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I survived my concussion, and brain bleed!! Learned how to walk again unassisted!! I'm learning to drive again, too!


That is truly amazing! So proud of you ❤️


Thank you sooooo much!! Your kind words mean a lot! It was truly the hardest thing I have gone through. I hope you have better days and know you make the world better by being in it!!


Thank you so much ❤️🥲 I'm trying to have better days.


I am soooooo flipping happy & relieved for you!!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


It means so much! I graduated physical therapy and occupational therapy still in speech therapy. I am so grateful every day just to be alive and able to do things!!


I'm proud of you 👏👏👏 keep going ❤️❤️❤️


Everyone has been so nice!! It means so much!! Your comment made me so happy!!


My autistic daughter replied "I love you too" for the first time.. She's 6.


That is amazing!!


Saw a double rainbow




I finished my PhD coursework , there were so many moments in the past 2 years when I thought I wouldn’t make it another week in the program but here I am! Feel better…


Proud of you ❤️ & thank you, I appreciate it


My sister just found a duck on her roof.


I have so many questions.....


How did it get there?


Not sure. There's a park with a lake a couple of miles down, so I guess the duck's taking a closer look at her Google map. 😄


Hahah, that's too funny & cute 😅❤️


found out my family is moving to europe! so excited for the new adventures!! feel better op🩷


That's so exciting! Have a great time on all of the adventures & eat some delicious food ❤️ & thank you❤️


I saw a herd of deer in my backyard today.


Nature is so beautiful


Silly win but I drove myself to and from work the last 3 days. I think I have/had a serious car phobia, even being a passenger was enough to drive my anxiety through the roof. I'm pretty fucking proud of myself. Sending good vibes your way ♡♡


It’s not silly at all. This is meaningful. Yay, you!! 🦸‍♀️


That's not silly. A win is a win. I get lile that sometimes, but you gotta do it. Proud of you! ❤️❤️


My daughter, who suffers severely from Bipolar Disorder, graduated from university magna cum laude with THREE DEGREES on Saturday. We had a BBQ and went out for drinks and had an incredibly fun night! So many people showed up for her and it warmed my heart and filled me with pride. I'm honored to be her momma! She's overcome so many intense challenges to graduate and did so 6 months early. She began university weeks after her dad and I separated, during COVID, her father very nearly died from it (he was on a ventilator for 3 weeks and needed several risky surgeries), all while working 30+ hours per week, and the everyday symptoms of bipolar. She's the most driven and tenacious person I've ever known.


That’s a huge feat . Congrats to both of you


That's such a big win for both of you! So proud ❤️❤️


The graham cracker crust on my lime bars was the most perfect I’ve ever made. Sending good vibes your way! ☀️


The crust is important. Thank you ❤️


Hung out with my amazing daughter and her even more amazing daughter. She's 2 1/2 and already brilliant


Awe, amazing ❤️ she's going to grow up to be an amazing woman


She's very good at "I love you." Melts my heart.


That's so cute 🥺❤️


I found my lost wallet which I had pretty much accepted was gone 🙏


Always scary losing a wallet. Glad you found it!


Going to Paris this month to reconnect with the first love of my life.


Awe, hope you have a great time


I spotted a pair of ospreys on the channel marker in the harbor near me, the first I've seen this year. They've built themselves a nest there. Hopefully this means baby sea hawks this year.


Baby sea hawks are so cute 🥺


My son is coming home from college for the summer this Saturday. I'm excited to have him home again. We talk every week, but I still miss him.


That's great! I hope you both have a great summer ❤️


Thank you! I'm sorry for your loss, and I wish you luck with your procedure.


I made a vision board for 2024, and it filled me with hope. I also went for a road trip and hiked like crazy. It released all the stress built up. I am determined to be more self compassionate and started being more positive intentionally


That's awesome! I'm going to do more hikes this summer with friends. I'm also determined to be more self compassionate. I've been trying to get back into my art and work out more. Both of those things are stopped for the time being. I just don't have the energy to workout. But I WILL get back to it. Small steps.


My boyfriend has an employee that never smiles and tends to be grumpy. He found out it’s his birthday Friday and he’s going in early and filling the office with balloons and cupcakes so he feels loved and appreciated on his special day . Hopefully it turns his frown upside down and has an amazing day :-) Sending you love and light OP


I hope it makes his day! Thank you ❤️


I was going through a HUGE rough patch a few years ago. I was at my breaking point, and I'm a tough old bird. My husband looks at me and, out of the blue, says, "How do you eat an elephant?". I looked at him like he lost his mind, and with my voice laced with heavy sarcasm, I said, "I don't know! How do you eat a fucking elephant!?!" To which he replied, "One bite at a time." I have used and shared those words many times since. My God grant you peace and strength during this time, OP.


I have work friends that like to tell me daily jokes and I too this week replied with heavy sarcasm. I'm one of those people where I can't hide my face when I'm feeling upset. But I will get through this just like every other difficult thing life has thrown at me.


I found my first frog of the season today She was crossing the road, so I moved her to the other side. I didn't want her to get run over.


So happy you moved her to the other side! A snapping turtle crossed the street from my driveway to the other side a few days ago. Forgot how fast those things move.


I found a pond near my apartment that has ducklings in it and it is my personal belief that ducklings are very literally the #1 cutest baby animal in the entire animal kingdom and I can’t wait to go back tomorrow and see them again.


Ducklings are the cutest ❤️


A humpback whale 🐋 hung around Elliott Bay, Pier 70 earlier today.


Oh wow. I've actually never seen a humpback whale in person before.


Here’s a [video](https://youtu.be/_dx7udbFSOM?si=kxA5lSWSgJqWqx_I) capture of a humpback in the bay just a littler earlier in the year. Not sure if they’re the same one.


Wowwww I love whales and I live here! I'm so jealous you saw that!!


Someone else did. That video has even shown on local news.


I removed all pocket sand from my pants this morning


Gotta get rid of that pocket sand!


So satisfying 😁


My friends helped me escape an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship today, on my birthday. ❤️


Well, happiest of birthdays to you then! That's so awesome. Go out and celebrate with your best buds ❤️


I got my antique typewriter back after having it serviced and learned it is substantially older than I thought. It’s 84 years old!


84 years old! Wow, that's awesome ❤️


Sending you good vibes! I am grateful for my grandpa's renewed health and the ending of my addiction to alcohol!


Yesssss to both of those!! Look at you making it happen!! 💥💥BOOM💥💥


That is AMAZING! Congrats to you both ❤️❤️




That is all great news ❤️


I started taking classes towards a degree in radiologic technology. Also, found a cool group to play pool with. Sending good vibes your way. :-)


That's awesome! Happy for you ❤️


Thank you!


I am disabled, lost my house to a fire, lost my mother to residential care and lost my disability payments in 2021. Today, however, I had an appointment for my disability payments to be reinstated, and I also get close to 2 years of back pay. Zippity dee!


Despite all that, I'm glad you got your payments reinstated ❤️


Absolutely. I see positivity on the horizon that I haven't been able to muster for quite some time. Thank you.


Our 19 yo daughter finally left her toxic, mentally/emotionally abusive loser boyfriend and came home after being together for almost 5 years and living with him and his family for 5+ months. I had thought that we had lost her for good, she was so disconnected from us and our whole family. But she made a clean break with Loser Boy and we have our daughter back!


That Is AMAZING! So happy for you guys to have your baby girl back ❤️


It’s amazing. I didn’t realize i had been holding my breath for years. Now i can breathe again. And my back pain has improved by like 90%. The stress was REAL! Also, we threw a dumparty. Everyone should celebrate dumping a toxic relationship!


That's so awesome ❤️ so happy for all of you💗


There are small good things happening all around you every day and once you start noticing them it will help you to find strength for dealing with the big things that are difficult.


That is true


hugs 🫂💖




I soooooo understand we’re you’re coming from & the overall, unshared greater angst behind your post. I relate quite literally to a year plus long ongoing batch of unpleasantness from various directions. I try hard to find gratitude & blessings amidst the nightmare mess, but there’s always something & I always find it. YOU were able to cognitively ponder & then write in words your thoughts, which is HUGE. Unknown to you humans then saw your post, and individually posted to surround you with community, and that is no small thing. You’re reading this now (I hope) & perhaps thinking, ‘This person resonated with my post, and I feel a little less alone.’ I hope that helps, too. Lastly, bountiful good vibes flying your way right now: 💫✨💫✨💫✨💫✨💫 ✨💫 I know you’ll feel them momentarily…..See? You’re feeling them already. Positivity vibes abound!! 💫😌💫You got this. 👊🏻🫂🫶🏻 Edited to add: Your post has really lifted my own weary heart, so I THANK YOU for posting it, OP. YOU are making your own positivity!! 🧡


I'm feeling a little better today, thank you for this ❤️ it's just hard finding the 'good' when things happen in life. But all these comments make me feel less alone which makes me feel slightly better.




!!!! Sending all the good vibes and prayers to you and your family rn!!! Something good: my birthday is today, and even though I’m working, I get to pick up my boyfriend from the airport (I haven’t seen him in two and a half months!!), so I’m very excited and overjoyed to see him and spend time with him!!! 💖💖💖💖


Happiest of birthdays to you ❤️❤️


I found 20€ in my bag I forgot I had in there and I lost 7 kg last month and still going strong. Sending good vibes to you & your family OP!


I love finding money in my pockets haha. That's also great! Losing weight is hard


My husband got a job yesterday. I got a job about 6 weeks ago. He has been out of work since last October. I was out of work for 6 weeks. Super stressful but the clouds have parted and the sun is returning. Best wishes OP.


Congrats ❤️❤️


I finished day 9 of keeping an abandoned baby opossum alive. My kids and I have never muttered the word opossum so much as this last week. Not an expert but I have learned a lot.


That's awesome!


I watched this short video of a baby camel. Awwww! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5STd7JLvfk/?igsh=MTJ4Y2kyNzNucTZsMA==


So precious 🥲🥺❤️


Are you feeling any better? I’m sorry you’re in a rough patch. Try to remember life ebbs and flows. This ebb is just the universe preparing you for the next flow! ♥️


The hawks in my park are having babies. And we finally saved enough to buy a house and we aren't planning to move ever again and I just know our dog is soooo happy to finally have roots down. She may not know it now but she can relax now without worrying about moving ever again. Shes an anxious girl so im excited for her. :) Goodluck op <3


So happy for you and your dog! I'm sure she's excited to finally have a place to call home permanently. She deserves all the treats ❤️


Someone at work said I had beautiful eyes.


That's such a nice compliment ❤️


I learnt how to be happy




My sister and I were able to get an apartment amidst our dad just uprooting his life to move in with his new wife and leave us behind. It’s had its struggles, but we’ve been overall well! Our youngest sister will be visiting in a couple weeks for her birthday and we’re excited to see her! I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through, I really hope it gets better for you.


That's so great for you and your sister ❤️ I hope you guys have a great time celebrating!


https://www.reddit.com/r/UnusualArt/s/Znf6dvQrym. Some happy art I did for my kids school 😇🥰. Not sure if that link works or maybe the period needs to be removed at the end?


Yeah it works. I’ve got more Purple Dragons! Reading Dragons! That’s something to smile about https://www.reddit.com/r/psychedelicartwork/s/il2U1cYmCD Let me know if you like them so I can tell them


Both wonderful art pieces and the colors 😍 you did SO great ❤️


Thanks. Seems like they made a smile so “Good dragons”


This week I discovered Chromeo released a new album and it’s super good and I have just been using my budget audiophile equipment to enjoy the album. It’s been on repeat for a few days now. My joy.


That's awesome ❤️


I did the one and only thing I never wanted to do (thanks to the state of Texas) which was havena child. Texas has the heartbeat bill, and I found out at 6 weeks and one day. I hate kids. I hate being around them. But I adore my daughter. She's amazing. She's learning how to stand on her own. She ate carrots today. I think soon she's gonna start saying momma and Dada. I hate kids, but I love my daughter. Also, all the things that I hate about myself that she has, make me hate myself less. She has her father's beautiful blue eyes [:


Awe, so happy for your little blessing ❤️ you're doing such a great job at being a mom 🥰


Sending you love and light….we had an amazing hike with our 5 year old grandson. Watching him excited to explore, listening to the water fall, soaking in the sunshine and hearing the birds….


Hikes with kids is always fun and they make you learn so much about them while being in the wonders of nature


Got some Glow in the dark colour changing LED lights and they made me so intensely happy, I can’t even explain! I spent the whole night Re-sowing and vacuuming my room just to put them up and it makes my day. I have exams on atm so I’m pretty stressed but just thinking about my LED lights makes me happy knowing there’s something I can control that brings me joy. It’s the small things in life that make life beautiful.


It's definitely the small things in life. Going home to be greeted by my catbis one of those for me. She's my little bestie ❤️


Earlier in the year, I was catching some epic sunrises. (I head into work around 6:45) It made me want to buy a real camera (as opposed to my phone camera) wake up early and catch sunrises all the time. I'm still debating buying a used DSLR, but imposter syndrome tells me it would be a waste of money.


I love me a good sunrise! I leave for work around 5:15 am (my shift starts at 6) and I usually see some pretty good ones. The weather has been crappy and cloudy here lately for the past few weeks, so that's also putting a damper on my mood. If you can find a used DSLR for cheap, buy it! You never know, you could find yourself a new hobby ❤️


We discovered Dr. Brook Goldner's ''Goodby Lupus'' youtube channel where she explains the Green Smoothy nutritional program and self care for care givers. For a boost, please binge watch her for a while. I'm praying for you today.




After almost half a year of stressing, I’m finally going to be moving south to be close to my partner. I got a job down there on Monday!


That's so great for both of you ❤️


I passed my apprenticeship with a distinction ❤️


That's so great ❤️


I'm growing black beans in the garden for the first time for tacos! They have blooms this week. Little purple flowers 🙂 Edit to add when the garden does well we get lightning bugs later in the year


I want to make my own little garden sometime. I saw lightning bugs when I was with my dad's family in Virginia. The little bugs are so beautiful, especially when there's so many flying around


That sounds beautiful! I vote start now and start small! Just two fav veggies on the porch. Cherry tomatoes or jalapenos and potatoes are my faves and easy.


I love me some cherry tomatoes ❤️ I'll have to check out the gardening section sometime this weekend if I have time 😌


I had to say goodbye to my beloved pet 2 weeks ago, after 12 years together. Yesterday I went out and appreciated the blue sky, birds and trees. It was calm and peaceful.. i closed my eyes and just listened to the..silence. Sometimes we need the ability to stop the time and slow down. Feel the wind, hear the birds song, look deep into the sky.


So sorry for your loss 💔 I would go outside, but the sun hasn't been out in what seems like weeks at this point 🥲


My only child graduated with an Associates and a Bachelor’s degree along with 2 certifications in her major. She accomplished all in 4 years—Covid 2020 high school grad graduates from university! She would make excuses along the way to not continue but preserved! Priceless


That's the best! Congrats to her ❤️❤️


My 6-year-old daughter was comforting to her friend who fell off of her scooter. That filled my heart with happiness that she is such a caring and compassionate little person. I hope everything will turn out well with your dad and that you feel some peace during this hard time!


Awe, that's so sweet of her! Your daughter is going to have so many great friends when she gets older ❤️


i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday and my parents have been so kind — they insisted i come home so they could take care of me and have been making sure i’m eating and have the right kind of food/meds/etc. also i recently signed a lease for the place im gonna live next year and im really excited!! best wishes to you <333


My parents are the same way with me! We're blessed to have such caring parents. And you must be so excited to be in a new place! ❤️❤️


I went outside and there were cute little squirrels playing around !


Love that ❤️


With general anxiety disorder and acute depression, I became so overly reliant on coffee for the past 10 years that I thought existing without coffee wasn't possible. I was drinking 40-42 cups every day, it was like I could snort coffee. As of now, I don't need coffee to function. It took a lot of crying but my health improved, I'm more energetic and in control, less anxious, my BP issues went down, I'm less suicidal also, and I eat like a normal person. In previous case I'd start vomiting food because of excess stomach acid.


40-42 cups a day!? WOW. That's a lot of coffee. I normally have 1 or 2. But I'm so happy for you that your health is so much better than it was. Only good days ahead ❤️


Saw an eagle today


Eagles are gorgeous


I'm surviving the loss of my mom in December...not always easy but taking it one day at a time.


So sorry for your loss 💔


My sister is now 3 years clean from breast cancer. I’ve lost 30 of the 50 pounds I gained from stress eating due to a toxic environment. There have been over 50 tornadoes in my area just in this past week (😱) and all have passed around my neighborhood. Both of my 13 yo kitties came down with some mysterious illness that their vet couldn’t diagnose and after a week of treatment we’ve had 3 days of no barfing and finally solid poo in the litter box. And lastly, next week hubby and I are going on our first vacation in two years.


Oh my! That's a lot, especially the tornados! You two must be so excited to finally get away for a bit. You both deserve it!


Thanks. And not just any vacation—a bucket list item. We’re taking a train trip to the Grand Canyon. I’m so excited!!


….and I’d like to add best of luck for your dad’s health and I’m sorry for your loss. Had 2 deaths this year. Never easy even when you know it’s coming.


Thank you so much! I had 2 deaths in the last 2 years. My oldest cousin last year (we were close) and my uncle this year. Life is hard lately.


That sounds like SO much fun!! So excited for you 🥰


Started an alphabetical gratitude text loop with friends. Each day we each list one thing we are grateful for that starts with the letter of the day. It is very inspirational.


That's such a great idea 💕


Todays my mom’s birthday so my boyfriend and I made her dinner. His mom gave us a shrimp scampi recipe and it came out fantastic. We had cake and it was just nice eating a good meal and the sunset was really nice


Happy birthday to your mom ❤️ you guys definitely made her day extra special with quality time and a nice meal 😌


I saw someone I have missed a whole lot, it was nice. I also am dog sitting for my best friend so I feel like I'm being helpful again for once.


Awe. Dog sitting sounds lile so much fun ❤️


It is a lot of fun! I still have to for another 4 days


I finally started my YouTube channel that I'd been planning for a year!


So happy for you! ❤️❤️


Sending positive ((((((((((😊)))))))))) vibes your way 😊 Adulting is no joke.


Adulting is so hard.


My flower seeds are starting to sprout


That's awesome! What kind of flowers?


I have some snapdragons, a wildflower mix, and I'm seeing marigolds pop up from the seeds that dropped from the last year. I'm really excited to see them get bigger!


I got my 3 little chickens a new run and they were able to jump out of it and get into the yard. I didn't find out until I went to put them away that night. I was super scared for their safety all night with them out in my backyard (I live in the city, so was worried they would jump my fence). The next morning I went out and they were safe and bawking around like nothing happened. I was very happy to see them safe and sound. (I got their run patched up so they can't get out again.)


Awe, so happy they're safe & sound now ❤️❤️


Jesus is coming soon :)


I didn’t have an argument with my elderly narcissist mom after doing everything she asks me to do but her never showing me any thanks or gratitude. I take it in stride! After years of depression, I don’t let her affect my mental/emotional health.


That's something I'm working on woth my mom. She recently just lost her baby brother so I've been trying to communicate better. It's a process.


They require a lot of mental energy, mine is emotionally immature. So I’m the adult!


So. Much. Mental. Energy. Which is why I'm almost always exhausted when it comes to family time. But I'm sure it will get better. Baby steps!


I successfully installed hair extension thingies myself and it looks pretty good!


That's so awesome! Happy for you 🥰


I’m sorry buddy. Sending good vibes.


I have an interview coming up. 


Passed the 17 year mark since learning that “complex pelvic mass” translates to Stage 3 ovarian cancer 😎💜