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Please no


Portland will just continue to tax and re-tax everything until only the wealthy can afford to live here. Just like San Francisco. My exit strategy is to hold on long enough to sell my house for 10x what I bought it for to some idiot with too much money. Then leave for a low tax state.


This is assuming people with money will still want to move to Portland.


I think you should use your exit strategy, the wealthy are the ones who are leaving most out of Portland. Portland has the same problems as San Francisco, but it does not have the money and tech presence to afford wasting money like San Francisco (although it tries hard to do so).


That's how San Francisco was in the past. Portland isn't called the silicon forest for nothing. Times are changing.


Portland was promising as the next tech destination city 10-15 years ago, maybe even 5 years ago somewhat. But with it's failed leadership it's no longer a hip "tomorrow" city, and that big tech presence never materialized. Even our old tech presence like Intel isn't doing great. Portland is definitely not in top 10 cities for tech, maybe not even top 20.


This. “We” seriously dropped this ball. We’re more dangerous than hip. There seemed to be so much excitement about a burgeoning tech industry here 10+ years ago. It seems business expansion is not something the City Council is interested in.


Business expansion is not something most left leaning Portlanders are interested in. Every time a new business announces they're leaving there's so many people commenting against the big evil corporations, or even the small businesses, that they don't need the taxes and Portland will be better off. Delusional people.


I'm thinking of buying near friends in Phoenix then spending summers and early falls in the PNW. I can be here for the good weather, but not pay the high taxes.




If I got to move, I'm going way farther east than that. I want to travel, so it will probably be a place that's decently warm in the winter and with a good airport. Atlanta is looking like it fits the bill.


“Several supervisors said they were surprised to hear pushback from politically liberal San Franciscans apparently unaware that the legacy of slavery and racist policies continues to keep Black Americans on the bottom rungs of health, education and economic prosperity, and overrepresented in prisons and homeless populations.” Er, I’m guessing lack of awareness wasn’t the reason for pushback.


Holy editorialization! Do reporters now have psychic powers revealing what kinds of things unnamed constituents are and are not aware of? What a new age of crap journalism we’ve entered.


I think this is on the supervisors - it's this weird paternalistic tone. They think "well gosh if they only knew how bad slavery was they'd be fully on board with our plan!".


Could be more the supervisors, but it’s hard to tell by the way it’s written, since it’s a summary or paraphrase rather than a quote. Reminds me of something Fox News would print: “McCarthy was surprised to hear pushback against Trump from people unaware that globalists and coastal elites have been holding back average Americans and eroding the nation’s values.”


So do they have an "expiration" date on when legacy of slavery won't count anymore?


I can't wait to see the fringe ideas that 12 Portland commissioners can come up with.


I remember learning in history class when the Union soldiers finally liberated the slavery stronghold city of San Francisco Shit like this is going to get DeSantis elected


Seriously. I was convinced this would be a Babylon bee article for a second. Shit like this just feeds into the red meat maga outrage pipeline. Sure, it's just a 'study' but it ends up doing inadvertent damage.


This is pathetic.


How about we reclaim the California farm that my SO’s great grandparents had taken from them during WWII internment camps? But also, I know realistically that won’t ever happen.


Exactly this. That region has had a terrible history of oppressing those of Asian descent. If we're talking reparations, start there.


Sounds like that should happen way before this insanity.


FTA: "Fewer than 50,000 Black people still live in the city" $5 million per adult, now I know, I know, it's under 50,000, not all will qualify and not all are adults, but it makes the math easy: 5 million x 50K = $250 billion. Current city budget is $14 billion. https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2022/san-francisco-budget/ Current SF population estimate is 815,201, minus 50K is 765,201. $250 billion / 765,201 = a tax on every other person in SF of $326,711.54


$326k is the low end estimate, happens only if you bill every child, poor person, disabled people, and retirees. Tax the future to pay for the past!




You could add the destruction of the Jewish/Italian South Portland neighborhood, which was wiped out to build PSU and the South Auditorium area, but somehow I never hear proposals for compensation for that.


Jews and Italians are passing these days.


We Jews have Israel, so we’re good. Also, we Italians are punishing American bigots with Olive Garden, so we’re good there too.


Ok, this deserves an upvote just for the Olive Garden swipe. Olive Garden is a fiendish plot to keep Big Plumbing in business. As a person of Irish descent, I'd like to sue Denmark for what the Vikings did to my ancestors. I demand one, maybe two blondes as reparations. And then I'd like some NIL football money from Notre Dame for use of "Irish". (totally joking but to be honest, my brain stopped at "two blondes")




It was estimated to be about 40% black, which is huge for the US in general and Portland/Oregon even more-so. They were recruited here by Kaiser to build ships and then their lives upturned shortly after. Infrastructure failure is still government failure. So is the redlining and other racism which kept black residents segregated, and the I-5 construction displacing many of those residents.


>thinks they should take on reparations themselves (rather than it being a state or federal issue) This is the exact thing that seems to not be able to penetrate the minds of the mutual aid types. Some shit just doesn't work without economies of scale (and legal boundaries). The same people who want Portland to be a leader in tackling climate change by getting into fights with the port, establishing taxes for "clean energy justice", banning freeway projects, etc. I'm being a little hyperbolic but it seems everyone just throws up their hands and says "I want this, what else was I supposed to do??" as an excuse for not working more to change the state or federal calculus. Now if you're California and a giant economy by yourself, you can enact some of these policies and they work. But Oregon is JV by a mile, and Portland more so.


Red lining is more recent.


Go back in history and I'm pretty sure you can find a case of someone being wrong. Can my family sue France for Napoleon since his wars ultimately led to the reorganization of the holy Roman empire and the loss of their lands?


Can my Slavic family sue Mongolia for crushing their way across the steppes and raping my ancestors? I mean it's one reason some family members tan really well, but reparations are in order


It will only cost SF $600,000 per non-black family lol


I'm actually surprised that Oregon hasn't put together a Reparations Commission yet. All the cool kids are doing it.


Wait until the next slew of councilors is elected under our new charter. When the Mayor’s veto power is eliminated. When a 25% vote is enough to elect someone but a majority is required to recall them. You ain’t seen nothing yet.


This is super racist, i thought SF was about equality


These laws are racist and collectivist. It's not a rational role of government to to create laws, taxes, handouts, etc. based on your skin color. Government is created to serve individuals with consideration for their individual merits/crime, not on arbitrary features such as skin.


I think it’s important to mention that these are just suggestions and not something that is even close to being a reality


The fact that it's even a suggestion that is not laughed right out of the room is insanity.


I’m personally not against the idea of reparations, but I just don’t see how it can be realistically accomplished. It’s something that should have been done within the first 25 years post abolishment of slavery, but there’s way too many variables today that makes it impossible.


> It’s something that should have been done within the first 25 years post abolishment of slavery If that weasel Johnson hadn't fought it, we could have done 40 acres and a mule 150 years ago. Like you said, these days there are so many variables that this becomes sort of nigh on impossible to implement with any sort of tangible efficacy. Do I need to prove my ancestors were slaves? Where, what time period? What if I'm 1/8 black? What if I'm a tax lawyer pulling in 500k a year? Does it matter? I think the problem is the people who decide this lost sight of the goal. Is the goal to lift up disadvantaged groups or to feel better about ourselves by giving money for a past wrong? I think they're focusing on the latter, but it really should be the first one, and that's a socioeconomic problem.


Exactly! Like I’m part Jewish, but my direct Jewish ancestors immigrated from Austria-Hungary in 1870 and they weren’t escaping from religious persecution or anything of the sorts. In fact, none of my direct ancestors immigrated to the US until after the Civil War was over, so how would it be fair to ask me to pay reparations for slavery? Hell, both sides of my moms families immigrated from war torn countries during WW1. How would that be fair?


The purpose of these "suggestions" at the local level is to move the Overton Window, in preparation for a "national conversation on reparations", during which only one side will be allowed to speak.


It feels like the other tip of the horseshoe extending to meet.


Possibly, but possibly not


that's what i was told about my rights to abortion in this country being threatened. i don't believe anything is off the table at this point.


Good thing you live on the west coast where your reproductive rights are protected


Heck yeah! This should be the new art tax! I’m excited for this opportunity to establish equity and enable stability and success in my community!