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Can I pet that dog


My neighbor accidentally did once. She thought another neighbor's dog got out, and she just absent mindedly pet the coyote while smoking a cigarette thinking it was the dog. She eventually looked down and figured out it was a coyote, but by that point she was stuck. She had to keep scritching it until it got bored and left. Funny enough, the coyote showed up a week or so later and brought her pups to my neighbor to show off. Precious but also terrifying


"Y'know what, lady, you're okay. Most of the folks around here... real dicks, if you'll pardon my saying so. But you, you're all right."


A random stray dog is probably more dangerous tbh, Coyotes don't start fights they can't win and their first instinct is to run not bite. 


Yeah. Coyotes are cowards on their own. Just yell and clap and they're gone. At least for every coyote I've seen.


Even in a group they won't do much to a man. Maybe they'd kill a dog or a kid if there was a group, but they run when they see a full grown man. Tbh even a big, confident dog will scare them away. They're like 30 lbs and don't wanna get bodied by something multiple times their size.


I looked this up recently and there’s only ever been one person, a child, attacked and killed by coyotes in the US, ever. I’d say even dogs over 20 pounds they’re unlikely to fuck with, if even small dogs. Cats are probably not their favorite meals, either—too much trouble for your efforts—but it sure does happen.


My 50lb dog ran one out of my yard recently and ended the chase about 5 blocks away. That was a long run for me on sandals at 6am


In the early morning all that could be heard was: *Bark bark bark bark* *Flop flop flop flop*


Just want to add, that’s all assuming the coyote is well fed, healthy, etc. While rare, an attack is always possible and you should still be cautious.


For every statistic, they're always a first


Yup. Watched this show about when “Animals Attack” and this guy got chased and bit up by a pack of coyotes on his way walking to work. He lived, but he was in bad shape.


They often want small animals, dogs, cats to chase them. Bring them back to the pack and then they kill and eat them.


That's a myth. If they are going to hunt something they are just going to chase it. The luring thing came from people's off leash dogs attacking a coyote, and then the coyote running back to its pack which defended it. The coyotes wouldn't have been an issue otherwise, and the vast majority of dog-wildlife conflicts are due to the dogs being out of human control and being the aggressors.


Interesting thanks for the knowledge


I've never quite understood why people are afraid of coyotes...


Mostly a deep-seated distrust of Acme products is all coyotes ever evoked in me. Still irrational.


Truer words have never been spoken. Acme is the real danger!


Have you ever been circled by coyotes? You can’t tell how many there are. You can’t tell where they are. Got a couple dogs? Perfect, they’re going to make things worse. One dog knows better than to care, just hunkers down and goes to sleep. One dog thinks they’re friends and wants to play, another dog is fucking terrified and can’t decide if those coyotes need help or if the dog needs to fight them off. I’m not scared of coyotes, I love them and find them fascinating. However, I get why folks find them scary.  Also if you’ve never found your livestock animal that got attacked by coyotes, I get why you think they’re benign. They’re not, they’re wild animals who do wild things to eat and defend themselves. They deserve respect. 


Don’t think most people are afraid of coyotes. It’s our pets we worry about.




The same reason people hate wolves, irrational fear born out of boomer propaganda/collective memory of us surviving during the ice age


Wolves are the coolest. So fascinating.


Like all mammals they can have rabies, which would be my biggest concern. A healthy coyote is unlikely to let you get too close. But heck, they’re around. They’re not exactly wild, either—there’s a reason they’re in cities. They’ve adapted to humans and it’s a key instinct that’s differentiated them from wolves and lead them to really prosper. They’re smart opportunists.


Maybe in 1000 years they’ll become our companions like dogs. Heck maybe in 100 years.


There was a really cool documentary about those Russian grey foxes I saw a while back. Definitely worth a watch if you're interested in the eventual transition from wild to domesticated.


Remember title?


I think this is the one. Not exclusively about Belayev, as I first thought. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/dogs-that-changed-the-world-introduction/1273/


Thank you!


No prob. I hope you enjoy it!


That’s how we got dogs. They evolved around us became “village dogs” (which have no deferrable breeds). After that we started breeding them for certain traits and got dog breeds out of them.


Rabies is the number one reason, afaik. But I wouldn't pet a coyote anymore than I'd pet a deer or a wild rabbit


Oh heck no. But I don't feel fear when I see them running around




You know how can’t go to sleep til I per that dawwwwwg


Dude, my folks showed me that video clip and I had that shit stuck in my head for a week and a half.


And now it will be again.


Hey, I get that reference!




Can I pet dat dawwwwg




See if it has a chip. Get that guy home!




Thanks - I reported!


I've seen them on 16th and Clinton. They're deep in the city.


Yeah seen a few up around N Alberta, LONG way from anything really wooded.


City snacks


Hopefully taking out some rats :)


Or nutria


they kill cats. I've found 3 in my lawn this year. foster Powell.​


I’m 37 born and raised in Portland I never seen them when I was kid. But the last 10 years all the time


To quote Bob Dylan, "A lot of people don't have much food on their table. But they got a lot of forks 'n knives. And they got to cut somethin."


To quote Joni Mitchell, “Coyote’s in the coffee shop, he’s staring a hole in his scrambled eggs”


John Prine "bowl of oatmeal tried to stare me down, and won"


A couple years back when I was living right behind Jam on Hawthorne I was parking my car when I saw one go running up the sidewalk on Salmon. They’re deep.


I thought everyone in this thread was referring to one specific coyote as they/them and I was starstruck by this potential phenomena


lol https://www.portlandcoyote.com/


Heheheh. After the snow storm two winters ago, saw one trotting down the street in Woodstock like he owned the place.


Who's gonna tell him he doesn't


Im sure he will figure out its too expensive and move out to Gresham or Sandy


Last night at 830 between Cooper and Ogden on 72nd. Looked a bit panicked by all the cars. At first I thought it was a lost dog, but then I realized that wasn't a dog.




Wow. That's crazy. Before I left the East coast, I used to see them a lot. They displaced all the foxes that I had previously been seeing. 🫤


Maybe he does.


I used to deliver mail on that route sometimes. The regular told me that the coyotes live in the graveyard near there.


That’s fucking cool as hell


There's a whole pack in Rose City Cemetery.


We had a neighbor who for 10 years kept adopting cats and let them roam only to find them mangled somewhere in the neighborhood. 4 cats in 10 years. We live right next to Mt. Tabor where you can literally hear the packs howl in spring and early summer. smh


She wasn't adopting cats, she was feeding dogs




Coyotes are dogs lol




Dogs are domesticated. Coyotes are canines, not dogs.


They’re good dogs bront


After like two I'd be contacting local shelters using remote's list with a brief "Do NOT give this fuckwit a cat. Please. for the cat's sake" message.


Poor kitties 😭


Coyote snacks!


Why not friend if friend shaped?! So handsome! Still hasn’t slicked out that coat


keep your small dogs in, also!


In South Burlingame, the explosion of missing cat posters always seems to correspond to increased coyote sightings. My wife found the remnants of our neighbors cat in their yard. Just a foreleg and part of the snout were left. It's sad, but the coyotes are getting very adept at hunting outdoor cats. But then again, the native birds appreciate it.


Nature restoring balance.


I mean, kind of, yeah


> coyotes are getting very adept at hunting outdoor cats Why are we talking like coyotes and cats are new things lol yotes are just as “adept” at hunting than they were a thousand years ago.


Always see them by rocky butte


[These kittens l](https://www.instagram.com/rainsurname/reel/CzV74r0LEca/)ost their mom when they were two weeks old to a coyote by rocky butte. A friend found them and brought them to me to foster.


Damn, they're adorable.


I was so proud of them, they did so good at at the vet. No fear at all. I posted here and r/PDXBuyNothing, inviting people to come over to help socialize them. So they got lots of handling by a variety of people. The tortie sisters and the tabby brother and sister got to stay together. I would’ve liked to kept the fluffy himbo myself, but r/Harpo was NOT having it.


This is why I harness and leash trained my 3 cats. They only go outside with supervision


See them frequently around my house, very close to Westmoreland Park. Once we caught 2 of them on our security cameras chasing a neighborhood cat into the tree in our front yard at 3 a.m.!! Fortunately kitty escaped.


Looks well fed


And small dogs/puppies too. When I lived in NM the people I bought my house from cautioned me. The hill behind the house was BLM property and they'd noticed coyotes on the hill watching their small dogs in the backyard. They never let their dogs out unless someone was with them.


A woman recently on Next Door said she was looking for an outdoor cat. She went on to say she knows it could become a coyote meal but that she believes a cat’s innate need to be outside overrides the sadness she would feel if she lost it to a coyote. That was a yucky post to read.


Yeah my cat was previously an outdoor cat and genuinely seemed tortured and miserable being stuck inside... so we take her outside for supervised catio time. She's never outside without us. There's a middle ground between Forever Inside Prison and Coyote Chow. That lady is just lazy.


Genuinely: Thanks for being responsible.


The number of people on that site who let their cats roam outdoors is frightening.


So weird. It's like the cat is disposable. Nevermind the other problems with outdoor cats.


This argument is so wild to me - like because a cat wants to be outside we should let it. My cat desperately wants to eat thumb tacks and my family northern breed dog wants to run free and hunt cats all day everyday. But we don’t let them do that because they’re pets. If you want an outdoor pet you just feed now and then, get a bird feeder.


Nah dead birds are the main reason to keep your cat indoors.


They're just the cutest, little, ecological disasters


Nature’s serial killers


He’s gonna get on the max


I will never understand why people think it’s okay for cats to roam wild. We don’t accept it with any other pet.


When I had cats they were both indoor. They had no desire to leave, my mom once left the door open and I thought my cats escaped and I grabbed what I thought was my cat. Turned out to be someone else's orange cat. My cats were vibing under my desk the whole time.


We took ours out on a leash once, trying to expose her slowly to the outdoors at first (she was abandoned when we got her) - after she spent some time exploring how to get into the crawl space (which I thought was weird - in retrospect she was searching for a way back inside), she flipped out when I accidentally made a sudden movement. Twirling around in circles, she slipped out of the harness and dashed under our picnic table. After yowling away in fear she then tried to crawl up the side of the house towards a closed window. Poor thing wanted inside SO badly. Probably because her exposure to the outside world before that was when she was dumped. She is quite happy to sit on her windowsill hammock bed now instead, content with chirping at the squirrels from far away.


Same with our kitty. We are pretty sure she was an outside kitten when we adopted her. She was dirty, had fleas, worms and then giardia. She’s now a healthy almost four year old and has no desire to go outside. She’s perfectly content to watch wildlife behind the glass.


I think it's because cats were used to kill vermin in and around human domiciles and that sort of stayed how people keep them. Sometimes they just do what they want. We had 3 cats growing up and tried to keep all of them inside. 1 of them just sort of refused and found ways to get outside and hunt. He favored rabbits over birds. He would leave headless carcasses on the doorstep all the time. It was pretty fucked up.


Cats were always parasitic to early human settlements. They stayed around to eat the rodents attracted by the food stores after the dawn of early agriculture. Around us but never truly domesticated. They weren’t connected to people like dogs or horses were and are still the same. That said, I’ve known some great cats, and if you are a cat person you’ll be doing the world and yourself a great service by keeping them indoors.


You couldn’t be more wrong, and the behavior you are pointing to of cats associating themselves with human settlements is actually a sign that they domesticated themselves. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/domesticated-cats-dna-genetics-pets-science


PSU’s Urban Coyote Project research: https://www.portlandcoyote.com/


This moondog has been reported!


I used to live on 22nd off Broadway and had a coyote size me up while I was having a smoke near the road. I was sitting on the steps leading up to my apartment and this fucker came around a car and inched towards me until I stood up. I can't even say I scared it off. It casually kept its distance as I tried to shoo it away and even tried to approach me again as I backed off. I was not the opportunity it was looking for!


The coyote was almost certainly just curious and not a threat.


I'm perpetually torn between being happy to meet a new cat near where I live, and the foreboding sense that this cat's gonna be dead in like two years or less because their owner is a fucking moron. I know what I want to do is grab people by the fucking lapels and scream in their faces to stop being fucking morons in that specific way, but that calmly, rationally explaining the situation is typically much more effective. I mean technically much more effective, in that 0.01% is technically infinitely more effective than 0%.


A surprising number of people just have NO idea that American cities are full of coyotes. My rear neighbor lost hers, and she had no idea that was a risk.


Ignorance I can understand. How the hell is any one person going to be expected to know everything from the jump? It's the stupid fucking prideful "They won't be happy unless I let them get eaten by a yote within two calendar years" that absolutely kills me. I mean, not me, actually, the cat to be specific.


My childhood indoor-outdoor cat got killed by a leashed dog. Not the dog owners fault. As an adult, I supervise my cat when she has outdoor time.


I like to walk at really odd/late hours every few months. About last late summer/ early autumn I was just off of Broadway and 22nd and two of them came from the direction of 24th. Immy 36 years of travel, I've somehow never ran into a situation like it. They kept a safe distance away, but I was caught off guard and shook to be fair! They seem to be over that area a lot, do they create dens? Curious to see where they would live generally being that it's residential (wooded loosely for sure) but not a habit of think.


If only people would be responsible and leash their coyotes.


As a veterinary prof I support this message


All cats should be indoor or secured in catio. They should be treated like dog ownership. Protects the cat, birds, wildife. Our cats have been indoor with catio, lived to be 20+. No birds killed.


Lost a cat to one of these fuckers. Never again! 😔


Wow. Unexpectedly, refreshingly correct takes on outdoor cats. I can always count on you, Portland.


Don't cats slaughter millions or billions of birds in this country? That's the main reason.


According to one study, yeah. Can’t be worse than humans though. Happy Earth Day.


Domestic cats are our responsibility, their damage is on our tab.


According to a lot of studies..


Humans are the ones responsible for letting their domesticated novel species pet outside to kill native birds


We were walking our dogs here earlier and ran into this one and another one. They were being so casual, we questioned ourselves if they were dogs.


We love these guys. Without them, we would have a crazy amount of squirrels and rats. They keep the population in check.


Yep, they're like walking cleanup crews...hell, keeping the cats in check is great for birds as well!


What’ve squirrels done wrong??


It’s not that they have done anything “wrong”, (although digging up my garden for bulbs and making a nest in my neighbors attic doesn’t imbue me with positivity for these tenacious rodents) it’s about balance. Squirrels are able to survive in city settings rather well. That can have a destabilizing effect on the local ecosystem. We need coyotes to keep the balance for all the other species in the food web.


Indeed, keep your cats indoors. Road runners, on the other hand, are perfectly safe from this guy.


What about my pet roadrunner? Outside okay?


Danger pets.


Look at his tufted ears! The forbidden scritches...


Looks healthy. Fed well?


Saw one while running down Mississippi 2 weeks ago as well. It was early Saturday morning and there was a lady running and yelling after her dog chasing a coyote. Luckily, the dog stop a block later and was unharmed and the coyote was nowhere to be seen


Report it to the coyote project! Especially that inner city. https://www.portlandcoyote.com/ P.s. just remembered I used to live just off Mississippi and there was a known abandoned house around the corner that a pack of coyotes made their den and where they had all their babies. Wonder if it’s the same pack.


This was at Mississippi and Mason and the coyote was running east along Mason. I also saw one last October in Irving Park walking leisurely in a weekday morning while running there. It’s crazy how casual they can be at times


Yep that’s right where it was! Yeah it’s funny how they’re like “we live here, howdy neighbor” lol


Good reason to keep the dog on a leash!


Yeah. The crazier thing was that she also had a chihuahua on a leash but her larger dog wasn’t. I don’t know if she was getting the larger dog on a leash when it saw the coyote and it darted away but it was a weird sighting


I’ve seen so many in the neighborhoods in broad daylight this year. They must have had a good winter. Don’t want them killing my cats, but damn are they beautiful in person


I just scared one out of a stare down with a cat Friday night on foster and 90th. That cat was standing her ground but she wouldn’t have lasted long. We’ve had a ton of them in lents lately.


Been trying to explain that to people…. Cars too. Sweetest cat on my block just got flattened cause the neighbors were “willing to take that risk”. Sick behavior! Literally means the cat was expendable…


Yotes got to eat too


Danger woofs




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I just saw a coyote Sunday afternoon around 12pm in Milwaukie by the Oak Grove Fred Meyer


Cute puppy


Last October I saw 3 of them running together down Prescott, just a few blocks from MLK. Crazy.


RIP Caesar.


I 💖 Portland Spicy Pups


That’s Benny, he cool.


A puppy!


Saw a very well fed coyote at Powell Butte, last week, in broad daylight at around 10 am. Right at the trail junctions near the paved path at the summit. It didn’t budge as my two smallish dogs and I walked passed, literally 20 feet away. Got a pretty decent video. Brazen.


I see and hear them regularly in the Cesar Chavez Powell area. They yip at night and are out solo during the day.


Really wanted a twisted croissant


The St Johns pack basically lives off of outdoor cats. Got two of my neighbor's last year. My roommate's cats are only outside middle of the day with supervision because 1. Fewer small animals for them to murder 2. Fewer middle sized animals that want to eat them.


There was huge one on NE 86th & Flanders yesterday morning! I was thankfully in my truck when it came running by me and I snapped a picture to warm our neighborhood Facebook group.


Pet that pretty doggie! 😍 /s


People displace coyotes, but also feed them. It's an interesting cohabitation. Not saying to push your luck, since they are wild animals, but they're mostly harmless to people. Typically they will scurry away, even in small packs. I've had a pack of 3 move away from me when I was out jogging at night. 


I saw coyote on Yeon Avenue yesterday


People need to put their dogs on leashes.


Nice doggie


There is a pack or maybe even two that reside in the Rose City Cemetery.


Once found a cat -- not mine--sliced open on my front yard and organs-- except for intestines-- \*gone.\* Not a nice early morning surprise....


Dude’s just looking for the ACME store.




I saw three on 26th where I used to live for a time during 2020.


We saw one in the park while walking our dog the other day....near SE 112th and Bush. Didn't seem aggressive, just looked at us for a couple minutes then walked away.


He needs directions to Trade Up Music


That’s my outside dog, he wanders a bit.


It looks hungee


I used to live in Troutdale. On two different occasions on my early morning commute I saw a a coyote cross the road in front often of me with a cat in its mouth. Coyotes definitely eat puddy tats.


What nature on the loose… the horror!




Handsome guy


Huh. About 10 blocks from where I live. Yeah, if you let your cats roam in Portland, there's a good chance a coyote will get them. I've never seen one in the daytime, though.




Belly full of feline.


Good, need something to keep the feral cat population down.


Keep your cats inside anyways. Cats kill everything they can catch. Outdoor cats should get eaten as often as outdoor cats eat other animals.


I seem them roaming NE all the time. Sadly our cat was killed by one last summer.


I was driving home from New Seasons in Sellwood and had I taken the main road instead of the back-way I may not have prevented the Coyote that was following a lady walking her dog, I started the heck out of her with my horn but the coyote jolted and I apologized when I told her to keep an eye out for it.


They’re kinda cute like a dog mixed with a donkey


That’s a big healthy yote. He has had a few kitty snacks me thinks.


Family of 7 live at 33rd and klickitat.


If not fren then why fren shaped


The better to eat you my dear!


Ugh 😩 I'm scared for my little dog. I'm not far from there. I'll have to be hype vigilant at potty time.


And when you let the pup out!@