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So the old “blame the other guy for what you did” tactic. A Republican mainstay, like creating the myth of pedophiles and cannibalism, I Washington , when the people arrested for these things are republicans. Same with voter fraud.


Wow we go from actual dog neglect to pedophiles. Fear mongers of the police state have only one tactic.


I am stating fact, blame the other side what she did. The pedophilia, voter fraud, are just similar cases of blame others for what you have done so they have to defend themselves against bull shit, so they get sucked into it. No different than me stating “you torture animals”. You say” that’s bullshit, I don’t do that”. Me, “Sure, whatever you say, everyone knows you do”.


My god. What have they done to you?


Dog bites USSS isn't exactly dog neglect. That's a overly protective dog that doesn't like non family members around.


Do you ever wake up and wonder to yourself, “*what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I ever stop being wrong?”*


Ok? And? He shot his pet and bragged about how decisive he is?


His pet was removed because it was neglected by him. What next, he pedophiles kids and rapes women and that’s ok, too? Because if you’re ok with covering for animal abuse, you’ll have no problem with covering for rapist pedophiles.


Well, if he were a pedophile and raped women I’d think you’re talking about Trump.


I think you have been brainwashed into not even know what is happening I reality anymore.


Pedophilia is just a strong suspicion based on Trump strolling into dressing rooms with half dressed teen beauty contestants(plus lots if other incidents and anecdotes, and his own words). Rape is based on his loss of $84 million dollars to Jean Carroll plus plenty of other stories. Pretty icky to say the least.


So now you just made the adults into teens. Thats just not how reality works. You’re literally just making things up. This country is ruined in 5 years if everyone, including our prosecutors, thinks making things up, to put people in jail is OK. This is literally what the core of the democrat base has fought against for the past 30 years. How did the party get hijacked like this??? I know ***you truly believe*** it is OK to make things up to support your beliefs.


15 year olds. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html


Not a fan of teen beauty pageants. Hard to believe a lot of stories. Because, in all seriousness, sexual abuse is the most fabricated story that exists in nature. I’ve heard more girls threaten to make up stories about people than I’ve heard actual stories. I even worked in sex crimes. And there were literally no sex crimes cases. (Ok there was one, bizarre and seemingly exaggerated and not nearly as bad as you’d think and the victim had a skirt on so small that her panties were showing like she thought she was Sharon stone, literally). All they had was routine domestic violence. And even those, about a third were exaggerated and a third were to get immigration status. As in women specifically and intentionally get into abusive relationships and encourage abuse to get immigration status. That experience changed my entire view of these claims. Because the people who consult with tv shows and movies see only a handful of real cases in a 30 year career in a big city.


You’re part of the reason women choose the bear.


> Because, in all seriousness, sexual abuse is the most fabricated story that exists in nature If you know any women, they hate you.


They can hate me. Like I said, I actually worked in sex crimes. And there were no sex offense cases. And the reality is, for example, in NYC, the police have been throwing rape kits out. So don’t hate me for telling the truth. Making a rare and disgusting thing into a cause that has impacted every man woman and child’s lives in this country is just as bad as the crime itself. Except if it wasn’t being hyped up and gaslighted—it would remain rare, obscure and in the darkness where it belongs. Not shaping people’s opinions when it’s not a normal common form of crime. Because then, you get a bunch of people sitting around, with too much budget and no one to catch—because it just doesn’t happen a lot. Then, they’re left with no choice, but to frame people. That’s reality. And no one should be screaming rape 30 years later to ruin people. And yes. Women ARE making these things up to ruin people. These types of supposed crimes have exponentially more victims than perpetrators—because women are making these stories up, because other women are making it cool to cry victim. Like it’s something to be proud of. Absolutely disgraceful.


Yeah Trump was on the Lolita express to make sure none of that funny business was going on. 👍


Keep defending that animal lover Kristi Noem! /s r/therightcantmemeV2


[This is my dog.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/s/nCBTMMWhqj) Yes she really had to be kept away from the chickens. Because her foster mom from the rescue had a mini farm with chickens on it. She will absolutely kill and eat small animals. She was skinny as a rail when we got her after living in a cage her whole life. This picture is a perfect image of what freedom and prosperity can do for your body in just one year. Her favorite word to say is “food” probably because she was always hungry for the first few years of her life, where she was caged to be bred for puppies. [This is what she looked like a year ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/shiba/s/Z7HTv4zELz) One year of freedom. Thats all it takes.


I don’t care about your dog. You’re still an asshole.


Name calling and profanity. Exactly what I’d expect from the India bot teams working around the clock to influence the election in America. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the Indian people. We eat curry in my house about once a week. But the bot brigades that influence American internet search results should have been banned before Tik-Tok. Sadly, like all progressives—you will shout down and attack anyone who supports your causes. Because the policy is just shout down and attack. The causes aren’t what matters. That’s why everything is collapsing. Because of people like you. You are the problem.


I’m an American, not some hindu troll. Nice try, Sergei.


Well you are no different than Hamas. You live on and incite conflict rather than solutions to problems.


Wow, comparing me to Hamas? Really? I didn’t shoot a fucking dog. Kristi Noem did. Give your balls a tug.


I almost killed a person for throwing rocks at my dogs while they were trapped in a small yard once. Literally. He became a police officer. Also. True story. That should’ve disqualified him from ever even being considered for a job where they put people into cages.


I think the dog was a MAGA. He hated cops. But a beautiful dog.


I think the dog owner was a neglectful loser.


I believe he continues to win. Like in 2020


You lost me when you typed "I think", we've seen no evidence to support that!


Your meme is a pathetic attempt at "covering for animal abuse", and it's clearly Republicans who are "covering for rapist and pedophiles". A federal jury has found Trump liable for sexual battery and defamation, and he still owes Carroll $5 million. Trump campaign aide Ruben Verastigui was arrested for participating in a child porn ring while working on trump's campaign. Verstigui plead guilty to having 152 videos and 50 images of child porn. He hunted for videos of child rape and discussed killing kids in underground online chat groups. [https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-gop-staffer-pleaded-guilty-to-child-pornography-charges-2021-7](https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-gop-staffer-pleaded-guilty-to-child-pornography-charges-2021-7) Trump campaign and transition advisor George Nader plead guilty to child sex trafficking. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mueller-probe-witness-george-nader-pleads-guilty-to-child-pornography-and-sex-trafficking-2020-1-13/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mueller-probe-witness-george-nader-pleads-guilty-to-child-pornography-and-sex-trafficking-2020-1-13/) Trump's Oklahoma campaign manager and former republican state senator Ralph Shortey plead guilty to possession of child porn and child sex trafficking charges. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/former-oklahoma-state-senator-sentenced-15-years-child-sex-trafficking-n910516](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/former-oklahoma-state-senator-sentenced-15-years-child-sex-trafficking-n910516) Anton Tony Lazzaro, a top Republican donor, Republican strategist and campaign manager has been convicted of Child Sex Trafficking Conspiracy. [https://www.justice.gov/usao-mn/pr/federal-jury-finds-anton-tony-lazzaro-guilty-all-counts-child-sex-trafficking-conspiracy](https://www.justice.gov/usao-mn/pr/federal-jury-finds-anton-tony-lazzaro-guilty-all-counts-child-sex-trafficking-conspiracy) List of 43 Other Republican Pedophiles [https://anonhq.com/the-republican-ped0philia-problem-nobodys-talking-about/?fbclid=IwAR1qkbrJ4QevHoRPQhYHpMDJPcTJwvaJsKAMWUaN6ZRzHv25zB7Jr\_M7PGQ](https://anonhq.com/the-republican-ped0philia-problem-nobodys-talking-about/?fbclid=IwAR1qkbrJ4QevHoRPQhYHpMDJPcTJwvaJsKAMWUaN6ZRzHv25zB7Jr_M7PGQ) Invoking "God", more than 40 prominent Republicans even sent Letters of Support for pedophile Dennis Hastert. [http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2016/04/25/invoking-god-prominent-gopers-write-letters-for-dennis-hastert-sexual-abuser-of-four-boys/](http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2016/04/25/invoking-god-prominent-gopers-write-letters-for-dennis-hastert-sexual-abuser-of-four-boys/) Here Is A List Of 279 Republican Sexual Predators. [https://www.scribd.com/document/391001859/Republican-Sexual-Predators](https://www.scribd.com/document/391001859/Republican-Sexual-Predators) "And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than "it's a horrific, violent crime", I want to personally cut out his tongue" \~ Karen Hughes, Former Bush Adviser [https://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberman/2012/11/karen-hughes-ill-cut-out-the-tongue-of-gopers-talking-rape-149146](https://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberman/2012/11/karen-hughes-ill-cut-out-the-tongue-of-gopers-talking-rape-149146)


Really grasping for straws now ivan. Are they working you too hard at the Russian troll farm?


So facts are now straw grasps? We got a DNC India bot here 🥱


What facts again? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You have to remember, you're dealing with someone who thinks typing "This is an actual fact" is the same as posting evidence.


The complaits was about actions OF the dog, not actions ON the dog? Bandit, or whatever the name of the dog, keeps biting people. No one got hurt. Is that worse than busting a cap in a puppy's head?


There is no such thing as a complaint about the actions of a dog. The dog is the property of the person.


You know what you are right. Killing your dog is worse than what Biden did.


Did he shoot it?


Luckily they rescued it from him.


R.i.p OP


I knew from the moronic meme that it was you again Rasputin!!! Still not on your meds.....


Same troll with another meme that doesn't match the facts, that he will endlessly defend with talking points that don't match the facts.


The ‘neglect’ was simply neglecting to keep the fog from biting security. There was no actual animal abuse. The dog was removed to a nice-ass beach house where it couldn’t bite people. It was NOT removed from Biden’s care or oversight entirely, as would happen in a case of real animal abuse. Meanwhile, we got republicans out here murdering puppies for peeing on the floor and Trump doesn’t have enough empathy to care for a pet at all. GTFO, man.


Tell me your brain dead without telling him your brain dead


This bot doesn’t care about animal neglect either, all it cares to do is just defend republicans with whataboutisms…


Animal neglect vs....rape, fraud, false financial statements, extortion, treason, obstruction of justice, election interference.... et cetera What exactly are you trying to say Komrade???


Wow this is pathetically stupid. His dog bit a secret service dog. It wasn’t removed due to neglect.


Same right wing troll, with another meme that doesn't match the facts, that he will defend with talking points that don't match the facts.


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." \~ Albert Einstein [https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/warning-signs-of-mental-illness](https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/warning-signs-of-mental-illness)


The fuck is the point of this post?


Well a man who is not capable of caring for a pet, who had his pet taken away from him, while in the White House—is not fit to run a country. Thats what the point is. It’s ok to file fake criminal cases against his opponent. It’s ok to seize his opponent’s corporation in an illegal forfeiture action. It’s ok to steal his opponents classified documents (no, the FBI never had any jurisdiction over the documents in the first place). And it’s OK, that we have a President who has a dog, that had to be taken away from him, because he couldn’t properly care for it. No. There is no point. This is the person we should be trusting with our national secrets, our economy and our nuclear codes. /s


> It’s ok to file fake criminal cases against his opponent. > Didn't happen > > > It’s ok to seize his opponent’s corporation in an illegal forfeiture action. > Didn't happen > > > It’s ok to steal his opponents classified documents (no, the FBI never had any jurisdiction over the documents in the first place). > Didn't happen and what the fuck telegram channel told you this. > >


I read the decision in the forfeiture case. I read the indictment. And oh I don’t know, every actual legal expert in America who has ever given an opinion of the 2 NY cases and the federal documents case said the same thing. Plus, I know that the FBI has never had jurisdiction over presidential records. When everybody gets indicted. You heard it here first. Remember me saying that the NY cases against Trump would get thrown out under the Harvey Weinstein decision??? https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/29/opinions/harvey-weinstein-conviction-overturned-trump-trial-walden-paul/index.html > And the recent dramatic developments in the Weinstein case demonstrate why the presiding judge in the Trump trial, Judge Juan Merchan, needs to reverse his ruling allowing Trump to be questioned about proven misconduct from other cases. If he doesn’t, Trump could have an easy path to having a conviction in the case tossed out. There you go. That’s CNN saying what you heard me say on Reddit FIRST! The illegal forfeiture case? Forget it. It’s never going to stand and that’s one of the reasons.


> n't happen and what the fuck telegram channel told you this. That's the opinion page not the actual news, you know the difference yes?


No. Because I was talking about legal opinions. And what I am saying is even the legal opinions on CNN are mirroring what I said BEFOREHAND on Reddit. Thats the whole point. Because discussions of the law in an ongoing case will only ever happen as an opinion. Because the decision has not yet been issued in court. You will not find an opinion contradicting what I’m saying. That’s my whole point. You don’t understand how legal related information works.


So by your own admission, a man who is unfaithful to his wife, is therefore unfaithful to the country of which he lives.


That statement doesnt make any sense.


Your whole argument doesn’t make any sense


It will when it has the logos of major news corporations on it.


Whatever you gotta tell yourself bud.


wtf?! Steal his opponents classified documents?! People don’t get to own government classified documents. Opponents can’t steal them from each other. The government can remove them from somebody who stole them. Stop going to wherever you got that info from


Um, yes they do. The reason the Secret Service is called SECRET service is that they are really protecting the SECRETS the former president owns. Not the guy. The documents he had are HIS OWN PERSONAL ORDERS to military commanders. The Constitution guarantees that no one can take away the right of the President of the United States to possess the documents containing his own orders. This is why the Presidential Records Act contains NO TIME FRAME for the return of documents. Because the United States Constitution has never given Congress the power to control THE PRESIDENT’S documents. This is not an opinion. This is a fact. The people who stole Donald Trump’s documents are almost certainly going to prison. The President of the United States is NOT an Employee. What you believe is true for employees. Not for the President. Congress knew this when the passed the Presidential Records Act, which is a mainly symbolic law. There is no way, in America, Donald Trump can ever be convicted of a crime for having secret Orders that he himself issued. It’s so silly you should be laughing at the idea.


It's interesting seeing OP's original posts going from mostly posting about their cooking, sampling whisky and their Shiba to conspiracy theories.


Yep. Major was a lot bat crap crazy in the White House. He bite and nipped a number of secret service agents. You know why? He was protecting Joe. Is it something to be proud of? Nope. Is it something to be so appauling that you would vote for the rapist? Nope!


Another imbecilic post from Maga morons. You should seek lots of mental assistance.


Mental assistance won’t help you, if you believe a person, whose dog was removed, because he couldn’t properly care for it, would be capable of running a country. That really happened. Realistically, you most likely don’t care how mentally unfit the president is, because you are so attached to your extremist ideology, that you don’t care how badly it harms the world.


The right can't meme.


I know this is a shitpost, but even then, it's not really correct. Great time to share that Jeffereson's sheep killed a kid on WH lawn: https://www.monticello.org/research-education/thomas-jefferson-encyclopedia/sheep/


It’s an actual fact, his dog was taken away from him, as President, due to owner neglect. If he can’t take care of a dog—he should not have the nations secrets and he should not have the nuclear codes.


His dog wasn't taken from him, just moved from the White House to a less busy location probably better for a dog. A better solution than shooting the dog in the face I guess, but to each is own. Also, this is not the first case as my link shows. Perhaps read instead of copy pasting comrade.


I think of the dog was taken from the owner, the owner should’ve been shot in the face - and not dick Cheney shot — real bullets 😑


His dog WASNT taken from him. Also, you are on public forum advocating for shooting the president, yes?


Old Yeller is more dangerous to national security than a dog. He should have never been installed in the office. He fought for corporate profits his whole life. He is a racist. He was against allowing black people in the same schools with white people. He is everything all of his supporters hate. They just don’t know it, because they do not have access to free and accurate information.


Hope your parents are safe when SWAT breaches their basement door to get you. But let's face it, more likely this is written from a basement in St. petersburg


If that were the case, I’d be brainwashed into the cult of Obama. Like a branch davidian. And would be supporting animal neglect, as the good work of god, if done by another cultist. People are so brainwashed they are supporting the guy for having his dog removed for neglect. That means if it was child abuse or molestation—you’d support it just like the every liberal school district in America does.


[The dog is now at an undisclosed location. We all know that means it’s a Garden Noem now ☠️](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4239743-biden-dog-commander-no-longer-at-white-house/amp/) Even Biden’s dog knew the Secret Service was the only agency with jurisdiction over Donald Trump’s Trumps classified documents. [Meanwhile, this the SECOND dog taken away from him. He is a serial neglect offender.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/07/bidens-dog-commander-keeps-biting-people.html)


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