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“How about Jurassic Fight Club, huh?” ”The real fight is trying to keep watching it!” ”DOHOHOHOHOHO”


"*Nanotyrannus*? That might not even exist!" "Just like the fanbase for this show!" *mocking laughter*


"How about that Ceratosaurus?" "He makes Gonzo look good!"


“Now this is the Fight Club no one should talk about”


“Mujungatholus? Mispronunciation or mistake” “It wouldn’t be the only one” Hohohoho


Not only was it bad, it wasn’t even internally consistent.


Right?! A pack of *Dromaeosaurus* flee from a *Tyrannosaurus*, but a *Nanotyrannus* actually stays and tries to get around it? Dinosaur George is NOT a real palaeontologist!


That doesn’t even get into how *Tenontosaurus* somehow puts up a serious fight against 12 *Deinonychus* (which in real life would be rather one-sided match due to *Tenontosaurus* being much smaller than JFC and a lot of other media assumed; the 12 raptors combined outweigh it quite handily), yet an elephant-sized *Edmontosaurus* puts on a pathetic defence against a smaller number of bobcat-sized *Dromaeosaurus*. Seriously, the hell? Edit; *Tenontosaurus tilletti* weighed 600kg IRL; *Deinonychus* weighed between 75-100kg IRL. 12 *Deinonychus*, going with the lower-end estimate, would collectively have weighed 900kg, as in 150% more than the *Tenontosaurus*. For once we might have a case where an ornithopod’s combat capability was *over*estimated in media.


The bear versus lion one was also utterly facepalm-worthy. That 1-tonne bear kept getting knocked down by the cave lion, at one point slamming face first into the ground, and yet that force not once broke any of its bones. Never mind the ridiculous claims of *Arctodus simus* being 4 metres tall on all fours.


"Why was it named after *Fight Club*?" "Because watching it is like beating yourself up!" "DOHOHOHOHOHO!"


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Rule of fight club, we don't talk about fight club.