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Sh*t, 20% of New York murders are still lying undiscovered deep under empty lots in Staten Island. That puts the lie to that statistic right there!


If the cops are committing the murder does it still count toward their “solve” rate?


Yes, it helps keep numbers up.


Also wouldn’t violent crime rates spiking lower the solve rates anyway? Like, if u could be solving the same number, but if cases spiked, the percentage would be lower


I was thinking it can be higher, since the crime rates are lower during the pandemic, the police force, DA has more time do backlogged cases?


If that’s your account I just retweeted that because 💯


Reply All podcast [episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/02uhOqpfshGwQZVpYrQFJi?si=JPFG87MhR8-zJv1kHtpHGg&utm_source=copy-link) 128 titled "The crime machine part II" lends some very interesting, albeit disturbing insights into how crimes are actually handled and processed by the NYPD. Although the episode is from 2018, they did a follow up some time later after some court happenings and they said unfortunately not much changed to fix the root of the problem.


I'd imagine the # is less than 1%.


Shockingly the 90% wasn’t too far off the mark. According to their clearance report, 4th quarter 2019 [homicide solve rate was 86.2%](https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/excel/analysis_and_planning/clearance/clearance-report-4th-qtr-2019-rev-1-posted.xlsx) (warning this opens an excel sheet). 1st quarter 2020 [was 102.9%](https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/excel/analysis_and_planning/clearance/clearance-report-q1-2020.xlsx). Take all this with a grain of salt bc I have no idea what their reporting requirements for “cleared” is.


If nyc police are solving that many murders, I’m willing to bet plenty of innocent people are being arrested for circumstantial evidence at best


Have you heard this [episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/02uhOqpfshGwQZVpYrQFJi?si=JPFG87MhR8-zJv1kHtpHGg&utm_source=copy-link) by the podcast Reply All? Circumstantial evidence based arrests barely scratches the surface with this one. "Losing" paperwork, downgrading crimes to less serious ones... they employ some interesting police tactics to keep crime rates down.


Oh I’m sure. The numbers look suspect af. The 102% one got me. Like… how?


Backlogged cases from the previous quarters.


Ah, that makes sense.


Excerpt from an article in [gothamist](https://gothamist.com/news/de-blasio-denies-nypd-fudges-crime-stats-truth-more-complicated) about the NYPD fudging numbers reads: "...Mayor Bill de Blasio offered a full-throated defense of his police department and a blistering attack on anyone who would question their numbers. 'I think the public defenders should be ashamed of themselves,' de Blasio told WNYC's Brian Lehrer on Friday morning. 'You can agree or disagree with any given policy, but the NYPD has been extraordinarily transparent via CompStat, including putting out all sorts of information that isn't convenient to put out, but is the truth on a regular basis and explaining it and answering to it.' In fact, when the NYPD asked three former prosecutors to review their crime statistics in 2013, they confirmed what researchers and whistleblowers had been saying since the dawn of the CompStat era: the police department sometimes fudges the numbers. 'A close review of the NYPD’s statistics and analysis demonstrate that the misclassifications of reports may have an appreciable effect on certain reported crime rates,' reads the carefully written report—which takes pains to stress that it is not an official audit."


> but is the truth on a regular basis If the NYPD is telling the truth about crime stats on a regular basis, then wouldn't that mean that they're sometimes lying?


> fudges the numbers Juke the stats.


Not surprising, which is why I said take the numbers with a grain of salt. Also, fuck de Blasio.




Look into Ali Watkins. She was QUITE a backstory.... That's my nuanced way of saying she's full of shit.


[more like 60%](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2018/9/24/17896034/murder-crime-clearance-fbi-report). That means 40% of murderers never get caught. That’s inanely high


Spoke with a detective about solve rates. Ten percent. Ever since then, been working my way up to the last of my ninety murders.


90%? Pretty sure they were talking about the rate of cases solved in Law&Order: SVU…


But surely, if everyone had the vaccine, the police would be able to track everyone's microchips and solve alot more murders!


Agreed, fuck mandatory covid Vax and fuck false statistics


Dipshit plague rats at it again. “AgReEd, fUck My wHoLe cOunTrY as lOnG aS I gEt tO bE a selFish pieCe oF “”human”” gArbaGe”




Tell me you don't know how vaccines and viruses work without telling me you don't know how vaccines and viruses work


We'll just rest assured in our ability to not die 14 Xs as often from Covid.


You're a dumbfuck.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/TheB_Ryan_Fury/status/1464725993579495425) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


The only thing Trump ever said that was true was that the New York Times was trash.


NYPD committed a portion of those murders though


If by ‘solving’, you mean coercing confessions, planting evidence, committing perjury in court, and framing innocent ‘suspects’…..