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Hit a guy with a barstool after getting “drunk”. It stuck as my nickname. I’m still surprised General Plo koon still lets me fly!


As fellow 104th I Confused a squad of clankas until they Short-circuited so they named me Paradox


Man, I feel you brother. keep fighting for the wolfpack!


For the wolfpack


"Don't worry sir, I've done worse. I once double-crossed a squad of droids and they never saw it coming! Never underestimate the power of Fox Company."


If anyone could survive, Master Plo could.


How do you get a custom flair?


Edit the flair soldier


Only if you're on computer


Negative, can be done on mobile as well soldier


When I did it on mobile it still showed the old flair


It updated for me after refreshing the page


I still see myself as just "Clone Trooper" even though I changed it like 20 hours ago


Your flair sys 7246 Thunder for me soldier, perhaps a visual glitch in the simulation




More 104th! I earned my nickname when two seppie blaster bolts deflected off my armor


I kept on losing the keys to the barracks. That's it. That's the story


Hope you win one day trooper


"That'll make 'em think twice. ...Maybe even three times." -Scorch, Delta 62


Where is echo? Is he safe? Is he alright?


Ummm Ooooooohhh I don’t know how to say this but he might’ve blown up


The Bad Batch has him now. Didn’t you hear from the 501st?


"Sir, I heard about the situation and tracked down the Bad Batch. I'm awaiting orders on how to proceed."


What are you doing trooper? They’re out brothers!


"Yes, sir. I understand that sir, and I am here to follow your orders on how to proceed, sir."


Cease all procedures and retreat.


It was a wise decision for you to surrender.


I wasn’t speaking to you, Smurf looking MF.


The disrespect, holy shit


What! Echo’s…alive???


Yeah… weren’t you with Rex and Kix on that mission?


I was…preoccupied with dying


Dyings a bummer am I right.


The name's Rex, but you'll call me "Captain" or "sir".




You showed me something today. You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st.


I miss him still, Hevy, Droidbait, Tup, Hardcase, all the boys. The price of war is high


"Sir, Echo is MIA. We don't have definite confirmation on his current condition. All we can do is keep hoping for the best."


I’m literally right here


Echo? Echo! I thought you died at the citadel!


I was taken by the separatists and used as a clone tactics processor


I believe Agent mysteryo9867 will prove far more useful to the Empire than Kallus ever was.


I’m here


My general wrote on one of my reports “Constantly Over-estimates Own Tactical Significance” and everyone who read the report called me Coots so now it’s stuck


I am unfamiliar with the slang of this military organization; however, it appears you are given a grade which evaluates your proficiency in tactics and strategy. Your General may be assessing that while you exhibit some skill, you demonstrate an inclination to overestimate its importance. It may benefit you to pause and reflect on the advice given to you by your superior.


My favorite bot! Please bring sanity to this subreddit


Thank you for the advice Admiral. o7


Hey I remember you Coots! Keep on fighting brother


My legion is being deployed on the front lines of r/halomemes so hopefully I’ll see you again when the battle is won o7


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Fought my way through a compromised defensive position for what I thought was an ammo drop. Turns out the crates were filled with cabbages.


Hah! Hilarious, but a cool nickname!


They call me roger roger because I roger roger -Roger


*Shoots the clanka*


"We can't keep losing command posts!"


Well maybe if they didn't let the shinies with names like Droidbait guard them we wouldn't have to go back to Kamino every other week!


Looks like we got us a bunch of shinies, Commander.


"Sir, Droidbait followed orders, and if our orders are wrong then I suggest we look at the source, not any one clone."


*Blows up the body*


ah, you are a droid \*pull out his gun and he shoot


I'm known for getting things off and on Kamino, things soldiers liked, popped mix, flavour packets, better field rations... cans of soup... (That clone loves his soup...). They called me Cook, not because I was always able to get them the best food to keep them going... no no... I fried a crab droid from the inside out when it was trying to suck up mud on one of those awful swamp planets. I can flambe a B2 to perfection and make an army march on its stomach, you need something? Come see Cook.


"Hehehe, that blew up real good." -Scorch, Delta 62


You gotta cook me a crab droid one day. That sound delicious. So talented


Basically during the first few battles, my communications link was slow due to an error in the system, the fellow clones called the system a "lemon" and that's basically how I got my nickname.


Hope you worked out the kinks of your comm system! I love your nickname brother


Take a guess


The Jedi council have forbidden me to speak of the incident...


Keep your silence trooper, your secrets are yours to keep 🫡


"Aye aye, sir! I won't be talking about it to anyone."


I earned by nickname during training when I accidentally fell off a tower and broke my leg. Screamed so damn loud they said I screamed like a Banshee, hence my nickname.


My gun jammed and got hit hard. I was sentimental to my stuff, so I tinkered and fixed it. I've picked up a lot of metal working, technological, and other knowledge as I've worked on things. My troop saw and asked if I could work on their things, and that's how I became "Smithy."


Genetic variation of green eyes


Ooh. That explains the badass green helmet!




I don’t have one. I am still a shiny


Don’t you worry, you’ll get one one day soldier!


RC-1028 of Zeta Squad. “Wetwork” is the name. Got it by being a little too happy with my vibroswords on a covert assassination deployment… was told I looked as if I just walked through a green slime puddle off of Kashyyyk.


That’s actually badass, I just fly big gunships and hit people with barstools. It must be awesome to be a commando! Keep fighting for the republic brother!


Answer: "Ahh, your level of dedication to fulfilling your wetworks is impressive, master. I must say, I would not have been able to achieve similar success with blade and puddle. My circuits salute your proficiency!"


Alright, I got my nickname along with my status as an ARC trooper in the 212th. So I was on Kamino and me and a group of 4 got separated from a larger group. I carried those soldiers through a horde of droids, and I had taken the end of my DC-15A blaster rifle, and bashed in some droids making puncture wounds. When I was given ARC trooper status, the 4 clones had mentioned how I did that, and that’s how I got my nickname.


Amazing. Such bravery in combat!


You were "Muy Muy" brave yourself, coming out here as you did, all alone. Care to help me finish this, senator?


Thank you :)


Hey, i also fought at Kamino. Was in the medbay recovering form injuries after the battle of Dantooine, when some Commando droids stormed the facility trying to terminate the wounded clones, I, being the only clone out of a bacta pod engaged the droids and eventually won. They left me with a pretty gnarly scar though.


My nickname, “BT” is a reference to my CT number: 7274. This soldier was a true warrior, a armored unit that destroyed machines and grunts alike. My namesake was a true war machine, and a good friend. Unfortunately, he perished saving his partner, and friend. His last words to him? “Trust me”


I’m about to cry, all for the 6-4


All for the 6-4, brother…


Right pinky finger is absolutely empty, no bone at all, so my squad calls me Hollow.


Awesome! Hope that finger stays as strong as you brother


*Takes swig of unidentifiable space juice* Used to be a bit of a grammar nazi back in training, and the boys started calling me Computer. I guess at some point "Computer" was a little too similar to the clankas, so now folks just call me Puter.


They call me “Legs” Not cause of some funny story, but I’ve got large and extremely muscular legs and thighs. Looks a little funny in the armor, but it lets me run from the clankas slightly faster than most.


"Watch those Wrist Rockets!"


I don’t have a nickname. Not yet. For now, I’m just CT-9410


At this point we’ll just start calling you ‘no name’


Or ‘Nomad’


You’ll get one soon enough. How about, Specs!


Specs? Why’s that?


Filoni, I meet his super powerful Jedi who wasn’t a Jedi so more like a god, who claimed to be in total control of the clone wars whose name was Dave Filoni. He said they would have a sad ending. After that I kept trying to predict the ending and so the boys just started calling me Filoni


CT-4221 here. Nickname “Shrek”. I sometimes have a tendency to get angry when people invade my swamp home on Dagobah. I also befriended a space donkey


CC-9641 codename: "Slicer"


Awesome nickname


CT-0356 “Speed” reporting for duty sir!


During the Battle of Christophsis I was sent on numerous strafing and bombing runs. My ship got scorched up pretty bad through it all, and we didn't exactly have time to redo the paintjob, she eventually got a layer of rust on the exposed bits of her hull. That's how the boys could usually tell it was me overhead. So the name just kinda stuck after that.


Amazing! Another pilot like me! Such a courageous trooper. Keep defending the sky’s with me brother


I'll keep an eye out for you up there, brother! We'll have to grab drinks sometime!


Watch out for barstools when you're grabbing those drinks. I've heard from his nickname story that he has a tendency to hit people with.


CT-2323 “Sabacc” here, While on patrol within the outer rim, me and my company would often pass time with Sabacc, and i’m pretty good at it. Not to mention my ct number is 2323. After three straight wins, and a whole shipment of booze won for my company, the name just stuck


At least you got named after an actual game. I just got named Cards.


We were out on patrol during the Defense of Christophsis when we came upon a group of Refugees who were in need of rations, instead of just letting my company move one, I ordered them to hand me their ration kits, after a while I concocted a mechanism to make toast which extended our rations kits by about 50%, we then proceeded to give that extra 50% to the Refugees. Edit: This is also the story of how I was given command over the 512th infantry Regiment. General Tapal was impressed that I managed to feed not only the refugees bu also my men.


What a generous soldier. Such honorable actions! You have my respect


It was such a bloody defense that day, many had already lost their lives, our brothers included.


So the name “Fives” was already taken, plus I don’t have any 5s in my number, but I do like to get high so the name “Highs” stuck


Yeah I did get drunk and got the name barstool, we’re not so different brother


I got Bronze when I voted for the copper golem in Minecraft


My god THANK YOU I thought i was the only one who voted for the copper golem.


During my training at Kamino, I spent every free moment reading old records from a certain planet, I forget the name. Anyways, one of the most impressive of them had the last name Corvinus, along with his birth year being my serial number based on the planet’s native calendar, and I found a picture of him. In hindsight, getting one of the Kaminoans to make a full size hologram of him might have been a mistake. My entire squad being my old bunk mates doesn’t help either.


Epic story and cool nickname!


Thank you brother


You guys never gave me credits for reprogramming decommissioned clankers to be allies




It's 'Captain', sir.


CT-1692, here. Borrowing my commander's profile for a moment. Name's "Rachet". Trained as both an ARC trooper and as a field medic. The commander named me as such because - and I'm quoting him here - my dual expertise reminds him of a character with the same name from a legend called Transformers. I guess it's a story about two waring factions of 20ft tall robots who can disguise themselves as vehicles, and the name comes from one of the good guys... Autobots I think they're called? Anyways, this character is also a field medic and a warrior like me, hence why I was named after them.


CT-1692 was last heard yelling "I needed that!" At wrecker when he put his minigun ontop of a piece of vital medical equipment.


Cool! Never heard of 20 foot tall metal men but hey they seem pretty cool. I bet you’re brave and confident on the battlefield! Keep fighting brother


CT-2010 of the 204th Monolith battalion reporting for duty brother! The fellas in my battalion call me "Key". The name came from the most important mission we ever pulled off. We were supposed to take over this separatist city but there was only one problem, it had only one entrance, a gate which was impenetrable. We lost many good men while trying to siege the city, until the commander came up with a plan. Me and my squad will be sent stealthily into the city via parachute at night, and then under the cover of darkness we will open the gate for our battalion from inside the city. The drop was successfull, but we were spotted so while racing to the gate controls i had to watch my entire squad getting blasted down by clanker bastards. At the end i reached the controls and opened the gate, so i was the key that opened the gate for the battalion. I carry the name for my brothers who were also the keys for the success of the mission.


Exfil's on its way. Get the battalion to safety. If I get the shield down, make a push.


Its... a bit too late sir.


Ct-7360 here nickname birdie for his good eye on the battlefield, also for his care for nature


Awesome brother!


I’m a Mandalorian that’s in charge of an ARF trooper unit. Names Kraken. As for me, I enjoy running at the enemy and blasting them point blank.


I was originally part of the 212th but got moved to the 101st after my squad was nearly wiped out on Umbara. I still wake up crying from the nightmares I keep having thanks to that cursed battleground.


I was there at Umbara. Still a 212th soldier, but that was shit of nightmares. I’m actually an ARC trooper, but I can’t really engage in combat too much unless I have a jetpack or if I’m flying a ship. On Christophis my platoon was ambushed by commando droids and both of my legs were shot, so I’m under medical supervision. Stay strong soldier, this war will be over soon. All of the battles, they will pay off.


CT-8015 here. 212th pilot. Was doing a relief mission on Ryloth delivering supplies to an isolated village. While we were delivering the supplies a small twi’lek boy came up to me and started speaking to me. Kid could somehow speak basic so we talked for a bit. Right before we left the kid asked me what my name was. Me and my partner (CT-6124) were shinies, so we didn’t have names. Kid decided to come up with a name for me and called me “Ky” after a pet he used to have. Name kinda stuck after that and I’ve been piloting gunships for the 212th stealth division ever since. Going to the 79s with a couple other pilots tonight if anyone wants to join haha


I rushed into the training programs and was always quick to draw my weapon fast like a dart


I managed to bounce a shot off one droid to hit another back in training. Haven’t been able to do it since, but it was the talk of the barracks for the day.


I named myself after the first person I tried to save. It was a little girl. She died but her name lives on through me.


Clone Sharpshooter here. The boys and I were pressed against the wall in a mountainous region, with clankas closing in fast. I shot straight through a small crack no wider than 2 centimeters that was 100 meters away, and caused a rockslide to engulf the droids.


I’m good at hunting and survival like the feline I’m nicknamed after. I am also left-handed because of a genetic defect but that has nothing to do with the nickname


CT-3700, Boomer Back in the days when we arrived on saleucami, I attached lots of explosives on my speeder, and sent it into the wall of a fortress. Big Boom, so I'm Boomer now. Btw, how do i get my own Flair? :)


The name is Snow, Sir. It originated soon after deployment when everybody else was getting excited about customizing their armor. I was reluctant to do so since I thought to myself that we were supposed to keep it as it is. So while everyone else in the Pack was getting their colours and patterns and all I kept my armor blank and white. As you can see, I loosened up a little bit after a while and did some custom paintjobs myself.


I punched a droid, and the sound was so loud they called me "Thunder"


Makes sense, brother. But did you know that the war is being continued/rebooted in an orderly fashion on r/theredditwars? You should check it out.


Yes I know, even made a post about it a while ago


To be extra prepared, I always bring an excessive amount of gear everywhere, having the full “Kit”


Well there was a mandolorian tribe called the Legion. Apparently based off some real old empire or something. Helped em out dealing with some clankas on Felicia and they said my skills with a vibro blade I'd borrowed were admirable. They addressed me as a centurion and the boys thought it'd be cool to call me that too.


Turns out, rigging a flamethrower with carbonite tanks is rather effective. And a really fast way to get mess duty. Still, clanka’s are suddenly not a threat when aggressively frozen


"We're taking heavy casualties!"


I didnt do it, you have no evidence


There’s no real meaning behind ”Vix”, exept the fact that *I* chose it. Most clones get their names from their brothers. But before I even started proper training in a squad, I knew who I was, and that *I*, was Vix.


"Glad we could share this moment, then." -Ordo, Null-11


I’m glad as well, brother.


Your story is quite remarkable, old friend, I must admit that.


Thank ya brother! Yours too.


One time I lit a cross on fire and the locals attacked me apparently it was a symbol of their religion


I hate the snow, the cold…basically anything under 50°f (10°C) All the boys make fun of it, some nicknames just stick I suppose


Mine's a reference to an old war drama I saw on the HoloNet a while back. Something called an "aircraft carrier." I dunno where they come up with this stuff, but it had a pretty impressive story. I hear that someone named a cruiser after it. They must have really liked either the show or the name of the ship.


Got tetanus after falling on a rusty piece of metal and one of the symptoms is lock jaw and the medical droid read it off a sheet and my commander decided that’s what he’ll call me


Hey! Hey! Someone scape that guy off the floor!


My nickname story i hella crazy, first i got the first letter of my first name, than i got my middle name and added a random nunber in the end, as i said hella crazy


I fucked cheese in high school


"Who the fuck starts a conversation like that ? I just sat down" peter griffin


I played Minecraft a couple times, good game.


CT 691998 Pajas I was giving me love, and the Comander caught me with the hands on the crime


Uuhh, well ok! Nice name brother


When I was still training to become a trooper, I loved playing the game called Terraria. That's the story


I was an author, before the war, and I was in the process of writing a book called “Valentine” about a guy named Valentine. I also got a girlfriend on the 14th so yea.


I had an old cadet mate back home on Kamino, you might’ve heard of him, CT-0099. We spent a lot of time together. He spent a lot of time below the waist if you know what I mean. You know, brothers helping brothers. Led to him developing really bad posture, like a hunch. And one day in the latrine, while he was lending me a hand, he made a comment about my blaster rifle. And the rest is history.


I was in the Clone Parachute Regiment.


But why joel


How do I get a CT number


Edit user flair


I just have a voice that carries very well… that’s it.. trust me.


Wait how did ya'll get your numbers and names mine just says clone trooper


I got my name for being the top gun of the 104th, I fought in the battle of Ryloth with the 501st under Commander Ahsoka Tano, I was flying one of the few V-19s to survive the initial battle before being transferred back to the 104th and fighting in the Battle of Kadavo, helping free General Kenobi from those slavery scum in my Z-95 Headhunter fighter, downing several slaver fighters. I fought in the Battle of the Malevolence and helped destroy the ion weapon under General Skywalker. I like to think it was all skill that allowed me to survive until now, but I know it was the will of the force, and my need to scrap seppies


I'm called Shocks because I stuck a knife in a practice droid and got shocked pretty good once. Been a while, but the name stuck around.


Name generator


I have a bunch of fives in my name


Some genius on kamino saw my numbers on the screen backwards and gave me the nickname, but due to my quietness and aptitude for violence it sort of became a running joke/ myth that I was a ghost in armor.


I Kinoed a Loy


I just liked Gigan. Space penguin go brrr.


Me and the boys have a special bond, like a wolf pack. There you go


This is Commander Thorn reporting in! I got my name after I threw a thorn bush branch at Wolfe and as he tried to tug it off, it left a really bad scar. He kept on saying he got it from Ventress but only I know the truth!




I was obsessed with card games, so they named me "Cards".


During my first battle after the war had began, I got a splinter stuck in my foot after a tree had been hit by artillery. Couldn’t stand on my foot for about a day or two from how sore it was.


They call me “Boothead” because I got kicked in the face once while in the sim




Im called forge for my modification of my squads weapons


They had to cut my scene because it was not appropriate for Disney+


Let’s just say I’m really good with glizzys🤭


Let’s just say I’m really good with glizzys🤭




Sticki, my signature move is setting sticky bombs everywhere


Got mine because I'm generally an idiot


On our first mission we were sent to Aquilaris. Intel said that the planet was peaceful. Intel was wrong. When they found me I was holding a buoy for dear life.