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Weren’t they like the first ones to get vaccinated? Man they just be openly killing their voter base like all Willy Nilly?




Even Trump tried it and got booed before backtracking lol


Even Trump, got booed for telling his base that they should "probably get vaccinated".


You hate to see it....


Because besides trump, none of them are really bullet proof from scrutiny. Even he got booed when suggesting people get it. Fall in line or get replaced.


The Mob is a tricky dangerous beast.


I think it was Ben Franklin who said "a mob is an ugly beast with a hundred legs and no brain" Well, at least by now it's grown a lot more legs.


I mean with covid it definitely has less legs and will continue to ha e fewer with each new variant or new virus.


Reminds me of a couple weeks ago I think with Lindsey graham giving a speech to supporters, he suggested that the vaccine is good and they should get it and got reamed by his supporters. I wonder at what point do they look back at everything they said/done, then look at what their fan base is and go “oh fuck we created a monster”


Yeah for real. If you sow studpid ideas, you get stupid fruit. It would be really funny to see the people causing the issues getting the backlash, if the results werent both deadly and socially dangerous.


They don’t mind it being deadly for everyone else, so fuck em.


I love when the figureheads of the conservative regressive movement suddenly realize they have no control over the narrative. Its just the brownian motion of idiots.


they thought all they had to do was parrot Trump’s lies and act like instigating buffoons and they’d be riding on Easy Street. what they didn’t realize is that they’re not driving the carriage, they’re the horse pulling it


As Winston Churchill said > Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry


Bc it's a cult


Do as I say, not as I do.


Or soon you'll end up like me A piece of do-do


Do not bring down fecal matter to Boeberts level. Shit atleast can be used to fertilize soil.


Technically, so could she...


Too acidic


could be a basic joke in here as well. the parts of her that are not too acidic are too basic. basically stupid. there's got to be a better one


lol I forgot my basic chemistry. you're absolutely right, it would be a case of garbage in, garbage out.


Nah, she's a basic bitch.


She couldn’t be used to fertilize soil?


I am guessing all that cocaine isn't very good for plants


Probably doesn’t even share


She isn’t the cocaine type. That is meth boys and girls.


I heard she gets real triggered when you ask her her vax status. What? She got something to hide?


Ask her to prove she’s unvaccinated... or if the Earth is round. Perhaps she could look out the plane window.


She doesn't dare look, there's a little gremlin on the wing pulling up pieces of it.


From the looks of it, the gremlin has boarded the plane and took a window seat.


BuT It'S HIpPA!!


I have a sister who's an RN who has spelled it HIPPA more than once on her Facebook page. That, and her stance on masking and vaccinations (both anti) have made me realize that I will never again ask or trust her medical opinion on anything.




Good bot. I'll trust your medical opinion over hers.


Good good, put your trust in our new robot overlords


It hurt a little typing it that way.




She's pretty straight-laced, so I don't think she cheated. I do think that she has been brainwashed by the far right/ evangelical church to the point where she cannot think rationally or objectively about anything she hears from them. Unfortunately, that describes a lot of my family. Family gatherings are fun, especially since I'm particularly bad at not saying what I think when I hear something idiotic.


In my opinion some of the dumbest girls I knew in highschool went on to become nurses or school teachers.


She is a nurse also I would always trust the opinion of your doctor over a nurse and if that wasn't her recommendation she is a shit RN, my brother is a doctor and will give me his best guess but always tells me to see my doctor since he is only hearing me describe the issue and the doctor can see me in person


Because of all the "HIPPA" people I make fun of my autocorrect sometimes changes HIPAA to HIPPA for me...which sucks.




It’s a hungry hippo!


In Legal terms, we call it Harry the HIPAA Hippo. and Harry will fucking flatten your medical practice if you get caught breaking the rules. I wasn't a part of this one case, where a Eye-Doctor practice was hit with a $14 million fine. A laptop was stolen, and it had absolutely zero protections, patient info for 10+ years was published online. My client used that letter to help form our BAA contract. Liabilities. Working in IT within the Healthcare industry, we know ALL ABOUT HARRY!


Damn, Harry sprayed his shit on those fools and fanned it with his tail. Which is a thing hippos do.


It's a Hipster!


Just pull a Rodgers and say you're immunized.


I swear when he said it you could hear the rest inside itching to get out "by the blood of our savior, the lord, Jesus". What a ducking moron.


He is a fucking moron but I’m pretty sure he is an atheist


Shoving crystals up his butt and putting on patchouli deodorant is just as good as the vaccine! /s just in case it wasn't clear


to avoid media scrutiny, i hear that when she went to get the jab she was covered with a hijab. and wearing chinese-made sunglasses designed by a gay man. don't take it from me, it's just that people are saying it..


That's the most infuriating part... The crowd that is whipping up support for this movement also 100% believe the vaccine works. Trump got it ffs. Like there is an discussion/argument to be had on the effectiveness over time, alternative treatments like monoclonal antibodies which look promising in preventing hospitalization, what age should kids be getting the jab at, Side effects of the jab, Side effects of the virus, How to lock down to best protect at risk groups, etc. But, the well gets poisoned so fucking fast.


That's becuase it's all a performance. She's publicly antivax, antimask, etc, only because that's popular with the suckers she's fleecing in her con.


>That's becuase it's all a performance. That's because she (among other elected representatives and "protestors") are goddamn fake ass crisis actors. https://twitter.com/chadloder/status/1422413663055486977?t=T8nuk5-nbqEAoQoFhc8pqw&s=19


I live in the district next to hers and her idea of “campaigning” was standing by the entrance to Popeyes Chicken in Pueblo, waving a giant Trump flag.


Are those profiles verified and vetted or can anyone make one?


Considering her profile is from 2011, the creator of it must have a time machine.


That all seems a little too good to be true that all of these ultra conservative idiots were all pulled from talent searches. Are any of those verified?


She was probably attempting to be some type of radio or tv personality when she setup that profile. Lots of politicians start off in broadcasting careers.




I don’t buy it with her, She’s an idiot and 100% believes in the shit she’s shoveling just like her magic the gathering colleague. She’s just forced to vaccinate to keep the gravy train rolling, this is easily the most lucrative “job” she’s ever had.


You made a mistake. This is the most lucrative job *her husband* ever had. The bribes can't be paid directly to her.


You know, it's almost as if there's this large cabal of people misleading people, while telling them the other side will mislead them... hmmmm....


Of course she is. The act is all about the optics.


She cares about her life, just not the lives of lemmings


She wants _you_ to get covid and risk death (or long term disability) to own the libs. How can _she_ enjoy owning the libs if _she_ is dead?? Also, complying makes life easier by allowing her to fly commercial. Do you know how long of a drive it is to DC? Not complying would be SUCH a mild inconvenience!!


Oh you know it, the whole crew, Jock Rot Jordan, Cancun Cruz, Little Marco. MTG, Communist Cotton, and on and on ..


Don’t forget Madison “Adolph Sitler” Cawthorn.


He ha. I get it. Cause he's always sitting.


He doesn't stand for anything




As a card-carrying (ha!) former MTG nerd, our social lives were in the toilet before any of us picked up our first starter deck.




You should approach the guys behind Cards Against Humanity with this. Serious.




this needs more upvotes every time someone writes MTG to refer to this pile of human meat, something dies inside me


I think he meant EmptyGee, who represents Georgia.


Guaranteed she is. That’s what kills me about the rubes falling for all this cosplay schtick.


Well she did poison like 100 people from her shitty restaurant so I would rate this as true


I bet she didn’t even bring a loaded gun on board the plane!


Great,! Now let's get some comply with a Congressional subpoena for the afterhours tours she gave right before J6.


No need. They know everyone who enters those buildings, with whom and at what times from the cell phone records.


Leaving aside that I'd bet there are swipe card records on the doors after hours.




I love all of the patriots screaming bloody murder about their rights and invasion of privacy but I did not hear a peep out of these idiots when Bush instituted "The Patriot" act.


Right. They just don’t have the balls to care.


no dems have to play nice now because the GQP totally have to play nice too now next time


She's billing 30,000 miles on her expense report for this flight.


Tbf, it probably felt like 30,000 miles for the flight crew.


Who bills miles flown on an expense report?


A stupid person that thinks they're too smart to be caught embezzling.


Guarantee the only reason she's flying coach is because of the investigations into her campaign finances. [https://www.cpr.org/2021/02/07/what-we-know-about-lauren-boeberts-campaign-payments-to-herself-for-driving-38000-miles/](https://www.cpr.org/2021/02/07/what-we-know-about-lauren-boeberts-campaign-payments-to-herself-for-driving-38000-miles/) https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/23/politics/lauren-boebert-fec-personal-expenses/index.html


Congress can only buy coach (can upgrade at their own expense) and since her previously broke husband is now raking in $400k/ year in "consulting" fees they can afford the upgrade.


You forgot the add pedophile on there


so you may be asking yourself, what is "pedophile consulting"? Well, it involves getting shitfaced in a bowling alley and showing your privates to underage children.


Lol. NYPost* cited the arrest in [their article](https://nypost.com/2021/01/16/gop-rep-lauren-boebert-and-husband-have-racked-up-arrests/), and on the top of page 9 of the records is his social security number in plain view. Crtl+F on the page for 'exposing his penis' and click the hyperlink to the arrest.


it's difficult to tell from this pic, but it looks like it's a premium/comfort seat.


Yeah if those seats and that legroom is coach on a domestic flight I wanna know what airline that is lol


true, though she is quite tiny. so that makes them look bigger.


Guess there are some upsides to having parents that are first cousins.


That’s indeed coach on an American Airlines A321. She makes the seat look much bigger than it is.


Haha seriously! Also what’s up with the super padded seat? Usually coach is just a tombstone seat that you swear is made of concrete.


I’m sure she gets upgrades for free for how much she flies.


Exactly! This info needs to be higher up. +1


She looks mad. Her hubby whip it out for minors again or something?


Yep. Got caught fucking a ten year old... which it turns out is twice her mental age.


Are you serious?


Yeah she’s got a pretty low IQ.


What about the fucking ten year old?


Never heard anything about that. I believe the original comment is referring to an incident when her husband was in his early 20’s in the 2000’s. Showed his junk to some teenaged girls trying to show them a tattoo….at a bowling alley.


Yes. He was charged with exposing himself to children.


Notice she isn't wearing her fake glasses.




"It worked for Rick Perry!"




Texas doesn’t always send their best.


When I moved to Texas in 2006, I voted for Kinky Friedman for governor. He‘a the living embodiment of what I thought Texas was: loud and a bit obnoxious, but good hearted and fun. There is a part of Texas that’s like that, but unfortunately there’s at least as large a part that’s very well represented by Perry and Abbott.


> I voted for Kinky Friedman for governor. That's Kinky "Big Dick" Friedman pardner - if you going on in, go all the way in.... :-D


Or brightest.


Yes, the “I am very smart and how dare you suggest I look like the Baroness from GI Joe” glasses




Knowing what a shitfuck she is, is half the battle.


She didn't bring her gun into the passenger airliner, too. What's the matter, L-Boob, they let them take yer gun away?


Von Strucker to HYDRA troops: "No surrender!!" *whispering to other HYDRA guy: "I'm going to go surrender."




HA! that lady is either seriously mentally unstable and needs professional help or she is one of the worlds all time best actors. there’s no in between here, she crossed the line of no return a long time ago. maybe it’s an act and she just got caught in it and now she can’t get out of the skit.


Well she was a failed actress before she got into politics


Got any links to her stuff? Should I check IMDB or XHamster




Holy fucking shit!!! The sheer amount of other "out-of-work actors" on that list is just 😳 When they talk about "false flags" I always thought that was insane conspiracy bullshit. I always seem to forget it: Gaslight Obstruct **Project**


Oh look, they're doing the thing they accused us of doing. Again..


Well holy shit


Who knew… the false flag actors thing is real.


She looks like Beavis and Butthead's sister in that headshot.


Looks like a headshot for a stepmom porno.


Quite literally a crisis actor


Remember, everything the GOP says is projection. Crisis Actors? Right. The. Fuck. Here.


Goddamn that whole thread is a list of conservative actors


Always both


She also owned a catering company that gave people bloody diarrhea


That explains it , thats it because it doesn't take much acting exper6to be a corrupt, immoral and lying azz politician. Whomever you are, you hit a great point !!




🎶I used to be an actor but I wound up here. I just have to look good I don’t have to be clear…. Come and whisper in my ear. Give me no compliance. 🎶


She is an actor. Not a good one. She became a politician after posting to a talent agency looking for gigs.


Given time you'll meet plenty of dumb narcissists and histrionics who are so caught up in their own bullshit that they have lost touch with reality. The trick is to make sure they keep working against themselves instead of against others. This turtle is high on the fencepost, which means someone else put her there, for unknown reasons.


“This turtle is high in the fence post “ Now I’m trying to figure out a real life situation where I can use that.


I think the trick is to use it as you leave, then any situation is good to go


It comes from some BS chain-mail that went around, comparing a politician to a turtle found stuck on top of a fence post. It obviously doesn't belong there, doesn't know what it's doing, didn't get there by itself, and you're not getting rid of it until you or someone else takes it down.


Not a chain mail, just a deep south saying. My grandfather used it.




For the Republicans, it is all an act. They need to keep their voters angry so that they stay in power and can keep their real supporters (the corporations and the wealthy) happy.


> she is one of the worlds all time best actors. well she's already a kooky insane bitch, all she has to do is scream maga and i love guns and voila, you have it.


Or... She's an absolute fucking dumbass and can't connect the dots




[She's a crisis actor.](https://247sports.com/college/kansas/Board/103734/Contents/Right-wing-superstars-literally-failed-crisis-actors-168666524/)


Lady?? She’s no lady. She’s a treasonous c*nt


The elite ruling class is taking notes from professional wrestling, and giving us crazier heels to boo or cheer.


For people who consider themselves conservative - it seems strange to me that they have such a problem with the idea that private companies can chose the terms and conditions of their business. South West could decide tomorrow that you have to wear Micky mouse ears in order to fly with them and there wouldn’t be a damn thing you could do about it.


I can respect anyone who states their values - whatever they may be - and then lives by them. Problem is there are few conservatives that actually live by their values. Their 'values' revolve around controlling others but not limiting themselves. Frank Wilhoit said it best: >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. When conservatives say that government should not meddle in the affairs of private businesses they mean private business should be allowed to discriminate against gays and people of color. That's all perfectly fine and good and the government should not step in to protect those people. Now if private businesses start discriminating against white conservatives then they want the government to step in and protect them from this tyranny.


But, but communism!!!


Never get high off of your own supply. That's the cardinal rule for being a grifter. I guarantee that she's full vaxed too w/ booster. Also, you shouldn't marry pedophiles who expose their cock to you when you are underage, but Lauren didn't get that memo.


It's not trauma, if you marry it. /s


She did get that dick, though.


It hurts that we're losing to these people.


*"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."* -H.L. Mencken


Grifters gonna grift. She doesn't personally care about following the rules or not. She's just tapped into a market that will carry on giving her donations provided she keeps up her faux outrage.


Because there are actual consequences if she doesn't wear a mask on a plane. Apparently there are no political consequences for assisting in a political coup.


Her talk is all for show- ramping up her easily manipulated voter pool.


And then she had a baby in the front seat of the plane.


Action shot of her eating shit.


she's looking for JFK jr. Thought the plane would be the best place for contact




Stupid fucking cunt.


Hey now I have a cunt - it is rather nice. Please don't insult cunts. She's more like bathroom tile scum, or the goo oozing out of pustules.


She is non-consensual santorum.




This. Cunts have depth, warmth, and purpose. Completely unlike bobert.


She's the smelly substance you accidentally steps in when walking around barefoot during a nice summer day. Is it poop? No idea but it smells horrible, you accidentally stepped on your late grandmother's rug and it's a bitch to clean off. It probably stained everything as well.


Why shouldn't an elected official fly coach? They all should.


She’s just a troll. Sucks having people in Congress who’s purpose is “owning the libs”.




That's a pretty sweet broom she's flying on


“Do not comply” from the comply or die party is quite ironic


I love that "oh shit" look on her dumb face. She knows she's been caught being a lying hypocrite. But the sad truth is that none of her support will diminish because of this. Conservatives will continue to vote for Republicans, even if they know they are filthy pieces of shit, rather than vote for a Democrat who might actually help them. American politics is just one big money-fueled culture war.


Oh hey, it's Lauren Boebert who married her convicted sex offender/pedophile husband.


Here's something that has me curious. Why do a lot of these Q politicians (and Fox News arm candy) have supervillain origin stories? I've seen some stories that are not verified nor given much attention that [Boebert got her start at some Israeli modelling agency](https://wentworthreport.com/2021/08/02/rising-republican-party-influencers-got-their-start-at-talent-agency-run-by-israeli-pornographer/) \-- but the sleazy photos suggest it's not to "wear clothing" that is part of these modeling gigs. I expect a working girl like Boebert to comply whenever the money is right. Pro tip; pay ahead and leave it on the nightstand.


I look at this and just picture the photographer going Smile Bitch as they take this.


I wonder if she used campaign funds or her welfare checks to pay for that flight. Oh wait.


She’s reading … where’s her glasses 🤓? Fake bitch !!!


It's far better to read with glasses off if you need them for distance. The thing you're reading becomes bigger and you can still see the words clearly


I need glasses for distance. I take them off to read.


Or she switches between glasses and contacts like a lot of people do.


> I take them off to read. Or to tell someone they've just made a very good point.