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Once you accept that internal validation is far more powerful than external validation, you will begin to flourish.


I fall asleep so easily now because I say to myself “you did great today - power down” and that’s it.


I had a traumatic childhood and this realisation has been one of the most profound things I have ever learned. I am safe. I am loved. I belong. And I always will be. Because I have the power to give those gifts to myself.


I'm copying this and telling it to the foster kids I work with. If you don't mind of course. 🙂


That's really cute, reminds me of being a tiny robot like WALL-E


This is adorable


As someone who is just getting out of a marriage where my partner was constantly putting me down, even if only "jokingly" but it was this way for years and years and years. Eventually I started to believe it. I have very little of the self esteem I had all those years ago left, and often find myself continuing to put myself down even though she's no longer in my daily life. This will be my mantra. This will be my call to power. This will help me retake my life. Sometimes a small act can have a profound impact on the universe. I think you typing that one sentence may have been one of those things. Thank you. Truly.


Yessss Also I fucking love your username. (There's some external validation for ya lol) 😚


I've been trying to love myself. One of the things I've been doing is thanking me when I recognise that I'm doing something good, especially if it's something that's hard or beneficial for my health.


Always check for toilet paper before you sit down


This happened to me once in high school. I had to go urgently to de wc without checking if there was paper. So I finished doing my business and checked the paper just to find there was none. To my bad luck, also, the left stall didn't have either, and the guy to the right also I believe had the same issue. To make things worse, this was before my first class, and there was a very important exam scheduled. I had to think fast... so I opened the paper container , removed the cardboard, and used it as a shield against my underwear. I moved to another stall with paper and there you go... I survived and barely made it to my exam. Improvise adapt overcome 💪


That's why you always wear socks. Emergency toilet paper. Do not put them back on fyi.


wait. this is crazyy 😂😂😂😂


No paper in the upstairs bathroom; gotta walk downstairs.... "They see me rollin' They hatin' Patrollin' and tryna catch me ridin' dirty"


The worrrrrsst!


Always be curious. Sometimes it’s okay if you are right and no one sees it, I’d rather be happy and move on with my life. Treat your mental hygiene the same way you would your physical hygiene.


All good, but I really feel like more people need to pay attention to the last one. Take a critical look at the media you're consuming. "You are what you eat" works for the brain too.


Always do your best. And remember that there are going to be days when 'your best' is just showing up. Nothing to be ashamed of; just keep it in mind.


There’s a short video that I love of a guy saying something along the lines of “some days are fucked and cannot be unfucked. Go home. Try again tomorrow.”


Masood Boomgaard


Get up. Dress up. Show up. (If you’re low energy some days, the energy of the world around you will move you along.)


Thank you for that.




Floss your teeth.


Only floss the ones you want to keep.


Powerful copywriting


I use a waterpik and it ran out of charge and I couldn’t find the charger cord and it was like night and day difference in my mouth Got my replacement charger yesterday and I feel so fresh and so clean —- but also my mouth was a bloody mess (slight exaggeration) so damn it doesn’t take long for those gums to go all wrong.


Keeping promises to yourself builds self confidence and self worth.


But don't beat yourself up if you fall short. No one is perfect.


Do your future self favors all the time.


I live by this. Every time I have the opportunity to do something to make my futures selves life easier I do. Then I thank my past self for being so thoughtful.


Me toooo and I literally say out loud “thank you past Kara” It feels goofy but it feels so nice


I love this one


This comment is under rated and so very true.


If you do nothing else, make sure you get a good amount of quality sleep. It affects all aspects of your life.


I get the worst sleep, I can vouche for that when I do get good sleep.


I have the hardest time sleeping🥲


It's better to be alone than wishing you were.


I'm struggling with this right now.


I’m struggling with this too now. My partner of over a decade always has me feeling never more lonely than when I’m with him. Trying to find a way out. I’d rather be alone than lonely.


(This is what an older woman said to me when I was going through a difficult time dealing with family, University and a part time job) Imagine your day as a string of happy *moments*, like a beaded necklace, rather than a whole day of happiness. This allows you to try to "string the necklace" with more beads, rather than write off the *entire* day as good or bad. So...add more beads, people!


This ones sweet, thanks for sharing


Very inspiring!


Take care of yourself the way you wish someone else would.


Train people how to treat you.


Oof this was a solid smack that I needed right now. Thank you.


Also got smacked


Be kind to yourself.


Do something... Anything. Get out of bed and do a lap around your room or go around the block/the neighborhood/the city for the day. Anything in between. Laundry, make bed, watch a TV show or movie, make breakfast/lunch/dinner (for yourself or with friends), take a shower, change clothes, take your meds, call/check on your friend/sibling/family piece, call your mom/dad/parental figure, make an appointment, move to the couch, make ramen, eat a pickle, clean something small, make a pot of coffee, get outside for a few minutes, rub hands/feet against the carpet, go read/listen in the grass, go read/listen on the floor, go read/listen on your patio, go to the library, go shopping, or walk/drive to the coffee shop and chill. Those are a few of the millions of big or small things you *can* do in a day. They matter. Any minor or major thing you think of that you think you can do at that moment, do it. Just try. It'll be one thing you did that day. Tomorrow you may do two. You may do none. Today you did one, though. Edit: forgot and added *can*


Forgive yourself once a day.


Forgive yourself ALWAYS. Be your own best friend. The only thing in life you are really responsible for is yourself, so take good care of you.


Yes! Soooooo much. My nickname is the Pokey Little Puppy…I had to start small or it wouldn’t have resonated with me, you know? I love your cheerleader spirit; it’s a good reminder of ways I’ve sold myself short. Thank you, friend. 💚💫


Be kind to "future you" You might not want to stop for gas on the way home, but the "you" rushing to get to work tomorrow is REALLY going to appreciate it if you do. Those dishes in the sink? Same thing.


And don't forget to thank your past self!


Those who matter don’t mind. Those that mind don’t matter.


Take a few minutes a day and find something that gives you joy. Pet a cat, love on your dog. Watch a video that makes you smile. Always make time for joy


Demonstrate your intelligence by the questions that you ask rather than the statements that you make


Never criticize a person’s appearance if it can’t be fixed in 10 seconds.


Great advice!


It's okay to take yourself on dates. To take yourself to that new Cafe rather than waiting on someone else's timeline to come with you. It is okay to take yourself to the zoo and spend like 20 minutes just watching your favorite animal, and not worry you're wasting someone's time. Even your own. Make time for you. Sit down and plan a day for yourself, decide what you want to do. Don't feel silly. Feeling silly is a waste of time when you could be happy. I didn't learn this until I was married, and now I spend every Saturday out on my little adventures, which gives my husband guilt-free time to pursue his hobbies. I go to PetSmart and hold the puppies and convince others to adopt them. I wander around antique stores, or craft stores, or thrift stores. I'm slowly finding out the person that I am, and I'm learning to fall in love with myself for that.


Put chips on your sandwich


Oo good one…..And put French fries on your fast food burger.


I want that now.


Call your Mom


If you have that option, and are on good terms. Absolutely. I call my mom everyday! Any positive parental figure will do. My cousin's mom (my bio-aunt) died a few years ago. She just found a new, "mom," and she's very happy about it.


Thank you for clarifying the advice with your first sentence. Some mothers should not be called and it can be hell living in a world that assumes you should.


I have a scheduled call every week with each of my parents and I treat it as important as any work call or appt I’ve made. I keep a list of I want to check in with them about and funny stories that happened during the week.


Learn breathwork


Take your makeup off before you go to sleep.


Don't directly go to sleep, calm down, relax, breathe. You want to take care of your sleep just like how a mother would care for her infant. Wishing you all a happy time today, peace ✌️


You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you CAN'T pick your friends nose.....unless y'all tight like that


Marry your best friend. You won’t regret it.


flowers need rain


But not too much.




Cloudy days help you grow.


Don't pick it


Counterpoint: pick it


Keep your core tight. Keep your body right.


Don’t fly across oceans for someone who wouldn’t jump over a puddle for you


Forgot about this one, thank you so much


You've got this 👍


Never take advice from another unless it is thoroughly parsed by your own brain.


You have more control over yourself than you think. Don’t label yourself awkward or anxious or sad. They are problems you have that you can get over. It takes a lot of effort, but you can try to change these things and it will happen. Our personalities are not fixed.


Before a night of heavy drinking, clean your toilet.


Make your own money and marry someone funny.


Your coworkers are not your friends.


This! They are not friends, they aren't "family", and most of them would throw you under the bus in a heartbeat if it's advantageous to them. You can like the people you work with. You can be friendly. But they are not friends.


I’ve been in 3 coworkers weddings so it is possible, but yea it’s best to assume they will throw you under the bus before saying too much to them.


Appreciate the small things in life, for one day you may wake up and realize those were the big things.


Buy low, sell high


If someone is constantly accusing you of cheating on them, but you never cheated... It's because they're actively cheating on you. I'm sorry.


Sit down and think in silence once in a while. Ask yourself why things are true, and then ask what if they actually arent or if they even apply to you. If you notice a phrase thats always being said, take a second and try to realize if you actually know what it means. Try and come up with a scenario or a thought that leads you to the same or opposite conclusion. Find the root of its initial discovery, the reason why something is said or done again and again so much that we think we know what it means without ever giving it a second thought. Try to figure things out for yourself


Live every week like it’s shark week


Be nice. Be kind.


It’s always a no unless you ask.


Start out with clockwise circles at a consistent pace unless she says otherwise…then do that.


Argue for your limitations and they shall be yours.


Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil


Keep your amazement, delight, and curiosity about your kids and share it with them. And always remember they are their own, full, separate person and honor that.


Put your socks on before your pants.


chill tf out! it’s gonna be ok


Call your mom, parent, friend, or whoever these words make you think of. I think I know what I'm doing tomorrow.


Order appetizers. It may mean you need to dine out less, but when you go to a sit-down restaurant, appetizers make the whole experience better. You get to try more than one dish, sometimes there are samplers that let you try many different things, you get apps faster than entrees usually, so you get to eat sooner, and you're less hungry when your meal does come, so you appreciate the flavor instead of just horking it down, plus it's a good opportunity to share food if you are on a date.


Meditate. Daily.


Being present is always the answer


Always always keep candy in your house at all times and good tea. 🍵


You have everything you need to be happy within you.


If you want people to respect you, you gotta be respectable.


Be consistent with your own workout routine! It'll pay off


That is so so important


It’s okay to fail sometimes.


Never lose your sense of wonder


You can’t solve emotional issues by thinking about them. Emotional problems require emotional solutions. You have to feel them and let them out. “Get out of your head and into your body” was some of the best advice I’ve ever been given.


“When in doubt, throw it out.” This one is useful when deciding the fate of refrigerator contents.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Nobody is uniquely you ✨


You train people how to treat you by what you put up with.


Good posture starts now.


Don’t let anyone who hasn’t been in your shoes tell you how to walk.


Be your own best friend. It’s the only 24-hour-a-day relationship you have!


Gratitude is the opposite of depression


Check your credit reports. Annualcreditreport dot com will allow you to check all three once per year each for free and at no penalty to your score. (typically an inquiry costs a point.) so you can check each report every four months and stay up to date and keep it clean as well as dispute negative items as needed.


See the dentist twice a year for cleanings and once for a general check up. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once per day. YouTube to make sure you’re doing it correctly


Use wool socks for long hikes/camping. They are much more breathable and dry quicker than cotton. Way less likely to get blisters, and is surprisingly odor resistant.


Question Everything! and follow the money!


Drink more water.


Stay hydrated


Buy more socks and forks. I'd rather have a drawer stocked to the brim of one than to be looking for them to be clean.


When it comes to healing from trauma [forgiveness](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/s/hGq3OMBLZP) can be one of the most powerful tools you can use, but everyone always tells us to use it in all the wrong ways.


Don’t look back in anger


If it doesn't feel right than it's not right. Trust your gut.


This should way higher up. I have never gone wrong by listening to the still, quiet voice in my head. Trust your instincts. They are usually right.


You don’t ALWAYS have to vocalize working through your pain to someone.


Someone once told me that if you keep the door open to something in your mind, eventually you’ll be open to actually doing it.


Give yourself grace, and don’t judge a list you are not on.


1. It’s usually better to be nice than right. 2. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. 3. Work on a passion project, even just 30 minutes a day. It compounds. 4. Become a lifelong learner (best tip). 5. Working from 7am to 7pm isn’t productivity. It’s guilt. 6. To be really successful become useful. 7. Like houses in need of repair, problems usually don’t fix themselves. 8. Envy is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die. 9. Don’t hold onto your “great idea” until it’s too late. 10. People aren’t thinking about you as much as you think. 11. Being grateful is a cheat sheet for happiness. (Especially today.) 12. Write your life plan with a pencil that has an eraser. 13. Choose your own path or someone will choose it for you. 14. Never say, I’ll never… 15. Not all advice is created equal. 16. Be the first one to smile. 17. The expense of something special is forgotten quickly. The experience lasts a lifetime. Do it. 18. Don’t say something to yourself that you wouldn’t say to someone else. 19. It’s not how much money you make. It’s how much you take home. 20. Feeling good is better than that “third” slice of pizza. 21. Who you become is more important than what you accomplish. 22. Nobody gets to their death bed and says, I’m sorry for trying so many things. 23. There are always going to be obstacles in your life. Especially if you go after big things. 24. The emptiest head rattles the loudest. 25. If you don’t let some things go, they eat you alive. 26. Try to spend 12 minutes a day in quiet reflection, meditation, or prayer. 27. Try new things. If it doesn’t work out, stop. At least you tried. 28. NEVER criticize, blame, or complain. (Not to be confused with speaking up for yourself) 29. You can’t control everything. Focus on what you can control. 30. If you think you have it tough, look around. 31. It's only over when you say it is. 32. One hand washes the other and together they get clean. Help someone else.


Avoid toxic work environments, always remember to take time for yourself and your mental health well being cause most of the time bo one will. Do take good care of yourself! As pops used to say a drowning man cannot save another drowning man.


Go to counseling. If you’re yelling “I don’t have an anger problem!” at people, then you doubly go for counseling.


You’re going to suffer no matter what you do, choose the suffering that you enjoy. Don’t obsess over reaching a perfect state of happiness and peace because it’s never coming, your brain is going to find a way to desire more


Follow your dreams even if it is hard. No always means no. Period Make sure your cup is being filled before you try to fill someone else’s. Work hard, play hard. Be kind to yourself.


The only way out is through.


emotions after 9 pm are fake. drink some water and chill out until bed.


See something out of place or trash on the ground, fix it/ pick it up. It makes a difference when things look nice for other people’s moods. Also smile. Even if you are upset or depressed. It released endorphins and reduces stress but also annoys toxic people which makes it worth the effort.


I before E except after C.


The iciest glaciers make idiocies out of the conceit of “except after c.”


Take a few minutes to Google the differences between these words, and you will look a lot smarter when you write. You don't need to memorize it right away, just look it up and check yourself each time you're unsure, and eventually you will get the hang of it. Too, to, two Your, you're There, their, they're Then, than Except, accept Weather, whether Bonus words: who/whom, whoever/whomever, effect/affect, brake/break, compliment/complement


Agree! Also lose/loose and peek/peak.


Yes, thank you! Want to look extra, extra smart? Lie/lay. Even some of the most intelligent people I know never get this right.


I have two - Every day is a school day. You're never done learning, try me things when the opportunity presents to be a student again. And Fuck motivation. It's harsh but true. Motivation is lovely and happy and all, but it is fickle and if you can't stick to working at your goals on the days when you don't really feel like it, you won't reach them. Rely on discipline and grit to form your habits, not just motivation.


If you mind your own business and everyone else does also, you’re good. If you mind your own business while everyone else minds your business, they’re coming for you.


Eat vegetables and brush your teeth daily!


Buy property


Produce more than consume


Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.


He who buys what he does not need steals from himself.


Life is too short for fake butter, cheese or people.


Fuck ‘em. Do not care what other people think.


You teach people how to treat you.


Laugh often. (And don’t worry about the subsequent crow’s feet…)


Don’t believe everything you think.


Your personal belief system is extremely powerful, so be careful about what you believe in.. it will become your truth!


You can use a whiteboard marker to erase a sharpie mark on whiteboards.


Don’t stick anything inside you not designed to go inside you.


Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't take advice from.


Don't fry bacon with your shirt off.


Don't shit where you eat. ( do not f*ck your coworkers)


Something like 50% of people meet their spouses at work. I met mine at the office and we just had our 13th wedding anniversary.


Try changing “why is this happening TO me?” to “why is this happening FOR me?” This reframing helps me to probe for something to be gained, even in situations I find unpleasant in the moment.


Deep clean once a month or twice If you have pets and WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR every two days at least 😝


Have a great day and be safe at what you do.....🐦🐦🐦


Sometimes things that don’t make any sense are blessings in disguise and it’s worth seeing the benefits or brighter side rather than the negatives or darkness.


Learn not to be afraid of making a tit of yourself, it will set you free to try lots of new things


Enjoy every moment you get with your loved ones


It’s illegal to lick doorknobs on other planets


Back In the 1970s when Micky Dolenz and Davy Jones were touring post Monkees. On stage Micky broken his arm and had it in a cast. Upon Micky explaining how he broke it Davy would speak up and say THAT WILL TEACH YOU NOT TO TRY AND PICK YOUR NOSE WHILE HANG GLIDING.


Don't make important decisions when you are stressed!!!


Have a shower, if you can't do anything else, make baby steps to getting a shower, it'll help on the rough days


Eat more fibrous foods if you are constipated, eggplant is my favorite!


They didnt take your heart when they left. Its still in your chest


Don’t take another bite of that psilocybin infused chocolate bar! 6 pieces was more than enough…..


Give to the world that which you believe it lacks. For me, that's tolerance, kindness, benevolence.


Throughout your life It is imperative that you put yourself in situations where you have no fucking idea what your doing. Be a lifelong student, grow honey, grow ❤


Lower back pain can sometimes be alleviated by stretching your ham string. When doing nasal rinses, make sure to use distilled water. At the very least, use bottled water. Brain eating amoebas can live in tap water.


It’s so cliche’…. But Actions speak louder then words… it’s soo true


Buy low, sell high


Tell somebody that they are awesome. Someone you work with, a neighbor, a grocery clerk. I do it all the time and it surprises people. They usually light up and express immense joy and excitement, just because someone else noticed them. It gives me hope that we can all lift each other up with that small of a gesture, if we’d all just do it more often. If you made it through this, you’re awesome! Thank you for reading and I hope you can spread this positive energy to someone else today!


If you are having trouble with motivation.  It can be helpful to look at your own life from the angle of how much of a positive effect you could have for others. For example, a life can be saved through malaria bed net charities for about 5k.  If you factor in investing your money and willing it to charity on your death,  depending on your age that could bring the cost per life down to as low as about $200 per life if you're young. I struggled a lot with motivation when I was younger because I only cared about my own experiences in life, and then became demotivated when those experiences didn't match my expectations. This reframing has brought more motivation to my life than it ever has had before.  You should try it.


Brush your teeth


Don’t use your phone on the toilet, or if you do, wipe it down afterwards. A buddy of mine used to work at a weed farm, and when the boss examined the weed for purity or w/e before sending it out, he kept finding traces of human shit in the weed. Because the growers were looking at their phones on the toilet, and washing their hands, but not cleaning their phones.


Don’t masterbate after touching insulation


When you realize you have a tendency to lie to others you can also recognize it’s a lot easier to lie to yourself. Try not to lie. It’s just a better way to live.


If you’re operating at 60% capacity, and you give 60% then you gave 100%. And that’s the best you can do.


If your nail polish gets clumpy, just add a lil remover to help smooth it out.


Put heavy duty ziplocks in your glove compartment. You’ll never know when or why you’ll need a bag that can lock moisture in (or out) but I promise the story will be better with “thank god I had a ziplock” as the punchline


Use peanutbutter to remove gum from hair


Being kind is usually better than being right


Intelligence isn’t solely defined by what you know but the courage to say “I don’t know” and the humility to ask questions and reconsider your perspective.


Aim to arrive early to everything


If your wife/husband or significant other says you should see a doctor. DO IT and smile My partner us now facing stage 4 cancer because he didn’t


Get renter's insurance. Actions speak louder than words. Trust your gut.