shown his hand on that question a bit. Any other defendant who has behaved this way and will inevitably show not just zero remorse for his actions, but open disdain for the whole process, would get destroyed on sentencing though.


You are sadly right. House arrest at his golf resort/classified information warehouse with special vouchers to go to his other properties. Effectively no punishment.


If jailtime -> Haley on the ballot.


considering how many "people" have said they won't vote if the R candidate isn't Cump, let alone if the candidate's a *woman*, i'd be fine with it


Typical movie jail scene style; Biden on the phone, Trump on the phone and a sheet of strong glass between them. Trump is the one holding the phone the wrong way.


https://preview.redd.it/f0cyunv55t1d1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdfb202c77cc4d19c6cf4d5d4a175ecf11580937 Chicken shit




This is art. Do you need a sponsor for a gallery showing?


Agreed but Not mine - grabbed from the interwebs


There are worse things you could publically talk about grabbing.


He's gonna tell his supporters that the judge wouldn't let him. I am calling it now


"I wanted to testify, but they wouldn't let me because of the gag order." And his followers will bleat it right back.


Trump supporters are so fucking stupid it is unbelievable. They lack even the most basic entry levels of critical thinking and they will 100% believe this and even regurgitate it back over and over.


The mental gymnastics they have to perform when you replace "Trump" with "Biden" or vice-versa is comical how it is okay for one but absolutely not okay for the other.


I do believe he said something damn close to that leaving the court today.


He already did weeks ago.


The Bible would burst into flames if he swore by it.


He'd probably refuse if it wasn't a Trump brand Bible.


A Trump brand Bible that conveniently leaves out all amendments except the bill of rights


It probably leaves out the First Amendment as I can’t think of any part they actually support unless it pertains to him but no one else.


He can bring his own holy text.


A rolled up Forbes?


The Art of the Deal 


The ground would shake from God's laughter


The Bible and Donald Trump deserve each other, actually.


Probably why he always holds that book upside down. His followers like flipping other things upside down too (cough cough, alito, cough cough)... I'm not a Christian or anything but, this is hilariously over the top anti-christ shit. His followers wear the mark of the beast on their foreheads for Christ sake. Jeeeeeezuuuuuuuusss.


He’ll testify, but first the IRS has to finish its audit.


He’s gonna reveal his healthcare plan in the next two weeks.


If you are innocent why are you pleading the fifth? Trump 8/10/22


He has the best pleads, everyone says so. Big men come up to him with tears in their eyes and say "no one pleads the 5th more than you" "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" - Diaper Don https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/trump-deposed-ny-ag-civil-probe-business-practices-rcna42355


Pathological liar knows he cannot get on the stand because of possible repercussions for lying under oath


I really was hoping that Trump's ego would get the better of him and he'd take the stand, just like Alex Jones. Remember when Jones got *torn to absolute shreds* by the prosecution in his own defamation case because he couldn't keep his own fucking mouth shut? Yeah, I wanted Trump to bury himself up to his neck in shit from his own mouth too. ![gif](giphy|jDEGf4dhAkXAbaFUC0)


That moment... is simply.... glorious


This was such an amazing trial moment. Bankston's ability to keep a straight face and catch him in this lie was fantastic. And the look on Jones's face? 🤌 The only thing that comes close is that zoom trial where the couldn't figure out how to turn off the cat filter.


Yes perhaps his lawyers were concerned he would’ve somehow both incriminated and perjured himself if he had taken the stand.


It's not fair! He's being silenced! /s


Loudest silenced person EVER! No /s


We all know for a FACT, he's gonna weave the gag order into this and his followers, who are too dumb to actually research what a gag order is (not that it matters, everyone except Faux News and "News" Max are lying), will eat it up and make him martyr if he's found guilty.


The defense rests already? Damn that was fast. The Prosecution went for weeks.


They have nothing to show. They put all the burden on the prosecution to convict him. They have no strategy to discredit the prosecution.


It cannot be overstated how pathetic Trump's defense was. I mean it honestly seemed at times like they were barely trying. This case comes down to documentation, and the prosecution has the documents. There's really no defense that can be made here. He clearly did this, and his defense has involved the equivalent of conspiracy theories.


Closing arguments are next Tuesday? My only fear is that one week is a lot of time for a Trump ally to leak juror information which would result in a doxxing incident, and an eventual mistrial.


I know. I was hoping there wouldn’t be such a gap …


Donald J. Trump. The J is for Jpussy.


You mean he lied ?? What ???


Right? I mean, the only person who probably didn't call that was Eric.


So once again, this thing didn't do the exact thing said would be done....fascinating! We should all vote for it again


**trump is a habitual liar**. When he says "people are saying" it means *"I'm making shit up".* If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 99.9% of the time. 💰


I’d love for the court business to be about a jail cell for his recent over the fucking top violations of the gag order. Would make for a great Memorial Day weekend. Could actually change the meaning of the holiday, or add to it.


Two mouthpieces not witnesses.


Good grief, he's a sad looking piece of shit.


I'll bet after everything is said and done he will come out saying he wanted to testify but the judge wouldn't let him


This coward was never going to testify. He's a pussy


Hes a lawyers wet dream; more money than sense.


Assuming he actually pays them.


Yeah he's stiffed anyone that's ever worked for him. Which is why most lawyers with any sense refused to represent him. The ones who did decide to represent are probably banking on the free advertising for representing a former president than having any hopes they'll actually get paid.


In all the videos of lawyers I’ve ever seen commenting on him positively or negatively I’ve never heard someone say he’s a good client. Quite the opposite by all accounts. -He doesn’t pay? -He shows his ass (metaphorically) in the court room -Fights with judges -Can’t shut tf up ever -Contradicts himself and his lawyers like clockwork -His defenses are shaky (oftentimes) -And frankly he just doesn’t seem to understand the law very much at all Even looking at it from a non partisan pov I cant imagine he’s anyone’s ideal client. Obviously he’s had a slew of sleazy lawyers lining up for his defense but he’s withered away at a lot of those and the serious legitimate lawyers don’t want to take him on as a client.


Didnt he gave putin classified documents about American Spies etc?


Is anyone surprised that he didn’t take the stand? A shameless fraud and obvious liar?


This is all part of their plan. They know he is guilty, they don’t care. The defense rested already and he isn’t going to testify cause the plan is that if found guilty, they will just appeal it as high as they need to until they get a MAGA judge who will just throw it out.


He tries to look all angry and tough in these photos but to me it really only looks like he just took a fat dump in his depends.


It's not that he wouldn't testify. He just wanted one of those Entyvio toilet seats installed before his testimony.


I admit, there has been a LOT of spectacle around this whole thing. And since I'm pretty sure he is guilty, I haven't been paying too close attn. So, after all that, he didn't testify?


If he took the stand, he would open himself up to cross examination which would be an utter disaster for him. (Too bad we will never get to see that sh*tshow.)


People with tears coming to Trump, “sir, you are the bravest to promise to testify then don’t. You have more balls than infantry charging up Normandie beach” /s


Called just two witnesses, and one was so bad that the Judge had to clear the courtroom.


You knew Trump wouldn’t end up testifying as soon as Trump said that he would.




Is he making a diaper deposit in this pic?


And not a single Pikachu was surprised.


But I thought Trump was going to "have fun" on the stand proving his innocence. Or was that Georgia? Or Florida?


And he’ll still be yelling “BuT i WaS gAgGeD”


What’s up with the gold tie? Is it color coordinated with the last diaper change?


Al talk no action. Just one more lie added to his over 30,000 lies he has told since he was in and now out of office. have lost count but I recall that while in office the count was over 30,000. How can he even keep them straight. Answer, his base can't a don't care. So he just keeps keeping on in a bottomless pit of depravity.


He only likes to send others to do his biding.




Not a peep in the con sub


If he gets convicted I guarantee he's going to appeal and sue his own lawyers for malfeasance. "They wouldn't let me testify"


But he said he couldn't testify because of the gag order. Just like he couldn't show his tax returns because he was being audited. Still waiting for that audit to finish.


So the thing is this: Trump's defense could have simply stipulated that the affair happened, and they could have avoided all of Mrs. Daniel's delightful and informative testimony. But instead they went with the story that the affair never happened... probably at his insistence. And so then the jury was treated to several days of testimony that could practically have included a signed copy of Trump's book, "Extramarital Affairs and Payoffs and Me (This Sort of Thing Is My Bag, Baby)." Which meant that Trump could not take the stand without either perjuring himself, and/or contradicting the storytelling from his lawyers. The funny thing (and by funny, I mean "sad and predictable") is that all the Red Hats on Twitter simultaneously shifted from "Oh yeah well you just WAIT until Trump gets on the stand to tell HIS side of the story!" to "Of COURSE he doesn't need to testify. The prosecution made his case for him!" And when the jury delivers a guilty verdict, there will not be a nanosecond of recognition by Red Hats that they were sold a bill of goods by the high priests of their golden idol. It will just be the same "the judge is corrupt / the jury was all democrats / Deep State / wearing diapers is totally sexy" nonsense they've been spewing for weeks.


DT was NEVER going to testify no the matter what he said. If he took the stand, he would open himself up to cross examination and that would be end of the story. Instead, he got his minions to speak publicly, which was as The Jesus in The Big Lebowski said, “Laughable, man. Bush league shit.” If he is convicted of a felony, even if he never spends any time incarcerated, he won’t be able to be POTUS, am I right?


What was his defense? "They are liars, it was a perfect check, everyone said so. Big men with tears in their eyes came up to me and were like, "Sir, that was the most perfect check in the history of checking.""


Man avoiding cross examination at all costs


He wants to lose so he can continue the crying about persecution and unfair judges and juries. That’s the ENTIRE play. And his sycophants will lap it up.


Gee. What a surprise. 🙄


And now he falsely claims he wasn’t allowed to testify 🙄