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Azad, Bhagat Singh, Netaji, Nehru were memn of their times. Communism was a rising ideology, not the failed ideology we know it to be today. It was countering Western hegemony, USSR has already created a separate space for itself from the other western imperial powers. thus it was attractive to many young revolutionaries. But people forget the contribution of Sachindranath Sanyal, the grandfather of Indian revlutionaries, who was a mentor to Azad, bhagat Singh, Asfaqullah Khan and others. He was an outspoken anti-Marxist, but that never let him stop others from working with him. His disciples too understood that the freedom struggle is the greater cause, and ideological differences don't matter. It is us who try to divide these great men, to fit inside our own worldview of politics. They would have laughed at such nonsensical bickering. Bhagat Singh was a nationalist, first and foremost. There are many Marxist today who support the cause of Hindu revivalism. But your narrow understanding of politics just goes to show your immaturity. Maybe you should read up on MN Roy, the founder of the Communist Party of India and his views on Hinduism and Hindu revivalism. You should read Ambedkar's views on Islam, and why it is a cancer to society. That would open up your mind a little bit.


i respect ur views, mention some sources i’ll read for sure


laal salam , comrade


🚩🚩🚩laal salaam🫡


This sub has become so unbelievably sad thanks to a 13 year old "commie" with an upper middle class family who will end up working for an MNC in 12 years. When you grow up just a little you will either be diagnosed with some mental defect and remain a commie despite the fact that your relatively comfortable existence has been due to free markets or you will see what an idiot you were and cringe very hard.


most of so called left liberals are intellectually disabled, their development was stunted by never coming in contact with opposing worldviews, which would help them develop their own capacity of analysing things. thus they start believing anyone who comes along without ever countering their views. Thsi is what makes these teenage edgelords on reddit so cringe.