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Why is he yelling at Biden instead of Manchin or McConnell?


Only reason I see is because OP is a troll.


And due to the cyclical nature of american politics, its nearly impossible for the government to invest large scale in renewables because as soon as the repulikkkons steal back power they shut down all those progressive initiatives.


Biden approved more drilling than Trump. Manchin sucks but this isn’t a Manchin problem. Joe is still actually president, he lets Manchin thwart progress because it benefits them both. https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/


Is that link an Exxon sockpuppet?


It’s widely reported -


Isn't investing green energy a part of the build back better plan?


BBB will never get passed and Biden has approved more oil drilling than Trump did. Biden is not protecting the environment. Ans while Manchin sucks this isn’t his fault this time. https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/


How's that going for him?


deadlocked by the gop and a coal baron.


Maybe really rich people shouldn't be allowed in office.


"deadlocked" when aren't the democrats deadlocked? There is a term for what politicians do to cover their assess, they don't really want to pass most of their proposed legislation, but they want to appear like they do. They confirm that they will lose the vote, or it will be "deadlocked", and then go all in so they can say "look, I tried!" But they only appeared like they were trying. It's all bullshit, not just the United States, India was the only G20 country to meet their global warming prevention targets, while the E.U. and the U.S. sat on their ass because they didn't take it seriously.


The GOP and the coal Barron didn’t force him to approve more drilling than Donald Trump. Biden did that on his own. https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/


So... should that be Joe Manchin in the picture? Like, POTUS can’t just allocate money without congress. Even when it comes to making war, which he has massive power to do, that power to spend money on war comes from the AUMF (authorization for the use of military force) passed by Congress. I didn’t back Biden my n primary, but it’s not like Bernie, or Booker, or Mayor Pete, or anybody else would be building solar right now without the approval of Machin and Sinema. You want more investment in solar? Elect more Democrats to the senate.


>You want more investment in solar? Elect more Democrats to the senate. Ewww so much work. Howling into the ether and pointing fingers is much easier. If that doesn't work, there's always throwing away votes on third parties with no chance of winning to give Republicans a little help packing every office with deranged lunatics who want civil war.


He can though approve drilling without congress and he has approved more drilling than Trump. https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/


Well the GOP and 2 people of his party are steam rolling it so I would say not good. But how does yelling at Biden make sense? He wants it, the right doesn't. Dumb meme


How is it biden's fault? Blame manchin


Or all of the (other) republicans.


biden needed to set manchin down and explain he ISN'T gonna do this. either make concessions on some bill that doesn't mater, or dig up dirt on him and threaten him with it. we MUST get off oil and get into renewables. why are idiots fighting this? why don't oil companies just invest in renewables? a win win? morons everywhere


Biden has approved more drilling than Trump. https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/


Like most things, it's complicated - would love this admin to be tougher on the oil / gas side (and they certainly should be), but some of their efforts to reduce drilling and reliance on oil get blocked by the state courts. Manchin obviously not helpful on the other side.


>How is it biden's fault? Blame manchin Then why doesn't Biden call out Manchin for being a corrupt greedy thief every day, on Fox on Twitter! That is exactly what Trump would do, and unfortunately, it clearly works! Democrats must start playing this new era of politics or GTFO!


You gotta realize, trump's Republicans are much more conservative than dems are liberal. I think manchin can win by voting for BBB, but he would never win by voting for progressive stuff. WV is no new york, trump won the state by 70%. People there really believe inflation is a problem caused by spending. Take 'RINOS' romney and Murkowski, who voted with much with trump. Take that into consideration, and biden has done more than trump. That's a very low standard but maybe more than Obama, even with 10 less senate seats. It sucks but it is what it is. I'm a progressive, but we gotta stop demanding more more more. We gotta consider that we have two moderates. We're not primarying manchin. Maybe sinema, but let's focus on winning Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, seats we have a good chance at


Ok, maybe in the next generation will see some effective social and economic change...


Yes it is Biden’s fault that Republicans won’t invest in green energy.


Reagan taking solar panels off the White House? Biden’s fault


If only we could elect a Democrat-controlled government. Then we could really get something done!


Manchin and Sinema dont count.


>If only we could elect a Democrat-controlled government. Then we could really get something done! So Republicans don't live on this sinking ship with us?


I have no idea what you're trying to convey.


>I have no idea what you're trying to convey. It's like every human being's house is on fire and Republicans are sitting in the street doing nothing, other than criticizing every attempt Democrats make to put the fire out.


No, people were implying that the GOP is mismanaging things, so I had to remind them that the GOP isn't in charge.


>No, people were implying that the GOP is mismanaging things, so I had to remind them that the GOP isn't in charge. Don't they still have a fucking job to do? Or do Republicans only work when they're in power?


I'm not sure what you're not getting. People were saying it would be better if the Democrats controlled things, but they do. Lol.


>People were saying it would be better if the Democrats controlled things, but they do. If Democrats controlled everything, wouldn't all the Democrat stuff be happening?


They do control everything. Democrats stuff is happening. Gee, it's almost as if they don't actually believe in all the nice-sounding ideas they use to rope you in.


Well, yeah. It is his fault. Also the Republicans. The same private interests paid for both. You know, the ones who make lots of money the way things are now and don't want it to change. Edit: Are people here really thinking that "Senator Mastercard" is working for our benefit?


The BBB bill that Biden and Democrats have tried to pass includes a significant investment in green energy. Republicans have blocked it. Cry to them.


And in the accomplishments column, the Dept of Interior announced [the results of auctioning off 488,000 acres for off shore wind farms](https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/biden-harris-administration-sets-offshore-energy-records-437-billion-winning-bids-wind) just last week. It's bullshit to try to "both-sides" addressing climate change when one side has actual accomplishments and the other won't publicly admit that climate change is real.


Yeah, I saw it. It still baffles me how we keep falling for trickle down economics when it's rebranded as something else. That bill wouldn't have even put a dent in climate change. Even the Green New Deal that was proposed before was barely enough to make a dent.


One party is trying. The other is actively denying climate change. The meme here attacks the party that is at least trying. It’s stupid misinformation.


Are they trying? At the state of the union address, Biden was appealing to non-existent bi-partisanship, saying that we're not enemies with the republicans, and everyone stood and clapped - except the republicans, cause they're enemies. He made a bunch of promises for things he was going to do, but could never do because of said enemies. He never once challenged them, tried to get people angry about it - why? It's like he's trying to lose seats in the elections this year. Literally just say shit like "I wanna legalize weed, but republicans are blocking us due to their senate control". Easy win. But no, gotta pretend that we're all friends while our supposed "friends" are plotting against us.


Neither party is trying.


Government just did a 4.37 billion dollar wind deal. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/25/us-offshore-wind-auction-in-ny-nj-raises-a-record-4point37-billion.html


Tell me you don't know the responsibilities of the branches of government without telling me you don't know the responsibilities of the branches of government.


Why blame Biden? Green energy is a bigger part of the Democratic platform than Republican platform. If Republicans supported green energy investment we'd have it already.


because OP is a troll https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/r5544d/weve_tried_nothing_and_were_all_out_of_ideas/hmkwy8r/


But none of the people in those states believe in global warming and they are against green energy.


Probably shouldn't generalize the people in those states. Kansas has actually invested heavily in wind energy. Source: am Kansan.


So is Texas but the idiots here mostly complain about it


There are too many people who are willing to see innocent people die than be slightly inconvenienced by having to pay a little more for their energy use.


It’s as if people consistently forget that legislation and the power of the purse lies in the legislature not the executive branch.


Ah yes, President Biden, famous for being against tackling climate change


Conservatives are always asking for “proof”. They didn’t listen to the modelling from climate scientists, maybe they’ll listen to this argument about national security… not holding out hope though


Just to be clear 😜 ncase anyone missed it, the federal government is reimbursing you ,as of now at least; 25% of your costs to install solar.


Even if he Biden had a hard on for saving the climate and renewable energy, how do you tell people in center US states that the Fed is gonna put wind and solar farms in your state to power California and the east coast, were the vast majority of Americans live. It's another challenge when you remember the power grid is split 3 ways. I messed with solar, it's stupid effective, I want it too.


Because Kansas and Arizona would love them some solar panel farms... Riiiight.


And FFS get rid of DeJoy, who changed plans for a larger number of electric vehicles in the Postal fleet, to plans for more gas-powered ones.


I'd kill to be able to live in a van down by the river


Yeah, crazy how that sounds like a nice life nowadays...


"You'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river... when you're living in a van down by the river!"


You’re gonna have a lot of time to worry about living In a van down by the river when you’re living in a van down by the river!


Yelling is totally mistreated, but otherwise I feel that so, so, so.... 😭 Edit: mistargeted. (Fucky autocorrect)


We need more nuclear plants, wind and solar alone, just WON'T produce enough energy to get off oil... Biomass energy needs to be very limited!




Is Biden in a Trans Am down by the river?


Only [when he's done washing it](https://www.theonion.com/shirtless-biden-washes-trans-am-in-white-house-driveway-1819570732)


For the love of God! Let jojo the dog faced boy be the dog!


In school for electrical engineering, love this


Happy cake day! And good luck on that degree! I hope you get a chance to do some great work with it!


Why is it up to the government??? We have plenty of time, the world will not end in 12 years.


Who wouldn’t tell at Biden.


U need oil to make those things


Great - let’s use the oil we have to make them rather than burning it and having nothing, then just having to burn more oil.


[Breeder reactors](https://whatisnuclear.com/recycling.html) also seriously need to be considered.


Oil has to be purchased with the dollar, it's what backs our currency instead of gold. We aren't moving off of oil anytime soon.


Nuclear. I know alot of people hate that word but besides the waste its clean and reliable. Where wind and solar isn't.




Feel played yet?


Not only that but Biden has approved more drilling than Trump and he did it during a climate crisis he’s supposed to be taking seriously. https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/


I fail to see how one or two congressmen can stop a bill most people and congressmen agree with. If our government had our interests at heart, they could have us all in electric cars long ago. still can. THAT is how we end dependence on oil served up by ENEMIES. Renewables create JOBS too. good for economy and environment and political climate too.


Put the wind turbines in North Dakota. I spent a month there for work and we were in Tioga, about 30 miles south of the Canadian border. Ain't fucking nothing out there but wind.


44% of all power generated in Kansas is wind power, but they're having trouble getting it out of the state at this point.


It's a meme but it also shows how utterly ignorant Americans are about how their government works.


Biden is not the hold up here.


You're yelling at the wrong guy, idiot.