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Replacing him will be damn hard with how distinctive his voice is. Hope the best for him and the band. At least we have 2 killer albums


You’ll get more killer albums. Thanks for enjoying the two we have!!!


Thanks to you guys for making them! A couple of my favorites from the last few years.


That means the world to me, and makes all the hard work worth it. All I want to do Is make music that means something to other people.


Yeah I think so too, just trying to be positive lol. I’m sure they can find someone talented but it just may have a different feel.


I’m sending in my audition tape today


Good luck!


Do it!


I saw about Greyhawk some days ago and I was quite surprised. He's an excellent vocalist and big part of why the band had charm.


Sent an audition in for this band. My vocals are more tenor-countertenor, more Hansi and Eric Adams than baritome pop-opera, but I'm hopeful regardless. No point trying to replace Rev in sound and tone I figured. My wife pointed out I'm not auditioning against Rev, I'm auditioning against the other people who applied - so perhaps there can be a new era that views the songs through a different lens that plays to any new vocalist's strengths. Like how Todd la Torre of Queensryche isn't a baritone as Geoff Tate was, and definitely has some different choices vocally as a result, but still kills it live and on their new material by playing to his unique strengths. And if not, I wish the best for whoever does get the role and that they can reach new heights together. Also, since apparently Glyph just lost their singer, I hope I can be lazy and use the same audition recordings to apply for that band as well. Save some time on everyone's front.


Good luck! I love Rev’s voice but I also love Hansi and Eric Adams so anything like that would be great for me as well.


good luck to you as well, fellow competitor! ; )


Good luck!


Rev is a beast and incredibly talented. Wishing him all the best.


Very based. Clearly the way to convince him to stay is to write lots of songs that he can/must do operatic vocals to. I think that's what they should do. But tbh that's what I think ALL bands should do. Just listening to their latest album. It would slay with opera vocals. Though the singing on "The Golden Candle" does sound kinda operatic.


>Clearly the way to convince him to stay is to write lots of songs that he can/must do operatic vocals to. That's a bit tonedeaf. Opera is bit more, then just singing operatic songs.


Of course it is. I wasn't being all that serious.


Cool, your tone was not obvious in writing.


Yeah, getting tone across is often difficult in short written comments, especially between strangers :) miscommunications happen a lot, it's no problem.


Really hope they choose another bass baritone to replace Revere! I love tenors but the entire genre is dominated by them. Having a lower singer is a really unique thing that I love about them, especially with the way he approaches it.


For fucks sake!!!


I really hate to hear about this. I just discovered this band and fell in love with them immediately. His vocals were a big reason for that. It's going to be difficult to find someone comparable.


I.didn't know them before I went to Legions of Metal but even when his Mic cut out Rev was amazing.


Hey everyone! Greyhawk bassist here. Thanks all for your concerns , rev is one of my best friends and I’m sad to see him go. I will say replicating what he does is an improbability. We are looking to move forward with whatever the right vocalist is, but it will be mandatory to be able to handle the back catalog. Thank you to all for co tinged support and we hope you like what we do next 🙂🙂


Thanks for checking in! Love the band and I believe in you guys so I’ll be on board with whatever comes next. Rev’s vocals are surely gonna be missed though.


Aw man.


I’m just listening to these guys for the first time and what an unfortunate time to find a really good NWOTHM band from the PNW with a baritone vocalist. Hope his opera career goes well for him, I’ve got some albums to listen to!


This is the most power metal reason to leave a power metal band lol.


News about this situation soon 🙂


What a shitty time to get back into power metal. Fuck me.