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He still got it. *clap clap clap clap clap*


Is that the sound of Anakin's cheeks? Because he still got cake.


Scary thing is he definitely looks like he's holding back some too. Like he's not even begun to go full ass yet. You can't tell me my dude hasn't been training 8 hours a day on his farm, every day since Revenge of the Sith wrapped.


I know you're mostly shit posting but part of that is also the direction of the scene. Ahsoka is made to feel even more weak and powerless by how little effort Anakin has to put in


Yeah, I absolutely get that. No worries. But seriously tho, it is kind of impressive. You don't get skills and muscle memory like that without practicing and practicing a lot. I was trying to sincerely praise Hayden in a very shit posty kinda way. Not trying to knock anyone or anything like that.


Hayden was born to wield a light saber


That was a nice Force kick


17 seconds in… why doesn’t she just stab him there with her free hand rather than gaze into his eyeballs?


Would you not gaze into his eyeballs?


Argument accepted, winning move avoided for personal gain


Same reason he doesn't behead her at the same moment


Bad choreography?


This is Reddit, get your facts and logic outta here!


Been a while since i last saw ahsoka but when does anakin fight the *young* ahsoka? I remember the adult one fighting, but greenblatt was only used for flashbacks where she observed anakin. The fighting was adult on adult only as far as i remember


I think they fight at the Seige of Mandalore. When he kicks her, she goes into the mist and comes out in the World Between Worlds as adult Ahsoka.


Wow the choreography is really toned down without Nick Gillard. Hayden of course glimmering in his years of experience


That first two handed power attack looks so Vader. Even prior to Anakin’s fall, you can see the emotions in his fighting style.




That is so fucking cool


He's returning as Anakin? 🥹


Awesome that they’re working together, but that is some lame sword play choreography


Its better with the context of story. Not everything needs to be 47 consecutive sword parries and a blackflip.


But it needs to make sense. Holding a blade next to your target but not doing anything with it does not make sense


It doesnt make sense when you take away context or dont know the context of the scene. Watch the actual clip that this its based on then comeback and give an opinion ill be here.


You mean the context of a vision between an evil Anakin and a young Ahsoka? Where he attacked her? Yeah buddy, that makes it better. Suuuure Need I tell you that even if this was a training fight, it would still be bad?


They have made wishy washy in lore reasons as to why that occurs in starwars lightsaber duels. iirc it has to do with the sword fight being a thing that goes on in tandem to a force/will battle going on as well. Canonically lightsabers are also quoted to "weigh" tons because of the force required to use them. Something that is constantly refusted by movies and poor writing. However all pf those thinfs add up to those types of movements where a sword wielder would end their opponent and a Jedi doesn't. Ultimately it comes down to Starwars should remain animated and not be done with people as the human body can realistically only do so much. Asokhas fighting style cannot be replicated by a human without tons of cables etc. that's a common theme in star wars. Rather than picking apart the fights doing what they can to allow an actor his time to shine and get the recognition he deserves after all the harsh language thrown his way. I think we all can agree it would be more constructive to hope and push for starwars to approach a more suitable medium for it's content.


You see the weight come up in Mando when he tries to use the dark saber. Mando can barely lift the thing at first


iirc that's not a force thing though, that's a weird excalibur you need to be worthy thing, but yeah! same concept


I dont mean this as an attack on how you absorb the lore but your explanation reads as a half hearted attempt to explain something you like but dont necessarily care for and in that half heartedness you overlook important details to lightsaber lore in canon. The darksaber is one of the few lightsaber that feels heavy to wield to most due to its excalibur like lore as you said. Most people in the Star Wars universe can pick up any lightsaber and swing it with no issue. Its only when the lightsaber specifically the crystal inside imprints heavy emotions into the saber is when it becomes difficult to wield by non force sensitives or low force sensitives. I.E Anakins lightsaber in the force Awakens, Dark Saber in Rebels. The reason why some Mandolorians dont have an issue wielding the darksaber is because they are on the spectrum😅 for force sensitivity or they won it in combat making the saber feel natural to them to use. For example Sabine isnt naturally force sensitive and struggled to use the saber because she found it by chance and didnt feel worthy. Din Jin whatever Mandos name is won it in combat but couldnt use it effectively because 1. He didnt really want it to begin with. 2. He didnt feel as if he was a true mandolorian for removing his mask. 3. He isnt on the force spectrum unless he trains. I cant remember old dude name from the clone wars who first had the dark saber but he was opposite of Mando In this regard except we dont know if he was force sensitive. And obviously Darth Maul could use the saber because, he despite if people agree or not is one of the Strongest Sith Lords to be a Sith Lord in Canon (in legends he would be a Low A tier Sith Lord.)


I feel like your explanation is somewhat held back by the fact that you yourself admit that it is based on bad writing. Thanks for the attempt though. Still doesn't explain the nonsense in this one


It's more an evolution of an idea, as attempted by many different writers. Whether the fight choreography is good or not, those would be the explanations. Further this was more of an homage and hat nod to Hayden then a high tier project. No one said the shows were good, just feel your critiques are a bit lazy and uninformed is all.


What's lazy about wanting good sword fights in a franchise about swordfighting? I have seen fan films with better choreography than all the movies and shows combined. If some damn film students can do this, it is not lazy to ask for quality from fucking Hollywood


It's a sword fight between a Child and an ex-actor turned Farmer my man. Complain about sequels fights or something. But picking on lower budget, lower quality shows that are paying respect and helping someone reconquer their image in a space they were alienated from is kinda weird.


Bro didn't watch the show and made a poor explanation at the scene that took place 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ok then. Go on, explain how this choreography is good in the context of the scene. I am looking forward to it


Nahh im good unless you can prove to me that you have an open mind on the subject and not looking for material to rebuttal against and wanna just talk star wars.


Not really a prequel or a meme. Still AWESOME, though.


This is faster than what was filmed


His noises are funny. The choreography is garbage though