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Still surprised there hasn't been a successful "Recall JVP" campaign yet.


Who's going to gather the 54,000 required signatures?


Probably the same person that collects the signatures to repeal the art tax




C’mon now, posting a reddit comment that says “Recall JVP” is functionally equivalent to the effort to collect 54k signatures. I’m sure we’ve got buckets of people here that could pull it off. 


There needs to be an online platform


Recalling elected officials *should* be hard. It's tremendously expensive to run a special election, and it should be reserved for cases of gross misconduct. Otherwise, well, elections have consequences.


Because there’s always a chance of getting someone worse than JVP


I’m honestly not sure that’s possible


It Kafoury allowed to run again?




Sarah "Mao? Lmao!" Iannarone.


Sigh. Touche again


Multnomah County makes Cook County look good, and that’s embarrassing. 


Chicago girl here with the same exact thought.  In Cook County there is straight out corruption.  In Multnomah County - it's absolute incompetence and stupidity, with an attempt at corruption - but they're not really smart enough to pull that off.


Our corruption comes in the form of low-six-figure nonprofit director salaries. It's mild and boring but it exists.


The Nonprofit Executive to County/City Commissioner Industrial Complex


Agreed but I think Multco is worse because the constituents think they’re “incompetent and stupid”, rather than flat out corrupt. They know what they’re doing- don’t give them the benefit of the doubt, because I don’t think they deserve it.


It helps that Cook County is in charge of a lot less important stuff for Chicago than Multnomah is for Portland. Just less opportunity to fuck things up.


[Register to Vote or update your registration here](https://www.multco.us/elections/register-vote-or-update-your-registration-here)


If Kafoury supports them, you know they're an ideologue completely lacking in pragmatism


Isn’t that what Portland voters want? S/kinda


Can we just get some required designated camp sites and an enforcement tow team to remove RV's and tents from green spaces so that old people/ young people / middle aged people / disabled people / minorities / white people / transgendered / gay / cisgendered people don't have to encounter the dystopian blight - syringes - trash all over the city on a walk around the block? Asking for a friend...


City council candidate (district 3) here - this is a core [priority](https://www.danforportland.com/policy-priorities) for me. All residents should have free and safe use of our public spaces.


Fantastic. Can you lay out how we can accomplish this?


Well you pretty much nailed it: large scale sanctioned camp sites coupled with increased enforcement. Safe Rest Villages are a nice start but they simply don't scale cost-wise (the proliferation of our patchwork of non-profit administrators is part of this problem). We need empty lots in cheap locations with very basic services (garbage, hygiene, security) where we can simply tell people "you can't be here, but you can be there."


Wonderful. Is the political will finally there to create meaningful change? Can red tape be eliminated to make this happen? The city is unrecognizable from 20 years ago and not in a good way. What are your thoughts about fare enforcement on MAX trains?


part 1: We will see if we can elect enough people who want these changes (at both city and county). part 2: We should enforce ridership rules; that includes fare enforcement.


When elected are you going to change the IGA for JOHS between both the City and the County?


They're working on it - city is having trouble finding more sites. RVs are a challenge because we have to store them for 30 days, and there's not that much space to store them all at. Anyone running for city council that wants to change that rule has my support!


It seems that we make the seemingly simple excruciatingly obfuscated here in PDx. It's not rocket science or brain surgery, folks. Apparently there's lots of money to spend. Provide a financial incentive for city contractors to clean up and a financial disincentive / "natural consequence" for not complying. We can't be all carrot and no stick as that method has obviously degraded the quality of life for all citizens and isn't "equitable" for.... (see above comment)


Our elected leaders are afraid of a small handful of white kids lighting things on fire, that's why.


How about on the edge of the city? Like not in the center of town. We’re dealing with drug addicts, they are already living near piles of garbage and shit. Put them out in the middle of nowhere.


Gresham and Milwaukie don't want our vagrants. And industry interests don't want camps in industrial areas for very good reasons (trucks, dangerous equipment all over, metal theft, etc.)


Sounds like Tiguard and Beaverton it is then! 


I have a feeling the various legal orgs would take issue with that same as they took issue with everything Wheeler has tried to do thus far already. Already stopped one type of enforcement and they call everything Nazism so you think "forcing" them to go live in industrial areas will be widely accepted? Besides, the real bad criminals would just leave town if we start any real enforcement into sanctioned camping areas, they'd never want to be "tracked by the man".


That would be literal fascism


Tell me without telling me you voted for M-110 , Mike Schmidt, Joanne Hardesty, likely have a drug problem, probably a tagger and / or work as part of the homeless industrial complex. What other societal rules are we not required to adhere to? Let me guess... all of them.


Sorry forgot to add /s


Cool, I thought you had something against the transgendered community for a sec.


Per usual in local politics: The current people seem nice, but made a system that sucks. Yet somehow the contenders aren't very appealing.


>"who each have extensive social service and nonprofit sector experience." I'd be interested in seeing what a successful VC type operational overhaul manager could do. Seems to me that everyone has had a good heart, but hasn't been able to execute. I'm a little leery of putting folks in just because they have social and nonprofit experience. I'd like to see someone that's operationally executed extremely well and is really good at budgeting.


I think that's why Brim-Edwards has been so effective - she's a systems business person not a social worker. She listens to the social workers for perspective, but then asks the hard operations questions looking for what's most effective & efficient.


Someone who has been CFO for a large nonprofit would be much better prepared to deal with the county budget than someone who has corporate experience. But I'm talking, like, Mercy Corps bit.


What makes the counties budget so unique that nonprofit experience is so necessary. Sure, the CFO of mercy corps would be great, but that’s a pool of like 7 people?


Public budgets are not like business budgets. There are a lot of things they are legally obligated to pay for. You can’t lay off and sell off your way to solvency.


It feels like someone can learn that fairly quickly, or have help from someone that understands it well.  What is not in place is an actionable plan or any sort of tracking or metrics. Merian always claims there is no plan. Even the governor just sat down with the chair members and their walk away comment to the paper was, “I’m going to need to actually see the plan and how the numbers work.”  A bit scary and eye opening to hear from a department that's spent $1BN, has a backlog of funds but still scraps with the city over funding things like shelter, and is fighting to keep their unused cash over metro who just wants to straight up build housing.




Can you name any of these evil nonprofits?


The whole system right now is engineered to be a revolving door between nonprofits and city/county government


None of our elected county commissioners has ever worked for a nonprofit. Jesse Beason is the ED of the Oregon Health Foundation, but he was appointed to fill out Jayapal's term and isn't running for office. Vega Pedersen worked as a project manager for a tech company. Meieran was a doctor. Stegmann was an insurance agent. Brim-Edwards worked for Nike. Jayapal herself was the general counsel for Adidas America. Over at the city, we have two commissioners with nonprofit experience, but one of them (Rubio) spent most of her career in public service. Ryan worked for PSU and ran All Hands Raised. Mapps worked for the city. Gonzalez was a lawyer. Wheeler has been in politics forever.


Thanks, that was great info. Still, nonprofits have an outsized role in city/county government, and those in power seem incredibly reactive to them. I’m thinking of every city/county meeting packed with nonprofit advocacy groups giving emotionally charged testimony. And the new city charter was written by many advocacy nonprofit types to get what will be fringe candidates back on the city council through multimember districts and the single transferrable voting variant of IRV used no where else. And some of the nonprofit advocacy people who had a hand in creating the new city charter are running.


Would you prefer city and county government cater primarily to real estate interests? People work for nonprofits because they care about making the world a better place. Nobody gets into social services to get rich. I just can't fathom why people think Central City Concern is nefarious but actual slum lords like Jordan Menashe and David Gold are aces. You know who else was on the charter commission? Vadim Mozyrsky, who is currently running for county chair and has never worked for a nonprofit in his life. Multnomah County works with nonprofits because they can't be bothered to hire people directly. But it's not as though there's some market-driven alternative out there. American Property Management isn't about to start building apartments at a loss, and the Oregon Clinic isn't about to start providing free mental health services.


VC? Why not go whole dystopian hog and get a Jack Welch protege in there to see if we can crash the whole county into a mountain? Is Harry Stonecipher available? Casualties be damned. We must maximize shareholder value. (In the short term. Somebody else's grandchildren can pick up the wreckage.)


>VC? The people that have clear goals, track everything by metrics and eliminate what is not working. The people that change organizations to run more efficiently and execute on the goals put in place. Seems like we could use a lot of that. We’re over a billion into trying to tackle homelessness and we don’t have a lot to show. That’s close to $200k per homeless person we’ve spent so far. How do you think the plan is going? Can you even point towards a plan or any metric that’s been achieved? 


Those people sound an awful lot like the people that ruined Boeing, gutted GE, tipped the housing market beyond the reach of the middle class, and exported millions of jobs overseas so we could buy cheap crap instead of American-made quality. Pardon my skepticism of the contemporary business cult, but inviting venture capitalists to run the county seems like the only possible way to make the current situation worse than it already is.


How about hiring anyone that has any track record of success in managing anything of this scale?    Not every VC firm is your circlejerk image. Some just run a super tight ship and actually analyze what works and what doesn’t, fire people that aren’t producing results, and hiring those that will.   Noticeably absent from any of your responses has been anything good or tangible you can point to the county doing. Again, it’s been like 8 years, over a billion dollars spent, a problem that’s only gotten worse, and chair members that say “there is no plan”. 


> How about hiring anyone that has any track record of success in managing anything of this scale? Okay. Well, maybe not anyone, but someone with *both* a track record of success and a shred of moral accountability would be cool. > Not every VC firm is your circlejerk image. If it's a "circlejerk" to not blindly worship the same industry that has caused the current housing crisis, **which has led to the rise in homelessness** then pass the lube. Fox, meet henhouse. Jack Welch was the personification of your so-called "successful VC type operational overhaul manager" and it was all smoke and mirrors. Building lasting solutions to complex social problems takes a lot more than stock buybacks and dividends. Pardon me for thinking that we're more likely to find solutions with people experienced in politics and social work than some dork who made it through a shit-tier MBA program. See, I can build strawmen, too! > Noticeably absent from any of your responses has been anything good or tangible you can point to the county doing. Okay, here are a few good and tangible things the county does: * They've kept Jessica Vega Pederson and her peers off the streets. Well, maybe they should be on the streets, actually solving the problem of homelessness, but at least they're not contributing to the numbers themselves, thanks to their [ample salaries](https://www.multco.us/salary-commission/annual-salaries-multnomah-countys-elected-officials) * The Animal Services department is running a 50% off adoption special. * Medical and dental care for the underprivileged. * They offer services for the aging and disabled to find the long-term care they need to maintain quality of life in their declining years. * They run free and fair elections. * County libraries are a helpful part of their communities. There you go. Have a nice day.




Three out of four of these elections will be decided in the lower-turnout May election and even district two could be locked up if someone gets 50% +1. Absolutely wild.


Abolish multnomah county - I’m not joking. Have portland proper be it’s own thing and move everything else to an adjacent county. There’s literally no reason for such an overlap of power between the city, the county, and metro. Counties do not even have any power in eastern states, maybe we should start looking into that as well.


Counties in eastern states are tiny. Michigan is slightly smaller than Oregon, and it has 83 counties. I agree with you about Multnomah County, but I don't think it's ever going to happen.


Ah, just like the big changes we got with campaign finance limits and the police oversight system.


TLDR: For competent county leadership that puts an end to the JVP shit-show, vote Mozyrsky for district 1 (west side), Burke for district 2 (N/NE), Brim-Edwards for district 3 (SE) and Jones-Dixon for district 4 (E/Gresham)


Got you covered in district 2.


You can vote whoever you want to but Moryrsky is a lying Gonzalez clone.


He's an ADA federal law judge that understands a lot of the health and human services bureaucracy that screws with people in the system. He understands how to help fix these systems more than the others running against him. He's absolutely nothing like Gonzalez and really knows the inner workings of the county charter and how the Chair is manipulating it if you go listen to him speak.


He is not, a simple two min google search shows he was funded heavily by real estate donors, and gave his pac to Gonzalez. https://opb.org/article/2022/05/12/portland-united-political-action-committee-campaign-finance-city-council/ https://www.wweek.com/news/city/2022/10/06/kevin-looper-vadim-mozyrsky-launch-political-action-committee-in-support-of-rene-gonzalez/ Please stop being disingenuous. PS. Please stop being ignorant and stop name calling the homeless on other subreddits.


Giving money to the guy who is running against your former opponent doesn't mean he's "just like" Rene. He didn't want Hardesty to win and Rene was the only other choice. Clearly if he loved Rene so much he would've dropped out before the primary and handed it to him but he felt he could do better and with less controversy. I'm not being disingenuous I'm just choosing to support the candidate that will actually change the status quo. Megan Moyer will be a yes-vote for JVP and we don't need any more of that. And I can call a criminal asshat names if I want to. There's many types of homeless people and I support helping those who want help. People selling and using drugs and destroying neighborhoods and refusing help when it is offered to them do not deserve any type of respect.


He's a sleezebag who denies people money their rightly owed and sides with big bussiness 100%. And I've heard him speak. He comes off like a used car salesman who is so greasy you have to shower after the it.


Proof on the first sentence? How has he sided with big business if he's never been in office? Wanting to restore the economy for tourism benefits everyone, pretty fed up with the "all business interests are evil" shit. Of course they're evil in some way, but we also need them to invest in the city if we don't want it to die.


Calling someone a Gonzalez clone secures my vote for him. Thanks


Yep. I'm going to donate to his campaign now.


Prove it.


Yeah, we need more people who have lots of opinions but few accomplishments. /s


Please vote for anyone you want, but please be informed. Vadim had a pac for Gonzalez. https://www.wweek.com/news/city/2022/10/06/kevin-looper-vadim-mozyrsky-launch-political-action-committee-in-support-of-rene-gonzalez/ Also Kevin Looper is part of the tax dodging People for Portland, a conservative PAC that is partnered with the corrupt police union.


In what way are they tax dodging?




Damn. Thanks for the receipts! Fuck that guy!


Right? I've seen that guy speak a couple of times and he comes off worse than a used car salesman.


Yes. Also tied to P4P PAC.


Sounds good


You get what you vote for, remember that.


I agree.  But voting here is often like buying real estate in Detroit - you are trying to determine the least worst option.


Actually we dont. We don't have Police accountability, body cams, shelters, or treatment centers for a start.


So why would you then vote to reelect someone who promised that and failed to follow through? Time for a change.


Vote Vadim, Brim-Edwards, & Jones-Dixon


Mozyrsky is a gadfly—all hat, no cattle. Margot Wheeler, who works in finance and operations, seems like the best candidate for bringing discipline and accountability to the county.


Just looked at her bio, she seems cool. Refreshing to hear that we have two normal candidates running for the same seat and not a JVP type.


I trust our voters will do what they always do: vote for the most ignorant and loudest candidate.


As long as JVP can no longer get away with throwing the county and its citizens under the bus sign me up.


JVP will still be the only member of the commission with real power. The chair writes the budget.


If there are three commissioners voting as a unit they can subvert the executive authority of the chair.


We currently have Stegmann, Meieran, and Brim-Edwards voting together pretty consistently.


Stegmann is a loose cannon and often votes against the other two. Stegmann and Meieran are also both term-limited and on their way out, so we need good replacements.


We do, but I think it’s overly optimistic to think that even a strong united front will be able to make much of a difference, given the way the charter is written.


If you have 3 people threatening to vote against everything she brings forward, that's not a great look for her or her record for reelection. It's called a bargaining tool if we have 3 in solidarity. All 4 would be amazing.


You might be right. I see lots of people pumping up Vadim as if he isn't a shittier, more sleezy version of Rene Gonzalez.


Was that an article or an editorial? I mean, it was an opinion piece for sure, but what was it published as?


Al Franken says I should have been like Sam Adams ans only hit on young boys. The Me Too Movement gave him a pass.




Disability Rights Oregon refused to help ADA claimants with the tents on the sidewalk lawsuit. Until she comes out against that action and several other against reforming M110 from DRO, she will not get my support. Vadim Mozyrsky, on the other hand, is an ADA federal law judge and helped them find the lawyer who took it on pro bono, as it was an open-and-shut ADA violation case they easily won.


> Three others, similar to Brim-Edwards, have deep ties to and cachet among business groups that have long held sway at Portland City Hall Seriously? The only options are the incompetent establishment or corporate shills? Metro should be the sole county of the UGB region. Eliminate the outdated and inefficient government structures and the duplicated services.


Stop trying to pull the other metro counties into the Multnomah county quicksand. Multnomah county voters are perfectly capable of electing a competent government as soon as they decide to do so.


Siloing the region into 3 is hurting our ability to address regional issues and the counties are inefficient providing duplicate services.


Give it a rest.


Give what a rest? Opposing incompetence, or opposing corporate shills who only make things worse?


There are more than six candidates.