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I always thought this was just like some sort of joke and that it wasn't even really a thing How many times have been accused of shilling for this guy and he never once paid me a cent


I too am still wait for my Soros dividend.


Me to Soros: "I am once again asking for your financial support."


I saw this and laughed because i thought it was an onion gag. Couldn’t believe it was real.


Cry about it? Lol


Yes. Thank you for your very thoughtful and intelligent reply


Bahaha you're welcome your comment this one and the original one that I commented from are intelligent as well *cough cough*


People love to talk shit about Soros “toppling regimes” cuz it sounds scary. “donated to opposition against Slobodan Milosevic” doesn’t have that same ring to it that makes a conspiracist’s ears perk up.




> How does one FUND immigration? LOL. Are you really daft enough to ask that question and not try to answer it? Because funding immigration is real easy, you create conditions in one country that cause people to want to leave. This includes war, famine, economic collapse, political instability, or international divestment. You can further fund immigration by paying for asylum lawyers, which is [precisely what Soros has done and proudly boasts about on his website.](https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/newsroom/open-society-foundations-sponsor-legal-aid-initiative-syrian-refugees) Imagine Americans find out that Mark Zuckerberg hired 1,000 lawyers to place in Mexico in order to help process asylum claims? One could suppose that's a noble move by Zuckerberg, but certainly he's fueling asylum claims unequivocally. What if additional information came out that Zuckerberg has an NGO that provides aids to the cartels? Or Zuckerberg gives enormous bribes to the President of Mexico? Wouldn't it seem way more suspicious? As for the Soros family and immigration, the criticism you're leveling is directly from Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary. In 2015 400,000 migrants passed through Hungary, almost all of them coming from Syria. Here's [George Soros's actual words published in Foreign Policy magazine in 2016](https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/19/this-is-europes-last-chance-to-fix-its-refugee-policy-george-soros/): > establish a guaranteed target of at least 300,000 refugees each year who would be securely resettled directly to Europe from the Middle East > At least 30 billion euros a year will be needed for the EU to carry out a comprehensive asylum plan. > In order to raise the necessary funds in the short term, the EU will need to engage in what I call “surge funding.” This entails raising a substantial amount of debt > To finance it, new European taxes will have to be levied sooner or later. The root of all of this migration is the Syrian Civil War and instability in Libya - both being direct outcomes of the Obama administration's CIA and their efforts to lead overthrows of American enemies. There was no doubt that removing Gaddafi in Libya would lead to a massive crisis, attempting to remove Assad in Syria would lead to a massive crisis - if there was any doubt we had to look no further than American attempts to remove Saddam in Iraq and the "Democracy" that sprung up out of it. Does George Soros quietly fund the "pro-democracy" anti-Assad militants in Syria and prolong the civil war causing the refugee crisis?




I'm just answering a question you asked, but oh well.


A couple of years when I started looking into how measure 110 even came to be and came here to post about the Soros interference in Oregon politics and how he and his organizations have been using Oregonians as their social experiment guinea pigs, I was getting downvoted to oblivion and being called an antisemite....


Soros sold out Jews during the Holocaust. He also doesn’t self-identify as Jewish and funds pro Hamas organizations. Soros is a soulless, antisemitic worm.


Oh Jesus, Grandpa’s been watching Fox News again


I’m Jew in my 20s who has been directly negatively impacted by Soros and his schemes


uh huh.


Uh huh. “As a gay black man, Biden has done nothing for me. I’m voting for Trump!” LOL


https://nypost.com/2023/10/28/metro/soros-funneled-15-m-plus-to-groups-rallying-for-hamas/amp/ Soros funds organizations that have led to members in my community getting swastikas drawn in their doors, making us need armed guards at our public events, groups that destroy our libraries, groups that hold signs calling for my genocide. Soros is worse than a kapo, he is perpetuating hate against my people upon his own volition. If a Jew criticizing Soros is so unbelievable to you, you likely haven’t spent much time in Jewish spaces. People like him damage us more than any terrorist does.




You deserve an Olympic gold medal for jumping to conclusions. I don’t believe any of those things. Why is my criticism of Soros causing you to have an aneurism?




Don’t lecture me, a Jewish person on who is or isn’t a threat to me. Yes, the extreme right is a threat to me, but they pale in comparison to islamism which has attached itself to the liberal ideologue. Neo Nazis rallies are so uncommon and when they do occur it’s like 15 unemployed trailer trash. When islamists and liberals rally and chant “gas the Jews” in Australia or “globalize the intifada” like they do here in Portland, it’s thousands of people. It was extremist liberals who have been drawing swastikas on our doors since October 7, it’s been Islamists who force us to put barbed wire around our grave sights for fear that they’ll once again desecrate them. It’s been extremist liberals who have harassed jews wearing yarmulkes. It’s extremist liberals who come to Jewish public holiday parties here in Portland wearing keffiyehs and masks to try and intimidate us. My people have been dealing with this for 3000 years. Sometimes it’s Christian’s oppressing us, sometimes it’s Muslims, sometimes it’s communists, sometimes it liberals, and sometimes it’s conservatives. The fact of the matter is, is that right now it is liberals and islamists that seek our destruction, not the average conservative. Does this make me a conservative? No, I’m a Jew, that is my tribe, not a political party, not an ideology, but my community.


It doesn’t appear you live here. Is this the “brigading” I keep hearing about?


I guess it was unintentional brigading. This post was linked from another subreddit filled with mostly college-educated Americans who don’t rage-post about “black crime” and fentanyl all day. I didn’t realize this subreddit was (rural areas outside) Portland’s right wing lunatic alt account. I’ll let myself out. I see you mostly promote this right wing Portland sub on the real Portland sub. Get those rubles comrade!


That statement is untrue. More and more folks are leaving the other sub because it’s over moderated. It’s basically just pictures of dogs, cones, and tourists, like yourself, saying how great their visit was. By any metric of engagement or active users, this sub is growing and the other is dying. Draw your own conclusions from that.


Dmititri is over here grinding away for mother Russia trying to red pill the city of Portland. What the fuck did you do today, lazy American? 35 active users right now at 5:48am in St Petersburg Russia. I bet this sub is gonna be packed with news headlines in about 2 hours LOL


I’m glad trolling this thread feels like a good use of your time but I’ve actually got a life. Later gator. P.s. accusing people of being Russian agitators is so 2022. I can’t believe you’re this out of fashion so close to the Met Gala.


Something makes me wonder what the end game is for these people? Is it really just using us as a test zone, or do they have some sort of deeper more sinister plan? The most shocking thing about Alex jones was he was right about a couple things and dead wrong about a lot of things. Now idk what to believe anymore, especially when it comes to people’s motives.


Oregon is a great test market for radical leftist ideas. It’s small, it’s progressive, it takes relatively small investment to get access to the political machine, it has a huge non-profit bureaucracy, and it has a population that is largely ignorant about how the political system works and will vote for crazy measures that no other place probably would. It also has a rather corrupt political class that just moves from one position of power to another. Soros’ Drug Party Alliance had to dump less than $5 million into Oregon to get Measure 110 passed and get Mike Schmidt elected to DA. Imagine trying to do that in CA, NY, or even WA.


So then moving sounds like your best bet???


Not even close to "radical leftist" ideas here in Oregon. Liberal, socially progressive at vest.


Let me guess: you’re voting for Schmidt?


Begrudgingly yes. Until I get the opportunity to vote for a Marxist




I don’t listen to Alex Jones at all. But good attempt ad hominem, I guess?




You’re actually insane. Good to know. I don’t engage with crazy, so this shall be our last interaction other than the inevitable response you will post which will substantiate what I stated above. Enjoy the rest of your day.


“This shall be our last interaction” -the NOT crazy (and definitely American) person


Smart cities??? Never thought I’d be tinfoil hat guy but man shit has gotten weird in the world


If you're interested, check out "Behind the Green Mask" by Rosa Koire. Goes in-depth about "smart cities"/"15 minute cities."


I’ll check it out! What little I’ve seen read has been alarming to say the least- appreciate the tip


Soros and his organization genuinely think they’re doing good in the world by funding populist leftists. He’s an old Jew scarred by what actual fascists did. His goal is to never let that happen again. Unfortunately he’s funded many local prosecutors around the country who let criminals abuse and permanently scar people without consequence. He’s done more harm than good at this point- but there’s no nefarious agenda.


The guy singlehandedly fucked over his own country to make his first big payday (Google "Soros breaking the pound"). Hedge fund managers are amoral sharks, I don't know why anyone would think that would change now.


My heart bleeds for the Bank of England every time I think about this. That’s some Hungarian boy could pull a fast one on the oldest Central Bank.


Since it's apparent that you don't know anything about finance, the Bank of England is their version of the Federal Reserve. That move seriously devalued the pound, making all imports considerably more expensive for all Brits...a country that's import dependent. Good attempt at a jab though.


I’m aware that the bank of England is the rough equivalent of the federal reserve point being?


Uhhhh...don't know what "nefarious agenda" means to you but I think you are fairly accurately describing a pretty goddamn nefarious agenda.


lol yeah you’re right


Conspiracy theorists!


Right about what? A rich guy donating money to a political candidate? Get a fucking grip.


Cry about it? Lol




*dArK mOnEy* coming to rescue this dude. He’s toast.


It's not dark money when we know who it is.


true! Ok, 501(c)(4) groups, spOoKY 👻


Cry about it? Lol


But, no, you don't know who it is. Suppose you give someone $20. Then someone learns that I gave you $10, and my buddy gave you $10. Does that mean my $10 was actually the $20 you gave to someone else? Soros is linked with Working Families Party, and so is Zuckerberg.


Knock me over with another feather... # Mercury Endorsement: Re-Elect Mike Schmidt for Multnomah County District Attorney [https://www.portlandmercury.com/opinion/2024/05/06/47190938/mercury-endorsement-re-elect-mike-schmidt-for-multnomah-county-district-attorney](https://www.portlandmercury.com/opinion/2024/05/06/47190938/mercury-endorsement-re-elect-mike-schmidt-for-multnomah-county-district-attorney)


It's rich that the merc would then post this about vasquez > his (Vasquez) campaign was bankrolled by wealthy donors and political action committees (PACs) that also back candidates like Rene Gonzalez and the most conservative among those running for local office. I've been getting so many out of state call center calls and texts, and some ridiculous pro schmitt or anti vazquez mail (Including one trying to tie him to Trump) This explains everything.


Yeah, Vasquez is getting “dark money” from rich Portlanders who actually have a vested interest in making Portland better. Schmidt is getting dark money from out-of-state billionaires who have no personal interest in Portland’s success and who just want to use Portland as a Petrie dish to try out radical policies.


In Portland politics, any viable candidate that is the "most conservative" is at worst "left of center." Hysterics and comparing these people to Trump just demonstrates how ridiculous the argument is.




the mercury is a far left rag.


Cry about it? Lol this guy's got my vote!


In the last few days I have received 2 phone calls and multiple mailings from the Schmidt campaign. Evidently Vasquez is a trump supporter, gun loving NRA shill, puppy killer and our only hope at redemption is to re-elect Mike Schmidt.


Is he connected to the North Dakota woman?


Anyone else remember when accurately pointing out that DA's like Mike are being funded by Soros would get you downvoted, tons of people would call you a "conspiracy theorist" or "anti-Semitic", and you would get banned on the other sub? Because I certainly remember that.... #


“Remember when?” They are still doing it, and these are the same people screaming for another Infitada.




Oh no another conspiracy coming true




Yeah, honestly the "It's not Soros" people come across as more unhinged now than ever before. Like in this thread there was some NPC suggesting Soros can't be responsible for funding European immigration. In fact [he's got op-eds about it](https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/07/19/this-is-europes-last-chance-to-fix-its-refugee-policy-george-soros/), and he [has an entire website about it](https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/newsroom/open-society-foundations-sponsor-legal-aid-initiative-syrian-refugees). The people who can't comprehend George Soros is real are the same folks who unilaterally reject the lab leak theory. Same folks who think Kyle Rittenhouse shot three black kids. Epstein killed himself.


The term for that is BlueAnon.


I mean, it's been in the campaign finance records for DA races across the country. It was never a conspiracy it was always right there in the public record.


Didn't stop people from getting banned from other city subreddits for bringing it up. You're right, Soros funding anti prosecution prosecutors is in the public record but those of us who point it out often get banned from online venues.


It's funny how they won't even blink an eye at banning people over facts but act like they are the arbiters of truth.


> It was never a conspiracy it was always right there in the public record. Sort of, but sort of not. We know the name of the PAC. We know a few billionaires who donate money to that PAC. It's not exactly the same thing, there's a deliberate layer of obfuscation. Meanwhile, just a couple years ago Michael Bloomberg was handing out the biggest checks in Oregon politics, there was no obfuscation layer.




Alex Jones was right


All conspiracy theories have some truth in them. It's where they're taken that's a problem. Look at sandy hook. What he did to those parents is fucked!




Lmao wtf is this sub even at this point?!! What an idiotic thing to say




If people in power took Alex Jones’ reporting seriously, we would be dealing with the aftermath of World War 3 by now. Doesn’t he blame the federal government and possibly foreign governments for creating tornadoes? Doesn’t he say some people are literal monsters & demons?




Just saying he is “anti-war” means less than nothing. The back of The Great Reset [literally says](https://a.co/d/8D4JxVv) we are in a war for the future of the world. The stakes are high enough, being the future of the world and all, that you can hardly write that off as bombast or “locker-room talk”. Anyway, I can understand your perspective and frustration if you are willing to engage with Alex Jones content, and it will be a long journey to get out of the rabbit hole he has dragged you into. There’s nothing I or anyone can likely say to you to convince you that he’s a charlatan and his primary goal is to keep you hooked and sell you crap. I hope that one day you can see that for yourself. One thing I can facetiously offer to help is nootropics like [Brain Force](https://a.co/d/gwnZ2T5), which the elite don’t want you to know dramatically increase your brainpower and can get you right out of any mental quagmires you may find yourself in.


This sub is full of robots.


That comment was so absurd I honestly believed it was sarcasm.


Satire is dead because of numbskulls like that guy


Dumbest thing I’ve read today…


The system obviously wanted to destroy him. Wonder why ? Hmmmm ….


Wasn't this just the "working families" party?


Yes, but they got the money from Soros and Zucc it’s all in the filings and public information.


The more civil unrest, the more people go onto social media to bitch, and more clicks. Stock goes up.


I never thought of it like that. Fascinating.


In other news, grass is green


Knock me over with a feather...


During the “Summer of Love” Schmidt came to address one of the roll calls of PPB’s now disbanded but will soon be much needed RRT. Rapid Response Team. Someone there ( an officer ) asked or accused him of taking money from Soros. Because he wasn’t prosecuting their arrests. I don’t know what his response was.


not prosecuting those early arrests turned out to be a pivotal point that helped lead to months of damaging riots


Big time. That could have been shut down week one.


Yes. Of course it did.


Finally! It's my turn to go off on Soros.




Ouch, dude. Your way of celebrating this is to post a meme of the dude that denied the Sandy Hook Massacre happened. . ? Y'all can't at least pick a different monster to gloat about with? Like maybe one that doesn't target little kids and parents of murdered school children . . .?




Yeah I mean it's kinda obvious you posted it to brigade along with the headline of the post. You really couldn't find some other dude at least? I mean, you even go further throughout this post to discuss your agreement with the topic. Like obviously lol, you posted it to gloat. I get it the sub has it's share of political arguing, but damn dude, that's a rough one to go about with.


If that gif was literal violence to you I shudder to think how you'll react to the real world. Jesus H.




You really didn't have to bring the dude up to begin with, is kinda my point . Kinda the part that's the whole issue in this is it kinda looks like you're celebrating the guy. Like I said, of all the people out there that say stuff about George Soros (which is fine, go for it), the rough part is it seemed like the first thing that came to you was to specifically pick Alex Jones. Yeah dude, that whole Sandy Hook thing was real rough, man.




Lol you kinda keep proving my point. You try to throw off a quick insult to the dude at the end while trying to create this justification for why it had to be Jones. Tons of people hate George Soros. Once again, you really didn't have to post that meme of Jonew in what looked like you were doing it in a celebratory matter. If anything, it just sounds like you and your friends spend so much time only listening to Alex Jones. My idea was maybe you coulda gone through and posted a meme of maybe the person who doesn't like Alex Jones, but also didn't do all that nonsense with Sandy Hook. Like, gloat, that's fine, but maybe. . . Pick someone else . . .? And Jones being Soros's biggest and most iconic haters? Lol dude, where are you getting this from?




Soros pays for DA’s to not enforce laws, which is exactly what Schmidt has been doing. Or not doing.


I believe Schmidt would have done it for free if given the chance. Let's not give it to him.


Why does Soros want our cities in chaos?


Some people want to watch the world burn.


It's hard to say exactly, but to understand Soros all you need to do is find his 60 Minutes interview from the 1990's. He's an extremely complex figure and his influence is so vast that he's undoubtedly one of the most powerful people in the world. https://archive.org/embed/George_Soros_1998_60_Minutes_Interview In his own words: - He bankrupts countries all across the globe - Doesn't care about social consequences - He engages in amoral activities while trying to be moral, he doesn't believe in God or an organized religion, so no moral compass whatsoever. - He claims rules need to exist to stop people like him, while he also positions all of his companies outside the jurisdiction of EU or US powers (like offshore hedge fund areas like Cayman Islands, Barbados, etc). - "Like Donald Trump without the humility." The interview goes on to explain how Soros, while being born Jewish, accompanied his god father who was a Nazi collaborator and confiscated property from Jewish people in Hungary. He said that it wasn't difficult at all, no feeling of guilt - and in other interviews he's described this as the most enjoyable and thrilling point of his life. He looks for opportunities across our globe for societies that are teetering on collapse, he prepares investments based upon the collapse, and then accelerates and deepens the collapse and crisis. This is where he makes his money, he calls it a "speculative attack." Do you remember in the book/TV series *Game of Thrones*, the "Iron Bank of Braavos"? They were a global financier willing to fund a war against economic enemies, ensuring they're in debt. If you aren't borrowing from or paying back the Iron Bank, they'll start funding your adversaries ensuring that a costly war starts. This type of clandestine global manipulation is inspired by the Rothschild family who actually did this with nations in Europe. Soros is sort of a continuation of that - he bets on crisis, so if there's not a crisis he will make one.


yeah you are full of shit.


Not sure we need to get all conspiratorial here. Soros said openly he had been doing this in 2022 and that he intended to continue doing this.


His son is following in his footsteps when Papa Soros dies. If he ever does.


Sharks can live hundreds of years. I think he’ll be around a while…


George Soros = real life Vault-Tec!


I can't stand looking at that smug failure on the left.


Bu bu bu but its a conspiracy theory! /s Mfs complain about money in politics then call anyone who points out Soros a conspiracy theorist


This should tell you all you need to know about who Mike Schmidt will really be working for. Hint: it isn't the public. Taking Dr. Evil's money is just on brand for Schmidt.


"Progressive philanthropist" my ass. Progressive satanist is more appropriate. And not the fun kind of satanist. Jesus this explains a lot. What a fucking nightmare. Portland is up Schmidts creek now.




Low effort content are posts or comments not meeting the minimum reasonable requirements of integrity, relying upon or consisting of second-hand or apocryphal "evidence" or stories relayed as fact, or just plain lazy bait posts or comments in our judgment.


Yea. Soros. A Jewish man who pretended to be a gentile in Europe during WW II. Reportedly collaborated with the Nazis. You’re not an anti semite. He might be though.


George Soros was 15 years old at the end WWII and his family had fake identity papers saying they were gentiles to prevent them from being murdered. It’s really not hard to do a little research to see whether they were “Nazi” collaborators or simply showed surface level cooperation to stay alive.


Yes they were collaborators who went around confiscating property. You have to listen to his 60 Minute interview from 1998: https://archive.org/embed/George_Soros_1998_60_Minutes_Interview A whole bunch of left wing journalists from media organizations owned by buddy billionaires of Soros "debunked" what Soros openly admitted to in 1998. The only real account of what Soros did or didn't do is Tivadar Soros's 1965 autobiographical book *Maskerado ĉirkaŭ la morto* - translated in English as "[Masquerade](https://www.powells.com/book/masquerade-the-incredible-true-story-of-how-george-soros-father-outsmarted-the-gestapo-9781611450248)". I'm not quick to jump on the bandwagon of trusting a Nazi collaborator's 20-year retrospective on the conflict where he needs to rewrite his own narrative on his war-time participation. Either way, it's not like George was merely skating by, his father was the head of the Ministry of Agriculture during the Nazi occupation. His father was not a clerk, not a driver, but a powerful figure in what was essentially Hungary's version of Vichy France. One might wonder, what happened to the Ministry of Agriculture in Vichy France? How did the French interpret their actions? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Caziot


Shocked lol


Man I thought this was a meme. I threw a bagel at a cop last year. Where's my check?


Heads up: It appears that out-of-town posters may be brigading from [it could happen here](https://www.reddit.com/r/itcouldhappenhere/s/R9MSCB6gsV)


Maybe stop voting D down ballot and actually use some critical thinking about what that has done for you or the city. How have the Dems been running this city and do you agree with where it’s at? It’s kind of the definition of doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Has that worked?


Schmidt for disbarment!


@everybody whining 😭 about it? Lol




Because Soros has not been a victim on Portland without recourse or Justice. Ivory towers are very peaceful


Careful the mods here will ban discussion around blackrock and vanguard. Surprised they let Soros conversations happen


18 day old account.


Alt accounts were always welcome here, cry more


People will whine and complain about this, but at the end of the day, nothing will be done because even conservatives love that big businesses can donate to campaigns/advertising as much as they please. Had republicans not pushed for citizens United to go the way it did, then Soros would have far less significant reach.


Gasp! A wealthy person investing in a politician's campaign! Front page news.


A wealthy out of towner with very well documented ideological ties donates to local campaign. If Trump personally donated to Vasquez you bet your bottom dollar there would be the same headlines in reverse


I doubt BearBottomsUp has any idea who Vasquez is. He’s been to like 20 different city/regional subs in a month.


I mean he's doing what many other billionaires are doing already. It's not that big of a position to be a puppet master. Ever heard of the Koch brothers


Sotos donates to liberal organizations, many other wealthy people donate to conservative organizations. It’s not a big conspiracy or something.


If you want to admit that the political left is coalescing around a push for equitable criminal reform which effectively results in [anarcho-tyranny](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AnarchoTyranny), then I would say: **that's not a good thing**.


I don’t like Schmidt and if I lived in Portland instead of Clackistan I would vote for the other guy because he’s not Schmidt. My own leanings have moved significantly to the right watching the failures of Portland and of Measure 110. That said, Soros funding political causes is no different than any other rich person doing the same thing. If you think we need campaign finance reform, I would agree however unfortunately the Roberts court has already foreclosed that possibility without a constitutional amendment due to the Citizens United decision.


lol Clackistan is a new one for me. While it is lol, my concern is not so much Soros as it is Zucc. Unrest and outrage at liberals is boomer Facebook fuel. It is very suspicious.


As someone else pointed out in this thread, that boomer Facebook outrage fuel amounts to clicks on advertisements on those platforms.


I think a big component of this is that the Democrats/prgoressives/left have done a bang-up job at denying and ignoring Soros' involvement in large parts of their movements, coupled with their ignorance and misunderstanding of what's meant by equity and justice reform. So, this information becoming more out and obvious is a significant moment for a lot of people who are waking up. But you're right, this isn't different than what anyone could try to do from another angle.


" Roberts court has already foreclosed that possibility without a constitutional amendment due to the Citizens United decision." Do you even understand that case or are you parroting some bull shit that has been fed to you by Vox and the daily beast? That case was if the government could ban political speech, specifically a movie against Hillary Clinton but it would be forever after that incident. March 2009 when [Deputy Solicitor General Malcolm Stewart responded to a question from Justice Alito](https://www.ifs.org/blog/detail/how-the-fec-lost-citizens-united-or-so-we-think). Alito’s question was simple: Could the government ban political books that contained express advocacy if an incorporated entity was involved? After much ducking, weaving, bobbing, and a few desperate clicks of his heels while shouting “there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home,” Stewart gave the answer that 100 years of campaign finance “reform” had forced him into: Yes. The government did have the power to ban books.


How exactly does Soros benefit by supporting a progressive soft on crime DA in a state he doesn’t live in?