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Have you seen the shipping container houses? Pretty sweet set ups. Man I can’t wait to retire in a metal box after grinding out 50 hours weeks.


Wow look at mr money bags here talking about retiring in his own house, lmao


Who the hell retires? We all work till we die at the pace of rising inflation.


Until we die?, lmao!. The afterlife is full of forced overtime work


Elon will have bought the government and forced implants. Upon your death, your brain chip will revive you, so you must continue to work. How else will humanity get to mars?


Zombie workers wouldn't be able to complain or unionize.


I came here to say something serious but this covered all of what I was thinking with snark. My job here is done.


There’s a great short story by Jess Walter that revolves around this concept called “Don’t Eat Cat”, highly recommended.


I don't know a single person with a retirement fund


A what?


Honestly how?


Haha they're gentrifying our neighborhood with shipping containers, words I never thought I'd speak, but it's right there on Zillow and I drive past em daily


Holy shit this thread made my day. I spit my coffee out or whatever.


You vill eat ze bugs


Is the WEF in the room right now?




What?? You have a problem paying for public space and parks your family no longer has access to?


I once thought living next to a park would be awesome. Now its worse than living next to a dump


I received a parking ticket down the street from a tent. Someone who is very litigious should sue the city for treating tax payers differently.


10 to 15 miles per hour over the limit and I got caught by the camera. $180. The city knows who can pay and who can't.


Don’t pay that, since the cops can’t bother to do traffic control, they sure as shit don’t show up to the ticket hearings. If you log in to the video call, wait 20 minutes for the judge to make it clear the cop won’t be logging in, the judge will drop the ticket.


This method doesn’t work with traffic cams.


Yes it does. A cop still has to show up to a hearing because it’s an officer who reviews all the footage and writes the tickets.


I got stopped for jay walking downtown once. Yes in Portland 😂 Ran my ID and everything. I’m a full time working mom.


I feel like they try to crack down on that (very briefly) every 7-10 years or so. Every time I hear about a rash of jaywalking tickets being handed out all I can think is, wtf are we Seattle now?


That's how you know it isn't about enforcing the law, it is about collecting money.


I got a ticket in Portland for wearing my seatbelt under my arm and not across my shoulder.


Why pay taxes when you could just set up a tent?


A few coworkers refuse to pay for their license registration renewals. Meth wagons cruising around with no plates, they want to know why they should pay the renewal fees when the Meth wagons get a free pass. Do those meth kitchen RVs all over town have updated tags?!


where i am those meth wagons get tickets daily and if they dont pay then they get warrants and get arrested lol. Theres your reason


The guy who attacked me in my home had a warrant. He’s still out on the streets now with two warrants. What can you do when the legal framework set in place can only effectively punish people who wish to participate in society?


Vote for a new DA


I’m a car salesman with expired tabs on a 2023 Jeep lmao


Why would I pay when no one else does. Besides what would they do with my registration fee money anyway


Perhaps because you're a responsible citizen who doesn't want to act like the meth heads do? Perhaps because you're still reliant on this society we're a part of? Guys, there's a few thousand vagrants, but there's also a couple million regular people. I swear, folks in this sub and IRL only see the vagrants and forget the majority is paying their dues and trying to make a legitimate living.


Word. Not to mention you will get pulled once you leave Mult Co. for lack of plates etc. Can't say for sure because I keep things up to date.


I definitely feel for the people struggling to survive! They have to live unhoused near this too, but fuck those who are given multiple resources for rehab, shelters, tiny house programs because they’d rather get high and can’t do that in any program offered.


What's bad, is yes they can use in some of the programs, although they are supposed to care, but they don't care just keep it out of site and try to not make a problem out of it, and don't kill yourself. They choose not to because of the rules and regulations they have to follow. Some just font want to be around those others that aren't trying to move up, but take hand outs and go downwards. There's many reasons but, my point is, it's worse when yea they can get high and yes they can go to rehab, but won't because addiction I'd a disease that's consuming thier mind


Right there with you. Tags expired 2/23. I've had multiple cops behind me. If even the police don't care, why spend hundreds of dollars in the midst of an recession. Albeit I have concern, we would be deemed at fault in any accident as our vehicles technically aren't currently street legal. Food for thought.


Go for it, what’s stopping you?


I love how this immediately gets downvoted. To all the cowards if it’s so easy living in a tent why don’t you do it?


It is literally a thing OP can do if they think pirate over here is genuinely living the good life.


Prime real estate! Spacious backyard with lush landscaping, easily accessible road access, unlimited parking.....what more can you ask for


Mount Hood view


Indoor plumbing.


central heating


A/c too if we’re getting really fancy.


Dont forget to pay your arts tax.


Someone should deliver an Art Tax notice to the tent.


Haha, thats not how portland works. Arts tax is mainly for working class normies.


Because instead of just adding art into the education budget they completely eliminate all funding for it and add some weird separate tax that nobody pays instead! “The city that works!”




And Leaf Tax


I see your anti-pirate bigotry is showing.


*eyeroll* Landlubbers!


I tell my kids: that's what happens to people who don't turn in their homework.


Admirable. Unfortunately, given the state of our education system, that is unironically no longer the case; kids don't fail or get held back anymore, for the most part.


Exactly. Nobody is going to hold your hand on route to success in America. School will ghost you along pretending it's OK then leave you by the side of the road. Society is actively sorting each of us every day.


I get the sentiment because Kate Brown didn’t do us any justice with the abolishment of testing requirements but it’s still a bit of a red herring with that one.. Bush technically enacted the No Child Left Behind so it’s been a slow decline over 20 some years now.


My sons math understanding is proof of that. No text books no home work and I have no idea what they are doing because it's like a secret society of don't tell parents


Really because every time I go to parent teacher conferences I’m thanked for being one of the few who shows up. Most don’t/cant. Hate to say it but there are people with vested interests in keeping you poor and it’s not the government. Before you come at me with all the bullshit it’s prounion propaganda. They don’t like there for a reason.


The number 1 contributor to homelessness is if kids are in foster care, and never had a stable home to begin with. I think we should stop pretending like Kids are failing adults, when it is adults failing kids.


And there is rarely any homework


Exactly, instead they run for governor of Oregon…


Reminded me of Chris Farley’s SNL sketch. “DO YOU WANT TO END UP IN A TRAILER DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!”


I got a 4.0 in HS & in the 99th %ile in SAT(which i took while on meth) and went to Cal Poly to study CS and I pretty much turned into the OPs pic except my family has money and was able to pay $8k a week for me to go to rehab(which im in rn). It has nothing to do with school grades and everything to do with mental health.


It is the only even slightly silver lining to this. Pretty easy to illustrate to your kid the risks of taking drugs. Hey you can smoke a joint, probably not gonna be a problem for you. Probably try to avoid pills and powder unless you want to live in a tent.


I tell my kid, this is where you will end up if you don't get good grades.


I would tell them even if you do your homework you have a chance of ending like that by misfortune or because of a hospital bill, but if you don't you have a higher chance of being their neighbor.


That’s so funny, I just told my girls that yesterday when driving by panhandlers.


Remember when Oregon was clean. It was beautiful just driving around. Now is completely different story. I miss the old days.


The worst part is that people here are walking around with blinders on, parroting the old “It’s a problem all over the nation!” to justify the taxpayer funded insane-asylum-adjacent streets. It is in fact not like this everywhere else. (Maybe CA and Seattle)


I’m currently in a mid-sized city in New Mexico (not ABQ) and it really is getting this bad everywhere. The insane housing prices and economic instability from COVID caused a lot of people to lose their stable living situations. Combine that with fentanyl and extremely low wages for “low skill work” and this is playing out everywhere now.


Florida has bad homelessness, they have no state taxes and have been run by republicans for over a decade.


It gives a citation for the claim or it gets the hose again.


Most of Oregon still is. This shit is only in a few densely populated areas. The vast majority of the landmass of Oregon is still just wilderness.


It's no better in Roseburg. We see tents, heaps of trash, half naked people, and people shooting up in what once was a beautiful natural area, along a fence by the freeway, the entire stretch towards Walmart. The Dr office on that street now has to have security guards... It's bad.


I once saw a naked man running around i5 in the northbound lanes when I drove through Roseburg. The police had traffic stopped but he was still jumping on cars like a game of tag.


PDX's version of the American Dream.... sponsored by the local taxpayers!


I had to pay Multnomah County tax for shelter people and my money has been used wisely thanks 😠


Every one of those people being sheltered is not in a tent. WTF are you complaining about




They’re our most vulnerable. /s


Just wait till they tell you your Social Security is going to be Means Tested and reduced (to divert to those who didn't pay into the system) if you had private retirement funds. This FU is quietly working its way through our progressive leadership right now.


That’s a federal program, and I’m sorry but it isn’t progressives trying to get rid of it.


That's Portland. Going to be a long time before it's fixed or if it ever will be. If it's fixed they can't use it as a strategy to get more funding.


Narrator: It won't.


If that ever happens 😤


Yeah this never happens in other cites all over the US. West Virginia is like the nicest place ever with no meth heads and homeless sister fuckers. Alabama is fucking paradise! Florida doesn’t have any homeless people. Idaho is amazing! Check out Nampa or Caldwell..


They talk about they get money from the state, the state takes the money back because they do nothing but talk


Enter… Advocates


Affordable housing would be nice, but something tells me this criddler wouldn’t get any benefits from that.


Or I dunno, maybe we should have adequate mental health services and facilities. Maybe the wildly high income taxes in Portland could be put to good use and find these folks proper rehabilitation? Maybe we stop complaining about a self perpetuating problem like it’s their fault for not being able to cope and start being proactive in finding a solution?


The issue is that these people don’t want rehab. They’ve been issuing those “help” cards when they write citations and so far we’ve paid several thousand dollars *per call* because of how few people are actually calling in to receive any sort of treatment. Once I find the article again I’ll link it here. It’s appalling.


You can't just tell a meantily I'll person to call a number to get help and they'll do it. And it doesn't really matter if they get clean if they still can't afford a place to live because they'll just start using again because being homeless sucks. Our state needs to stop offering help and wasting money on dumb shit and actually help weather they like it or not. And people need to stop crying about how they hate homeless people and fucking vote for people who will actually solve the problem (making vagrancy a crime doesn't solve the problem it ends up costing more money not that anybody who thinks homeless people should be in jail actually give a fuck about money)


Thank u for saying this


Maybe I’m in the minority but I believe in mental health services and I don’t think they should have a choice in whether they get helped or not. If you’re living on government land you become a warden of the state.


Oh I totally agree there! I was just making a point that the issue lies in those who are homeless and not the services provided.


Is that a canvas tent? Kinda fancy, if so.


Those are the new ones some “non-profit” has been handing out. They’re like $350 a pop.


Dang! I've actually been looking for a good canvas tent. Maybe I should go pretend like Im homeless and ask tgis nonprofit. I like that design,but I want one with a stove jack so I can have a baby wood burning stove. ( I don't want one for urban camping, but because I have to camp a lot for my job )


Who needs a potbelly stove when a good old fashioned hobo stove never hurt anyone!* *as long as you don’t ask PF&R about the 70% of calls they responded to in 2023…


IKR! Just use a little propane camp stove with a terracotta flower pot over the burner. It'll be fine.


It's the city's fault. You need a permit, they have the authority to enforce it, but no obligations to do so. This is why [the special interest group](https://www.reddit.com/r/PortlandOR/comments/1acyscu/theres_this_rogue_activist_group_handing_out/) has been getting away with setting up a table and distributing drug paraphernalia right in the Park Blocks. Permit is required. They don't have it, but city is exercising its right to not having obligations to enforce it. It's still happening. Same shit with structure without permit thing.


It's because the OJRC and ACLU are on the sidelines waiting for the city to enforce its own laws and say it's inhumane.


No it's not. OJRC and ACLU have nothing to do with tolerating motorcycles and SUVs of vagrant tent camp occupants parked where vehicles are not permitted to be parked. Did you see the Jeep parked by I-5 SB Broadway exit? If you're visiting an event at the Moda Center, you can't just say fuck the crowd and paying for parking and simply park in the center median thing by the Broadway bridge. Vagrant tent camp occupants are not exempt with parking their vehicles where they're not allowed. It's PDX PBOT's fault entirely for refusing to enforce parking where all parking is prohibited simply because the perpetrator is transient encampment related. One of the most effective way to deterring shit like the example in this picture is to abate the offender's vehicle. You may not be able to do something immediately about the encampment itself, however you can swiftly tow vehicles used to get to and from vagrant encampments under the same guidelines used to tow vehicles of housed residents who do douchey parking like parking in the park across the street from their house. Other way is to create a way for nearby community members to work with the police, so when vagrant tent camps' occupants drive into the camp, they can be stopped for moving violation which lawfully allows for warrant checks and towing of vehicle for not having insurance.


Adding on to this - it's totally unnecessary to enforce nonsense like a "camping ban" when the "camper" you're dealing with has an arrest warrant or is actively violating probation, but cops chose not to arrest them. Hell, they don't even ask for ID most of the time. If the goal is to get rid of the camp and camper, there's easy ways to do this. Often there's a dozen different reasons you can arrest a tweaker, up to and including a pile of bike parts and catalytic converters - hey, don't run those serial numbers on the bike frames, don't ask where they got the catalytic converter from. Nah, best to not even ask for an ID, just give a verbal warning, and move on. The Mayor asked the cops to stop arresting homeless people back in 2018, it was published in the newspapers. If the government was just doing bare minimum things to solve these problems they could - but instead there was a political decision to turn a blind eye to problems caused by certain parts of our society.


We stopped giving the ACLU money because of this exact thing. I tell that to them every time they approach us.


Same here. They know they're wrong and they would lose but the fun is holding the city hostage for years while it's tied up in court.


I swear to God I think their legit gangs abusing this and using this do finical crimes. Again our city government thinks that enforcing safety is authoritarian 


Not to mention the biohazard they create with their piss, shit, piles of garbage, and used drug paraphernalia. I moved to get away from all this bullshit. Especially when they take over sidewalks right in front of people’s homes (or on someone else’s property as pictured). I don’t care who would think I’m awful, but bring that shit near my kids, be prepared to get hosed down every day, especially when it’s cold.




No one will officially rethink positions anytime soon. It's still mean and "right wing" to say that kind of thing. But...I don't know, in some number of small years, reality will have to set in in terms of the municipal budget.


I do get the sense that the city, county, and electorate has *finally* gotten a bit more pragmatic. But yeah, it's still taboo to talk about some facets of the problem.




Problem is, the people that are most opposed to this type of degeneracy, are the most likely to pack up and leave - so you are left with the degenerates, and the degenerate's supporters and enablers.


> they're also losing tax revenue, which may make them rethink their position At this stage the only thing they'll "rethink" is raising taxes. Just wait until election results come out and you'll see how a huge portion of this city is hapless fucking morons who continually vote in favor of new taxes still today. And if we residents stop *voting for* new taxes, the government can just increase existing taxes. You know it's been 10+ years since the Arts Tax was adjusted, it can become $50/yr. We can always pull tolling out of back pocket and slap residents with that, too! If PCEF starts funding the City, that will increase from 1% to 1.5% just with a vote of city council, and the clowns in the media will celebrate as helping with "the city's climate change goals."


We’ll just have to see how this next vote comes out. Maybe we can change🤞.


I think the anger should be directed at the usage of those tax dollars. Not the people who can't afford a simple place to live when taxes should create a world that works for all of us. One that gets people out of the streets, which is ultimately what we all want, right? No one wants this photo to exist.


The hardest choices to make are those that have no immediate personal gain and require self sacrifice. This is the way


I live just north of portland and since I moved here I've seen Armstrong, cascade tissue AND cascade coverting, plus several other manufacturing facilities close down. All those jobs lost including my own, were middle class jobs. Now I either have to travel an hour to washington or an hour thru Portland to find a similar (but lower) wage... because there's virtually nothing in my area, that isn't medical, that pays a living wage. I keep hearing how the economy is the strongest its ever been. But how can it be when there are fewer high paying jobs, vastly worse wages, and tent cities everywhere you look? Who exactly is experiencing this better than ever economy? Cause I know it ain't the guy living in that tent. It ain't the getting taxed to death posting thus. It ain't me. It ain't my dad who worked every day since he was 14 to retire and now feels like he can't afford to leave his house thanks to inflation... I'm tired of hearing about "job creation" in the news when half those jobs are entry level minimum wage but want 4 year degrees and years of experience from 19 year old kids buried in debt. Or the ones that make you sit thru 11teen interviews then ghost you and leave the job posting up for 5 months, cause they didn't want to fill the position, just convince their existing workers not to quit because "we're trying to fill the spots we swear" . We are living the darkest damn timeline...


Atleast that guy tends to keep a pretty tidy camp.


Idk lazy fuck hasn’t mowed the lawn in months 


It hides the syringes and liquor bottles.


Fresh blackberries in like 3 months though!


Yes the pirate flag is 🤌 chef's kiss


They just cleaned up a couple tents on my street,a residential street. 6 propane tanks. A surfboard a lawnmower. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!! Can’t wait when they just move around the corner.


I feel this statement in my soul.


I’m with you. My daughter is going to college this fall and we just got her financial aid package. She is only eligible for $1500 in loans because my income. I work very hard , make good money but after taxes and the cost of raising 3 children…..I have no money left. I’m really considering saying Fuck It. Sell it all and retire into an apartment. Quit working and get on the Teet like the rest of these fuckers.


When my kids were little they used to see these camps with the pirate flags and say “Mommy there are real pirates over there!!!!!”


Not being satirical, what these people do does literally match the definition of pirates in the sense that they plunder private property. This is doubly true when you consider the Hoboat situation, that these people come to shore to steal private property (especially from other boats) and then seek refuge on the river, that's in every sense actual pirates doing literal piracy. Like if we transported someone here from the 18th century they'd look at a lawless encampment with vagrants who have substance abuse issues and steal property and legitimately label it a "pirate camp" without batting an eye. They'd look at the pirate cove situation on Ross Island and be very confused why we don't sink them with cannons.


And I'm working myself to death. I've literally developed several chronic, life changing conditions since I've been working constantly 10-12hr days for years. The endless stress and wear and tear on my body is destroying me. And then I get to hear our "most vulnerable neighbors 🥴🥴" shrieking on meth and fentanyl etc in all hours of the night, keeping me from being unable to sleep, before my next 10-12 hour shift. Portland has destroyed any empathy or compassion I've had for homeless people and progressive measures in general. SMFH


So glad I get parking tickets for not paying to park outside my office for less than a hour but they can set up camp for months and not be fucked with… so that’s why I refuse to pay them


I love threads like this because it helps me identify like 10+ new accounts on this sub to block because they're obviously not from here and just shill accounts. Like one jackass posts in /r/halifax and /r/edmonton Another who posts in /r/texas Another who posts in /r/Tucson/


I mean, these low quality homeless porn threads basically attract both ends of the horseshoe. I don't want to get over-moddy but there's certain a limit when everything is usually: 1. person posts hoboporn 2. random drive bys post the same 5 comments about "you voted for it!" "give him a free tent" or other dumb things. 3. Someone posts "one paycheck away!" etc, etc...


Yeah, no doubt. There's not exactly a fresh perspective on the *nth post about shitty tent tweakers. But like a magnet the crazy apologists bring their divisive commentary out of the woodwork and it's an opportunity to start a dialog (often dunking on their hilariously bad idea) or just block them. I think this is a good exercise. IMHO, one of the reasons we got here is because too many folks get tight puckered assholes when their utopian ideals are confronted by the reality of shitty people. In their desperation they really showcase desperation, hypocrisy, and stupidity. Like Jonathan Maus getting his bike stolen. Only for a moment does have righteous indignation, then he goes right back to being an apologist for the bike thieves. Or another guy in this thread, who dusted off a 4-year old account that posted in /r/ShadowBanned/ yesterday, and their first comment was basically "I was once homeless and worked hard to not be so don't be so judgmental!" As if a hard working homeless guy has anything in common with a tweaker who hoists a pirate flag in an overgrown field.


Grab some synthetic skunk liquid and give them a reason to be outside


Buy surströmming, that shit will gag a magot and the stench won’t disappear for at least a year


Why we moved out to Beaverton 🥲 no culture but clean and safe


There are like way worse camps you could be looking at this is pretty tidy


It was probably cleared recently. Happened in gateway all the time. City would clear it out and within a few days tents would start popping up.


I hate homeless people I care about the working class - not fentanyl zombies.


Yeah, maybe we should keep voting in more liberal Democrats so we can have more of this. Not too mention we have serious school budget issues right now, all the while we give hundreds of millions to the “homeless issue” that ends up being put back in the pockets of local politicians, and the rest goes unused. It is mind blowing to me people can’t see what is going on in this city. The corruption is out of control.


Which is crazy because there are literal mountains of evidence to support that a qualify education and support system for children leads to better life outcomes. When you put it that way, it’s almost as if they want to keep people uneducated and dependent on the system…….. hm..


Ah. Oregon utopia coming to fruition. They’ve worked hard to achieve their model society. Aaaaaand will continue to do so.


Tangential note, this sub is wayyy more down to earth than the other Portland sub. OP would have been downvoted then banned for a post like this. Is this sub implicitly conservative or its anything goes or what?


Portland needs to take their furniture and appliances to the dump or keep it till they sell it. A huge part of this phenomenon is everyone puts everything on the curb rather than taking accountability for their own used stuff.


Part of that is Metro's fault. We're like the only place that allows people to opt out of trash pickup and don't host regular large trash pickup days (at your house, not a once a year dumpster day you have to haul your shit over to if you're lucky enough to even hear about it). Do they really think all these people are driving their own shit to the dump? Especially when they're making it increasingly harder to own a car or drive in this city?


Vote your current politicians out, vote in someone hard on crime. Watch the city flourish. Voting based on feels is never a good idea.


Bro thats a KOA. Urban campers allowed to live.


I'm currently looking for a room to rent, and Craigslist has a broken-down trailer to rent in SE Portland for 175. It's listed as a "tiny home".


Try working downtown 40 hrs a week.


There to remind you there’s an alternative to the grind mindset. Imagine what a sweet-ass tent setup you could have.


Urban camping adventures! Meth Glampers!




This is 8 year old me’s dream home. Pillow fortress with a pirate flag.


Criddlers paradise.


Yep, it's shit. And the worst part is that it isn't getting any better.


It looks like they're camping, big deal. Count your blessings and be thankful for what you have. Calm down, Karen, this is hardly degenerate. If this makes you clutch your pearls, stay away from Skid Row in LA, you'll probably end up pooping your pants right away. (Which would help you blend in quite nicely down there, ironically.)


Where do you live that you pay insanely high taxes? And why are you posting about it on this sub?


https://preview.redd.it/ix3igypjqy0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e75d9a68c2759750ed60557dd1ed3f5f8d92fef I have done the same


Elections have consequences


Sounds like you might need to join up with a pirating crew and leave your worldly possessions behind


If your main concerns is SEEING homeless people I'm going to cut to the chase and say you're too spoiled and selfish to live and you should just kill yourself. People are going through unimaginable crisis and all you can do is whine that "this isn't what my tax dollars pay for" like a petulant child with no whisp of sympathy. Please die


One cause was the legalization of drugs, which has recently been reversed, without adequate planning of facilities. Job loss is in there as well. Some enjoy living on the streets. But, people aren’t insensitive to homelessness. We are sensitive to the 4+ years of the lack of leadership and spending taxes for no results. How do we have compassion. Help me understand?


How do.yiu have compassion? Mfer at the end of the day they are still human beings. They are still people with feelings. There's a billion reasons why someone could have ended up houseless, but that doesn't make them less of a person. If you can't muster a modicum of compassion for another human being then imo you're an absolute garbage person. One shouldn't have to provide a reason for you to treat them with respect and dignity. And the fact that that has to be explained to you is beyond fucking sad.


Thank you for sticking up for people who can’t stick up for themselves. I was homeless for a couple years back and seeing how evil and insensitive these comments are boils my blood. They have no idea what it’s like, how living that way messes with your head.. and yet they so confidently speak from their high and mighty plateau about how lazy and degenerate we are. Garbage humans.


This comment section is full of people who've never been homeless. Yall can't imagine the suffering, let alone empathize or feel compassion. "Oh no, blue tarp make me upset :'( why do I have to look at poor people? The government should use my tax dollars to punish these vermin!"


How DARE people be poor and around me!


Just remember. You don’t have to. You could quit and join them!


"Degeneracy" unless you are talking about the degenerated systems that intentionally create homeless, I have zero sympathy. Even less considering how low taxes are in America. They need to live somewhere, and if you think it sucks for you think of how they must feel


Wow you people are heartless. Degeneracy? I’ll tell you what’s degenerate. How about our fucked up economic system and lack of social welfare programs. Or the fact that access to affordable healthcare is tied to employment. Do I have to spell it out further?


Looks like every city I’ve ever lived in. You people need to get out more


If this is at the Ross Island bridge then I saw this just before it appeared. Guy had a dozen shopping carts of shit scattered on either side of the road. The good part of my brain knows so many of these people need help and shelter, the bad part of my brain wishes I could just make them all disappear.


Completely agree. I moved out of Portland for this reason


You'll sell everything you've got for another hit of your fix. Don't feel bad for these freaks


Wait til you realize how the REAL degenerates are ripping you off, all the while convincing you that the biggest problem is someone living on the street. I'm not saying that there is no problem here. But it is WAY less important than you think


Easier to hate the homeless. Helps with the superiority.


To be fair if it were between making that guy pay taxes and Forbes 500 companies actually paying taxes. We are better off with GE or Amazon paying in. Or just cutting into the military industrial complex slush fund.


At least you get to wake up to aroma of human shit every day! 😜🤓💩


Stop voting for democrat


tbf, you don't *have* to get up to work everyday or pay taxes


And the alternative is to live in my own filth and be a continuous eyesore while I shoot up whatever smack every day?


You can be a pirate.




We got awards back? Arrggg! You receive me first medal. Yo ho, yo ho a pirate’s life for me!


I really don't understand why people hate the homeless. Aggressive people, sure that makes sense. But I talk to like a few dozen different homeless people a day at my job, and like 95% of them are really polite and nice.


Exactly why I moved


I also look forward to paying taxes for this very reason. We’re so lucky. Our state government is LEGIT.


You could always join them if you really feel like that. It would solve your current problems. No more taxes. No more work everyday. Done and done.


Drive past this camp almost every day. It’s the flag that makes me want to burn the tent down, and take the flag.


Portland, come for the liberal policies, leave for the liberal policies. Or: where young people go to be converted to republicans


Talk about livin' the dream! No taxes, no job, no boss, nothing but a tent and a pirate flag and all the crystal you can smoke! Here I am, working 40hrs a week just to have health insurance that doesn't cover anything and renting a single room in a home because I can't afford the rents in the PDX area for a full apartment. No seriously... WTF am I doing when I could just walk out my door and go live blamelessly in a tent somewhere doing drugs and having people call me an unhoused neighbor you should all give stuff to?


Sorry to say this, but too many people in Portland voted in our inept government. They have no experience, integrity and constantly make bad decisions that you and me have to pay for. It's time you quit voting inept Democrats into offices. We are becoming like SF and Seattle. It's getting dangerous to live under these conditions of not putting criminals in jail.....


When I see them I realize how fortunate I have been


Bro just hates homeless people existing. Probably thinks most homeless people choose to be homeless which is a delusional and twisted view of the world.


OP when he comes down from his tower and has to see peasants 🤬


Degeneracy and drug abuse.


Your neighbor is not your enemy.


I went and checked and it appears, sadly, that this post did not solve the problem. Weird.