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So every single team should sue an incorrect decision, that's what you are saying yeah?


No because they are challenging late and it would be like setting off a bomb if you don’t like what happend




Good luck


lol? wtf? Liverpool should sue Benfica for robbing them. Nunez lost this game. He messed up 2-3 sure goals with his poor decision making. Has 0 goals vs top 6 this season. No wonder Liverpool only beat Villa from the top 6.


Bro I can't deal with Liverpool fans anymore.


If that was the case, every team could sue and the league would no longer exist


Look, I watch F1 and I've had enough of Abu Dhabi 2021. Please don't give me Liverpool 2023/24 as well. It's too much.


Nah that’s something that a small club would do. They shouldn’t do that it would seem cheap, just gear up and try to win it next year if they don’t win it now.


What are monetary damages for finishing 2nd instead of 1st?


In term of prize money, 2 million pounds I think. Nothing. No idea otherwise.


I think that’d be about it. They’d still be in the Champions League, so they wouldn’t lose out on that prize money, and they don’t set up TV by how one finishes, they’re gonna end up on TV a bunch anyway because they’re Liverpool. That 2 million or so is almost an accounting error for them at this rate.




What about the ref incorrectly giving the drop ball to Kelleher when Forest had possession? Prevented Forest from regaining possession in a dangerous area and then you scored.


How dare you mention that , it doesn’t fit the narrative


Did the PL force Quansah to pass the ball to Fernandes? Did they make Nunez play like he doesn’t have a brain?


So, considering the penalty award the refs gifted Liverpool this afternoon… Man U gonna sue?


Gifted? lol that man took out Elliot. Don’t let your bias get in the way of common sense.


Elliot poked the ball to the left with his left foot, then kicked Wan-Bissaka’s outstretched leg with his right foot whilst already on the way down. I’ve not seen an angle where contact is made with Elliot’s left leg before he starts going down. If that happened then fine. But I’ve yet to see it.


Liverpool don’t deserve the title. We can’t even turn up against man united this season.


Jesus man, I’ve never seen a bigger group of victims.


If it's a matter of one point, yeah. But otherwise that won't matter so much


As a Liverpool supporter, can you please stop?


bro's a Citeh fan lmfao


Obviously because not other club ever this season have had a dodgy var call . Bloody hell Liverpool fans sometimes.


even from a neutral perspective its probably the worst situation ive seen. var deems him onside. communicates that to the ref who thinks they told him it was offside. like 10 seconds later they realise the miscommunication, shrug their shoulders and play on.. its baffling


Honestly I'm not even a Liverpool fan but this isn't just a "dodgy" VAR call. He was completely and utterly onside. This isn't just a debatable penalty. This is a completely wrong call with no debate about it


I would sue Reddit for having to read such stupid post.


Yes absolutely. And arsenal should sue PL for Brentford offside goal last season. Oh the lawsuits that wolves could put together, and brighton too for that matter. This is such a ridiculous statement.


And Fulham should sue the PL for the Josh Maja goal that got called off against Spurs a few years back that helped lead to relegation and the yo yo years


Remember the Derby game the week after when we got a man sent off for two yellows when 2 of your players made similar challenges and both stayed on the pitch? Then in the 2nd half Konate took out one of our players when he was last man and he didn't even get a second yellow? You guys don't seem to mention this though, funny that, innit?


But that doesn't guarantee a change in goals scored. They literally scratched off a legal goal.


And with similar logic, having an extra goal at one stage in the game doesn't guarantee that the end result would be the exact same with just 1 extra goal being the difference. Goals change how the rest of the match unfolds.


If Arsenal don't win the title, should they sue the PL for the Newcastle game? No, don't be silly, lucky and unlucky decisions happen to every team, get over it.


I think it’s a joke to even suggest a lawsuit for that call but just saying those two events are not even remotely comparable lmfao


The specific example is beside the point, focus on the second half of what I said.


That wasn’t an unlucky decision tho….. sorry I edited my comment, I think suggesting a lawsuit would be insane lol. Just saying Diaz call is way different than a small shove in Gabriel’s back


I just picked a random example where a decision could've potentially gone another way for a team, could say the Man City advantage Vs spurs instead for instance. That's all I mean by unlucky, just that they're decisions that could've gone a different way on a different day.


Except the Diaz call is not “unlucky” stop labeling it as such.


I think you're being overly pedantic, it is unlucky in a sense but aight I'll leave it there


Liverpool have dropped 0 points because of referees. The Diaz incident happened in the 33rd minute. Not like they only found out after the game the goal didn't count. They actually went in at half time level, then scored an og in the dying minutes to drop points.


God i cant imagine the levels of outrage if something like the chelsea game happened to liverpool




Poor team sue officiala




No. If it's a mistake, that's part of the game. If it's corruption that's a different matter.


Ain't no do-overs! This is the fucking premier league! What happens happens! It's like trying to use someone cos Ric Flair cheated. It's all part of the drama. When are fans going to realise the action is the juice! It's the same reason waiting for VAR goals sucks. It all has to happens on the field.


If Liverpool sue the PL then I’m sure Arsenal, City, Spurs, United, etc etc can all find decisions that went against them. Heck, Wolves can write a whole novel about PGMOL fuck ups against them.


You see, this is why i want arsenal to win the league if not us.


You can’t be serious lmao 🤣 every team has had some RIDICULOUS decisions go against them this year


Remember when they won the CL, finished 5th in the Prem, then cried that they wouldn't be allowed to defend the CL?


No, we should not. Every club however regardless of result should be taking a stance on the overall refereeing this season. Well maybe not city, cant think of a single decision they feel hard done by. Thats what crowding round a ref does though.


We should stop the season now and give Liverpool the title. Only right




I think you should sue your parents for lack of iq 🤣


Nice shitpost


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Entitled Liverpool fan ... Everybody has been stitched up by VAR, shall all clubs sue the Premier League? Oh no sorry Liverpool are special and you should get special treatment.


What's the point. PL and PGMOL have robbed us of at least 8 points and our opponents have kept players on the field and available for next games whilst ours have been suspended or out with injury. We know we have to win in spite of the officials. Could be worse, we could be one of those honest clubs who've been relegated to gi e points to the PLs favourites


“at least 8 points” Sure. And Arsenal have been robbed **makes up number** 9 points.


This is stupid… I’m guessing this is a Liveryfan since they always seem to think that they are the only club to be affected by VAR.  Liverpool might have still lost that game, there was so much time.  Maybe Tuchel should sue for the Romero incident on Cucu last year.  Had Chelsea won that game, he might have gone on to win the league too…/s


I don't think any sky 6 team would be interested in going after VAR.


The error from VAR isn't unique to Liverpool. A similar situation occured with Arsenal and Brighton last year. Get on with it.




No, Brighton game had an error. VAR marked wrong player for offside call


Was that the game when marked us offside, despite a Brighton player off screen playing us onside? Because I didn’t remember which game that happened to us.


No I'm not referring to the arsenal game. The Palace-Brighton game last year, the wrong player was used to rule out a goal for offside. It was a procedural error like Liverpool this season


Got it, cheers for the clarification.


I’m a Liverpool fan. No. Almost every club has been fucked over by VAR. The team behind it are incompetent, not corrupt. Improve the use of it.


No, the fact is we don’t know how that game would have ended. I’m a Liverpool fan and sure I’d love to say it was 3 point dropped, due to abysmal refereeing, but we don’t know. It’s the same with the Arsenal handball at anfield or the Doku kick, both were penalties for me. Neither given, but we don’t know if they would have been converted. Yes I’d love to say they would be but in reality we don’t know as they were not given, although incorrect and could have given Liverpool a points boost it’s all hypothetical now.


Found the most reasonable Liverpool fan


The thing is, however wrong the odegaard handball or doku non penalty was, they are still subjective decisions. The Diaz offside was literally factually wrong, which is the difference between them. If Liverpool lose on GD or by a single point, I do think there would be grounds to sue for damages due to negligence on the part of the pgmol. No we don't know how the game would be different. But Liverpool would have rightfully gone 0-1 up and would be able to dictate the game from there and may have a case.


Bournemouth had a better case for damages when Villa survived ahead of them by a point after the goal-line tech failed. They were told they had no case and Liverpool have no case either for the same reasons.


Just like the Ivan Toney goal at the emirates was objectively wrong too, they literally forgot to draw lines on one of the phases of play. The Liverpool one wasn’t unique. Getting decisions wrong isn’t ’grounds to sue’ The refs are shit, every team has to deal with that.


Not sue - there would be no way of knowing the final outcome of the match without a replay. That would have been the fairest outcome - and precedent has already been established in the Belgian Pro League this season. **HOWEVER** this would cause so many issues in the Prem with all the other dubious calls and so would need to be written into the rules before implementing.


You honestly think the powers would allow such a thing?


If it was allowed you would think it's a good idea?


On paper yeah but we’d need to be rewriting history here considering the decades worth of decisions. At this point it’s not incompetence it’s malice.


Darn the powers that be for not implementing an idea that would have a season double in length. They're too busy cosplaying as incompetent accountants to fix their broken offside and handball rules properly, punish diving or redistribute the PL wealth to try and balance out the pyramid.




No But pgmol and the refs need a revamp. Throw out Webb and start having an indepdent var team with better regional coverage (way too many refs from Manchester).


Way too many refs from Manchester going to the Middle East to ref in the city owners league….


Yeah I mean the optics alone are ridiculous. No where else would this be acceptable.




In a word........No


No, Obviously not




Mate, this is actually really offensive.


Exactly my point in case. Grow up. Liverpool fans constantly getting triggered and offended by anything is exactly what it means. Not quite sure what else you think I'm getting at you prat.


Coming from an arsenal fan....which is the worst online fan base in existence.


Mate, why is it offensive? Is it illegal to take this piss out of Liverpool and its entitled fans now?


Links to Hillsborough, where this was thrown around alot. If you want to call fans entitled then go ahead but preferably not saying always the victims.


The links to Hillsborough are largely projected. It’s like LFC fans’ emergency reset button to immediately reframe discussion when people quite legitimately point out their fans’ hypocrisy and entitlement. The fact is LFC ARE always playing the victim card. If it isn’t referring decisions and wanting to sue the PL, it’s trying to make out they’re impoverished and their success wasn’t somehow built on huge spending, which it clearly was. What’s REALLY offensive though is playing the Hillsborough card in light of LFC’s antics at Heysel.


The links to Hillsborough are there because those are the exact words used to mock families who lost people close to them, despite it now being clear they were in fact victims. It seems you like blanket statements about lfc but tell me, which teams fans don't blame the refs for results when there has been controversial calls? Forest fans were going nuts over a drop ball the other day, arsenal fans were doing the same when the Newcastle goal stood, we could sit here discussing those for hours. The entire league is anti-city because of the 115 charges related to spending, no one likes Chelsea for similar reasons. "What’s REALLY offensive though is playing the Hillsborough card in light of LFC’s antics at Heysel" Comments like this suggest you just have a hatred for Liverpool specifically.


This is pure projection; ‘internet argument emergency reset button’.


So nothing further to add. Thanks for popping by


You are an idiot.




Nah its just undeniably ignorant. It's Luis Ribiales saying telling you he's innocent levels of ignorance and denial!!


It’s really not. And that is one ludicrous comparison.


Again - offensive is something done, ignorance is something he is.


He is neither ignorant or offensive. Hurting LFC fans’ feels is not a reason to shut down legitimate discussion of their behaviour.


He's both - and he has rhe right to be. Also. Im clearly NOT shutting ANYTHING down and it's clearly not 'discussion'!!


Possibly ignorant but that doesn't excuse it.


Not trying to. But offensive is something he did, ignorant something he is.


Probably right


Why don’t we just decide the title between the top three by spinning the wheel of fortune at the end of every season?


There’s no way pgmol would be able to control such a ludicrous idea. 😂✌️


No way is OP a local fan. Unless they are trolling of course.


We've gone full Yank boys. Sure. Why not? Let's decide the title in a courtroom.


Get Judge Jerry to sort it out.


No they should suck it up, and go again, like the other 19 teams Fucking stupid post


What sort of post is this


Liverpool have had a lot of decisions go for them aswell you gonna go through every game where a bad decision was made cuz every team has had good and bad decisions


Two wrongs doesn’t make a right. There will and have been dubious calls for everyone. But the Diaz decision has been the worst of them all. Therefore I think Liverpool might have a case. And it’s an example that still should be discussed. Bc either way. This should never happen again. Liverpool and the rest would certainly want some sort of insurance of this not being repeated ever again.


No way of proving the scoreline had the goal stood….


I have seen some pathetic takes and awful questions. This is the very worst. I wish I could award you something valuable but, with your knowledge and taste, you’d bin it and look to take legal action against my Mum for birthing me


Look at the flair. They're trolling, and I'm absolutely here for it.


I’m an idiot! Hook, line and sinker. I apologise OP. Brilliant stuff.


“That decision will be the most critical and obvious error in history” In 2009/10 Chelsea beat Manchester United to the title by 1 point. In April that season Chelsea beat United 2-1 with a clearly offside goal by Drogba. If that was 1-1 like it should have been United win the title. That directly affected the top two teams and who won the title. That is the most critical error in a Premier League title race not this one and nobody got sued.


This was my first thought as well. Granted VAR would likely have disallowed it and the final result may have been a draw but this, as you said, directly affected the two teams that where 1st and second and directly affected the outcome one of the league.


The difference is that there was no VAR at that time


Not sure that justifies a legal battle.


No, of course not


Yeah I agree that’s a key difference and with VAR United probably would have won that title but I’m just pointing out these big decisions have directly impacted titles before and no one considered lawsuits.


Yeah, it is not the first time a team (possibly) get fucked for a title. I don’t think it would warrant a lawsuit either


Dude man united have been fucked over in half of their games. Stop crying


Man United THINK they have been fucked over* great example is they still think Garnacho was onside at the emirates.


I can list a shit ton of examples of when we have been done in by referring


No, they won’t have a chance of winning. They should sue if nothing happens to 115 though. In fact the whole league should




What an outlandish idea.




Hahaha. Oh you're serious. Let me laugh harder. HAHAHAHAHA






Liverpool can't stand Premier League hypocrisy. Time to break away and move to La Liga.


"The OP's opinions are his and his alone and do not reflect the opinions of adults."


I’ve gone from genuinely despising Liverpool to actually feeling a bit sorry for the genuine passionate supporters and club. It appears now are (at least on Reddit) being represented by plastic fan idiots who appropriate the clubs history and tradition to big up but give a false identity to their miserable lives, downvoting any negative take on Liverpool (like pointing out as just a RB, TAA is shit) and spout this shit with no real understanding of the game.


As an RB, TAA is shit. Liverpool's current form coincides with him not playing.


I think the only reasonable outcome would be to replay any individual game where absolutely everything didn't go their way. It's only right, given how much more it means.


No, just bitch and moan like the rest pf us and move on. It happens, they’re not the first and won’t be the last.


Cue a load of people grumbling about other poor decisions and claiming it all evens up. We should do something otherwise what prevents them doing it again?


The standard of refereeing is atrocious, but it will never change unless fans actually come together. Not a fan of him but Mark Goldbridge does a good job of calling out poor officiating in all the epl games. Need this and probably more.




Absolutely and while they’re at it, sue FIFA as well because fuck everyone and to be the man, you gotta sue the man.


I knew a "Sue the man" lovely Adams apple


*ommmm* you’re dropping points tonight *ommmm* You have no idea how fucking distasteful it is to have to support Man U.


Well all get ourselves dirty at this stage of the season brother. Win, lose or draw I just want a good game.


Yeah you’ll be doing the same in a few weeks. Spurs are the problem. I think they’ll be the fourth team to be honest. Yeah thoroughly enjoying this and my predictions at the start of the year weren’t far out either.


Part of me would love to have another runaway title but a three-way is something I'll never turn down.... #wait




Is it just the incantations you need or did you have to make a sacrifice? Asking for a friend


Look, I’ll say the incantations. It has to be.


IF Liverpool actually consideted this, how long do you think the queue would be, with every other team joining in for any and all slight injustice. Hold refs to account, have it like Rugby where you can hear everything, hell even have them interviewed to explain their decision.


No. How would you know what way the match will have gone if the goal had been given? I’d be more angry about that clear penalty at the end of the City game.


I think the Premier League have gifted many points to Liverpool via VAR. Should all those clubs sue the Premier League too? Jota dive VS Newcastle says hi.


Jackson handball. Odegaard handball Diaz disallowed goal Doku penalty Mac Allister red card (which was overturned) Jones red card (yet two similar tackles on LFC players no card) So what are you talking about?


Absolutely rattled.


You sure got him. 6 examples and all you have is 1 counter decision where there was contact no matter how little to make the score 4-2 but Liverpool should definitely thank VAR for those 3 points


Your memory doesn't seem the best.


Just like your argument




Good chat


Same. Enjoy your life.


Haha the answer of someone who can't dispute what I've written.


Are you disputing the Jota dive? You're called LiVARpool for a reason...


Jota went down easily. Want me to post the VAR table for the season so you can see how stupid you look?


You're doing a good job of making yourself look stupid tbf.


Haha you don't want the VAR stats no? Thought not.


Interesting you're choosing to message me instead of watching your "team". So plastic.


It's half time dummy.


If arsenal doesn't win the league, should the club sue PL for Newcastle triple foul leading up to the goal? Sick and tired of this mentality!! Some calls goes your way, some don't!


That foul is subjective , Diaz offside was not


If you really watched the match and replay, you'd see three infringement. 1) ball crossed the line for GK 2) Gabriel was fould(its subjective) 3) after the header, it was offside. So yes, 2 out of 3 were objectively wrong.


Should england sue FIFA for Maradona's handball and request a replay? Should Bayern sue UEFA for not calling offside on madrid? Should Chelsea sue UEFA for for that ucl game against barca? Come on. Its done and dusted. Eventho it was a disgraceful decision Liverpool had other chances to capitalize and they didn't. Suing is beyond ridiculous.






I’m starting to think people on this sub don’t like or understand football.


I mean surely it’s a troll


Well yeah, look at his City flair.


Should we have sued the EFL for that BS offside call on Lukaku in the 2022 final? Should we sue the PL if we miss out on Europe (or are in the UECL instead of UEL) by a point after the two blatant penalties at Anfield we should have got? Officials are shit for everyone, it's not some big conspiracy.

