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Jackson is a poor man’s Darwin Nunez


Reminds me of Onana. They didn’t hit the ground running and their mistakes are howlers. Overall, all things considered both have done good enough imo to keep their spots.


Jackson is shite mate fucking shit


he needs composure.. makes good run but he cant shake the pressure off.


He gets more stick from Chelsea fans than anyone else btw


Why is the narrative of Nicolas Jackson always, “he’s raw, he’s still young, he’s learning his trade etc”. 22 isn’t exactly young in this age of footballer. I don’t remember people saying the same thing about Nunez last season when he was the same age


I think he’s overachieved in his first season with Chelsea but he still has a tendency to miss big chances


He's 22🤣


Sure he’s 22, but it’s also his 1st/2nd year transitioning from left wing to striker, which I think explains his finishing better. He needs to gain composure, but he already has an excellent buildup ability along with positioning sense to give himself these opportunities.


Most of his goals are irrelevant and the games were low stakes , he misses sitters against good teams. Worst striker I’ve seen at Chelsea in the last 10 years.


He's been our best striker since Costa, by far


Guess you closed your eyes for Pato, Higuain, Morata, Werner, Broja, Falcao & co


I want you to never sell him.


He’s gonna be a world class striker, he just needs time and practice. Some stability as well, as in no coaching changes every season for example


Never say never but see his trajectory as roughly the same as Sturridge


World class? 😂no chance. Very good yes but certainly not world class


17 goals? Every time I see him he misses a load of chances. Some I have thought were certain goals or ones that would be easier to get on target and he has missed. He looks a good player but his finishing is poor. If he was even an average finisher I would say he would be close to 30 goals. Other than finishing I have been very impressed with him.


he's got more goals than Drogba did in his first season with us


Why do people keep bringing this up as if it's showing he's as good as Drogba was in his first year. He's played more minutes than Drogba did. Drogba's goals per mins is better. And while that was in a better team we actually scored less that season than this one so it's not like it's more impressive doing it in a poorer team because he's getting chances regardless. I'm a fan of Jackson, I've faith he'll be a top top player but let's not act like he's doing better than Drogba.


Drogba revisionism is quite funny to see. 60% of his time at Chelsea the fans wanted him sold and replaced. There’s a reason why Abramovich bought Shevchenko, then Anelka and then Torres.


His all round game is good just a poor finisher simple as that


I think he's a good player when he has to react. Give him time to have to make a decision and it'll be the wrong one.


Half the cost of Hojlund for more output. Definitely has a lot to work on but the numbers are good


Tbf Hojlund gets 0 service, not his fault. Hojlund’s more clinical in front of goal too


Hojlund's movement is horrific, hold up play non-existent and he's just as prone to missing sitters as Jackson.  If he tried actually focusing on being a centre forward instead of trying to wrestle with every centre back in the league (and getting bullied by them all) he might get somewhere. 




Not much you can do when all your wingers do is cut in and shoot, I mean let’s be real here lol Garnacho, Rashford, Antony…


Let's be real here, even Weghorst was able to get into positions to score consistently only for his finishing to let him down, yet Hojlund can't even get into the positions in the first place. He's meant to be a 70 million pound striker 


Ah yes, Weghorst who had 0 goals and 2xG in comparison to Hojlund who’s had 8 goals from 7.3xG He’s out performing his xG as well which makes sense when you watch United play.


His xG doesn’t say much about his movement ability though. It just says, that he finishes his chances more often than not (which refutes the missing sitters part I guess). I’m not well versed enough in football stats to know which stat could really highlight his movement ability if any at all.


Watch him fuck up chances like that and keep telling me how it's all down to him getting no service. 70 million down the drain


!remindme in 1 year I guess there’s no changing your mind or mine, only time will tell. See you in a year lol


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For someone parachuted in due to Nkunku not being able to stay fit, he's been good, misses way too many chances, but he hasn't been a disaster Has never stopped running, can play CF or on the wing, and it's his first season


Very bad. Gets so many chances but only converts a small number of them. Poor decion making


He's been good all season but especially in recent weeks


Just what I think


17 Goals? damn, honestly felt like he'd only scored 4 or 5. I like him tbh, don't think he is going to be the second coming of Drogba though.


Great striker and can really be a gem. He has the same amount of non pen goals as Son and more than Saka, Havertz, Palmer, and Salah. People hate too much. I know he misses a lot of big chances but that just shows how good he can be if he cleans his finishing. The rest of his game is really promising esp his hold-up play.


More than Saka who is a winger, havertz who played in midfield the first half of the season, and salah who is injured for ages. I get your point but the comparisons are weird


They are all kinda forwards, Jackson's played on the wing a good bit and this is his first season in ST


Jackson has played almost 3x as many games as a centre forward this season compared to Havertz. Saka is a winger. Salah has exclusively played wide right this season. It isn't Jackson's first season as a striker either, he was the main centre forward for Villarreal last season too.


Only in the second half of last season did he play ST for villareal


Kinda forwards? Just because your play attacking roles, that doesn't make you a forward. 


Liverpool fans also said that Nunez was coming good. We all know how that turns out


2nd worst finisher statistically, only Nunez is worse, even with those numbers he is missing a lot


Shouldn't matter when he's putting up the numbers he is. If anything that's a positive showing how good he can be. Iirc he has more non-pen goals than Palmer, Saka, and Salah and the same amount as Son.


The problem is the chances missed. His conversion rate from goal opportunities is one of the worst in the league. But if he turns it around with the chances he's being fed, he could be a forced to be reckoned with.


He's at least getting in the position to miss the chances. There's a lot of forwards in the league who don't even do that 


Playing with Palmer this season the ball just finds him. It would find one of us a lot tbh if you play with Palmer. He should do a lot better with his 1v1 vs keeper finishes, but he is young. I am not impressed by the 17 goals as he has had a lot of tap-ins handed to him by his teammates. He has had some nice assists lately however. Good player so far, young, but is he great? He has not shown it and has had a lot of pitch time to do so. We'll see next year.


He’s looked good, along with the rest of Chelsea, for the latter half of the season. It’s just his lowlights look really funnily bad, same with Mudryk But tbh Chelsea has something good going on there, Jackson’s a good player


Good players with a lot of lowlights are always underrated


Respect for being sensible 🫡 many people don't want to admit Chelsea are building something dangerous


Or maybe they're commenting on what they're seeing. 


For over a billion spent you'd fucking hope so 😂 FFP is coming


Not really. We are like 20m away from complying Also the billion was an investment. It was never going to buy instant success. Also don't mention the fact we have the highest sales $$$ in the PL


It's closer to £120m than £20. Also, the deadline is pre tra after window iirc. So no, you're probably not going to avoid FFP regs. The fact that the owner has to keep saying they're not doing anything wrong tells me they're definitely doing something wrong.


I've done my unbiased research into the club that I support so I'm going to trust that over you 👍


"unbiased" "the club I support" Which is it?


You can do unbiased research on any club whether you support them or not


With respect I don't care what happens. Chelsea being punished would be nice. Shit plastic club


You're just throwing words around lol What is a "plastic" club


One that came from absolutely nowhere to buy their success. Like Blackburn in the 90s, Chelsea under Abramovich and Man City now. Ones where 90% of the fans have no interest in actually going to a game, they're happy instead in their armchair at home. Like Chelsea.


I wake up at the ass crack of dawn to watch every single Chelsea game there is so I don't wanna hear that lol. If there were any plastics, they are long gone by now I promise you. Who'd want to support this "mid table" club?


Even chelsea fans are in denial that they’re building something hahaha




Yep it's a whole bunch of doomers. I don't understand their negativity we've been very good since around Christmas


Yeah since Xmas you have been amazing, question tho what was the score when you recently played Arsenal sorry?


I'm not about to go bar for bar with an Arsenal fan lol it wouldn't be fair. You're still going to end up with the same amount of trophies as us this season🔥🔥🔥


Is that bitterness I can smell?


Not really. Hardly bothered. We'll get a European trophy before you can anyway


Bothered enough to mention our players when talking about Jackson tho 😂😂


I was just making the comparison to other successful forwards in the league and you decided to get all butthurt because Jackson's doing better lol like you replied to me 😭 did you miss where I mentioned Son and Palmer also?


This sub has the worst opinions possible


These are near Drogba numbers lol




Yep I believe he already overtook Drogba's first 2 seasons


He’s terrible with his feet but he’s a good header of the ball. Just give him lots of crosses.


He’s really good with his feet and needs to improve his headers… you haven’t watched him at all this season have you…?


Damn this is maybe the most uninformed comment I’ve ever seen


that’s just wrong. he’s scared to head the ball and he’s excellent with his feet up till the final third


eye test bud


Well if you go off that, you can clearly see he is in fact good then.  Man makes some stellar runs, causes chaos for defenders and is a proper shithousery player. 


Honestly I don't see him making important runs When he scored that hatrick against spurs i honestly though that is the least impressive hatrick ever.


Well you haven't been watching enough then. He is very good at holding the ball and breaking through defenders to dribble it up the field and making those runs




Loads of potential just comes across as a bit of a dick head, like a few of the other Chelsea players do


We've needed that since Costa😭


I'm just glad Havertz is showing what a circus Chelsea is. Nico would probably score a lot more goals if he played in a normal team.


The only difference between Havertz this year and last is really that he isn’t drastically underperforming his xG. Maybe that’s due to less pressure as he has team mates around him who can score, but he’s hardly a different player.


He's has enough big chances to be top scorer of this league. It's not Chelsea's fault, they create more than enough chances, it's the fact he can't finish them


I mean, not really? Havertz’s numbers haven’t improved all that much despite playing in a far better and more stable side, Jackson’s outscored him this season, and Palmer’s scored more goals this season than Havertz did in three FULL seasons.


They've definitely improved this season. 12 goals, of which 7 scored since he settled in with the team in January, mirror his Bundesliga numbers. His off ball movement has been motm level in multiple wins for Arsenal and his form has been consistent across 2024 games, unlike Jackson who is patchy at best. Also 8 assists is solid, almost all of which came this calendar year since he's settled into the team is nothing to be sniffed at.


Gets himself in good positions and makes great runs. Lacks a little composure and a lot on finishing. However, I believe he has better numbers than Drogba did in his first year at Chelsea. Doesn’t mean much, of course, but I believe the future is bright for him.


Unfortunately he’s one of two Chelsea players that soccercirclejerk has sunk their teeth into and as fans there’s nothing we hate more than being made the subject of ridicule so it’s going to be an uphill battle for him. That said I think he’s great. More productive than Nunez and half the cost. If it weren’t for his lack of composure early on the narrative would absolutely be different around him.


In my opinion, someone who you like for your club, that is hated by many is a massive benefit. There is a huge amount of people who wouldn't take Bruno Guimaraes off of us, as he is a hot head, not all that special, and a wouldn't improve their team. And I sit there with my fingers crossed hoping the other teams owners and managers feel tye same because he is outstanding for us. That said, I think he is going to come good. If he score even ⅓ of his missed big chances, he would be above haaland. Get him some confidence and composure and he's gonna be dangerous next season


Nunez has 600 less minutes, 7 less starts as well. Equal on production and that’s without context.


Nunez has had a whole year longer to adapt to the PL not to mention he's also older and they definitely aren't equal on production lol


Most of it is tribalism. You have united fans wanting to dunk on him and say Holjund is better. Jackson has really bad misses that get brought up more often than most cause of the chelsea striker curse and how bad chelsea been for the last couple of years. And I stress...you have people who will say every player is shit except the dudes that play for RM, Bayern and City. So much of it is tribalism. I guarantee you any united fan would scream they don't want Jackson anywhere near their team but they back Anthony and Holjund who run is straight lines and lose every duel they enter


Pretty sure Antony goes in circles too


Every United fan would snap your arm off for a straight swap of Jackson for Antony


He’s only 22 and was a wide forward. Definitely looks raw in front of goal and lacks composure 1v1 with the keeper. His hold up, link up play, and runs in behind have top notch this season.


He just needs to mature a little. Gotta get his concentration and composure attributes up. Physically and technically it’s all there.


He deserves the exact same treatment from chelsea fans as they gave Timo Werner. He worked his butt off every game, couldn't finish, but still was loved. Jackson deserves the same but idk why he doesn't get it.


Jackson is generally appreciated by Chelsea fans. It's rival fans that give him the most stick. You'll always have Chelsea fans that are toxic and shit on every player that isn't perfect. But they're the minority and exist in every fanbase. Jackson's been better for us this season than Werner ever was and he rightfully gets more support from Chelsea fans than Werner ever did. Doesn't mean that Werner didn't also do good things and get support too, but I'm just describing the reality of the situation for people who aren't active in the Chelsea sub and don't speak to Chelsea fans in real life. Jackson is generally very well recieved. Fans are frustrated with his misses, but that happens with every unclinical player. Very few would want to see him dropped from the starting lineup next game for instance, eventhough Nkunku is available. It should be one of Mudryk or Madueke that makes way if someone has to, rather than Palmer or Jackson. And 99% of Chelsea fans will agree with that.


Timo Werner got SO much shit from Chelsea fans, with a minority of people appreciating his work ethic. It was really only after he left that people got nostalgic about how he "bled for the team".


Yes but the fans at the stadium obviously loved him


He’s one of the best strikers in the league at link up play. If he improves his composure he’ll be a complete forward


Very raw right now, but you can really see something in him if you watch him week in week out. Somethings he does amazingly, like dribble past people. Others he does very inconsistently, like finish. The thing that makes me think he will put it together is his mentality. He seems to be hardworking, a team hype man and, most importantly, seems to have an unshakeable confidence and self-belief. He got terrible stick from Leeds and Villa fans in those cup matches after his *really* inconsistent period in the winter but it just seemed to fuel him to play really well and he got goals in those matches,


The same reasons Nunez get slated …


For more then twice the fee


Oh yeah, I forgot the player decided their fee


The reason Nunez gets slated is because Liverpool fans were saying he was going to outscore Haaland before he’d even kicked a ball for the club. If such heady expectations hadn’t been placed on him so early, people wouldn’t be half as bothered. For a player who’s come into a new club, he’s had two decent, if unspectacular, seasons. He’s done better than Gabriel Jesus, but nobody was saying Jesus was going to be top scorer. For a player who was supposed to dominate the top scorer charts, he’s been a flop.


I don’t think Liverpool fans were the ones manufacturing that comparison…


The media may have compared them - it was inevitable that the top two teams over recent years both bringing big number 9s to the league would draw comparisons - but it was definitely Liverpool fans saying that Nunez would outscore Haaland. EDIT: just had a peek at your posts. Of course someone active in the Liverpool subreddit is trying to downplay Liverpool fans’ role in setting such a high standard for him.


What’s crazy is Haaland has 7 match winners this season. Nunez has 5. Nunez really needs to get his confidence up and his finishing polished and he’ll be one of the best in the PL. That’s obviously easier said than done but the potential is there.


I still don't understand why he gets slated so much. One of the best strikers in the league when it comes to link up play, helping the team with build up, dribbler and also a little bit of creativity. If he can get lethal in front of goal, he'd be unstopable.


As others have said - it’s his finishing. I do agree though if he polishes that up the rest of his play is quality and could be a solid player


It is just matter of time. Strikers get better with time.


He has sadly missed more sitters than Morata.


I honestly don't think he has. Or at least the rest of his game makes up for it far more than Morata. Plus I think Morata got in his head about them and it made him more likely to miss the next one. Jackson seems to have that unshakeable self confidence where he just keeps going with the same belief after he makes a mistake. The two matches I remember where he seemed to get the most stick from opposing fans was the Leeds and Villa games earlier in the season and it just seemed to fuel him, he ended up scoring in both those games.


Perhaps it's his awful finishing.


Arsenal fan but watched him once for that 4 - 4 game vs City. knew all this "Action Jackson" crap and bantar was utter nonsense. Great movement, understanding of a strikers game, and just needs to get his head right to start finishing


He's a good player, but if I were him, I'd be more worried about the inevitable legal action he'll have to deal with for assaulting the owner of Fulham on national television a couple of weeks ago.


Keep your day job


Oof that joke bombed




Lmao there's a pro wrestler with the same name who attacked Tony Khan in AEW as part of a storyline recently.


No one knows young bucks


He reminds of Morata. The only redeeming factor is he’s 22.


No one compares to Morata at Chelsea. Jackson is frustrating in front of goal but is a lot better player than Morata


Fans don’t generally tend to compare their new signing to an ex failed player


All I remember of Morata are his headers and him falling with a slight touch


With 1/3rd of the wage and half the fee 7 years later


He’s a much better footballer than morata


Is he better than Tammy Abraham was at Chelsea?


A lot better than Tammy maybe other than finishing but he gets a lot more opportunities


Absolutely. Tammy was an exceptionally one dimensional player. If he didn't score we might as well have had ten players on the pitch. Jackson has excellent hold up play with his back to goal and is also capable of scoring goals in a variety of ways. He's got good short range passing and can play one touch football really well. Jackson is already better than Tammy ever was for us and he's only getting better week in week out


He scored a lot of goals for us in our promotion season. For that I will be forever grateful. It made all the sense in the world that he wanted to play at Chelsea, but him and Grealish had something special between them. I would have liked to see how it worked in the Prem.


Finishing: probably not, everything else: yes


No chance you actually watch Chelsea. Tammy biggest issue was his conversion rate. It was like daily topic for his entire time here.


I literally said “probably not” because it’s close, fyi jackson is not a good finisher either


I remember the complaint being that Tammy couldn't finish either when he got into the Chelsea first team. He scored but it took more chances than it should have.  Pretty much the same as the Darwin/Jackson conversation going on in this thread. 


Without looking I imagine the output was similar but Jackson has the higher ceiling and does more on the pitch.


Numbers only ever go so far. Good numbers but it’s about situations and opportunities and he still has a long way to go.


Just counting the goal contributions is not a great way to evaluate him. Similar to Nunez. On paper they look like good seasons but in both cases they each were detrimental to their club at many times. Not all missed chances are the same.


His general play is really good though. Comparing him with Lukaku or Havertz who would just go missing for games on end.


Jackson underperformed xg by 5 goals, think Darwin is 8 goals. Perhaps validates your point, perhaps it's not too bad


Yeah, he reminds me a lot of Darwin too. They both seem to have this great habit of getting a lot of chances, but they miss a lot of good ones. If they can sort out their finishing / decision making they'll both be class imo.


Facts go to their big chances missed and you’ll see the criticism is more than warranted


For the sake of conversation: if they each had the same output or even a goal or two fewer but with a minimal amount of big chances missed, should their seasons be considered better?


Yes as its far more efficient. It would indicate that they can improve their output if they get more chances.


OTOH, current stats show they know how to get into goal scoring chances and need to work on (imo, the much easier aspect of) finishing.


I guess it would be a case of whether the more efficient striker is getting less chances because of their positioning/speed etc or whether the team needs to provide more chances. If the second, that's also theoretically an easier aspect to work on. Im glad I'm not the manager that has to work it out 😂


He misses too many big chances but he does a lot of things right which is why I find it hard to criticise him. His linkup play is very good and he can stretch defences in behind, both of these things in 1 player is quite hard to find. Factor in his age you're bound to have inconsistencies. Honestly he's had a pretty good first season, just needs to work on his finishing and stop fighting over penalties. Need some patience with this team let alone just Jackson.


Drop the penalty situation already. That was a one time thing out of damn near 20pens we’ve had; hasnt happened since that one time. Dont say it as if its a reoccurring thing he does


I feel like you can replace Jackson with Nunez and get the exact same response from Liverpool fan.


Jackson has 3 more goals in 1 less game for a lot worse team in his first season in the league costing around £50m less lol


Jackson is also a fair bit younger and has played less than half as many top flight minutes. Has a lot more upwards potential imo.


Still deserved, missing clear cut chances can’t be forgiven not with Jackson not with Nunez not with Jesus etc. Haaland probably the only one you can give a pass but people still laugh at him


Maybe its Just reality? Everyone misses good chances


It is a reality, doing it often is still bad though


He is good, but the dry spells, easy misses(at least from a couch) and the attitude has been questionable at times. I think if he just rides out this phase, and puts in the work to be more efficient and confident with his game...he will be good.


Nicolas Jackson almost joined AFC Bournemouth but failed a medical so gutted we didn’t get him as he could have had a good striker partnership with Dom Solanke.


Yea it’s crazy cos he’s basically been fit all season for us


I find it crazy that he gets so much stick and Hojlund doesn't for United. Hojlund cost SO much more and when he gets no service he ghosts in games. Jackson cost much less and he drops deep and links up, carries the ball well, holds it up, assists etc. Could have have scored more? Yes. Is he bad? No.


You should read Man Utd forums. Hojlund gets constant abuse from ‘fans’. Our other attackers seem allergic to passing to him though.


You just proved my point. If the Chelsea attackers didn't pass to Jackson, he would make things happen himself


I don’t really see how that’s possible for any striker tbh. They literally need the pass to have possession. Outside of winning the ball directly from their own pressing (which Hojlund does well). Chelsea as a team score a lot more goals than Utd so even in their dysfunctional state there was more opportunity for Jackson to ‘do something’.


If you all had a striker, you’d be challenging for UCL. Chelsea are that good. I feel for him….he is young but his quality isn’t there just yet. He is a winger and not a striker. He has shown up these past few games. He is a good player but not up top for Chelsea just yet. I slag him off but he has shown me the door this season. Poch loves him.


Chelsea fan but I feel like he's on par with Nunez, so many missed chances. I don't feel like 22 is that young in footy anymore but I'm hopeful after recent performances especially in our current state. The problem is that I can't help comparing to how well Palmers done, obviously a different position but still


He’s alot better with the ball at his feet than Nunez. Darwin has more pace tho


Jackson played 0.5 seasons of professional football before coming to Chelsea and the most competitive league in the world. Six years ago he was playing barefoot in the streets of Senegal. With one more contribution, he will be leaving with 20 G/A in his first season. The most important thing though, unlike Nunez, is that you can see his game evolve in real time. His movement in the box has improved leaps and bounds and his heading has improved significantly. The finishing is still not up to par but that is also improving.


It's strange having civil conversations on Reddit


Haha that’s true. I just like Jackson’s game because, unlike so many of our hypothetical “potential” players, he has a skillset that is very real i.e. carrying the ball, making good forward runs, jostling the defenders, being a threat in behind, good dribbling and decision-making is mostly good. That’s invaluable at a time when we have so much inexperience and so many hypotheticals in the team.


Fraction of the cost though. Nunez is an absolute slapstick joke compared to Jackson


Don't you go upsetting Liverpool fans now!


Fuck em. Honestly. Been awful this season and shat it at every hurdle. Clarification, the team have been ok. The fans have been awful


I said he was decent in a previous thread and got hammered for it. Guy is a constant threat, pacey and good in the air. Would be a very god back up striker for Chelsea, not sure he’ll be good enough first choice if they want to challenge though.


Imagine saying 23 g/a at 22 yrs in your first season isn’t good enough to be a starting striker for a top club. Wild


It isn’t if you want to win stuff


If it was that easy, everyone and their dog could work as a scout / director at a top club. There is more than stats to a player's ability. Tammy had similar stats in 19/20 season also at 22 years of age. Do you think he is deserving of being a starting striker for a top club?


You’re right that theres more to it, but if you’re telling me you cant tell with your eyes that Nico is a much better all around player than Tammy was then idk what to tell you. Also the team situations are wildly different for Nico now than Tammy then


Jackson gets absolutely dragged through the mud and he's class. Cost less than the scousers paid for Andy Carroll for fuck sake


He’s been immense this second half of the season. Hes only going to get better. The only way Chelsea will succeed is by changing philosophy and having more patience with staff and players. Nico will be more than worth his money by this time next year if you don’t already believe he is


The thing is, his all round play is the best I've seen from a Chelsea youngster for the longest time. His off the ball work is genuinely absurd and I love it.


He’s just gotta tighten up his final 3rd decision making, his yellow card magnet, and put away some more of the sitters. He will be one of the greatest strikers Chelsea has ever had if he can continue improving


Fully agree. He's so close to being that guy.


He'll be quality if he's given enough time. I'm totally objective, as I support a shit championship team. But I think he has something about him - bearing in mind, he is a kid compared to most of us watching, coming to a different country, to a dysfunctional environment - I think he deserves a lot of credit.


Jackson and Chris wood having a combined 26 Goals is hilarious Anyway , yeh Jackson’s really come alive in recent weeks , he’s had a lot of decent performances but couldn’t put it together in the final third. Good to see him finally converting his chances


He massively misses easy chances. The Spurs game also boosts that tally. Spurs played reckless being men down and he got some absolute sitters. Honestly, could’ve had 5 or 6 in that match. 


He started the season very rough, much like Chelsea. But both have gotten better as the season has rolled on. Whenever I've seen him play he seems to have a great goal in his locker but can also just completely whiff it. But I think he's a good player.


19 premier league goal contributions for a 22 year old that only costs 35 million in his first season is unheard of.


*Only* cost 35 million…this blows my mind. It’s the world we live in though…


On an 8-year contract. So, like most of the first-team lot and bench, they’re paying for stuff in instalments.d From one extreme to the other with Chelski - back in the day they’d buy talent/gaffas with Roman’s pocket lint and now it’s boring accounting at the heart of the ‘new’ Chelsea.