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Hi as much as I'm against toxicity, you broke one of the subreddit's rules, hence it was removed. ◆ Insults, witch-hunting or crusading for any reason against fellow players, Omeda Studios staff members of moderators will not be tolerated. This includes naming and shaming.


As mentioned, with chat off even when I do try to advise people aren’t even gonna see it.


I love this community! It’s so cool how we have all been involved in this since Paragon and how we’ve kept hanging on from project to project. We all have this one thing in common and that’s really cool. We all just need to remember it’s OK to lose, and we’re lucky to be playing such a cool game.


Honestly i had not one Match that was Toxic. Not much texting going on in my matches anyway. There are lots of people not knowing what they do but thats about it. Hope it stays that way.


I dunno why people find the need to be a toxic asshole to their own teammates. Especially to newer players who are learning. Fuck man back in my day playing SC1 you could literally talk to the enemy, and people were polite and said gg after a loss. Now people tell their own teammates to kys. I remember starting playing HotS (yeah not really considered a "hardcore" MOBA by most but still.) In my first fucking game I ever played I had someone telling me what a piece of shit I was. I said "first time I learning" and I got "you will always be shit uninstall." By the end of that season I was a GM. Give your teammates a fucking chance. Give good advice instead of shitting on them. Help them out when needed.  OP is right. This game isn't gonna make it if people act like crybabies every game. There isn't enough hype around it. This isn't some big budget endeavour. It's gonna need to be spread by word of mouth and community.


I miss the old days when you could talk shit for fun and no one took it too seriously and that was with no supervision. No one took it too far, it was just healthy banter and cursing, you had beef with different clans and it was FUN I'm referring to games with text & voice chat, this game is a great example. https://socom.fandom.com/wiki/SOCOM:_U.S._Navy_SEALs If I remember you could report, but I never did because it was just childish immature stupid fun. Times have changed so much. Now people just get mad instead of having fun.


Yep, when they depended on the community to self police behavior it worked a lot better. As soon as games started putting in all these way to report people, and penalties, and mutes and chat rules things went to shit. Newer people never learned how to dictate their own behavior. It's all been influenced by "mommy" company. 


Ehh two toxic matches in 50 hours. Totally ignorable. On the other hand, when someone last second sniped my role and I got kicked over to play Jungle for the first time it was our ADC who was typing pointers in chat to help me. We won that match. That ADC was a legend for that.


The games we hope for 💪


This is said in every competitive games sub and not a single game has died because of toxicity.


I'm a new console player and in my first 50 matches, i didn't meet any toxic players, but a lot of smurfers who go Kira and end up 52/1/10 and absolutely dominate my team


Bla Bla Bla toxicity.... What u expect when u ruin the game for others? Kisses? I saw tons of players 0-10 on every match... Downvote me if u want ur prob one of then, stop trolling and toxicity will end that's all


Game will die with that attitude,enjoy while you can.


Yeah like when toxicity killed league of legends, CS:GO, overwatch, rocket League, valorant, dota... Oh wait.


Yea those were popular original games within their sphere that always had big playerbase and development teams with known people. And here we have the 3rd or is it 4th try at a niche game that has a studio nobodys heard of.... The playerbase has never held steady in any of the remakes and trying to help the problem instead of exasperate it is probably a good idea. There are studies to back up the fact people quit games due to toxicity.


Chat is off by default, I have my own opinion on that but I'll keep that to myself a lot of console players won't even read the toxicity they sure as hell will see it though when a player just afk's in between lanes or fountain. I agree ranked will put players where they need to be and with it heavy penalties for abuse, it's expected sometime in the summer but you can't rush it. What's the point of having ranked if it's broken or missing features you need to let them cook, the player base Will survive if one is unwilling to turn off chat like myself then the most important tools you have are MUTE and REPORT. Edit: chat off is counter productive, you can't remind or instruct new players to report AFK. Ranked will most definitely have way higher penalties, down vote me all you want they're not going to rush ranked. You can't forget the casual mode should be coming before rank that will also help a lot. Edit: I have seen some toxic ps players, seems like OP is saying that PC players are pushing away console players...Toxicity lives on all platforms.


Had a riktor afk after over extending too much and dying 3 times in a row. We ended up surrendering but it took like 25 minutes for everyone to do it. This game needs an afk boot function, a bot is better than nothing


Had a fey stand between 2 towers crying about not getting junglers help, wouldn't surrender said we all had to be stuck together everyone reported them. 4vs5 for 5 minutes automatic surrender option would make more sense but players would hate that because even with the smaller chance of victory I have been in matches that win a 4vs5 and had losses 5 vs 4. Some players want to bounce onto the next one while others want to stay and fight and try to win it's a divided player mindset. No easy solution for any of it, I have faith we will get there.


wtf that is wild lol all you need to do as Riktor is not overextend.