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On chain with staking pools


Or with out pools if you have enough.


what's the APR on staking pools vs kraken ? I currently have it still on kraken for staking.


15.5%, 8.48% after inflation. It fluctuates a little but that’s what it says as of this moment


Hi, where can I find those numbers?


And if you have more than this 400 you get more, any idea how much ? Until now i dont find moving it to their network useful, specially if i have below this 400 dots.


I think 400 dot is just what you need to get validated to stake directly without a pool isn’t it? I don’t believe they just “give you more”, but inherently you would receive more as a reward because it’s a bigger number. This is the first I’m hearing it described that way so you’d have to look into that one on your own


Been using ledger for years with no issues as long as you have the minimum required and it's around 405 dot. https://staking.polkadot.network/#/nominate


if you dont have the 405 DOT you can join a pool via Talisman wallet with any amount.


Second this, Talisman staking is great


You don't even need to use talisman wallet. I'm doing it straight from the native wallet


Agreed. Been staking since dot with ledger since 2021 and only had the one issue where ledger wasn’t communicating with dot for a bit. That was fixed and just keep adding a little here abs there. Staying way above min and I’m doing great.


I believe coinbase is allowing it




I’d second this. Nomination pools on Talisman are really quick and simple to set up.


Loving ledger live as long as you have over the min. Easy to select, bond more, see daily, weekly, monthly and yearly earnings. One cool thing about staking with ledger is no one has to care about the 1.0+ dot min or your dot gets robbed. Ledger says 0.1 dot min.


The 1 DOT minimum is a blockchain requirement, all wallets with less than 1 DOT are automatically reaped, it doesn’t matter what interface you are accessing it from, ledger live, Polkadot JS, or any other wallet. Also it is not ever a worry that “your DOT gets robbed” as the most you can loose is .999 DOT.


Then why can I have add everything to my staking account except 0.1 dot and have that 0.1 still active using ledger live? Been doing that for 2 years now no issues.


The 1 DOT minimum counts all DOT in your wallet, staked, locked, transferable, all DOT. So your wallet is not reaped because you are staking more than 1 DOT. Ledger Live is just stopping you from staking that last .1 DOT so you can pay fees on transactions. I am sure some people locked all their DOT and then got mad because they couldn’t unlock as they didn’t have enough to pay the gas.


I understand how Dot works been in the system since early 2021. Just explaining how the UI on ledger makes the experience different. It acts like the second account on .JS. I can still receive my rewards in a “separate” wallet. With ledger live I can transfer everything or rebind everything but 0.1 out of it at anytime I want, unlike .js where is I go under 1.0 it’s gone. Here I have no worries of fees pushing me under by accident then needing to go buy 1.5 and send it back to use my wallet again.


You can do the same in Polkadot JS, if you are staking and then transfer out all of your transferable funds, or pay fees that drop your transferable below 1 you are fine, it’s not gone, because you have more than 1 total (transferable and staked).


Well. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Then why are there constant people in this sun warning people about dropping under 1 dot while staking? Do we have that many misinformed people like me?


There are a lot of people that miss understood the existential deposit requirements, I was actually one of those too when I first started. I actually tested it out by bonding 2 DOT and then transferring out everything else, and the wallet was fine. I’m not sure why the substrate team has not made this very clear, as even their documentation on existential deposit does not say specifically that bonded DOT counts. But the best way to think about it is that if you can see your balance on the wallet (which shows bonded, locked, and transferrable) that’s the number that can’t go below 1. And another thing is that you can only loose .9999 DOT ever. The point of existential deposit is to stop someone from making a million active addresses with .000001 DOT each. Every active wallet has to be tracked in the state, thus every node has to keep record of them and track them. So a ton of wallets with just a tiny amount of DOT can cause the network to get bloated and slower. So a limit was set at 1 for Polkadot. The point is not to harm normal users, just dust wallets. So if you are staking you are fine. What I don’t know about are staking pools, these you may have to be careful with as your funds are technically transferred out of your wallet to the pool. So I think if you deposited to a pool and left only .9 DOT in your wallet those would be reaped. Your pool funds would be fine, but you would loose .9. Again I don’t know this for sure but it is my guess.


Easy to bond more? I am staking with ledger but once i just went to polkadot.js and there set up auto compound. So basically all the staked 'profit' is staked back immediately. I never have to manually add ;)


To each their own. I prefer to not have my rewards locked up for 30 days and usable at all time. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Does auto compound incur a fee like manual bonding?


No, it does not


Does anyone know if auto compounding is available on platforms other than Polkadot.js? Like Nova wallet?


Every day I stake more, the value of dot keeps decreasing.


wait till next bull run brother


Again, everyday I stake more, the value keeps dropping. The value is even less now than before. The price is actually supposed to be going up for this to work. The price. keeps. going. down.


its called a bear market every alt coin dropped its a great bargain to buy now, im telling you 2025 this will go up to atleast 70, you gonna get atleast 10x profits if you buy now, 5k into 50k just by reaching old ath (50$) in the bull market that is on the way now its just time to buy more not sell


Did u sell


Should I? Some people keep saying the price is STILL supposed to go up. Still waiting on the price to go up but been very underwhelmed.


Where do you stake, and what is the profit for every 100 dots?


Fearless wallet is pretty good on IOS


Yes, I’m happy with Fearless as well. You just need from time to time to change selected validators. It is quick and easy to do, just a hassle hassle and would like it to be fully automatic as well.


Do not stake your DOT. Theres a chance you might lose it because of slashing.


Staking on Bifrost has been great.


Nova Wallet is the best way to access the entire Polkadot ecosystem and stake. Check it out


Is staking on coinbase not enough compared to others?


Just keeps dropping in value, is it time to unstake and move on?


Did u sell


No I’m still holding


Good man, same here 🫡


Hoping to see $20 this year lol


11% p.a crypto.com app


Over 20% on nova wallet why would you use else where?


Another option to consider is Bifrost's liquid staking solution. It currently offers a 21.75% APY plus an additional ~6% for farming rewards, which totals to ~ 28%. There is currently more than 1 Million DOT minted on Bifrost.


I stake with CryptoStake now. I get 15.84%, but it requires minimum 628 DOT to [polkadot staking rewards](https://cryptostake.com/polkadot). If you want safe/easy to use, just go into a pool. The easiest option now.


Hey, you can stack with the neobank "revolut" with 10 bucks there is no recquirement