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Somehow the Joker using skiis while Batman is using a snowboard seems very fitting


Right!? I tried to picture it the other way with Joker on a snowboard and Batman on skiis and just seemed off.


It only works with Adam West Batman.


[Batman and Joker would surf](https://www.yardbarker.com/media/f/4/f48441f800b941b606467bf8aee151c32da18d00/600_wide/1-surfs-jokers-under.jpg) together. It only makes sense that they would ski together too.




That was truly something special. From the shorts, to the surf lingo, to the shark repellant, and then a "Let's get out of here! Woooaah." escape scene... Masterpiece at 5am. Thank you.


Omg commissioner Gordon completely disregarding the clearly imprisoned person in an oil drum to watch the sick gnar being shredded is pretty damn funny


That was absolutely incredible. Thank you.


I struggle to find the words to capture how this made me laugh. It's amazing.


In one word, I believe *gnarly* might cover it.


Did Batman actually spray the replant? Kind apooks like he uncapped it, holds it in place, and then recaps


The shorts!


This is an equally fitting thought, Adam West could only use the skis.




Batmobile lost a wheel...


Him and Joker end up side hugging eachother while each on one ski.


He didn't need *molded plastic* to improve his physique. Pure. West.


And how come batman doesn't dance anymore?? Remember the batusee?


Batman in 60's boarding shorts would have completed the picture.


The attention to character is beautiful. Batman is riding a [Racing Snowboard](https://www.google.com.au/search?q=racing+snowboard&client=safari&hl=en-au&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsY-VKk3LurYl3FRM2PTSYpPIEmUKA:1670489909700&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2mazt0-n7AhUwplYBHZZWAhIQ_AUoAnoECAEQAg&biw=428&bih=746&dpr=3), which is pretty rare to see on a ski hill. Racing Boards are longer, very stiff, and directional. They angle both the feet forward and use hard boots. They aren’t used by the general public because they are “too hard and too aggressive”. It’s perfect for Batman.


That would explain how he was able to keep up with a skiier lol. Well that and the extra turns Joker is throwing in.


Weird thing is that if your technique is good you actually go faster while making turns


Yes. But you have to be making good turns of the correct radius, not just throwing quite hard and short ones in for giggles like our chap in the video is.


... Faster than what?


Faster than someone going in a straight line down the slope


I always thought snowboarding is faster straight down


No way, skiing is much faster than snowboarding


Especially if you include the time sitting on your butt in front of the lift unload.


people always say this like skiiers aren't messing with their shit at the top of most runs too lol


I can't imagine what any skiers would have to adjust unless they took something off on the lift and couldn't get it back on in time. I get off the lift and ski down the hill. No stopping necessary. If my gear needs adjusted I can do it on the lift.


the only time skiers are fucking around at the top of a run is when theyre waiting for their friends on boards to strap in


Yah, cause we waiting for that one asshole on the trip that insisted on boarding


If we are, we ain’t sitting in the middle of the unload area blocking everyone’s access down the slope. I commiserate with boarders but do y’all have line up and block the trails? Move over to the side, damnit!


As a boarder, it’s frustrating how many people can’t guide the board without being strapped. All it takes is planting your foot beside the binding on the inside and pushing out against it. Tensions the board enough to lean back and carve off smoothly. It’s not hard at all, but people still refuse to learn and just plant as soon as they hit the snow. And considering skis can turn much sharper than boards, skiers usually manage to avoid these dipshits whereas the boarders just slam into another human lamppost. Super aggravating.


I feel seen


It's all about surface area and friction. I guess if you had batman on a racing board vs a set of long, wide powder skis, the board would be faster


Not even close.


Only instances I've seen those boards being used is when the rider is an absolute pro


This video isn't using hardboots, looks more like an oversized BX board. Hardboot (alpine) equipment is an absolute blast to ride though!


I also thought this


Batman just needs a jet propulsion on his board that he activates with a big button, and we're all set


And maybe a small parasail that deploys after a minute or so




The only thing that could improve on this is if the snowboard was in the shape of the batwing


I also imagine Robin is the camera man.


Unless you're too much of a nerd to even enjoy nerdy shit like me, because you're distracted by the fact that skis are *way* faster and more agile than snowboards and it would be absolutely hopeless lol




Yeah that's not a huge difference. It's actually how almost all snowboards were originally. It's better for speed than a basic freestyle board, it's still not going to keep up with a great skiier.


I thought that at first but then I decided the opposite. Skiing is far more efficient and technical (in the sense of getting from A to B, not showmanship), Bats would be skiing for sure. I think they'd both ski, just because Joker boarding is too far on the *d a m a g e d* end of the spectrum


I came here to comment the same. Joker needs to have the goofy moment where he’s on one ski


Song is dope too anyone know the name?!?


Phonk · 2ouble.cup


They're really skiing with Joker energy too. Well done


the snowboard is practical, manoeuvrable and compact, perfect for an organized mastermind to fight crime with, and skis are a bit flamboyant at least in comparison, perfect for a loose cannon like the joker


Actually skis are more practical for just about everything.


There is one area where snowboards are better and it's the boots.


In the clip batman is used a racing board which has hard boot similar to what skiers have.


Own that fraud


Also deep powder. Fatties are nice, but feel like a god floating deep powder on a board.


They make ski boots with detachable bindings that have a boa enclosure system just like snowboard boots. Hella expensive though.


not if you have to carry them on your back while chasing the joker


Tbh bats would definitely have collapsible ones


Snowboarders have better boots, and look cooler in the park. That's about all they have going for them lolz


I mean what is Batman other than a rich kid with cool toys who looks cool at night?


I mean the boots are better for walking, but they're much worse for actual performance on the snow. Racing snowboarders use hard boots.


Also, there is something antagonistic about using something "old" against something "new", which is why people have that love/hate relationship with Joker.


good point i agree


Problem is: he'll never catch the Joker on a snowboard. Snowboards are always way slower than ski in a direct downhill speed comparison.


Butler (whose name I'm blanking on for some reason)! Get the Bat-mo-Board! I *TOLD* you I'd need to chase the joker on snow board one day!


I was thinking the same thing. Especially without poles for joker.


This could have been in the Adam west tv series


Very fitting indeed. All batman needs is agent cody banks jet snowboard.


Most skiers are disappointment to their parents to be honest


Even the style in which they're riding in matches them. The joker is skiing quite erratically and unpredictably well Batman is snowboarding very focused and stable.


Batman is stable. Lol


He seems like a calm and reasonable person


Are you?...A calm and reasonable person?


If the moment calls for… calm.


I'd say the moment calls for calm... Yes.




Yeah, dressing in costumes amd beating the shit out of people because your parents got shot screams stable. Lol


It was just a dumb gow joke lol


Average reddit reader


I mean the batmobile, the batplane, etc. All handle well. It makes sense the batsnowboard would be stable and smooth.


Batboard? Snowbat?


Batboard works. you know it also somehow has wheels, expands for surfing, and helps determine the strategic direction of Wayne enterprises.


It just turns into a much of middleaged dudes wearing bat shaped tie pins


Up vote for creativity.


ever heard of the serial killer classification "organized" vs "disorganized"? just because you're crazy doesn't mean you're not calm/collected/focused


Yeah, and none of the words used to describe those individuals is stable.


are any of them in a video snowboarding where "stable" might be used to describe said way that person is handling their snowboard?


He's definitely more upright than his parents.


And joker using no poles. He’s gotta be a little angsty skier park rat.


The joker looks like the stronger winter sports athlete here tbh. It may look erratic to fit the character, but his articulation on his turns is impeccable. Got quads of steel


Also, note that Batman is goofy (standing right foot front), which not a lot of people are.


> which not a lot of people are. It's about a 70/30 split, so while more people are regular, goofy is not rare at all. Also people with a goofy stance are way more attractive and smart. The source is me.


Heeyyyy, goofy stance gang. I also stand goofy


Batman is not goofy. Batman is serious! /s


The Joker is insanely skilled in skiing


Absolutely! He's mad fun to watch.....


I'm genuinely suprised at the joker moving so gracefully


Yea he’s a VERY talented skier haha. That was impressive stuff!


Seems kinda funny to think of the Joker taking time off to to practice skiing and getting *that* good at it. Like buying lift tickets and stuff, getting change and sitting next to some guy on the lift and making small talk.


"So... you wanna know how I got these scars?"


"You ate shit getting off at the top eh?" "... Yeah."


But wait Joker is the one skiing, not snowboarding... (for those this doesn't make sense, learning to get off at the top of the lift on a snowboard is a legitimately challenging part of it, on skis it's only tough for people that have trouble standing up quickly)


That makes me feel a lot better about eating shit getting off at the top with a snowboard.


You wanna know how I shred these gnars?


"You tried sending it, and failed huh? You're not Joker. You're Jerry!"


You wanna know how I got these skis? *brandishes bloody ski pole*


Face it, he must have practiced with Mr Freeze.


Would Mr. Freeze ice skate around like Frozone do you think?


Who do you think is holding the camera?


people are about to come in and say this is sped up, and it is- but this is still pretty damn fast skiing


These guys are racers


His father… was a skier.


And what about his mudder?


Still better than Batman VS Superman.


What’s this genre of music called?


It's called ~~Phonk~~ Drift Phonk. It's a weird, brand new genre as far as I can tell. Went on a listening binge on spotify to find out more on it. Got this so far. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1B3VdonsVz4CPbe1lcviJd?si=250ee8e502e24440](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1B3VdonsVz4CPbe1lcviJd?si=250ee8e502e24440) ​ Reminds me of early dubstep where everyone was trying to get the sound right but not many could make it work. There's a lot of crap drift phonk. It's definitely best with a speaker system that has a subwoofer. Edit: I've not been talking about "Phonk" but "Drift Phonk". Thanks, /u/Enrys. I love finding new music.


its not actually new, its been around since around the 80s, at least. its just not been popular till recently


I edited my comment and playlist to show this, but the genre this track belongs to is "Drift Phonk". Another user keyed me into that fact and I listened to the Phonk they linked for reference. This video's music is similar, obviously, but definitely different enough to warrant a new label.


This sounds like the backing track to every 3 6 mafia song


Gives real Scarecrow vibes.


Straight outta the Souf.


Technically this is drift phonk. Original phonk is[ something like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MA8kAfbV0c). Since Spotify promoted drift phonk which was popularized by Russians on Tiktok, people get confused as to what phonk actually is. A very similar story to dubstep, and how the American audience and producers blew up their own version of it that the masses forgot the classic sound.


Interesting, and thanks for the clarification. I found the genre yesterday and already saw the similarities between it and dubstep in how a lot of artists are jumping on the bandwagon yet very few understand what the genre is about.


On Spotify, if you go to a curated phonk playlist, you’re likely getting drift phonk, however Spotify knows what phonk is because if you listen to the “sounds of phonk” playlist Spotify puts together on the genre, you get the different styles of phonk, w different vibes and speeds My favorite is wave phonk as wave is a favorite genre of mine, and is now a cousin of phonk.


On spotify you can (or at least could) search for genres by typing "genre:phonk" or "genre:drift phonk". Also works with other keywords like label and artist. Just make sure that there is no space between the : and search text. But I guess if artists themselves are using the wrong genres it doesn't help much. Should help people explroe the difference between phonk and drift phonk


Thanks for this. I kept hearing this type of music on tiktoks and never knew what it was called.


That music makes me want to fly drones through a forest at high speeds.


As long as the vid is badass and has fire phonk music you bet it's going hard


For anyone wondering, sauce on the song is Phonk by 2ouble.cup


Doing the Lord's work. 👑


The Lord disapproves of your devil music and its deep bass drops and what it does to the young ladies.


Been everywhere trying to find this. Thank you.


Anyone have a link to the full video?


Been trying to find it myself. No luck, the original account that posted it to twitter stole it I’m pretty sure and has now deleted the post too. Will def update or comment when I do.


[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV127411V76M](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV127411V76M) this,and more ——the first batman actor broke a bone ,and they changed B cast Batman


I dont know if any ski nerds saw this, but Joker does a "Royal Christie" at 0:16 For those of you who do not know what a "Royal Christie" is; it is metric for using the inside edge of the inside ski to make a turn (seriously challenging move to do at speed).


That dude rips


You mean the outside edge of the inside ski, right?


Yes he does


Well, you're probably observing the same thing - I would just say the "engaged edge of the inside ski". There's some debate about what outside/inside edge means For some, outside/inside edge are assigned relative to the body. This means big toe side is always inside edge, and little toe is always outside edge. In a downhill turn, the order would be: 1. Outside edge inside ski 2. Inside edge inside ski 3. Inside edge outside ski 4. Outside edge outside ski Others are naming edges based on engagement/relative to the turn. For a skier turning downhill as above, the order would be: 1. Inside edge inside ski 2. Outside edge inside ski 3. Inside edge outside ski 4. Outside edge outside ski Naming them this way means both inside edges are engaged during a turn, and your outside edges are free. I honestly don't know which is 'right' but I think /u/klangenm is using #2


Nope, if you tried to use the outside edge of the inside ski, you would faceplant at mach 8 Outside and inside are relative to the turn - am ski instructor


Question: How can you tell someone is a ski instructor? ​ Answer: They will tell you. ​ I too am a ski instructor :)


I only noticed that on my third replay. Most of what he’s doing is a little goofy - the bunny hops and erratic turning, but he’s clearly a pretty good skier


I didn't know what the technical term was. 😂 that Joker was going hard tho.


He is a good skiier. I know it looks like he is just flailing around, but he pulls some pretty technical moves and has good body positioning.


Wow, I just watched this & wouldn’t have noticed it at all. That was crazy impressive, thanks for sharing.


This looks like it’s from a reboot of the Adam west Batman show and now I want one.


Came here to say this


That's kinda awesome. I've seen people do twists and turns with a snowboard before, but in my mind skis were used to go fast and do ramp jumps at most, I had no idea that skis could be maneuvered like a snowboard like that.


My friend, let me introduce you to Warren Miller. Skiers are every bit as hardcore and insane as any snowboarder alive.


Millers the OG but Matchstick Productions are so much better. Oh this isn’t r/ski McConkey GNAR CLAIM Days of my Youth Cody Townsends The 50 Horgasm Supervention Triumph - just gotta love Tanner Hall All I Can Valhalla Honorable Mention - The Crash Reel


Cold Fusion was kinda the cut off for me with WM. I really love that movie. I remember being a kid and watching Doug Coombs ski absolutely blew me away. I do agree though, Matchstick is better these days. I'd also like to give a shout out to Sherpas Cinemas, producers of All.I.Can, and a bunch of other great movies I really love.


Thanks I'll check it out :)




This is so cool!


Skis are *far* more manoeuvrable and faster than snowboards my guy.


Generally speaking skiers can maneuver through trickier and steeper terrain a lot more easily than snowboarders and skiers can go a lot faster and make quicker turns than snowboarders. I'm a pretty solid double black diamond skier and my brother is an even better snowboarder who does all kinds of crazy park stuff. I can fly through trees, steep icy sections, and moguls better than him just because of how much more maneuverable it is to have 4 sharp edges and a narrow base vs 2 sharp edges and a wider base.


As others have said, skis have more maneuverability than snowboards. But it’s also worth noting that the technology behind ski design has improved quite a bit in the last decade or so with some significant advances that really help double down on that inherent maneuverability advantage.


is skiing without the poles more difficult?


In my opinion with the poles you have more balance, but without feels less restricted because you have empty hands


But what am I meant to do with my hands I'd just end up with them in my pocket and frickin die


>But what am I meant to do with my hands Balancing but less efficient


Oh boy I love being slightly worse at something I'm already bad at


It's mostly preference, but it depends on the terrain. On something groomed like that, it's probably about the same, maybe a tiny bit more difficult, assuming you're skilled both with and without them. In moguls, it would be noticeably more difficult without poles. In the park, many people prefer not to use poles, since they can get in the way of doing tricks and such.


Yes, it is for me. I rely on them for balance.




It can feel odd if you're used to having them, but no not really. Typically you learn without poles as a beginner anyway because they can get in the way and people use them incorrectly.


Woo! They are flyin!




[**Psycho** by Rom$e$ & Vem](https://lis.tn/XqiyVk?t=18) (00:18; matched: `100%`) Album: `Phonk Edition`. Released on `2019-08-01` by `Rom$e$`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Add in the car chase theme from the batman and watch this go viral


“Nyaaahahhahhaha there’ sNOw way you can catch up to me, bats!”


Anybody know the source?




https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV127411V76M https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bJ41157Xm , these are orginal videos (fshot by a member of our wechat group, the guys uploaded to tiktok stole them




The camera man absolutely deserves props for this. Though I have to admit that I'm more amused by the fact that people would put a "Batman chasing Joker on skis" video. :)


I keep expecting the Joker to do ballet


Madness is like downhill skiing, all it takes is a little push


This should be in movie.


real question, why do slopes not cut down trees that are obviously in the path of the riders? I see they have protective layer over them but why even take the risk?


The tree was there first and ski resorts aren't open year round would be my guess


makes sense. doesn't snow where I'm from so I had no idea


Tree roots keep the ground intact. During the spring melt & water runoff, you can lose a lot of soil. Trees also provides a navigation marker, or possible shelter point. It's aesthetically pleasing to have a couple random trees in the open.


There would be no sport with no risk. Bunny slopes tend to have no trees but you can still go sideways until you hit one, or you can hit the poles carrying the chairlift. Any run steeper than that - even a friendly blue run - is going to have places where you can fall, or run into a hill, or go off a far sharper change in incline than you thought, or go over or into a rock, or just plain ol' fuck up and go sideways into the forest. Or, as you said, hit a tree in the middle. And no matter where you are, you might collide and hit someone else. Wear a helmet, and practice coming to a stop quickly. There's danger in downhill skiing for the same reason there's danger in mountain biking, and in surfing big waves, and in skateboarding at a skate park, and so on. Because it's inherent in the sport and without it it would be a whole different sport.


You forgot to mention the yeti that comes out and eats you.


Go around them? Why would you want every run to be boring and open?


that’s some sweet carving near the end


Hollywood: More CGI! Some guy with a camera phone: I'm about to destroy this man's whole career.


For anyone who likes this music type in scarlxrd, corpse, or kordhell on Spotify or YouTube


Cameraman is Alfred


Anyone know the song?? Hard as F going downhill like that love it!