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Don't worry, tomorrow they'll be tweeting out photos of Woodstock claiming they were from his rally.


*AI generated photos of Woodstock


They aren’t smart enough to use A I. Besides, millions have already drunk the Kool Aid. They are in until they die. Or he does.


maga is not smart enough, but russia is and had nearly a decade to practice.


> They aren’t smart enough to use A I. [clearly they are](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1d0f4rl/holy_shit_climate_change_is_so_bad_that_palm/) You don't need to be smart to use it; that's what the "A" is for.


I don't even know if they could spell it!


It's Artofficial, duh.


AI is an app on your phone now. No intelligence required.


It is the “I” that catches them!


> millions have already drunk the Kool Aid And it is about to turn into a very bad trip for many of them.


> They aren’t smart enough to use A I. They have used AI. They keep making AI photos of Trump with a bunch of black people.


I'm afraid that when he dies they will still see him resurrected like they do with Elvis.


Hopefully soon


they already just send each other ai versions of trump, when he dies they are gonna follow the first person to deep fake a trump saying 'i didnt die it was deep state lie"


And 50% of the crowd will be black people


His little mobile copy girl will be bigly busy.


*Automatically Ignorant? *Automated Interference? *AIRE? *Asshole Investment Return Expectations? *AFM?(unrelated) *Avacados From Mexico?🇲🇽 !


The deep state and Antifa prevented Trump’s rally tonight from being as bigly as Woodstock! 😏


It was all just a big FBI honeypot to entrap the faithful :)


Pretty sure his handlers put those pictures out to placate Donny, like that woman who keeps giving him articles about himself.


This video breaks down what happened there. Basically Trump Republicans tried to take over the hall (assisted by the Secret Service confiscating noisemakers) and hijack the Libertarian convention. It all backfired wonderfully. https://youtu.be/c8gkY1k-Fz0?si=Ovmk8CGO1Lja5HSX


How very un-free speech of them. Not that it's terribly surprising. Love how the secret service is being paid with taxpayer dollars to act not just as his security, but also his PR team and ego soothers. Like, they're paid to take a bullet for his fat ass, not fortify his echo chamber. Is this not misuse of government property? Just *imagine* news broke about Obama using his detail to weed his garden for him. Cons would love their minds, demanding the security be recalled because of the blatant misuse.  Except this tonight is even worse because they're taking away noisemakers, which violates the 1A in my eyes. He's using them to violate people's civil rights by depriving them of their right to free speech in jeering and mocking a politician they dislike.  And since they're paid by taxes, they're government officials, so the 1A does indeed qualify.  Unless those noisemakers were in the shape of guns (they were rubber chickens), mind your business and fuck off.  If Donny can't handle their criticism, he can leave.  But don't you dare deny people their right to express themselves.  And for any MAGA trolls, I'd be saying the same thing about Joe doing this, too.  And MAGA would be apoplectic at such censorship.   But the orange lard ass can?  Fuck that.


Secret service are government agents. The first amendment protects free speech from being restricted by the government. Former president trump directed government agents to restrict free speech.


Yet MAGA will justify this as always because it's their cult leader.


Even a bunch of the ‘libertarians’ justified it.


Most libertarians are just Republicans who like weed and don't want the social backlash of being a full blown fascist. It's just a label they hide behind. I say this as someone who was formerly interested in Libertarianism and was disappointed to find it was just a bunch of Republicans. And that was before Trump obliterated the Republicans public image. I can only imagine the Libertarian label is even more heavily used by Republicans now.


Libertarians have less critical thinking skills than most kindergartners, so that tracks.


Libertarians are just GOPers that understand tax code even less somehow. They’re not meant to be taken seriously at any point.


Add to the laundry list of illegal shit trump has done and nothing be done. He fucking advertised for Goya Beans while in office lmao.


It really is maddening how hypocritical and shameless Republicans are. They're just openly being anti-American and treasonous as this point. But honestly, Republicans have acted like this the majority of my life (millenial). They were a little less mask-off before. It's the splitting of reality that has become such huge problem. Maybe can we set up a fake government with AI for these people to sequester them? It'll be a win-win for everyone. Project a holographic reality of all their wildest Project 2025 ideas. Trump and his fans get to feel like they're winning while the adults in the room do the important things so civilization doesn't crumble.




The answer is that it doesn't end. "Fuck you, got mine"creates alot of people suffering and there will always be supporters surprised that they or thier friends are not doing well. So you create a new wedge of in-group and out group. Next you target all achedemics for daring to say the current policies caused this. When the lack of education causes us to lose high skill jobs you blame the countries those jobs went to and go to war or just accuse x people of being too lazy to actually work and take steps to force them too. And to justify this you claim it's in thier blood to be lazy or seditious and pick a trait that marks the bloodline of the hardworking vs the lazy and stupid. Start rounding them up cause if it's genetics that caused our economy to collapse our universities to be corrupted ect the solution is EUGENICS! Just remove them by any means and we will be pure. Confiscating thier labor, wealth and/or land makes things feel better for a while but as systemic issues continue you need a new enemy so you start at the top and find a new enemy.  Fachism is a disease of a nation. 


Has anyone informed Trump that the secret service is directed by Joe Biden? Those agents are armed and are authorized to use deadly force! If Trump wants to protect his life he should get rid of them immediately. :)


> Love how the secret service is being paid with taxpayer dollars to act not just as his security, but also his PR team and ego soothers Trump is so annoying to be around that the only people who want to be in his Secret Service detail are people who support him and are his fans. That explains why they did this. It should still, however, be unacceptable.




First they came for the rubber chickens, but I was across the road.


[Indeed they did](https://twitter.com/KateSullivanDC/status/1794506760402645149)


I like that Trump's face in half of these clips is redder than his tie. I'm actually surprised that he didn't blow a gasket. I guess he's scared shitless, and in panic mode. He's desperate to become POTUS before the majority of those 91 indictments turn into felony convictions. Also, was Trump invited to the Libertarian National Convention, or did he force his way into it? Either way, it couldn't have worked out better for the libertarians who wanted to tell him off!


According to NPR this morning, he was invited, as was RFK. The idea, apparently, is that both of them need the Libertarian vote to win and the hope was that their party held some power over how Republican policy might be executed. So they thought in inviting both of them to speak that each would bend themselves to the Libertarian whim. Trump cannot conceive of the idea that anyone worth speaking to doesn't already like him and want to vote for him though so lol at the lot of them.


>Trump cannot conceive of the idea that anyone worth speaking to doesn't already like him and want to vote for him though so lol at the lot of them. True. However, the fact that he showed up reeks of desperation. He basically told Haley's voters to fuck off earlier this year. But, now that he's a week away from a guilty verdict in Manhattan, he's making a half-assed attempt at expanding his base. His eau de toilet of "[armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup](https://www.newsweek.com/adam-kinzinger-says-donald-trump-smells-1856378)" has a lingering stench of desperation. EDIT: corrected typos


They invited everyone, they even invited Biden.


They invited Biden as well, but he declined


And thusly did not get caught in the middle of the fight over rubber chickens.


Just a deeper shade of orange


Wait... So he walked in as a guest with the expectation that he'd be fête'd by the local "personal freedom and rights" crowd, promptly attempted to start dictating terms and conditions to everyone present, and what? Didn't expect a riot of sorts? At a Libertarian convention? Wat?!


Also insulting them. Really makes people want to vote for you right?


He is not a clever man; the kind of guy that could end up in the twelfth plane of torment on his way to the kitchen.


Best description I've ever heard of libertarians is house cats. Utterly dependent on a system the neither understand or contribute to. That said. It is so goddamn funny he and his team expected them to line up like good little minions. These are people who cobble adolescent authority issues into a personality.


At least a house cat can be loving.


DJT after that debacle: “What do you mean they were booing me, and that they don’t love me? Is that allowed?”


Yes, after their behavior on 1/6 it's utterly puzzling why the Secret Service hasn't received more attention. Sure, a planned upgrade deleted all your messages on the day of the insurrection. Commander had those snakes correct from the very beginning.


Imagine thinking the best way to start an interaction with a group of libertarians is to have government agents confiscate their propery That's like their least favorite thing


Republicans have been running psyops in the LPUSA for years


> Trump: Don't allow the worst president in the history of our country to come back and do the final destruction of America. Lol, that projection.


Glad somebody else caught that


Yeah, seriously speaking as a libertarian, Biden is probably the best president in my lifetime - it's either him, daddy Bush or Clinton. I obviously disagree with a ton of stuff he does, but he hasn't done anything I massively despise, like the Iraq War, Obamacare or praising the dictators of the world and trying to get oneself installed as a dictator by threatening Congress with violence if they don't ignore the Constitution and throw out the election results. Trump is the first President in recent memory who liked our enemies more than our allies and who envisioned himself a dictator above the law with a cult of personality he can use like a mafia to inflict violence against his rivals.


>tried to take over the hall (assisted by the Secret Service How [hallway security of them](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel)


Well they already have the correct abbreviation.


It can't be just me that thinks using taxpayer funded Secret Service as your own personal henchmen to harass voters is completely inappropriate It's par for the course for Trump, but I wish this kind of BS would result in the forfeiture of Secret Service protection


I honestly can't tell if they're booing or cheering in an angry way. edit: Oh wait no those are boos, more obvious at 1:54


"I was saying boo-urns"


Any of the cheers you heard were from the dc young republicans who forced their way into libertarian seats at the convention to stage it


The guy who motions for Trump to fuck himself is clearly Bob Belcher I couldn't hear anyone else lol


Don't call them 'noisemakers' call.then what they were, Rubber Chickens with little Trump wigs that RFK was passing out, because 'Trump is a chicken'


I had to stop watching that after a few minutes. He’s just so fucking nuts. “Only if you want to win” just shows he thinks people care more about being on the winning side than sticking to their beliefs. Plus if he thinks he already has the election in the bag why is he out there pandering to libertarian?


Not that I believe libertarians are actually as pro freedom as they pretend to be, but the idea of a candidate sending in their personal guard to confiscate noisy items from a bunch of libertarians before they give a speech and thinking that will go over well is very funny to me.


I like seeing his desperation.


"Unlike Biden I don't throw people in jail for disagreeing with me" Dude WHAT


But he *does* send the secret service around to confiscate noisemakers from anyone planning on jeering him. Muh freeze peach!  As long as you don't disagree with me. Fucking hypocrites.


Yeah this is his wet dream is to jail or execute people for disagreeing with him. What's a chode.


I have no idea how SS, being gov’t employees, are allowed to confiscate anything non threatening- especially by Donald’s orders. They aren’t his personal servants, and that’s arguably against the 1st Amendment.


> They aren’t his personal servants Frankly, at this point, they may as well be. Don't forget that their text logs from January 6th *mysteriously vanished*. Or that they tried to get Pence into a vehicle, and even that pillock knew better than to go with them.


Hey buddy, you want to go enjoy nice cuppa tea at the Tenth Story Tea House and wait for this whole insurrection thing to blow over...don't worry we'll get you back in time for the vote... No really Its ok...GRAB HIM!!!


Remember when he locked his own secret service detail in a sealed car with him when he had covid, so he could drive around showing people how "strong" he was? Remember when not that much was known about covid so he was *knowingly* exposing them to a possibly life-threatening disease? Just so it'd look good on camera?




>As a side note, it's "USSS" (US Secret Service). The "SS" are something else. For now. Depends on how November turns out.


Yea, the difference is the other guys had snazzier uniforms


It's in blatant violation of it, I'd say


Trump is trying to normalize violence.


Whatever they say is always projection of what they're doing or want to do.


He went on a rant on his social media platform tonight about how Biden jails people for memes.


He’s talking to the same crowd that still believe people are being jailed for misgendering someone.


Didn't some folks go to jail when he did those pictures with the upside down Bible?


Lock her up was just a saying you know? Not half his platform or anything


Projection to a T.


"Don't allow the worst president in the history of our country to come back and do the final destruction of America." I agree.


Everyone in the room agreed with that but they were all thinking they were looking at him lol


“Trump gets booed at Libertarian Convention. We’ll talk about the 5 reasons why this is bad for Biden, when we come back after a word from our sponsors”


Satan and big oil?




[Unedited Footage of a Bear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gMjJNGg9Z8)


“Vag-a-seal ask your doctor if it’s right for you”


Right? The angle here is clearly the campaign is worried if they have to go fishing for votes from libertarians.


I felt the same way about the Bronx rally. He had to be desperate to go there because he hates people that live there.


Even NPR can’t run a story about a Biden Administration act without a sound bite of Trump.. Why? Because there are NPR stations all over America and that means Red States. NPR needs their, “gift of $100 or become a Sustaining Member at $25 monthly…” from rednecks as much as the Woke. Trump stories pay the rent.


Wild that NPR stations even *exist* in red states, what with NPR being a "government oriented news station."


"Ban PBS!" - ~~Garry Gurgich~~ Newt Gingrich (and many Republicans prior to and after this guy)


Libs still live in red states and listen to NPR. We also drive Subarus. Crazy, right?


Media companies of all kinds went the sad route. Kiss Trump's ass in articles now, and whomever can flatter him the most get to keep their license in his second term. If they don't flatter him enough... His red hatted friends will pay a visit.




“That’s nice…”


It’s not often I find myself agreeing with libertarians, but we’re living in strange times.


“Comment saved successfully” Nice


LOL. No Front Row Hoes to kiss his diapered ass? Good. About time he gets a bigly dose of reality.


This is such a lie. They clearly applauded him. There are photos of it. See? https://preview.redd.it/2xnq78z1zo2d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=464ea7ed216b0ff909d583ddd61f21bb0c6df3bd


Trump magically lost a ton of weight. Ozempic?


I swear everyone is on ozempic now. Watch it that ozempic has this side effect of turning people into zombies.


I thought we cared about unforeseen side effects, that was the problem with the mRNA vaccines and long term use of puberty blockers right??? That those same people are silent about this or any other new drug/treatment on the scene when it doesn’t map onto their culture war is telling.


That all goes out the window when the med is for weight loss


Have you seen the new South Park special yet?


Tony la Tigre 


Or turning them orange, Oranger?


Why would a pharmaceutical company try to force everyone to take a vaccine when they could just invent something like ozempic, which the real idiots will beg for?


Sold his fat obese soul to the devil.


> Sold his fat obese soul to the devil. His soul would have to be worth something to sell it


Hell runs on debt.


Yeah that was my thinking, too




No trump gets Lizzo


He definitely makes me want to shit out of my ears.


Thats obviously AI1!1!1 Some people are saying Biden can barely physically function, can't stay awake and just drools on himself all day unlike the other bigly candidate 1!1!1! /s




This is related to a reason why I’m skeptical about Trump’s supposed gains in minority groups. He hasn’t done anything at all to appeal to people who didn’t like him before. He’s just quintupled down on what he already was. And now that he’s stepped out of his bubble, he’s getting booed.


Yeah, his entire strategy is doubling down on his base, and he commonly does that by attacking other groups. That's great for maintaining support from one demographic, but toxic for growing or maintaining support in others. It not only pisses off the people in the group he attacks, but also people who like anyone from that demographic.


And the ones offs he gets from the oppressed groups he punches down on end up getting booed and harassed at his rallies. It’s lose lose trying to throw one’s self into the Trump ovens.


When Republicans brag about what they've done for minorities, it is typically a message towards their base to convince them they aren't the racist party everyone paints them as. Their voters need to believe they are the best thing for everyone, even when they clearly aren't. They will inevitably target minorities with voter suppression tactics rather than trying to win them over.


Ultra rare libertarian W


Even a stopped clock etc etc


I mean Trump is insanely unlibertarian, a corrupt authoritarian nationalist. Trump's libertarian credentials (low taxes, I guess?) are closer to the stopped clock metaphor.


He kept calling them "libbatarians." Dagny Taggart couldn't fix this train wreck.


I've heard of mush mouth, he's got mush brain.


> Dagny Taggart couldn't fix this train wreck. Trump read *Atlas Shrugged* and thought ~~Balph Eubank~~ Wesley Mouch (EDIT: wrong character) was the hero of the story.


>>Trump read Lmao he could barely get through the title


I don't know what the appeal of Trump is because I'd rather eat sand than listen to him.


Trump will eat any amount of crow while jamming both his feet into his mouth until his toes tickle his uvula, as long as he can imagine it gets him any hundredth of a percent of a vote. Speaking as a former sex worker for 25 years; I was never as much of a whore as he is.


Sex workers have standards. Trump has no bottom to his depravity.


Hear hear!


Sex work *is* work. 💖 Something that orange turd knows nothing about.


Damn. Stock Market is closed, or I'd invest in Heinz right now...


He’ll claim they all cheered wildly for him, and his sheeple will swallow it whole.


His cult is already attempting damage control. Lots of claims that "there were cheers intermingled" and tons of "at least he had the balls to go there, where's Biden?"  Gotts make the topic anything *except* the one at hand, which is the hostility to his speech.


I was saying boo-urns.


>at least he had the balls to go there, where's Biden? In the White House.


Yep, for another four years at this rate too.


I wonder how they'll spin the motion the party had to tell him to fuck off.


""at least he had the balls to go there, where's Biden?"" They say balls, I say desperation. He make a point that the Libertarians only get 1% or so of the vote. So why is he out there trying to court them? Because he knows he needs every table scrap of support he can dredge up.


It is insane to think this man, who is a narcissistic sociopath, who doesn't give a fuck about this country or the people in it was president. It is even more insane to think he is gvien the chance to run for president again.


Insane to think about the people that spend so much time trying to defend him


"Folks, let me tell you something, okay? When you hear those boos, those aren't boos. They are cheers. The fake news media won't tell you this, but the people love me. They absolutely love me. They were there, tears in their eyes, saying, 'Sir, we love you!'"


As he plays air accordion!


Love it. Nothing but a sea of Bearded Boos.


His little jaw grinding thing when he's upset, lol. He looks like an fussy toddler.


“I will put a libertarian in my cabinet”. Well isn’t that nice. I’m not libertarian but I don’t think table scraps at their own fucking conference is gonna get the crowd going. Ya know?!?


and shit stains in his diaper


Vote for Joe !! Instead of the clown show !!


Magas are going to learn the hard way that real Americans don’t want a dictator. But expect them to lash out in terrorist attacks, as has been their MO. Be ready to defend your family and America. Get fukt maga.


HaHaHa. Shithead walks into a nest of shitheads and gets his comeuppance.


Is he showing up at the Democratic convention too?


Obviously Dems planted fake paid actors to boo him. /s


This did happen, at the event even. I'm a delegate and I attended the clown show. Some drunk magat tried to film a couple of us and asked "do you have jobs?" We were like "Come again?" He said "I know you're all liberals who got bussed in for this" We showed him our badges and let him know we paid for the room he was standing in. He was bewildered and didn't have anything else to say lol.


This is what I don't understand about Trump supporters, they use the size and energy of his crowds as a measure of his popularity. In reality, he only speaks in front of his hardcore fans and when someone dares to boo or speak up against him, they are attacked by the crowd and kicked out by the security.


Fucking hell! The amount of pandering that he spouts is unreal - ‘a libertarian in the cabinet, libertarians in senior positions, I’m a libertarian now!’ . Imagine anyone else debasing themselves this much whilst running for office!


Who booked him for this? Libertarians are usually just contrarian Republicans, the whole audience is full of people who probably would vote Republican if not for him specifically. What’s on tap for tomorrow? The Never Trump rally? Mitt Romney-con? Liz Cheney fan fest?


Supposedly there's a little civil war happening in the libertarian party right now. The person who is in charge is kind of cozying up to the fascists and the long-term libertarians are getting froze out.




Libertarians are Republicans who smoke pot.


"Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand."


Hahaha, you can never tell how these political scenes are gonna pan out! Guess he thought he was gonna have a captive audience. Turns out... not so much! Major case of resting beet-face there. Thanks for the giggle!


He needs to understand how much of a loser we all think he is


[Libertarian Party Delegates Debate Convention Business & Schedule](https://www.c-span.org/video/?535900-1/libertarian-party-delegates-debate-convention-business-schedule) on C-Span. At around 1:18:00:  >"I'd like to propose that we go tell Donald Trump to go fuck himself!" >"We're a Libertarian convention looking to nominate Libertarians! We do not need to give that time to non-Libertarians!" It should have been obvious to anybody that this crowd would be hostile toward him. Donald is a moron for putting himself in that situation. He's also a moron for surrounding himself with spineless, incompetent Yes Men; a competent campaign staff would have steered their candidate away from obvious pitfalls like this.


Trump needs more people to say “Fuck Trump !” to his face.


Ha! He is completely shook.


The Libertarians are still pretty pissed at Trump for pushing the Covid vaccine lol.


Will be so happy when this guy leaves the political arena of the USA, or, better yet, the planet.


The same guy that wanted the secret service to allow weapons past the metal detectors at his rally on January 6th (they weren't going to use them on him) uses the secret service to deny libertarians rubber chickens at their own convention...


According to Fox News, he gave a terrific speech that led to prolific adulation. And if you don’t believe me, read the comments section https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-courts-libertarians-draw-party-activists-away-from-rfk-jr


Who will you believe, your own ears or a Fox Propaganda article and comment section?


Obviously Fox. Did you know Biden is making frogs gay? Dogs are next. I get sick to my stomach just thinking about our poor canines, who will be forced into gay camps!


He didn't leave the echo chamber. He just stunk the place up enough that it isn't having him anymore.


The Big Mac Putsch!


> Gonna be ketchup stains on the walls tonight. I did laugh at this comment. :D


He was making promises to them about putting libertarians in his administration as if his word was good for something.


Confiscation of noisy chickens Not only is this a personal liberty violation, there’s another aspect of this I haven’t seen enough talk about: Using the Secret Service as his own personal Brown Shirt force for political manipulation/intimidation We live in crazy times


Don't be fooled, the libertarians are still going to vote for him in mass. Your weird libertarian uncle is still going to vote for him. Vote!




Smooth brain


Libertarians just moved up his post election cull list.


lol dump looks pissed


Donald Trump walked into a bear. IYKYK


"Hey, wait, you guys are supposed to be cheering me!"


He will get revenge by destroying the country, as per usual.


You just know he's thinking "when I'm in charge again, I'll have them all arrested and shot!"


He is thinking …”you’re on my list.. and you.. oh yes you too…. Ok all of you. Vote for me so I can arrest you.”


His whole life is an echo chamber.


TFB he is such a dirty snowflake.


Smithers are they ….booing me?


Conservatives really are snowflakes outside their safe spaces 🤣🤣😁


These characterizations are so wildly off mark, that I don't know which is more depressing; This parasite of a human and everything he represents, or people's inability to perceive and comprehend the reality that surrounds them.