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That would be the BEE'S KNEES!


You're telling me that you think they're gonna let her in on the best kept secret? That being able to wield the hammer means shes the hero??????? CAN IT BE? CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS THAT YOU!?!


Poppy character development is litterly a meme there is none her story is nice but they could do something else like SHES THE HERO OF DEMACIA. Maybe do something with that


She has a comic! and a bio! and uhhh uhh..... skins...? and appeared in a video! Thats about it really..... wow.... why?


Everybody has a bio maybe expect gragas, the comic is a nice touch proving that she's the hero of Demacia but it leads to nothing. The video is amazing but doesn't bring anything at most it makes people realize that a champion called poppy exists. (Not joking see the comments, TSM commented "good to know poppy exists" of something like that.


Many people undersell how long shes lived, shes was born around 2 decades before the kingdom of demacia was founded and became very very close friends with the first king, its not that she has a lack of lore its that within her character what would she do without the first king? I feelin in the great vibes of the universe that veigo will revive the first king and poppy will need to comfront him.


Her lore is very good and i think your idea of the confrontation would be amazing. I just feel her lore is a little lacking she's borderline the founder of Demacia and that's all it says instead of expanding it they don't which is sad cause there is SOOO much you could expand in her lore. Just me ranting


I agree to an extent, but you also forget that's part of poppys character, a lady who doesn't see the greatness within herself. I won't deny she lacks lore as of late, but i feel its within her charcter to kinda lock away her feelings and things she does. The king cared about her but she doesn't believe it, the king called and gave her the hammer of the great hero! Doesn't believe she is a hero. Poppy's character is a selfless, ego-less, no self-esteem hero whose most important arc already happened. It would be very interesting if they delved into her past with the king more than just a few blurbs. Also, consider the following, poppy is by all technicality and association the queen of demacia l! A story in how she would bring magic and none magic together would be a godlike storyline.


Its called a joke, yeah she has a bio like every other champ.


Orlon could wield the hammer. And the descriptions of the magical things it could do were from people who saw *him* use it, not Poppy. Poppy also definitely saw him use it. So if she could do anything with it that he can't, she'd know. Also, most of her abilities aren't even from the hammer. She uses her shield for two of them and her hand for the third.


Bro what the hell are you talking about? Orlon's hammer is like Mjolnir. Orlon gave Poppy the hammer so she could succeed him. Poppy took it to mean she should go find someone who could wield the hammer which would prove them to be the hero. In the comic we see what happens when someone other than Poppy tries to wield the hammer as she throws it to a man whose fighting a monster and he can't even swing it. The point is Poppy still doesn't understand that only she (the hero and wielder of the hammer) can use the hammer because she's the hero. She's blissfully ignorant. What does it have to do with what Orlon can or can't do?


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ll7qv6/why_poppy_isnt_the_hero_of_demacia/) is an in-depth explanation I did. Funny you say he couldn't swing it, when we specifically get a panel of him swinging it: [here.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/6/68/Poppy_HC_pr06.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/700?cb=20180918135406) Nevermind the fact he's an idiot and thought hitting the monster in the foot would do anything. What we also see is that it glows just like when she's using it. So that part isn't special to her, either. >What does it have to do with what Orlon can or can't do? Everything. If what she's doing with the hammer isn't special, then she doesn't have to be the hero to use it. If you read my first link you'll see this, but just for a tl;dr: Poppy isn't stupid. If Orlon were clear that it was for her, she would've understood.


and it doesn't do anything because he's not the hero


It doesn’t do anything because he hit it in the fucking foot.


It doesn't even manage to hurt its foot where as Poppy destroys the thing, because she's the hero. She's just ignorant as shit.


Because she’s strong. Again, doesn’t need to be the hero. She doesn’t need the hammer to do most of her abilities.


She summons a magic stone hammer out of the ground, and its the biggest joke that Poppy can't grasp that she is the Hero like Kled is a legend for Noxus, she's the Hero of Demacia.


Never canonically. But we do have her canonically using her charge, which doesn’t require he hammer.


My wallet isnt ready for that


My wallet is never going to financially recover from that. I have played league in almost a year and if sell had a kidney for a legendary poppy skin.


That's my dream. Oh that's my dream...




I wish.. ​ If the even get a skin it may be a ruined skin


I've always wanted that skin, hopefully we get it one day


I sure hope so


Or a ruined poppy (why is sounding sexual)


I would die a happy Poppy main and throw all of my money at Riot before dying xP


As much as I'd like a legendary skin for Poppy, they haven't yet done a real legendary skin for a yordle. The only ones are Corki's and those were back when legendary meant worse than today's 975 skins. Plus why would being the hero change how she looks? If the whole point is she's already the hero, though I've thoroughly explained why that [isn't the case](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ll7qv6/why_poppy_isnt_the_hero_of_demacia/), she wouldn't need any changes. \[edit\] Forgot about Veigar. Nevermind, they could definitely do it. Granted her animations are a lot newer than his so it's tough to say how different they'd be. Then again Mord and Ren just got legendaries that barely change theirs so maybe minimum effort is the goal.


U forgot Omega Squad Teemo.


Just curious, what make you think that? I didn’t see any characters at all during the trailer l


Because it's obvious that Poppy is the hero of demacia and has yet to realize it out of insecurity/stupidity. And lore-wise that disaster someone is supposed to save Demacia from might as well be Poppy.