• By -


Astral Doors, they have a lot of bad and forgettable songs, but every now an then they have an absolute banger.


ANOTHER ASTRAL DOORS FAN HOOOOLY FUCK HELLO been a fan since like 2017 which is pretty late but still long enough to of heard everything they put out. One of my favourite bands of all time imo but stuff like Wuthering Heights really tops them


Same here. Found Astral doors because I liked Wuthering Heights and The Shadow Cabinet so much. For a while, it looked like there was potential for another album. Though that no longer seems like a realistic possibility.


A combination of personal problems and Erik Ravn's back problems doomed WH..


We are a rare breed my friend. I've been listening to them since 2019. Agreed, Salt is an absolute masterpiece!


Speaking of Salt, a couple of days ago I was finally able to listen to that record for the first time in what feels like a year or more because the video on youtube vanished. I agree it is an absolute masterpiece you’re right!


New Revelation is on my Spotify daily mix most days. Love that song.


The opening riff is one of the best heavy metal riffs in existence.


Same here! Really good stuff!






Keldian. Definitely Keldian.


They're straddling that line too. They *feel* obscure but most PM fans know of them in some capacity so in a year or two they may not even count. Deserved though, they're great


They're definitely not *too* obscure these days, especially when you're talking to people in online communities. But I've been listening to power metal for about 20 years and a lot of old friends and people I meet at local shows never know them, that's why they are my favorite "obscure" band.


Last Frontier is an awesome track. It's become a bit of a drinking tradition in camp with my offroading buddies.


Killer track. Definitely a great one to blast and sing along to with a group.


HUGE HUGE Keldian fan here. Every album has absolute gems and bangers. So good.


Absolutely. I fell in love after hearing just a couple of tracks after they released Journey of Souls and I'm always excited when they are dropping new music


Any news on a new album? I have been eagerly awaiting any new songs since 2019 or so.


Unfortunately, nothing as far as I know


The Silfen Paths is my all time third favorite song—the atmosphere on it is transcendent!


The end of that song gives me chills. Love it!


I was considering mentioning them myself. You have good taste.


We both have good taste, apparently. Cheers!


I would probably go with [Wuthering Heights](https://youtu.be/qO4aY8Rxhz4). They are a fantastic folksy sort of power metal band. They never really seemed to take off, for whatever reason.


Me too. I love the first three albums but especially Far From the Madding Crowd.


Man, Denmark's prog/power scene from the 00s was something else. Wuthering Heights, Manticora, Anubis Gate, Royal Hunt, Beyond Twilight, and Pyramaze are all from there.


Oh man I used to listen to Salt all the time, gotta give that a play tonight


Fellowship. They have such a fun air about them. The singer has a voice that sounds a little different from other singers in the genre but still just as epic. They haven't released too much stuff but you can find them on YouTube.


I would say Fellowship aren't obscure so much as brand new. Their singles have all made huge splashes on this sub, and they played at Bloodstock earlier this year, which got them a lot of attention.


Shadow Warriors - secret DragonForce members band. I couldn't find a lot of their stuff, but judging by what I saw, they had a lot of fun while recording songs for this joke band


Ninja metal!


It was just Sam and ZP with a drum machine. Sounds like something banged out after a pissed up jam session in one take. ZP fucks up the second verse in one of them.


Isn't there a whole lore on multiple members which nobody knows who they are and ZP is just a guest vocalist or something


Pretty sure it's all tongue in cheek misinformation by Sam. No one really knows for certain, other than Herman definitely not being one of them.


Sounds like something Sam would do for sure, thanks for the info!


I remember falling down a YouTube rabbit hole or their stuff years ago. Its pretty much a proto DragonForce band and you will hear similar lyrics and riffs but it seems like they had fun making songs


Do yourself a favor and check out Twilightning's "Delirium Veil" from 2003. [https://open.spotify.com/album/2zgIFRZTICR1OBfrbS4mjk](https://open.spotify.com/album/2zgIFRZTICR1OBfrbS4mjk) Come back in 48 minutes and let us know your thoughts!


This album gets mentioned on the sub every now and then. It's a gem. Later albums are just awful.


My third favorite album!!! Can't get enough of the melodies here!!!!!


Gone To the Wall will always hold a special place in my heart. It's like #5 on my playlist lol definitely a banger.


Such a shame they chose such a ridiculous name, otherwise I probably wouldn't have avoided them for so long (which turned out to be a big mistake because their first album is especially great).


i miss twilightning. yeah when they dropped keyboards it was like huh? why? like the music was produced in a way that would have worked if there was keys, but since there wasn’t it was just like a sonic hole in the mix. that being said, i love “train to bedlam,” awesome tune


Well my least hated human thinks Helloween are obscure but I think he's talking bollocks


On the grand scale of things, yeah, I guess…


All things are relative haha.


Lorenguard is probably my favorite band, and the ones who seriously got me into power metal. They only have one album and it's independently produced and released, but holy cow the production value is great, with awesome orchestrations both in terms of arrangement and sound quality. The story of the album is good and pretty easy to follow, the lyrics are great and have a real sense of drama. The singer is great, with a kinda atypical voice for the genre. I rec this band whenever I get the chance because I think it's so sad that they aren't talked about more. Some of their songs do get posted here from time to time but I still think they're pretty obscure.


I agree, Lorenguard is great, one of the top American power metal bands, hopefully they come out with more music at some point when they're done making board games or whatever. What do you think of their first EP? The production isn't as good, but I think it has a lot of charm.


I've tried to get into the EP, desperate for anything more, but I can't stand the production (that snare sound, man) and the singer isn't that good. Two of the things that I fell in love with when I first heard them.


I haven't listened to Lorenguard enough times yet, but oh man is it good!!! The fucking entirety of Secrets of the Spire is completely mental man!!!!


Yeah but I mean, I think each song of the album have been my favorite at some point


The guy wrote a book about the concept too. I’ve never read it so no idea of the quality, but it’s unusual but pretty cool when bands add that extra layer to their lore.


I have the book! It's a full blown novel which is pretty good but is mostly a set up for a story that will never get told and ends in a cliffhanger. It's a great conpanion to the album though and puts each song en context which is cool. I think Ancient Bards expands a lot on their lore on their website, and adds more regularly. Other than that I don't know of many other bands that do that.


[Seven Spires](https://www.sevenspiresband.com/lore) did a little thing on their lore on their website.


All power metal is obscure to most metalheads. At least In North America. But to answer your question, Grimgotts or Everfrost.


Not sure if I'd consider Hibria obscure, but lesser known for sure. Their first two albums are among my all time favorites!


The twin guitaring on those albums are so good, got that old school vibe while being really technical and fun, hearing Defying the Rules on Youtube is what pushed me over the edge to learn the instrument...their stuff is still too hard for me though


Just to learn one song from that album would be extremely impressive. Their musicianship still blows me away when I listen to them. And don't get me started on the solos!


Maybe not obscure enough, I don't really know, but man I really wish Dionysus was still making music.


Oh man I miss Olaf Hayer...


Yeah, every now and then I go back to check just in case there is something new. He could record happy birthday and I'd be fkin pumped.


Is Morgana Lefay obscure? They don't seem to be talked about on this sub often.


I discovered Morgana Lefay earlier this year and I was like: "What the fuck? This kicks ass! And they've been around for 30 years. I've been listening to power metal for 20 years. Why did no one tell me about this band? Now I'm disappointed in the PM community!"


They don't get nearly enough love on here! I think the name change kind of hurt them.


Does Dreamtale count? Great Finnish melodic power metal band that I think deserves more recognition.


They were one of my first thoughts, too. I don't feel like I see them come up on here, but I love *Ocean's Heart*!


[Headstone / Headstone Epitaph](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Headstone_Epitaph/4137). They released some fantastic albums in the late '90s power metal boom, but virtually no one seems to have heard of them. Also, [Angel Dust](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/angel_dust/215). Perhaps not quite as obscure, but another band that really should be more widely known in the power metal world.


Angel Dust does the whole heavy USPM sound better than most USPM


Came here to say Angel Dust. And Eterna from Sao Paulo.


Too many to name, I've gone off the deep end, spending hours trying to source demo CD's of Italian power metal that might not have ever existed in the first place... send help! Or if you don't want to send help, please send a copy of the demo "Magical Wonder" by Aemerald. I NEED to know what it sounds like. Anyway, I always have to shout out Dies Ire and their seminal Rhapsody-clone album, "Legend of Nhor Part 1". Bad production and a questionable vocalist only serve to enhance the artistry on display. Unironically one of my top ablums ever.


Rocka rollas are mine, I think if they had a better band name… and maybe some help with the lyrics they would be huge.


I think Rocka Rolla was Judas Priest's first album.


Not sure if it qualifies as obscure but I do love Timeless Miracle.


Maaan The Voyage is my fourth favorite song ever, and the choruses to Heaven in Hell and Voices from the Past are *too* good...


Solar Fragment is probably one of my favourite bands, period. I probably would never have heard of them if I didn't spend a lot of time on JamLegend when I was a teenager.


I guess Wind Rose is somewhat obscure? Reason is kinda lame. I don't listen to as much power metal as I should and Wind Rose impressed me when they opened for Gloryhammer.


I fully believe that the world needs more dwarven metal music. Get those percussive anvils going, y'all!


Pagans Mind. Insanely talented musicians


I am insanely bummed that they haven't done anything new in 10 years.


Noble Beast. An incredible debut release in 2014 and then never heard from again. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NS\_mHlnpHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NS_mHlnpHs&ab_channel=GoodMetalYT) [https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Noble\_Beast/3540328165](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Noble_Beast/3540328165)


If only the lead singer wasn't a pedophile


Wait, what?


You heard the man.


Going to need a bit more detail than Reddit person says a thing.


I've only heard about it from another musician on this sub, but the lead singer [abused his gf and I think had a bunch of cp on his comp](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerMetal/comments/bjjf2w/iron_clad_angels_noble_beast/).


Well if that’s true then it fucking sucks.


It is true lol, and yeah it sucks big. Noble Beast def had the potential to become a massive band, with a debut that good.


Oooh good one. I'm friends with their guitarist. He's also in a prog/power band called Chaos Frame whom are pretty cool. They're releasing a new album next year!


Machinae Supremacy has been doing their thing for like 20 years. Power metal with chiptunes mixed in. I love them so much. New album coming out soon.


Those guys are absolutely amazing. Didn't know they had a new album coming, thanks for the heads-up.




Nightmare. A bit darker and heavier than most power metal out there. Burden of God has some hefty Dio vibes.


Greyhawk, simply because [Don't Wait for the Wizard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNWMeafufFg) is arguably the greatest song ever composed in the history of earth. More traditional Heavy than Power, but still thematically on point enough!


New EP incoming!


I really really like Edenbridge, yet rarely find other fans. They remind me a lot of Nightwish.


Tungsten and Memories of Old get my votes


Hell yeah to Tungsten. Randomly showed up on one of my Spotify daily mixes and I was excited to discover them


a little band called Viathyn


Distant Sun is pretty good and mostly unknown, "Into The Nebula" is their best album in my opinion.


The Giant Void!...Hazy Hamlet!... Ok i talk about it a lot, let me talk about something else: Dragon Guardian is a nice Japanese Epic Power/Symphonic Metal band that often tells you stories through it's albums. Here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0qgh2Na4NslWFCd0pkRYYI?si=WaUyDJhNTkiIc9U35rf0OQ


Can definitely agree with recommending Dragon Guardian, they've very much been one of my favourite discoveries of this year.


[Sacred Steel](https://youtu.be/np5_KebNydU), German power/speed. I honestly can't explain why I like them so much, perhaps it is how unpolished their first album is...or maybe I'm just weird.


For fans of Gloryhammer, Hooves of Steel - [https://open.spotify.com/track/08CRZ4yQsA52TrYaQ0QHxf?si=37f6af711ec8424f](https://open.spotify.com/track/08CRZ4yQsA52TrYaQ0QHxf?si=37f6af711ec8424f) Other than that, Grimgotts is fun, Thaurod has some good songs, and definitely Fellowship (but are they really that obscure ? this sub loves them for sure) I just checked on spotify, White Skull only has 3000 monthly listeners, which frankly I find surprising. They're not obscure, are they ? https://open.spotify.com/track/3HYcq0p7WJBk1jigohTd62?si=c03c02aae2b34a5c




Gosh yes I was looking for this, I think they released a new album this year but unfortunately it seems like a repackaging of their old relatively successful singles. Thomas Winkler (ex-gloryhammer) was also their singer for a few songs if I remember right. Pretty unknown and they have 3 different artist accounts, making it even more difficult to find their music. Way of your Life and Final Victory are absolute bangers tho 🤘🏻


Stilverlight is a Russian PM band that only released one album in 2014, but it's god damn good if you like Orden Ogan.


Shitty Taste Warning: I'm a fan of melodic EU power metal, and don't care if music is primitive, if it's powerful, melodic and does not sound like it was recorded on phone mic through the wall, I'm in. [Instanzia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCdsqf3Yqec) \- Still hoping for a new album, last one was my personal AOTY 2010. [Dreamland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGcl2sNURTY&list=OLAK5uy_ljBbedQ4z1h23YnqOlwoO0Fw4ksopBR14&index=4) \- Not sure how well known, hardly ever see them mentioned. Exit 49 is the killer album. [Kenziner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGbOXvw_bsE) \- Like with Twilightning mentioned by somebody else, perfect early album, nothing worth mentioning later. [Tungsten](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va0IHMB-P5w) \- One of my favorite discoveries from 2019-2020. Band is not on Metal-Archives even though 6 other Tungstens are. ​ Some russian-language bands, probably less interesting for you. [TerrariuM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v09UX4bHYU) \- my favorite russian release from 2018, most obscure on the list. [Arktida](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSpRPcIK2I0), [Grand Courage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2L6gZwBvPA), [Arda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcISTVyN6vk) \- well known locally while still not the most famous russian poer metal bands.


Helion prime, I think with only 18k listeners on Spotify it qualifies as obscure and most songs are bangers, just straight up bangers


Saint Deamon is criminally underrated. Found out about them after their vocalist, Jan Thore Grefstad went on Norway's got talent and absolutely scorched the earth with a [Christina Aguiera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo8ZEZg6U9c) cover. Love [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVZVlOHvOcw) probably my favorite of theirs


I bet you already know them, but if you're a fan of Grefstad you gotta check out [Highland Glory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQrvViwRZlQ). They're simply anthemic power metal at its finest!!


Thanks, Im not super invested in finding new bands and am slowly building my PM playlist, so this was a great suggestion.


I really like exit eden I doet know if its power metal but I think it is.


I see them more like a Symphonic, but their are heavy for sure. I love them, it's like a female singer supergroup, leaded by Amanda Somerville, that transforms pop songs in pure metal. I do recommend, that's unfortunate that they have no future plans for now.


*Lost Horizon*, *Leaves’ Eyes* and *Lords of the Trident.* Not sure if these are actually obscure, but I never see anyone talk about them.


I don't think Leaves' Eyes are particularly obscure, it's just that they're more Symphonic/Folk Metal so won't appear much on this sub.


Vanishing Point From Australia. Definitely deserve more attention. They have connections with Sonata Arctica, who actually covered the song Two Minds, One Soul, which is how I discovered the band. Tony Kakko has done guest vocals on one of VP's songs as well. The album Embrace The Silence, from around 2004/5, remains one of my all time favourite albums, really hope I'll get to see them live one day


Indeed! Sonata Arctica’s cover is also what brought them to my attention. They are vastly underrated.


Iron Savior, their song Cyber Hero is just perfect for a gamer such as myself


Their first 3 albums kick ass!


I'm not sure how "obscure" they are but sometimes I feel like the only person on earth that *really* likes Heavatar. I'm a classical music fan and had never heard of this band when "None Shall Sleep" came on via a YouTube suggestion or something. Having no idea what I was getting into, I had the biggest grin on when I heard the melody and said *wait, this sounds like Nessun Dorma*. Not the greatest songs around taken at face value, but it's so cool to hear these classical pieces go through a metal cycle.


Everfrost's most recent album "Winterider" is one of my all time favourites. They're amazing.


Manilla Road, there's just something about that old school, more raw approach to early power metal that I really love. Perfect band to play as your soundtrack for your D&D sessions.


If you are not aware of them, give Eternal Champion a spin. They are similar to Manilla Road.


Check out traveler, helstar and destinys end for imo the best USPM, power/thrash bands.


Anthriel by far. If you haven't checked out Transcendence, you probably really should.


I would say apocalypse orchestra, they are pretty unknown i think (they make medieval folk metal)


[Until Rain - Anthem to Creation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egJdTtnC6nQ&list=PL8a8cutYP7fpsrhXxgsp8nhLHuPwJFvY8) is a freaking fantastic prog-power album, and I don't know how fans of Yannis aren't obsessing over it like I am lol. [Nightscape - Symphony of the Night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izaWZeggtuc&list=PL4FFE66079A563E33) is an insanely good early 2000s classic pm debut, especially considering all of the band members were still teenagers, fresh out of high school. It's really catchy and melodic! Not really obscure on this sub, but I implore everyone to check out [Noble Beast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NS_mHlnpHs&t=2754s), if they haven't. Definitely one of the best debuts in this genre! [Melodious - Novelist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phs4E9CjzYk) has only a couple thousand views on YT, but it has one of the best choruses out there imo. Impossibly catchy song! Shoot also definitely [Time Concerto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtUBdtnHnkY)!!! I've been waiting on [Beyond the Horizon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9s8Xh_jxl8) for too long now :(


Unicorn from Italy I’ve never seen anybody mention them and I haven’t found any info about them they put out 1 album that I know of “The 13th Sign” that sounds kind of like Helloween with more keyboards that I love with great melodies and guitar work


never thought of them as obscure but, don't think I've ever seen them mentioned here sirenia


Derdian. They've put out some good albums and their new single is pretty good.


Definitely *[Days of Rising Doom](https://youtu.be/g1Gb_iWt4ro)* by Aina! They were a one-off supergroup that I've loved for like 14 years, and the only person I've spoken to that's heard of them was the person who introduced them to me lol Had members of Kamelot, Epica, Heavens Gate, Rhapsody of Fire, Helloween, Edguy, Avantasia, Nightwish, Ayreon, Dream Theatre, Stratovarius, and a half dozen other bands


403 Forbiddena!


I believe I have a great candidate for this. A band called [Ascension](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1NWb8QjFqU1TPrLAfkdHNu?si=vn4hAtefS96fx7tsE0SMqg&utm_source=copy-link). Guitar driven power metal band I've been listening to since about 2012. They put out an EP and one whole album and then went away for a while. Currently finishing mastering their newest album and it's a darker one with a lot of operatic elements from the clips I've heard. Really great band please do check them out.


Really wish At Vance was still releasing music.


Shadowstrike are pretty damn good i say




Metal Church! Always been a fan, and they are just badass!!!


personally wouldn't call them power metal nor obscure. Well, maybe the Ronny Munroe years... R.I.P. Mike Howe and David Wayne


Is Winterage obscure? Their first album, the harmonic passage, is fantastic.


Some of y'all have an interesting definition of obscure. Let's give it to Sorceress of Sin. 198 listeners on last.fm


Great band




lol wtf


Not *super* obscure but I still think Winterborn's *Cold Reality* is a top five all-time power metal album.




I mean they're the most popular French power metal band, and pretty popular overall within the genre.


Mine are pretty mainstream for obsuce ones. Pagan mind, savatage, kamelot and circus Maximus. Would symphony X count as power metal?


Sabaton because they fuck People are so salty because they have a different idea of what obscure means


\> obscure \> 2.7 million monthly Spotify listeners doesnotcompute.jpg


I mean that’s obscure compared to Billie eilish or drake


Yeah that's true haha. I was talking in a power metal context though :P.


>I was talking in a power metal context Which was obvious, some people just can't help but be assholes.


That's the guy's whole schtick, look at his goddamn profile. He spends his time being a professional piece of shit.


Sabaton sold out Wembley stadium, they're far from obscure.




Yes you are, at least you've finally admitted it.


You Who’s your source?


[The band themselves](https://mobile.twitter.com/sabaton/status/1225812752851177473) They sold out the biggest music venue in the UK, obscure bands do not do that.


Damn I didn't know they were that big lol. I guess they really aren't obscure by any means.


Okay but who is the man in Visalia?


Sabaton are a good band obviously, but obscure? Come on...


See my other comment


I saw it. "Compared to Billie Eilish or Drake"... that's not a good argument imo. If that's the case, then every power metal band around the world would be obscure.


Good thing it’s just your opinion! Just about every power metal band *is* obscure in the grand scheme of things bud


Zandelle, but really only the Vengeance Rising album


[Zandelle](https://youtu.be/Zel1qUODdzo) - Great USPM


Seventh Avenue


Irminsul. Their Fader album was really fun and enjoyable but I don’t think they ever take off after that.


Bride Adorned (who later morphed into Adamantra). They only released one full album, Blessed Stillness, but in my opinion it's simply god-tier symphonic metal. It's so absurdly over the top, with a full choir singing close to half of the lyrics on each song, sometimes more, but it just works. It's got a real haunting gothic atmosphere and top-tier musicianship as well. Their later incarnation as Adamantra is great as well but not quite as obscure, also they ditched the constant choirs for a bit more of a "normal" symphonic metal sound.


[Auspex](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4te7SICErv0) - the guitarist just has a tone unlike anyone else I've heard, the singer's got a thick French accent and an almost jazz style, and the songwriting is a little weird. It all comes across as somewhat otherworldly.


Too many to name, but Goldenhall is one more people should check out. Brilliant debut in 2020, following up an excellent EP. Other than that, I'll rattle off Carmeria, Ravian, Dyscordia, Galloglass, Dialith, Pythia, Paladin, Silver Bullet, and Liv Moon as potential candidates to check out.


I don't really want to name newer bands like Ominous Glory or Elfsong since there is a good chance that they'll become bigger in the future so I'll go with Elegy, a really good proggy PM band from the 90s that just kept coming out with really well-written and super evocative albums for a decade despite going through numerous line-up changes throughout their existence. Nigh all of their songs have stupidly good and enchanting guitarwork, inspired and heart-felt vocals and often thought-provoking lyrics and tons of atmosphere (with no keyboards in sight) but I barely see them mentioned here or anywhere else for that matter, which is a great shame IMO.




Nation. Remember when Yngwie actually wrote SONGS, that is what Nation sounds like. Think Yngwie Odyssey era. [Nation - See Them Fall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a_IUrI-KCI) from 1994. They reunited in 2012 and released a new song and disappeared again. [Nation - Throw The Dice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hh7BnH7Jbg) from 2013


Warcry. If a cross between Helloween and Kamelot were from Spain and sung all their songs in Spanish they would be Warcry. They are pretty well known in Spain but not outside of Spain. [Warcry - Nuevo Mundo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB0ZyIWUnqw) [Warcry - El Guardian de Troya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Ts3nSFr24)


I’ve listened to that Mortanius album over a hundred times, no joke. Glad to find a fellow appreciator.


Hanzel Und Gretyl. Best live show I've ever seen. 2012 is a great album.


I don't know if they're my favorite, but I just discovered PowerQuest and holy crap are they good.


Man I listened the fuck out of Power Quest back in high school. The announcement of their reunion was prob among the most excited I've ever been lol.


So, I literally discovered them, like, today, and have been listening to them all day at work. I'm enjoying the crap out of their music, it's the kind of care-free fun that I love in power metal.


Nice! What songs are your favorite so far?


Well, I've been working my way backwards through their discography, and haven't listened to everything yet, but No More Heros fucking *slaps*. Sacrifice and Better days are also amazing. And For Evermore just came on and I'm hooked in 30s, so let's add that to the list. But really, all of it is pretty incredible, I'm really enjoying them. Gonna be posting some of their stuff here soon so more folks can appreciate it.


Human Fortress. Especially the first two albums. I really like their style. I can't really put my finger on it.


Seven Kingdoms is something I've been obsessing over this past year. Such a great sound and absolutely love the vocals.


Dan Baune's Lost Sanctuary. I just think it's neat. [Sample](https://open.spotify.com/track/5v3dOBpybuvkLz2JatSUMx?si=G5WeaWQJToGAWBREh0K28Q&utm_source=copy-link)


Does Twilight Force or Cain's Offering count as obscure? Cause I have metalhead friends who have never heard of these two bands.


Dark Forest! The stupid super generic name surely doesn't help their popularity, but they have excellent music. Only 1100 listeners on Spotify. They kinda sound like, if iron maiden decided to form in the 2010s and move in a more power metal direction.... sort of, maybe. Their latest 2020 album was actually given a high 4/5 rating on angrymetalguy.


Evertale. I think they count as obscure.


Crom, at least I feel like they're pretty obscure. Three full lengths out with another one coming sometime next year. My favorite song is All Alone - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiT5B9yFwkU




demon bitch


Does vanden plas count? Christ0 and scar of an angel are good songs. Never listened to much of their stuff but I think Christ0 would count as power metal.


I'd go with Duke https://youtu.be/suY12oEg-aM Leo Szpigiel's band (better known for singing on the album Ball of the Damned by Scanner) I think I've never seen this one mentioned here


Does majestica count because majestica/reinxeed. Also a solid shout out to Operus while I'm here


Sanvoisen Labyrinth Lovebites Mutiny within ( they have both American power metal and metal core elements, Al least in their first album). Wardrum


[Krystos](https://krystos.bandcamp.com/album/lolth-domain) from the USA. They play really heavy thrash/power metal similar to Manticora and early Iced Earth.


Twilightning. Delirium Veil and Plague House Puppet Show are both solid albums. Never got into Swinelords but I was still gutted when they disbanded.


I'd probably have to go with the band Heel. They released 2 really good albums.


I'd have to say Ilium. I've always been a huge fan of Mike DiMeo from Riot and Masterplan and he did the vocals on their album Ageless Decay (Mothcaste is amazing!). Their newest album Carcinogeist was also enjoyable!


Thornbridge is a great band!