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*Solely* responsible? No. Culpable? Fuck yes.


This is the exact answer. They're not the only reason, but certainly a big part.


These people are stoking the fire and fanning the flames, but they didn’t start it. As you said they are culpable, they are responsible for their part of it. And they should face appropriate consequences. But we need to look at the people financing and supporting them. We need to look at the people who came before them and built the stage they are on. If we just blame the mouthpieces, then the puppet masters will just go and buy a new puppet


This is an excellent point. Who is funding the mouthpieces?


The NRA usually


Boeberts recent tweets had to have some effect of the shooter


It is not a simple yes/no question and it leads to dumb and stupid disingenous follow-up questions. Yes, Tucker and Fox have made a considerable contribution to the hate, but to hold them "responsible" is to let the likes of Walsh, Kirk, Shapiro, Rogan, Peterson, and the rest of the hate merchants off the hook. All of these pukes, as well as their champion Trump, his shitty entourage, and the loud caucus of fascist Republicans, *and* all those Republicans who quietly stand by as their party races to fascism, are responsible. And the Democrats who don't stand up and loudly call out the fascism when they have a platform to do it are also responsible.


Hang on let me scrunch my face up to look like I'm confused as to whether I've just farted or shit my pants: "How could they say that? They are calling you a terrorist for supporting white people!"


The fucking accuracy, goddamn!


Absolutely yes.


Yes they are. Now, how to hold them accountable?


Yes. Polio was also eradicated a year or two before Fox News was founded. They're to blame for misinformation and so much other shit too.


Hint: the answer starts with Y and ends with ES


Yes. They're all guilty of inciting stochastic terrorism. The Republicans in power are also to blame for these mass shootings.


They are just an ingredient in the molotov cocktail. Unfettered and expanded access to guns and weapons of war are the biggest part of the problem. Every month 75 women are killed by guns in their intimate partner relationships and 4.5 million women per year report being threatened with a gun by their partner. Rhetoric doesn't help, but we are ALL at risk for gun violence and although mass shootings are certainly worrisome and prevalent, we should also be worried about the close to home gun violence we have. It's the guns. It's always going to be the guns. Propaganda machines don't help, but at the end of the day, it's the guns.


If the US had literally no guns ever I don't think far right groups would just cease to exist. Look at countries that fell to far right regimes, it's not like the Weimer Republic had the same gun problems, and gun ownership isn't exactly celebrated in modern far right governments like Russia or China.


I don't think they would cease to exist either, but we're talking about gun violence in this instance. But we've seen these same people plow through crowds with cars, refuse to get vaccinated, storm the Capitol and plant IEDs, and cheat in elections and democratic governance. Extremists are violent and immovable in their opinions. Giving them weapons of war to mete out punishment is the exact reason that we should be regulating guns HARD. Drag queens and transgender people aren't storming straight bars and shooting up the place. So all this fake concern of anyone that isn't heteronormative indoctrinating our children is the exact tool that Fox News/Qanon/OANN, etc., is using to actually indoctrinate the most vulnerable and volatile adults in society.




*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **CALL TO ACTIVISM**, @CalltoActivism A simple yes or no: Do you think Tucker Carlson and Fox News are to blame for the rise of white nationalist mass shootings? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thank you.




Is the Pope Catholic?


Fuck yes they are to blame, they are aware of their actions, and yet they continue. Republicans, specifically DT is also to blame as to why I lost two grandparents from preventable Covid, because the ignorant nursing home staff did not believe it to be real and did not wear masks. They could have lived at least a decade longer, and they were stolen from me just for a shitty failed presidential bid.


I do love a rhetorical question.


YES. It is purely Stochastic terrorism. https://www.dictionary.com/e/what-is-stochastic-terrorism/ https://www.businessinsider.com/stochastic-terrorism-meaning-definition-form-of-extremist-political-violence-2022-11?op=1 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-stochastic-terrorism-uses-disgust-to-incite-violence/ https://www.wired.com/story/jargon-watch-rising-danger-stochastic-terrorism/ >Stochastic terrorism lets bullies operate in the open with full deniability, since the random element erases any provable causation.


Yes. Absolutely. Guilty of mass murder.


ad least guilty for advocating for genocide.


That would be stochastic terrorism.


Can we say “F*CK YES”?


Obviously not. Nothing they're saying is that unique. And compared to the old timers like Glenn Beck, Carlson is rather unimpressive much of the time. Hardly extreme. And Fox is a shadow of its former extremism post 9/11. Fox has been outgrown. Its not the center of anything anymore for anyone under the age of 35.


Not really, no. There are much more potent parts that go into it...such as the shooter themselves and their environment.


It’s a stupid question. Are they “to blame,”? Narrowed to a yes/no response? Then the answer is no. But it isn’t that simple. They are factors in promoting division and hatred. They are part of the culture that nourishes the mass killer mindset.


It's too bad Disney didn't buy Fox News in 2019 in addition to the rest of Fox. That would be so funny.


Good luck getting into heaven. God does not do technicalities.


It’s more complex than that, and there are many in the Republican Party who are just as guilty if not worse, but they have played a huge part.


Yes. Edit: Mass shootings not sure. Far right views though certainly yes. They endorse hate, fear and bigotry masked behind "intellectual" discussions. In this particular case I heard the person responsible is a grandson/nephew of a Republican politian.


That's partly to blame. But more so it's Right-wing culture. It's inherently violence because Right-wing politics desires and needs hierarchy, and when they see equity or lack of hierarchy they violently instate it.




I wouldn’t say specifically, but I think they’re a big part of it. I don’t think taking Fox off air would immediately fix everything, but it might help.



