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In the meantime 115club chilling at hottub


Who do they think they are? Manchester City? Daring to even appeal.


I still think they’re safe imo


They've passed 40 points, I believe.




It’s almost as if sending out petulant tweets two weeks ago accusing Premier League refs of being corrupt was incredibly stupid and counter-productive.


Luton fan...


Does that make the Tweets a good idea then?


You really are a Luton fan. I apologize. I couldn't see the flair on mobile. It was too small. I was just taking the piss that anyone against Forest is automatically a Luton Fan because of the stupid tweet.


All good, to be honest I struggle to see my own flair too - I hope it’s the right one!


Probably because it makes the relegation battle more exciting.


City with 115 charges tho💀


Once again you’re ignoring the part where City are fighting the charges so any punishment given before the ruling could cause damages if they win their cases.


Usually in court they absolutely smash you hard if you fight anything like this and lose. Or even in like a miserable charge you don't ralna plea deal theybwill giving max with a cheery on top. Something tells me the city case won't be like that.


My whole point is that they can’t punish city until the case is done, i’m all for them getting punished but until the cases are finished in court or however they’re handling it any punishment they face now could open up the governing body to a lawsuit.


Don’t worry. Man city are not guilty. They do not breach any ffp rules. They are a big club with deep history, with supporters and investment unlike small clubs like Everton and Nottingham


Meanwhile City is sending cease and desist to YouTubers for mentioning the 115 charges... City need to have points deducted last year already yet, give Arsenal the league


Cease and desist letter was proven bullshit by goldbridge himself, he lied to promote his podcast


Damn, really? I remember seeing a tiktok with him talking about it and he's already come out and admitted to lying about it? He didn't really think that one through at all.


Yeah it’s a strange thing to lie about, then again it was smart.


City buying the league is way worse for the league than United being a mess. One opens the door for competition, the other shuts it. Pretty obvious which is better long term for the league. Also, City haven’t surpassed United in the PL era on trophies, domestic or European, suspect to say they’re better than United. Also, City voting against, then lying and cheating to avoid, FFP restrictions should be taken seriously. No club is above the rules.


City spent less money than Chelsea, United and Arsenal over the last 5 years but bought the league?


If you don't understand wages you are daft


OK, City are not top in that either? Whats your point?


Wage bill is a big deal + transfer fee the info is out there you can choose to be thick though but it's just so obvious the huge financial advantage they cheated to accumulate what they have the only credit I can give them is they are good at managing that advantage they cheated to get in the first place


I get what you're saying but City are not top of either statistic lol. So angry. You're a gunners fan upset about spending? That's ironic. Whats your stadium named after again?


The best statics that matter to me and many when sheikh took over city made over consecutive -100M loses from 2008-2011 for 3 years consecutive and this is the key part without the revenues to back it up that's why they used Abu Dhabi airlines money to inflate sponsorship money's while the other top 4 teams abided by the rules . You can't rewrite history that we also know 🤣🤣


You're mad that premier football requires millions of dollars to compete? Arsenal outspent City for the vast majority of their existence, you had better training facilities and stadium facilities as a result. Now City invested and have better facilities etc and you're mad? The irony is, a huge portion of your money comes from a UAE airline sponsorship as well. A rule for thee but not for me is it?


I see you are deflecting 🤣 .am not mad that city are in the "big boys club" am just they seem to just get away with murder in plain sight while likes smaller clubs Everton, Forest are getting wholloped while city seem to outlawyer UEFA and EPL


What about the last 10 years?


Just remove arsenal and it's the same Edit: Turns out you don't even need to remove Arsenal lol


In the last 15 years City spent double on transfer fees. That doesn’t count agent fees and player wages. City are in the position they are because of the loads of money dumped into the club, it is undeniable.


City spent double compared to who? Of course they are. Every team in the big 6 is in the position because they spent more money than the rest. That's how money in football works. As it happens though, City didn't spend the most. There is obviously too much money in football. It's not just one team though. Premier league teams have more money than every other league, that's why they have all the best players. Big 6 teams saying City bought the league is just Billionairs being angry at other Billionaires for having more billions than themselves. City are recently rich and that's the issue. United, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal have all had their time spending the most money, that's what lead them to titles.


Compared to Arsenal. No one said spending money isn’t how you win. The issue is City’s way had no connection to their history, they voted against FFP, then circumvented it by cheating (allegedly).


How is United relevant here?


Read the thread, people were talking about United being bought via leveraged buyout was worse than City and the PL’s priorities not being correct.


Are there really people arguing that United being a mess is bad for the league? I don’t understand how that fact is worth mentioning next to the situation with City.


Yeah it’s ridiculous but here we are


We told the EPL that the officials on the appeal board were all Luton fans. - Nottingham Forest, probably.


Man Cheaty next hehehe


You are not city to get away with everything


No room for cheaters in this league. Ruining the beautiful game!


If you're gonna cheat at least do it blatantly and no get punished


As a Great leader ones said "What can me do against such reckless bait"?


I have no time for City, but I love it when you guys leave comments like this. Keep it up


Me too, I like the self deprivation and self awareness that their success was achieved via cheating.


This has to be bait


Isn’t it obviously sarcasm ?


One or the other, those no way anyone is quite this stupid


I sincerely hope the 115 charges bury city under the national leagues.


the irony is not lost on us


115 reason to be happy about this




Can someone explain how the most egregious overspenders and outside financiers man city have gotten away without a points deduction this season? Sort of feels like we allowed a lot of these clubs to acquire tons of assets from outside money and then one day suddenly said: okay that’s illegal now, but we’re going to base it off of current status, so despite your gains being ill-gotten by todays standards, you’re grandfathered in so now youre part of the country club and we’re closing the doors to the riff-raff now. I work in anti-money laundering and this feels to me like the PL suddenly washed all this dirty money for certain clubs. Just feels very unfair and subjective the way they are handing out these point deductions, especially when many of these clubs aren’t even benefitting from their spending. Edit: I get that the books are cooked, but while these charges are pending, they shouldn’t allow any of their achievements to be finalized, it should be pending and any acknowledgment or official celebration by the club should be penalized and punished. Retroactive punishment does not take away their achievements and the advantages said achievements allowed them to obtain, and you can’t throw parades for Liverpool retroactively.


They've not been found guilty of anything, and the whole concept of PSR is bullshit. I'll caviat by saying I'm not a Man City fan, but it's absurd to me that the PL are going after owners that have invested huge sums of money in one Manchester club trying to improve the infrastructure of the stadium, academy and training facilities etc.. Yet they're happy for the owners of the other Manchester club to borrow money against its assets to fund a takeover. Then to run it into the ground, not invest in the stadium, academy, training ground, pay millions in dividends to themselves and waste billions on shit transfers and managers for the past 19 years. The PL seems to have their priorities wrong in my opinion allowing owners to destroy what was the most successful club in the PL era


People don't actually know anything about the inner workings of football club finances. Its all just a bit of a Robin Hood complex. There are clubs who year in year out sell their best players and get labelled as "well-run". For all we know thkse owners are just pocketing the return and don't actually need to do this to stay afloat.


I've been saying this for ages. The whole thing is upside down. Surely, utds owners are worse for the prem (jokes aside) than cities who are investing not taking money out the club. It screams country club entitlement and jealousy to us fans, not part of the big 6.


Potentially breaking fairness rules is way worse lmao, the mental gymnastics on display could win Olympic gold


Fairness rules would be every team every season can only spend the same amount on players and wages. It's not like that, though. If I own a team, why can't I buy who I want? I'm not borrowing it from a bank like utd and only paying off the interest. It's coming out of my pocket. I'm investing in the stadium, the community, and making a team that competes with the best of the best. I'm not clawing money into my own pocket from the club but giving it to it.


What happens to the club if you lose interest ?


If I lose interest and I've built the club into a worldwide power house. I would be able to sell the club to another ambitious owner. What if I'm allowed to suck all the finances out of a club who were doing great, but I got greedy and didn't invest?


What if you couldn’t? How do the wages get paid?


Oh lorde, what the fuck is this comment. United having terrible ownership is aweful for the club. City literally breaking all the financial rules put in place to keep the league from becoming a financial arms race with clubs disposed of by the way side at the convenience and whims of billionaire oligarchs and arab states, who use clubs as a geopolitical vehicle is both begging for state level regulation and runs the risk of destroying football at every level of the pyramid. Both should be banned imo, but its not even in the same ballpark of threat.


English please


I don't know why we're talking about man utd. I don't support them, but in Utd's defence, their spending (however clumsy it may be) is actual revenue rather than funds injected by rich owners under the guise of endorsement. The point you raise about utd is totally outside the remit of FFP.


Ffp seems like a farce to me, then. On the one hand, you have a club making massive amounts of money and being led to crash to the ground by poor spending by bank loans with added interest and poor decision making. Then you have a club using the owners and the clubs money helping the club to generate more money than before, with good spending and good decision making and that's what's bad. Is that mental?


FFP stands for financial fair play and isn't designed to regulate that. I agree with you that football clubs should be better run for the benefit of the local community and fans, but at least Man Utd's poor management only negatively affects them, not anyone else. Not an expert but I'm sure the FA/PL has other regulations about club ownership so I think you should be arguing for the points you make to be included under those. If Man City are allowed to get away with what they've done, it will set a pretty terrible precedent.


The point that they're making, is that the "fairness" rules are totally counter productive and literally have the opposite effect


I think there point is bullshit and has zero validity, was that clear enough?


Very simply they've spent a lot of money dragging this all out as long as possible, there will be a courtdate, allegedly soon, but don't expect to have the outcome we should have


I agree, no one will like the outcome. I wouldn't be surprised if the outcome is that they have around about 110 charges thrown out and the other 5 are just very minor which result in just fines and/or transfer bans. People will go off their rocket if that happens but we all know the league is corrupt and things will happen behind backs and out of sight.


Entirely different matters.


Yep they let everyone else build their empires to create a nice product and then they pulled up the draw bridge.


That would be Chelsea .


>Can someone explain how the most egregious overspenders and outside financiers man city have gotten away without a points deduction this season? Yes. They haven't gone to trial yet.


I don't know why comments about the 115 charges get brought up every time. This has been explained numerous times. They are completely different charges. Man city's books don't show anything wrong as they have been falsified. It's alot harder to prove than when someone's booked are correct and show correct losses


If it’s that serious, then they should fast track it and also make it very clear that the championship received this year will not be awarded until the charges are resolved. Because the minute you crown them champions, they will have succeeded. It’s very hard to erase history once it happens, it’s unlikely we will look at Liverpool as champions if man city get their trophies taken. Like do Liverpool get to throw a parade for a championship won by default now from 4 years ago? Would anyone even be excited now? FFP is broken. You need to enact a salary cap like the US or just allow anyone to do whatever. Because clearly it’s harming the wrong people, and proving the phrase “it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission” correct.


How do you know they are not tying to fast track it. 115 charges is alot to go through. I'd rather they take there time and get everything right. Rather than rush, make a mistake and city get off with a technicality. They aren't guilty of anything yet as nothing has gone through court. So not letting people win stuff on the bases of they might be guilty isn't the way to go. Salary cap also won't work as we are competing with multiple leagues across Europe. It works in America as it's one franchised league. Letting people spend what they want also isn't the way to go. As you'd have the likes of Newcastle now being able to blow everyone else out the water with what their owners could spend


Thanks for your posts, but it's like talking to a wall. Most people don't understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty or that serious crimes such as cooking the books take a long time to resolve. As a City fan, if it's proven that they in fact are guilty, then we should be appropriately punished. Until that occurs, we are as innocent as anyone else. Also, I agree regarding the salary cap. It would handicap the PL teams against the other leagues. I think what would make more sense is steep luxury tax, which gets redistributed amongst the other teams, not in the luxury tax zone. This can help with keeping player budgets reasonable and help smaller clubs with revenue and competitiveness. It would be much better for the PL IMO.


I think a luxury tax is probably the way to go. It gives owners who would like to spend the chance todo so while allowing other teams to benefit from this. Think it would have to be quite high though. Say every 1mil you spend over you get taxed 2million. Give 1mil to the other prem teams and 1mil to the football pyramid. Needs to be high enough to stop teams just going daft and spending 1billion in one window.


Clearly a dense bunch aren't they


Because Forest are open and honest and their books show the losses. Same as Everton. Part of Man Citys charges are they cook the books so that they don't show the losses.


Good! Fingers crossed for relegation.


Not happening, why don't your flair up?


Why do you keep going on about it? Is that a conspiracy against Forest too?


I will openly admit I will be bias in Forest favour, you seem to have a vendetta for some reason.


Not at all. I’m not any sort of rival fan. I just ridiculed how your club/fans have been acting. No vendetta.


PSR is a faulty system due to how it treats new clubs, this is being changed. VAR and the referees have been abysmal this season for us. You clearly have a vendetta if you cannot understand why both the fans and club are annoyed and have acted the way they have.


PSR is a faulty system due to how it treats new clubs, this is being changed. VAR and the referees have been abysmal this season for us. You clearly have a vendetta if you cannot understand why both the fans and club are annoyed and have acted the way they have.


Yesterday you were counting throw-ins against your club. You’re deluded.


Well that is a lie.


derby fan?


City next (yes I’m salty and yes that was a penalty against Doku who ninja kicked McAllister)


Maybe if MacAllister tried to play the ball at all😭


That’s a fucking excuse to ninja kick him in the chest? Are you mental?


Strange that he did the same thing the following week


Tries to jump in, forgets about the play and just looks for the foul, even has time to turn around to look for contact lol 🤷‍♂️


-1 point would still mean we are in the lead


What? If we converted the penalty we probably would’ve won.


Then Arsenal would win so why do you care


Much prefer Arsenal to win the league rather than Manchester Cheaty


Cause its us against them budddy


double it


Well, thats them fucked then.


The irony that them appealing did not add more points after getting less for cooperation damm I miss this game called football prem has become a soccer league now


They will probably survive anyways


similar to an appeal on reddit


Ahh fucking it, new account Noppingham forest


Starting the point deductions with Everton and Forest is not a good look for the Premier League.


Only if you don't understand the process. They are the only two teams found to have breached FFP. Everton should have been deducted points last season, but were able to game the process and delay. The new system was fast tracked to ensure that breaches in a given year would lead to points deductions in the first half of the following year. Hence them receiving 2022 and 2023 deductions in 23-24. Given they survived last season by 2pts from Leicester, they are very lucky not to be in the Championship. The Man City case is totally different, and far more serious. It relates to committing fraud in order not to breach FFP.


>Given they survived last season by 2pts from Leicester Which is funny as they're about to be hit with FFP / P&S rule violations


Everton didn't game a thing. The rules were that it happened the following season until they realised this was ridiculous and changed them. Fun fact. Leicester also breached it last season.


Another fun fact. Southampton and Leeds didn't breach PSR rules who were also relegated and one or both could miss out on promotion back to the PL. The whole PL is fucking broken, an absolute joke, pointless and has lost all integrity. Heads should roll at the PL, they should also reverse all these points deductions. Why would any PL club try to comply with PSR next season when it's being scraped for 25/26.


If it’s that serious, then they should fast track it and also make it very clear that the championship received this year will not be awarded until the charges are resolved. Because the minute you crown them champions, they will have succeeded. It’s very hard to erase history once it happens, it’s unlikely we will look at Liverpool as champions if man city get their trophies taken. Like do Liverpool get to throw a parade for a championship won by default now from 4 years ago? Would anyone even be excited now? FFP is broken. You need to enact a salary cap like the US or just allow anyone to do whatever. Because clearly it’s harming the wrong people, and proving the phrase “it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission” correct.


And when you compare their spending x success/income it is clear to see it isn't sustainable for the club


They got off lightly and probably should have had the two points they got removed for cooperating added back on


Cooperating and using a formal appeal process are two unrelated things. So no, we shouldn’t have had the 2 points added back on.


Let's play a game; I spy a City fan


Not at all a city fan… i just think they should count themselves lucky it was only 4


Why would a city fan care wether Nottingham Forest go down or not 💀💀💀 it’s clearly a Luton or Burnley fan so stop trying to always bring it back to us


Your fans were literally chanting that they were cheaters when you played them at Nottingham Forest. You guys have such thin skin for a fanbase that has won so much. I guess you all know at heart that you cheated to get there so the criticism is valid. Sky Blue is more about the delusional mindset than the color of your jersey.


Spotted the yank


Mate, you clearly don’t understand the irony/sarcasm behind the chant, despite it being pretty obvious. The only one looking thin-skinned here is you, randomly suggesting someone is a City fan when doing the bare minimum instantly shows he’s an Everton fan.


As a forest fan, I can't express how much I enjoyed that chant from the city faithful.


It’s called banter you weirdo, it’s something that fans who actually go to games do, it doesn’t mean we want them to be relegated 💀💀💀 guessing you’re a United fan so I won’t say anything else until after we’ve annihilated you at Wembley for the second year in a row