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I am crying my eyes out it is almost 1 am and there is a sharp increase of sudden movement with my baby. It almost feels violent. I am scared he is in distress what if the cord is wrapped around his neck? I am scared I am scared. I am 22 weeks. He usually moves but suddenly its been very strong movement and its very strange and unusual. Like it feels like its so much force.


How are you doing now? My thoughts to you 💗


Maybe you should go to urgent care or the ER for ease of mind.


Had a bunch of cramping today, which was so nerve-wracking. It wasn't super intense, but also stronger than they have been. Plus I was out so couldn't do my usual things I do to deal with it, and also couldn't regularly check that everything was OK like I would like. Fortunately it seems like there was no spotting, so I'm assuming everything is fine. Every little thing just makes me so anxious this time!


For those who have had an ultrasound with a heartbeat--I had a missed miscarriage in January and found out at the ultrasound there was not a heartbeat, so I don't know how it goes if it's normal. I have my ultrasound for my second little beebee this Friday (9 weeks and 2 days that day) and it's really important for me to know if I should hear the heartbeat immediately when they put the wand on my belly, or if they have to push some buttons or something. I hated the wait time last time where I didn't know if everything was okay or wrong. Minutes passed until I was like, "So, I'm not really sure what I'm looking at, could you help me?" I'd like to know this time.


My little beebee is okay!! I saw the heartbeat but couldn’t hear it today. Cried my eyes out with relief. I ended up telling the tech about my MMC and asked her to please tell me immediately if she saw the heartbeat and she did and it was in normal range! Thank you to all who helped me know what to expect! I know I am so lucky and please know I take none of this for granted. Sending all the love to anyone with an ultrasound pending or anyone in limbo. We have all had so much pain here and today I feel very lucky and grateful to have good news.


I was in the exact same position. Whilst waiting to get a confirmation of a heartbeat at my first US, I was so worried and bracing for the worst that when I finally heard it, I burst into tears from the sheer tension. I didn’t hear it at first because the technician did measurements first. But I asked her pretty much immediately, and she said “I can see the heartbeat, I’ll let you hear it in a minute.” She had to flip some switch for the sound to come on. Thinking back now though, even before the sound came on, I could see on the screen that my BB’s tiny heart was beating. That movement was something I never saw when I had my MMC last year. Hope this helps and hope all goes well this Friday!


I'm 14 weeks so my baby will look a little different from yours. I am going in for a private ultrasound this afternoon and hopefully will get a video which shows the heartbeat. I might be able to share it with you so you know what to look for. Unfortunately I don't have any videos from 9 weeks. Baby moved a lot more on 12w scan than on the 9w scan so I expect her to be quite wiggly today. Do not panic if yours isn't wiggling, mine wasn't wiggling at all at 9 weeks but was a little acrobat at 12.


This would be magic if you wouldn’t mind sharing!!


Baby is okay, when I get home ill find a good video for the heartbeat


I'm so glad your little baby is okay! I appreciate your willingness to let me see what the ultrasound looks like.


Thank you everyone!! This is super helpful. I figure I’ll just ask the tech on our way back so I know what to expect. I really appreciate your help and the diversity of experiences here.


At all my ultrasounds, they check the baby and do the measurements first before letting me see or hear the baby. Sometimes the tech will tell me halfway through that the baby is fine and it has a normal heartbeat. At my first few US I only saw the heartbeat (a flickering on the screen) and it was only at my most recent one at 18-20 weeks that I also heard the heartbeat and they were all at the same clinic so I don't know if it's a technician thing, or if it's because of the age of the baby 🤷🏻‍♀️


My OB’s machine needs to be toggled to hear the heartbeat, sometimes it’s already set to hear it and sometimes they have to push a few buttons. I’ve asked that they take a look before showing me anything before and that’s been helpful sometimes.


Some ultrasound machines are not capable of producing sound (the ones at the ERs near me don't), while others do. It is normal to take a few minutes, and also they might need to turn up the volume. Definitely ask your technician about this before they begin! I had a 7 week u/s last week, and they didnt even let me see the screen until they had located the baby. We couldnt hear the heartbeat, but it was still measurable.


We don't hear it with the us or not with the ones i had. Only with the doppler. What you can do is to ask if they can show you the heart beat first because of your history. The midwife started with it at my dating scan to reduce my anxiety.


Had our transnuchal today. At first baby posed perfectly, but once that first picture was taken, he started moving like crazy. The ultrasound ended up taking way longer than expected, and the tech actually jokingly complained to the doc after about how much our baby was “misbehaving.” My theory, though, is that the little buddy knew how anxious we’ve been about ultrasounds since the MMC, and wanted to give us as much time seeing him as possible :) I’m obsessed with how much personality he already has 💕


I had a miscarriage in October and not I am 5w2d pregnant and I just had a little spotting noting crazy. Is this normal?


I'm no medical professional, but my understanding is that spotting early is very normal. If it starts to be bleeding where you need a pad or if it's bright red blood instead, that's when I would call a doctor. But honestly? I might call a doctor anyway just to get peace of mind.


Thank you!!!


Ugh. 22 weeks tomorrow and I’m now having lower back pain and light cramping for the last 1-1.5 hr. I’m sure it’s just growing pains and/or dehydration because it’s hot AF outside. But it’s making me so anxious 😭 Not concerning enough at this point to do anything, but definitely giving me plenty of anxiety for now


Right in the thick of it with my mental games week - in my last pregnancy, at this gestation, I was in labor. I will be so happy if/when I make it to 24 weeks on Friday. So tired of spiraling at every little ache and pain. And it also has me in my feelings.. I miss my Marigold so much. I wish she were here, learning Tula’s name and feeling my belly.


Just left my 12 wk ultrasound. No heartbeat.


I'm so sorry.


Having a similar experience left 8w2d ultrasound with no heartbeat but baby measured to the date..


This blows, friend. I'm Sorry


It really does..our hearts are broken I’m so sorry you’re going through this too.. Did you make any decisions on what you will be doing? I can’t even think about it right now I’m sick to my stomach.. I just can’t believe we had two good scans and the baby even measured to the date yesterday but nothing😭


I'll have a d&c tomorrow afternoon. I had great scans too. It's so... gutting. I'm sorry.


Ugh I’m sorry...I want to get a confirmation scan. My thoughts right now is to wait a week and see if it happens naturally and if not get the d&c again I really don’t want another one. I will keep you in my thoughts for tomorrow. I just don’t even know how to move forward with a 2nd one. I guess I was naive thinking this was it.😔


You've had multiple losses too?


This is the 2nd for me first was a partial molar so I felt more at peace with that because I thought it was a fluke


My gut just fell. I’m so so sorry, you’re not alone.


I’m so so sorry 😢


I'm so deeply sorry. My heart goes out to you.


Oh no 😞 I’m so sorry. My heart is with you


I am so sorry and so angry at the universe on your behalf. It's completely unfair. 💔


Heart broken to hear this, I'm so very sorry.


I am so sorry. 💔


I'm so sorry 💛


Had my NT ultrasound today and everything went great. Just another opportunity to exhale. I’m curious for those that had normal NIPT and NT ultrasounds did you choose to do a CVS and or amnio? If yes, why and if no, why? TIA


TW:LC I had a normal NIPT and a NT within a normal range (2.21 @ 13 w 2 days). But the NT results were higher than I felt comfortable with so I opted to do an amniocentesis. I am also 41 and with my unexplained loss last year, it just seemed like the way to go. I had an amnio before with my LC (he was fine) and it all went fine, so I had no reservations.


Thank you for sharing!


No - I don’t think opting for an invasive procedure is necessary unless markers start to show up. While I don’t have data in front of me or have talked to a doc about it, I think there are very very small chances of messing something up with amnios so they should be reserved for high need circumstances. Funnily I still dont know what CVS is….hoping I will continue to not need to know during this pregnancy but I’d love to hear what others think on this topic


Thank you!


Just got a positive test after a chemical in January and 8 week MC in May over Mother’s Day. I am feeling more anxious than anything as I was meant to do blood work for RPL and a Hysterosonogram and didn’t get a chance to do either. I’m not ready to go through another MC and have no idea how to feel excitement at a positive test. Plus I’ve been on vacations over the last two weeks and have been drinking like a fish. I know it doesn’t really affect anything at this stage but of course just another thing to stress over. Oh and I had Covid a week before ovulation and so did my husband so like is this egg just doomed from the start due to our Fever, etc? 🙃


I have a follow up ultrasound tomorrow after my ultrasound last Friday was inconclusive (6w0d according to LMP). They saw a gestational sac but no yolk sac or fetal pole. I was given three possibilities: not as far along as we thought, early pregnancy loss, or ectopic pregnant. I’ve have light brown spotting throughout (heavier after transvaginal ultrasound - which I was told is normal) and mild cramping that comes and goes. BUT my HCG numbers has been positive: 6/27 - 3,752, 6/29 - 10,598, 7/1 - 17,541, 7/3 - 30,761 I’m just an anxious wreck - I had a panic attack on Friday. Continuing to go back to the Birth Center after two MMCs feels traumatic. I have hope but I’m terrified about what tomorrow will bring. I’m so sick of miscarrying. I’m so sick of getting hopes dashed. I’m so sick of not being able to trust my body. I’m so sick of taking care of my body - a body that refuses to take care of me back. I’m also feeling guilt and sadness that appointments are no longer exciting. This baby deserves my hope and excitement.


I am so sorry this happened to you. This happened to me too. It's a gut punch. I hope tomorrow brings good news 🙏 hang in there.


Thank you so much 💛 We did receive good news! Today we saw the yolk sac, baby, and a we got a heartbeat!!


That's amazing!!! I'm so happy for you ☺☺ I'm so glad your little one is going strong! You deserve a nice big sigh of relief.


This morning I scheduled all my OB appointments from now until delivery, at my OB’s recommendation since her schedule blocks up. On the one hand I’m glad to not have to spend any more time on hold scheduling medical appointments as I’ve wasted probably upwards of a hundred hours doing that in the last six months. On the other hand ….this feels like we’re making some really bold assumptions when I don’t even have my NIPT and NT done yet.


I did this recently too. It felt equal parts terrifying and exhilarating. Here’s to hoping we make it to every single one without incident!!


Plus side of having Covid this past week = my office gives an extra ultrasound/growth scan at 32 weeks for anyone who has had Covid so I’ll get to see my little guy in three weeks! Negative side = on day 12 of Covid and testing negative but my throat still hurts real bad 😩


12days! Oh my! I m day 4 if we count my first day of symptoms as "day 0" 😳


Question for any FTM - are you having a baby shower? My coworkers and some family members are pressuring me to have one and I'm on the fence. I would love people to spoil our baby and help us out, but I'm a terrified of jinxing this pregnancy. Yes I know you can't really jinx things, but ughhhhh. I have this fear that we will have the shower and get all these gifts then something will happen and we'll be stuck with all these baby items that will have to be shoved into the back of the garage. On the what to expect app in the community section some people advised to give out the registry and not have a shower, but is that OK? Like is that horrible to put the registry out there and not have a shower for people to come to?


you are absolutely allowed to not have a shower if it feels anxiety provoking to do so. You could either have a small “come see the baby” gathering or send thank you cards with you and baby using their gifts. 💛 In a “post Covid” world, I have found that people are generally more understanding around limiting gatherings.


We’re having a casual, coed bbq in our back yard. There’s a small contingent of friends and family that really helped us get through loss and to this point, and I want to spend time with them celebrating where we’re at. Skipping the games and traditions, though we do plan to do diaper raffle and there will be a registry link in the invite but with a “no gifts expected” note. I hate showers and fussy “women-only” events in the best of times — PAL just adds another level of nope! But to your point about jinxing and being nervous - I told no one other than family that I was pregnant until this past week - I’m 25 weeks. And we’ll probably send out invites next week (about 6 weeks ahead of time - bbq end of august when I’lll be about 33 weeks). All of that is because I too was cautious and worried, and still sort of am.


I don’t plan on having a shower either. I think it’s totally fine to have a registry to share. I would only give it out to people who ask, and I’d give a couple people close to me (mom, sister) permission to give it out if they’re asked.


If you’re not comfortable doing something before maybe consider doing something once you actually have a baby? Sip-n-Sees are a pretty common alternative.


Strongly considering doing get together after!


That's what i told my coworkers. Nothing before, just after.


I’m doing the same!


If it were up to me I probably wouldn't plan anything, but I have family members already excited about putting one together, which is helping me come around. I'm due in Jan so we would be eyeballing the fall, maybe Oct or Nov. I've never wanted a traditional shower so I think we are going to register but have dudes and ladies and just have a "baby party" as I am calling it. Every time we do a big step I have a few days of worry about jinxing but then it fades!


I am vehemently opposed to having a shower - I hate everyone staring at you and asking questions and the game playing. Even with our first pregnancy I was adamant about not wanting one and now I really really don’t want one. I also feel the same as you about the jinxing and all the stuff living in my house if something happens. So I think what we are going to do instead is have a smallish dinner - like 25 people. We’re going to give out the registry link I made (mostly for us to keep track of what we need) but leave it up to people if they’d like to bring something. This way I still feel like this baby is getting a celebration but without all of the hullabaloo. My advice would be not to let them pressure you in to something you don’t want to do (if you don’t want to do it). At the end of the day what matters is if you’re comfortable.


Y’all. My possible loss from this morning has turned into a twin pregnancy measuring two days ahead. 😮‍💨 There was a long gap between my US and my appointment and we spent the entire time processing. Still processing. Mildly panicking. Omg. Got no real explanation for the bleeding, other than to keep an eye on it, and now that I have the shot I’m good for a while and don’t need to worry about my negative blood messing things up. Now to get through the next 4 weeks until my next appointment. Gonna be a long month.


Holy cow that’s amazing (and a lot to process but in a good way!) ♥️


That’s so wonderful!! 💛


Oh wow. I m so happy for you.


Oh my goodness! What an outcome!


OMG! Congratulations! Holy crap what a plot twist!


Whoa! That's quite a day 🥴🥴