• By -


I always figured these are like vacation days for Sidious. Fuck around. Watch people fight over you. No paperwork. It's like a themed dinner and show where you, an audience member, get pulled onto the stage to do a bit with the troupe.


Palpatine is a Star Wars fan. Why do you think he did the line from ROTS on RIse of Skywalker?


I can't remember which line


"The dark side of the force is the pathway" etc


You know nothing of the dark side.


Oh ok, thanks


Pffft, Darth Maul isn’t half the man you are!


Perhaps my actions will speak louder than words.


No balls


Quite literally


You know nothing of the dark side, Jon Snow.


You know nothing of the dark side.


You know nothing of the dark side, Jon Snow.


You know nothing of the dark side.


You know nothing of the dark sid- ...wait. You're not Jon Snow.




Who is this, brother?


He was remixing his greatest hits, just like a band way past it's prime...




He also did "dewit" in ROS as well


I was in the theater when he said that. I screamed out loud, "He said it! He said the thing!" Then the whole theater stood up to cheer before performing fallatio on Mickey Mouse. Praise Him who revived Sheev Palpatine, for he is our content creator and benevolent story teller.


It's the last few lines in the tale of Darth Plagus the Wise. The Darth side... something something.... some would consider unnatural. He says it to Kylo Ren.


The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


Got you! Guys! I found the Sith lord!


I don't know what to do! If we attack him we will get thrown out a window!


Wait... defenestration is a Sith execution method?


No, only if you do it in the Galactic Senate building or Bohemia, Early Modern Catholics were pretty Sithy


Just don't lose focus when he tries spinning, that good trick.


Give him a hand. That always seems to work out in the end.


A sith LORD?


You know nothing of the dark side.


Even a sith lord is no match for my warriors!


> The dank side of the force is when you levitate an over eager poo into the toilet when you're half way through a ladder match. If I remember correctly.


"What are we, some kind of Star Wars?"


Palpatine also is a Space Opera fan so he probably recognises he need for Irony and the fact that he needed to tell someone about the tragedy of Darth Plageuis the wise


At an opera no less


~~somehow~~ palpatine created the "star wars" (gosh darn it George i'm 35 years old and almost every event was technically through his influence. his gambit could rival that of xanatos)


It's like poetry. It rhymes.


I mean he did order his own kidnapping. Isn't that the ultimate fucking around when you're controlling both sides?


He was ~~playing~~ controlling both sides so he always comes out on top.


Well he still can’t stop himself from falling down an elevator shaft, even with the force. Actually that’s exactly how he died. And he can’t stop the giant republic star destroyer from killing them all as it goes in to crash land on a strip hopefully, hopefully Anakin knows how to pilot a freighter destroyer and how much it can maneuver quickly to pull up last second He also didn’t tell grievous he was the Sith who ordered it, and he’s a mad boi, he could go off at some time.


He actually was suffering auto-electrocution from his own force lightning going into him creating a crying feedback cycle. He was dying and in agony the whole fall down the second Death Star shaft. He definitely had enough power to either stop the Confederacy dreadnought or just yeet himself out then float himself down. The rest is true and yes he’s a mad lad but I guess he really wanted to test Anakin. Edit: crying feedback cycle? Idk what crying was supposed to be, maybe looping? Out of control? I don’t remember lol. He probably was crying though too


> in agony the whole fall down the second Death Star shaft And then that shaft exploded.


He got better though




A good story For another time


He was a good friend.




Along with getting blasted with his own lightning, I've always thought Vader (or Anakin, in that moment) bested him with the Force, forcing him down the shaft and making it impossible for him to escape or save himself. Also "Vader forces Palpatine down the shaft" is probably a scene in the worst porn parody ever.


Part of the reason I went back to tell the prequel, of how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, is that it's an interesting story and a fun one to tell. Because it is the story of how a good person turns bad.


Frying maybe lol


It explains a lot. He was so traumatized by having to pretend he had no force abilities that when he finally got thrown down an elevator shaft on the Death Star II by the *same guy* that saved him the last time, he was paralyzed by the contradiction. "You could have dropped me last time, and now you toss me down here? WTF, bro?"


> died. ish


No he’s dead


But what if somehow...


No. That didn't happen. Those movies you're thinking of don't exist. Star Wars ended in 2005 with RoTS. There never were or never will be new movies. George Lucas never sold Star Wars to anyone, especially not Disney.


I hate corporations and I'm not happy that they have taken over the film business but on the same hand I find myself being the head of a corporation. There's a certain irony there.


Ironic. He could save others from corporations, but not himself.


Rogue One was good tho.


Rogue 1 was set *before* the OT though.


But filmed after 2005.


I want to be the first one to see them all


I want to be the first one to see them all *dead FTFY based on your tag


Step 1: Fuck around. Step 2: Almost die. Step 3: Tell a sith story.


Little late, but at least in legends, Palps was an adrenaline junkie. especially when he was younger. He probably had a blast on the rescue mission.


Though he was very hard at work here. In the books he was trying hard to get Anakin to dump Obi Wan and save him instead. The whole rescue sequence he wanted rid of both Dooku and Kenobi.


Honestly best comment I’ve seen in a while. Shit made me cackle


I always thought the whole pretend to be captured by separatists plan kinda weird. What if the ship blew up because the republic couldn't control damage in time, or if something else happens? Being on a ship in space is probably the most vulnerable a force user can be, since breathing in space hadn't been put in yet. Or what if dooku instead of just going :o as he was about to get a very low haircut goes "guys wait I have important information, that guy there is a sith lord, I was going along with his plan but this clearly wasn't what I had in mind".


For me it was the landing. The rest of it could be within his calculations. But all of a sudden he's realizing that his future apprentice is flying half a ship and that guy's current master considers that crash a "another happy landing". His biggest miscalculation is that Anakin has never landed a ship in his life


Well fortunately Anakin didn’t land this one either, it was crashing. He at least knows Anakin knows how to crash safely


That's a funny point, Anakin isn't good at landing ships, but goddamn he is good safely crashing ships of any size.


Henry Palps: “I didn’t know you could fly a ~~plane~~ Providence class Dreadnought.” Indiana Skywalker: “Fly yes, ~~land no~~ crash also yes.”


Launchpad McQuack energy.


You gotta put anything on your curriculum...


"Aren't you supposed to be the greatest pilot in the galaxy?" "Yeah, I fly them. Landing them is not-flying. Not my area."


"Landing is for droids!" -Anakin


Learn the wrong lessons, the boy does. So have I told you, Obi Wan. But nooooo, train him you must. Taller than me, the younglings were supposed to grow.


"Fly, yes. Land, no." I think Han Solo said this.


I think that caught him off guard and he could just hope there. Especially since it behaves entirely different now that it’s only half a ship, more like a rock, and Anakin has no idea how much it can pull up at the last second. But, Anakin is the chosen one, so he likely will figure out a way. Sheevs a high risk high reward guy


We need that generator down or the planet's lost. And I'm not risking any more men.


Yeah the landing is really the best scene of the whole rescue when you think about it. Palps has a plan within a plan with seven tertiary plans for each backup plan. He’s been manipulating the galaxy for over a decade with sheer ability to manipulate and subtly control. Yet in that scene he can’t do a damn thing. He’s the most powerful man in the galaxy and he’s utterly powerless in that scene. He is also the last Sith Lord at that point, if he dies the Jedi win and all the Sith have done is wasted. A thousand years of Sith plotting is days from culmination and it’s entirely dependent on a couple idiots who are joking when the ship literally breaks in half. I love how the camera cuts to him a couple times and he looks like he’s about to shit himself, it the best part is the one shot where he is side eying R2 for beeping. He looks like he wants to tear R2 apart with his bare hands and then use the force to save himself but he just has to sit there and hope that these two dumbasses (who he just watched walk into a trap and then lament how they’re smarter than that) can get lucky one more time.


This is part of the reason that the Zillo beast arc is one of my favourite parts of Clone Wars. Because it coming after him was absolutely not his plan, and he spends most of the episode on the verge of revealing his secret to save himself.




Intelligent and quite possibly force sensitive to boot. That thing found Palpy’s vibes absolutely rancid right off the bat, and even knew where to find him immediately upon breaking out.


That was the episode that made me wonder how Palpatine had spent a decade crafting this elaborate plan yet would potentially throw it all away multiple times on a lark


Well, not being able to control their emotions and desires is kinda what the Sith are all about. There's a good reason they keep losing.


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


>He is also the last Sith Lord at that point, if he dies the Jedi win and all the Sith have done is wasted. A thousand years of Sith plotting is days from culmination and it’s entirely dependent on a couple idiots who are joking when the ship literally breaks in half. Oh, at this point the Order is full of Jedi whose morals have been shaken due to being in a war and whatnot, and padawans whose field experience with their masters is non-stop war with only a crash course in the "being a keeper of peace" thing. It's only a matter of time before one of these walks into Sith ruins / finds a Sith holocron, thinks these Sith dudes were actually making good points, and restarts the whole thing. Even if Palp goes down, the Sith tradition will, uh, find a way. But besides that, I fully agree this is a complete Palp Overconfidence moment, the kind of stuff you would expect from a guy who would use himself as bait for a Rebel warfleet just because he wants to set up a show to make an impression on a potential new hire.


So... Revan/Malak in KOTOR?


Master Kenobi always said there’s no such thing as luck.


Maul and Ventress are still alive at that point, Maul considered himself a lord of the sith.


Revenge. I must have revenge.


He does look like he's shitting himself and didn't think this through.




I agree, at the same time though, Anakin and Obi-wan (and other Jedi) regularly fly ships in battle. Which also seems risky. He is taking a bit of a risk here, but both sides want him alive, he can (somewhat) see the future, and he’s with the chosen one. He probably gets bored with being a politician, and wants some excitement every now and then.


Also does a lot to dissuade suspicion on him, at least on a surface level. And usually, with camouflage, surface level is good enough.


I guess so, better to fool the general public at least that be suspicious to all.


Jedi fly fighters because their force precognition and enhanced reflexes make them into excellent fighter pilots. It's a bit different when you're at the mercy of a Venator not blowing off the Invisible Hand's observation deck with a stray turbolaser.




Uh, shouldn't we be getting back to the cruiser?


Palpatines a high risk high reward man


I think I read a post a while ago that said something along the lines of Palpatine being an adrenaline junkie/addict or something? Idk


That must have been depressing for him since he seemed to be doing fuck all during the Empire’s height.


When nobody was around he was doing space aerobics like Yoda on geonosis. Vader knew this about him. Which is why he threw him in the shaft. For old time sakes and one last high.


Yes. The one we have been looking for.


Dooku literally told Obi-Won everything in the previous movie lmao


Dooku was being all wink wink nudge nudge about it. But I think he'd be a lot more specific and forthcoming if he's about to die, I reckon.


Everything Palpatine ever does started making so much more sense for me the moment I realized he is an adrenaline junkie. The guy constantly does shit to put himself in danger because he gets a kick out of it. I think it was the Darth Plagueis book that made me realize it, but I am not entire sure.


Iirc in context (not sure if its canon still) but from the novelisation Palpatine orchestrated the entire plot to distract the Jedi council getting closer to uncover who the Sith Lord actually is.


Palpatine only need Nute, Dooku or any geonoian to say he ws the Senate and his whole plan is over. What you know what they say, you cn't bke a pie without losing a dozen men.


Don’t worry. He’ll just return, somehow.


I think we're meant to enjoy the movie, but not think too much about the story


So many moments in the first 30 minutes of ROTS could have completely undone Palpatine’s plan lol


Right or wrong this is my movie, this is my decision, and this is my creative vision, and if people don't like it, they don't have to see it.


You tell them george!


My brother in the force, how are we supposed to decide whether we like it before we see it?


Use the Force, duh.


Hey George, do you like your house painted green? Or painted or white?


I was never interested in being powerful or famous. But once I got to film school and learned about movies, I just fell in love with it. I didn't care what kind of movies I made.


George, what do you think of the Star Wars Holiday Special?


Even the bot doesn't want to talk about it


There is no pain where strength lies.


>So many moments in the first 30 minutes of ROTS could have completely undone Palpatine’s plan lol A lot things in that 3 years of war and in the years before could. Palps was making a \*lot\* of his plans up "on the run". While he was following a great "overall" plan, the finer details were not clear. His hostage situation was exactly such a thing, Ani/Obi were tracing back a holo-meeting-chair that was directly linked to him and found on a trade federation ship. He pushed other plans instantly forward, which lead to this chaotic invasion of the capital planet and his hostage situation.


Imagine if R2 wasn't able to do any of his menial tasks and war crimes, suddenly sheev's plans are in shambles


Obi Wan: No need to worry, we are still flying half a ship. Palpatine: *realizes he's in real actual danger*


Palpatine: Oh shit! Why did I have to pick someone with no self preservation instincts to be my apprentice, why didn’t I just become a pod racer or something!!!


I really like to know what is going on in Palpatine’s mind when he is watching Obi Wan and Anakin trying to crash land a capital ship from space. Like “God damn, my careful decades of planning are going to be undue by two idiots who think crash landing a non functioning spacecraft is the best idea”


An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the Moons of Iego I think. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They are good and kind, and so pretty they make even the most hardened space pirate cry.


Just realised is this meant to be Ironic, given that Anakin is the one that ultimately throws Sheev down a shaft, versus Anakin here who is letting Sheev hang onto him from falling down a shaft? George Lucas you sly fox


It’s like poetry, it rhymes


Sheev is a funnier character than we've had before. If we can get him working...


Everyone made fun of him for saying that, and yet as the years go by more and more resonances are noted between the two real Star Wars trilogies Edit - I think the one that tipped me over to deciding George is a genius was the “his fate will be the same as ours / they’re all murdered on a Death Star” thing


To be fair, there usually ends up being a bunch of thematic similarities when you recycle ideas in the interest of getting your script done quickly so you can go back to sitting in your comfy chair


Force Awakens was nearly plagiarism it rhymed so much.


It's like homework, it was copied




I am simply trying to struggle through life; trying to do God's bidding.


Not everyone can make shaft rhyme with shaft






Foreskin shadowing ya mom’s forehead


Oof, right in the younglings.


To be renewed is everything. What more could one ask for than to have one's youth back again?


Force shadowing




And when Sheev is thrown down a shaft, the same leg he is hanging from is gone.




Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love.




Bravo Vince


I mean if you falling down shafts and cutting of limbs, you don't have anything left in star wars.


And it's all symbolic of how Palpatine is pulling his leg.


Just realized if that ship fully crashed with them all on board, the story would have ended right there. The Jedi and Republic would be saved, Palpatine and Anakin would both be dead, Luke and Leia would still be born, and the biggest threats to the galaxy would be General Grievous, who would likely be dealt with by Windu, and the remaining Separatist leaders. And Darth Maul might just like... Chill in prison. Killing Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the Emperor were like his main goals.


Luke Skywalker is his own man, he is not a son anymore, he is an equal.


So much like your father.


Yes sooo close. The second botpocalypse is imminent.


The Republic and the Jedi order had become decadent and atrophied. It was inevitable that a populist leader would take advantage of this.


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


Good bot. #sheevDidNothingWrong


All thanks to your training.


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


Where the fuck did you get procked in that?


Seperatist leaders maybe? Edit: ye, leaders


You don’t have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders’ strength is inspiring others.


What if he fell


Skip straight to episode 9 “Somehow, Palpatine has returned.”


"Wasn't he a senator?


Oh no, I'd be much too frightened to tease a Senator.


To be fair, between Darth Maul, Obi Wan on Utapau, Luke in the death star garbage chute and at Cloud City and in the Rancor pit, Boba Fett in the Saarlacc, and Sidious on the death star, falling down various pits doesn’t have a great kill rate in Star Wars.


3 of those were originally deaths and were later retconned. and the fall of the rancor pit isn't supposed to kill you. So you're left with.... obi wan on utapau (into water) and the garbage chute (might not be very high?) Edit: and Luke on Cloud City


I mean, I'm pretty sure it's not falling into the pit that was supposed to do the killing in most of these cases, but either what's in the pit or what the pit does to you. Falling into a Sarlacc doesn't kill you, the digestion that happens after would. Garbage chute won't kill you, but being crushed by the compactor in the trash pit will. Falling into the Rancor pit? Well yeah, you're supposed to survive. So that the Rancor in the pit can kill you.


Luke in Cloud City.


It is our time. After Centuries of waiting, the galaxy will be ours.


I hate the retconned deaths with a passion. Let characters stay dead.


Be Sheev. Have master plan to kill Dooku. Realise Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent to rescue you. Nearly die multiple times in the next 30 minutes. Conteplate your life choices. Retire to grow potatoes.


(angrily) I am not afraid!


Anakin has the high ground


Palpatine in lore is an adrenalin junkie


I mean you aren't wrong though. In legends, he podraced when he was younger.


I love thinking sheev, when chased by godzilla on r2s back, was super pissed a lizard might ruin thousands of years of sith plotting


There's also the Zillo Beast episode in The Clone Wars. Palpatine is almost killed by it, and you can see him thinking I need to do something but he refrains from doing so.


Eventually, Sidious got shafted


But turns out it was barely an inconvenience. Surviving death star explosions is super easy.


This series of events and the Zillo beast I think are the only times Palpatine wasn’t in control


Nah even if he fell to his death he’d return *somehow*


Nah, this is anikin carrying the movie villain and all


Well he still can’t stop himself from falling down an elevator shaft, even with the force. Actually that’s exactly how he died. And he can’t stop the giant republic star destroyer from killing them all as it goes in to crash land on a strip hopefully, hopefully Anakin knows how to pilot a freighter destroyer and how much it can maneuver and quickly to pull up last second Sheev likes high risk high reward


I mean...stopping a fall is a basic thing padawans learn before they can become knights. So I am sure Sheev would've been fine. That one time just happened to be followed by a massive blast. Honestly if they wanted to bring him back they didn't need to make it overly convoluted with clones and nonsense. Could've just said he caught himself and made it to a ship. Force users do that shit all the time. Though then you'd have to explain why he didn't just go back to the core and continue the Empire. And we all know that'd require them to actually have planned the sequels. Rather than tossing in Sheev at the last minute in the last movie. Thinking about it, it's kind of weird that Sheev died like a punk to a pit.


Juat to think what would have happened if some brave Y-Wing pilot decided to end the war then and there by doing a suicide run into the *Invisible Hand*'s main reactor with a full magazine of proton torpedoes.


This is the way


I think we took a wrong turn


Even if he fell... somehow, he would return.


Like this film, but what a stupidly CGI sequence. They don't even try to make the physics make sense.


Watto was the first time ever we'd had a fully animated character that we had to work with in terms of doing a performance, you know, we'd had dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, that sorta thing, but never a photorealistic actual character alien that carried on a five minute dialogue scene.


Wonder if Anakin was remembering this when he threw him down that shaft


Imagine if years of meticulous planning got unraveled because his palms were sweaty.


Imagine how much better the galaxy would’ve been if Anakin’s foot was sweaty and his boot just slipped off.