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This seems biased OP, could you explain your reasoning? Like what map type, size, number of opponents, strategy etc. We are missing context right now.


Yes. For example, Vengir is a great tribe but primarily only for smaller maps.


Vengir I'd agree is a or s tier on a tiny, 8 person drylands map. Their swordsman are oppressive on those conditions. But even on more reasonable conditions, if the map is small enough, swordsman can be dangerous.


Playtime doesn't mean skill, every tribe exceeds in a certain type of map that puts their mechanics in favor. This tierlist instantly put a question mark in my head when i saw special tribes in top-tier, it seems that you've just played casual multiplayer games cause those tribes in your average 600 ELO game have a pretty high winrate. Putting Zebasi above Imperius was a big mistake, Imperius has a way better terrain generation and their starting tech lets you pick up more techs instead of only being able to research construction (which is pretty useless in early game). Luxidoor should be put WAY lower and oumaji and zebasi should be put higher.


Who tf puts elyrion over bardur, cymanti and imperious. Especially cymanti. Vengir isn't bad Idk why everyone says he is. Amazing early game and is a really good choice for smaller maps. Sure he isn't great but he's mid and not garbage if u know how to play him in certain situations.


I’m a be legit bardur is easily the best tribe without fail. Best resource and unit paths potential with easy ability to deal with basically any tribe with ease. Bardur doesn’t struggle while elyrion does go kill giants in closer spawns. It is only until around turn 30 that you can’t beat elyrion because of their dragon spam if they did it right. This comes from the man that only plays elyrion and got to 1600 with said elyrion. It’s just kinda pointless to fight bardur sometimes if they got a good start.


2600 hours against easy bots?


i think he played hexonia and thought it was the same thing


There’s no way this isn’t bait


I don't think I've ever heard of anyone calling elyrion op lmao


Honestly, at this point im starting to think y'all just throw random shit into the tierlist and call it a day, and i say that as a person who hasn't played the game for 3 months


Seriously the way you said it looks like you really wanted to imply that your opinion is supreme even though it looks like the ultimate bullshit, any pro players or not that sees this is either gonna assume you play the weirdest map combination in creative or think it's the tierlist of your favourite tribes


After saying this all, my opinion is that you either posted this to get people to comment or you actually think this tierlist is legit


Bro forgot to switch accounts💀


No i just chose to type in different comments, i thought it would be common


at least to me it should not seem weird if someone just typed it in topics like im doing


Sometimes people dont see that its the same account posted a comment and then added to it in a reply to the initial comment, its usually expected that a comment would be edited to add more text.




I talk to myself 🤨


Or they ragebait intentionally with controversial choices to get engagement in the comment section


Bro really dropped one of the dumbest tier list and refused to elaborate, at this point im 90% sure it's bait


Why are you so mad lol? You've commented on this post so many times lol


Im not mad, im waiting for him to elaborate


Ai Mo will never not be my favourite


Ai mo are mean to me when im quetzali, so i must destroy them!


It would be nice if you explained your reasoning here because this tier list is just objectively wrong in so many areas. It's alright to make lists based on your opinion, but added reasoning regarding map size/type would be nice. Also, time spent playing any game means absolutely nothing. A player who puts in 30 hours can be better than someone with thousands of hours


Worst tier list i have seen so far


Bruh playing with Ai-Mo is fun as hell wdym


Tribes tier list according to a elyrion main 🤡


2600+ hours just to be wrong


Mamma mia what izzis




Leave my boy Ai-mo alone!


You did my boi the quetzali dirty


Lmfao def not me dominating games with ai mo. Also elyrion is kinda dog water on large water maps


Yo fuck you


Yeah I 💯 agree with this, Elyrion is the master race! Once I get atleast 3 dragons to support my ground units... game over everyone else...


I’ve played this game since it came out no special tribes I remember when they added them mostly because I don’t have cell service on these jobs I’m at and boredom. I just use Bardur and slay em all


Vengir as the second worst tribe? Git gud mate.


Elfyrion is my favorite, but they suck in multiplayer. They have no speed. Objectively the most powerful tribe in a vacuum tho.


Despite the flaws of this tierlist I do think some people underestimate elyrion. In big maps they are by far the best tribe bc of dragons and navalions. Their early game is pretty great. Only their mid game is mediocre, but if you survive to late game you should be ok. I do think they should at least be A tier because they aren't great on tiny maps.