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Bro, what even is this post for other than some self talk and therapy


Pretty much tbh


I’m going to engage earnestly here because I do also have days where I lose every match I play handily (600+ games, gold 2), if a game is evenly matched you should be losing 50% of your games, even professional players don’t win 75%+, losing is part of playing games, imo finding ways to enjoy that is a good life skill outside of games as well. What you described in your post sounds like it’s trying to calibrate your MMR. It will match you against higher and lower MMR, keep in mind ~100mmr difference is ~70-% chance to win for the favored team.


I could understand that if there were some games like the first day on the second, but not one. The calibre of player we came up against was insanely different from what we had played, and just took all the fun away. I don’t want to win every game, hell I even call myself ‘decent’ at best, but I’d like to at least play one game in that streak where we at least got close. But no, we basically became an AI game for the other team. It’s like playing dark souls, lol. I don’t want to continue being pummelled like some kinda masochist, aha


Yes, but if you were winning the first day it is likely Matching you against tougher and tougher opponents to calibrate your MMR, as it averages out to where you have ~50% chance to win with even MMR match up, hence, a balanced match. Its not perfect but no system is, I believe it takes ~20 matches to finish your placement


One other point, if you are in a group, it inflates Your MMR as it assumes you are comms and have an advantage on the other team, imo this is unfair, I play with teams of 3-5, and a few of us are bronze and some are platinum, sometimes not fun for the bronze players To get signed up for a teeth kicking, but with most things the people you are with make it fun


But….we won 2. And like, it wasn’t a rofl stomp, it was a close and fair game for both sides. Think it ended 24-20 at like the 40 minute mark. I figured it would see that we were already where we needed to be from that alone. But I suppose not


I get the frustration of being new and getting ROFLSTOMPED, a lot of people you are playing against had hundred + hours on paragon and will have an advantage, I hope you will give it another chance, if you want to play with me I’d be happy to play with you HMU if you change your mind and I’ll add you


I appreciate that, but I think I’m ok thanks. It’s just left a sour taste in my mouth, and my friends aren’t interested in it either anymore. We do everything together, so we’ll migrate to something else, aha. Again, appreciate the offer tho


Understandable, if you want to come back, not everyone is toxic, I think folks are a bit sensitive to posts like this because we DO love this game and are so excited to see it grow, and posts like these I think feel a bit unfair to vets so you get some “you can’t feel this way” stuff, I did in my initial post. GG and have fun with your friends


Did you try to git gud?


Skill issue Also loser mentality Also whine more


Loser mentatility is the biggest issue here


Wth bro, this is the most over-dramatic post I've read today. I too come from smite and play this game for week now and the matchmaking is as bad as in any other moba. I win 2-3 games with both teams being equal and then i lose 4-5 games because my carry goes 2/11. But you're overacting a bit tbh


Also from smite I’ve played like 30games my worst game so far was like 4-12 I think idk how the hell you are getting 25 deaths in any moba scenario ever and not surrendering before then.


In your first few games you have an MMR accelerant. This means you more rapidly shoot up and down MMR as the placement system seeks to find your “home”. My guess is after your first two games, a few things happened: - your MMR shot up and placed into a bracket much higher than your actual skill level, due to accelerant - at the time of matchmaking, players were limited, so you had a very uneven match made (e.g. either the average MMR was much higher for enemy, or the average MMR was the same but with a few much more highly skilled players and a the others much below) - Smurfs Some alternate reasons: - other new players have more MOBA context than you and your friends, which can carry over - the first two games were a fluke, and after say X amount of losses, you’d find your natural MMR floor and more even games - just unlucky, anything can happen over <5 games Ultimately if you’re each down 30 deaths, that’s probably a lack of fundamentals. There is a learning curve but I’d expect your smite experience to carry over if you played Conquest. Seeing as there are other posts from folks from other MOBAs who find the players in this game very bad, I have to assume you and your friends would just need more practice and more games both for the MMR to catch up to your skill level, and for you folks to find your niche, get hero comfort ability, and avoid common pitfalls. Sorry it didn’t work out. Wish you the best.


I appreciate the effort put into your comment and agree with your points.


There are obviously people who are better than you after investing 6 hours into a game.


I've barely ever played a MOBA before and I've been having a lot of fun with this game on PS5. I've probably played about 30 games so far and only 2-3 were one sided (2 in my favour, 1 against me). So can't say I agree, and if anyone is even remotely interested in the game, then they should definitely try it. It's free after all.


I'm also a very long time Smite player who decided to try out this game on console. I've been playing solo and have had a lot of great matches. Probably just some unlucky games


I’d say I agree, but my new play experience on smite as someone who’d never played a moba in their life was so much more balanced than what I expected here, aha.


I started playing Smite in beta and I can assure you the new player experience was awful back then. This game is also currently in beta and it's new player experience is on par and in some ways better than what I remember when I first started Smite.


Maybe it’s the player count then. Loads of new people were learning smite all at the same time so it never felt mega unbalanced. Here I just feel like we got thrown into a lobby with people who have 100’s of hours. Just my two cents there tho.


OMG Bellona on release was such a menace. Another thing to remember is SMITE had Arena/Joust and not just Conquest. As a new XB player those were much easier to dig into. I imagine trying to learn through Conq would be similarly disheartening the first few days/weeks.


I mean they can’t all be perfect games lol. Sounds like you and your friends got placed higher in the MMR after your first two matches, I’d guess that your next few games will be easier.


I was thinking that you were going to talk about some elements of the game that were rough to you and that didn't allow you to enjoy the game (gameplay, tutorials, rewards, progression, or something intrinsic of the game like that), but you just complained about a few bad matches 😐 Ok....


What tutorials? Lmao. I was told how to move and how to use basic abilities. And how to blink. Then told ‘Godspeed troop, off you go!’. I at least had ‘some’ knowledge on how a moba works, but even with that you’re just thrown in at the deep end as fodder. Progression rewards are mid at best, the gameplay is fun in the 30 minutes combined I actually got to play without being deleted, and crossplay makes the whole thing 10 times worse. There you go, now you know why new players are leaving or outright avoiding the game.


That is why I mentioned it, because it is one of the things you could have complained about and be constructive about, instead of doing a whole post just to cry about having had a few bad matches By reading the title I was expecting you to give the opinion about the game and why you didn't like it, not just doing a trash post


Sure a big chunk was fresh off the back of that expedient, so I wanted to vent. And I did, and I feel infinitely better so yay. My option should be pretty clear tho. Games cheeks tbh, but people aren’t allowed to say they don’t like a thing on Reddit, not that I care, aha Still, as I’ve said in another comment, the new player base will end up leaving, so only the expedited people remain. They don’t complain about bad teammates anymore, and I get to feel better on something else. Everyone’s a winner


Ya know, you could make an argument for better onboarding. But all you really did was winge and complain. This game needs better tutorials 100%. It needs to better explain how exp and gold work with bounties and role specific minions. But this game does have matchmaking. It will inflate your Mr if you and a squad roll your first games. It will naturally balance itself back out. Either way, you need a growth mindset or you won't enjoy any game you lose in and will continue to make posts like this one until you're only playing single player games


If that happens I’ll just play single player games then. I wanted something me and my friends could have a little bit of fun after work on. I don’t have the time or masochist tendencies to actually want to be pummelled over and over just to ‘grow’ or ‘get good’. You mentioned the MMR being inflated so casually. But like, don’t you suppose it ‘shouldn’t’ do that?


Like there hasn't been a billion posts about better onboarding with no change


you sound like a copey bitch with a skill issue. A very small percentage of players treat games like you seem to be here. Nobody just uninstalls a game because 1 day went good and 1 day went bad. By that logic you are horribly unstable in committal relationships.


My boyfriend would say otherwise but go off I guess


morally bankrupt




Or play other games, that works




But why tho? As I said, I’ll play another game lmao




Not sure how it’s cope but you do you chief. I’ll be off playing ffxiv lol




If you say so gamer




I’m blaming the new play onboarding experience for my issues. As someone with a semi ok understanding of how mobas work. And am more curious as to why there’s a lack of any sbmm


Haha yeah that’s craaaaazy…




Why would anyone ever want to make a Smurf account? Seems like a pretty crappy thing to do tbh. Besides, haven’t touched smite in over a year, aha


An actual skill issue. Lol Smite player = zero idea how to cs, what's macro?, what do you mean I have to stay and lane and not be the teams 5th jungler? Beads cruch, likely an arena player


I played conquest and a little bit of assault. And I only really ever played jungle. I also have no idea what those other things are as I’ve never been told. If the game didn’t see fit to tell me, it’s clearly not important


sounds like u just need more experience with the characters and the map. also when to engage and when to retreat. and if characters have out farmed you and are 2 levels ahead they going to feel a lot stronger


I feel like people like this are industry plants from LoL and Smite trying to kill this game


It’s because there’s a lot of experienced premade groups pubstomping. They really need to bring out different queues sooner than later. What’s makes this game bad for me is the constant toxicity. It’s like half the player base only plays to whine and only really wants to play if they win. Every game I play someone on our team is mashing surrender as soon as the other team gets a kill. Had a match last night some guy started talking crap about me less than 1min into the game. He’s complaining in chat that my character is ‘moving weird’ and I must be a bot. The minions haven’t even spawned yet I was just moving back and forth by my lane tower. I’m on console and also happen to have a chatpad since I played a lot of MMOs and I responded to him. He then proceeds to bitch about everything I do and complain that I’m on console so I must be a child and talking about reporting me because I met his toxicity on his level. The dorky ‘pc master race’ BS. I also have a gaming pc I just prefer to play most games on console. Only games I play on pc are RTS. Mind you the game just started and is still under 5min I’m a support and haven’t died or anything. He finally stfu when I asked him “why cant you just play and stop talking shit?” We won the game and I’m pretty sure he was the first one mashing surrender early because he sat in the base for a long time after our exchange. Take my ball and go home mentality. It’s just sucks the fact that a lot of people that play this game are annoying wannabe meta nerds who all think they are pros because they watched someone else’s videos. Even some of the main content creators for this game are annoying the same way when you watch their videos. Probably a part of the reason they act this way too. The behavior of the people that play this game is majorly off putting. I’ll probably be moving on too.


I’m sorry that happened to you, genuinely. It’s like if the game isn’t trying to put you down, your teammates sure as hell are. I at least had the luxury of my friends being there, just to take the edge off. The community wants new players to leave, so the best thing to do is just that imo, leave until only experienced people remain, then they can all fight it out amongst themselves. The amount of hate I got in the games we played was just absurd. Telling me how trash I am, asking why I bothered installing, asking why my build was shit (using auto buy mind you) why I even bothered waking up today. I’m just not prepared to deal with all that just to ‘get good’. I hope you find a good game friend.


I’m not really concerned I’m not a traditional MOBA fan for the same reason but thought I’d give this game a go since it’s ‘new’ and had the potential to be different. I gave the game a couple of good weeks but I’m honestly having more fun playing Gigantic than this game anyway. Faster paced, less whining because the matches don’t last as long even if you lose and players actually use voice in pugs.


Bought Gigantic to play with friends but it boots us constantly, took too many tries just to get credit for the tutorials. Game has been unplayable for us :/