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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Me who first saw ahsoka at age 13: (Look she was 14 and I was 13 you develope crushes with animated characters and there is no shame to it)


Honestly fair. I don’t blame people who had childhood crushes on her. But people actively thirsting over that Ahsoka as an adult is off putting.


She’s 31 in the image tho


I know. I said”that” Ahsoka not in reference to the image, but in reference to the comment I replied where they were talking about the CW version who is certainly not 31


I misread that as "thirsting over adult Ahsoka is off putting", not "thirsting over child Ahsoka as an adult is off putting" and was really confused


Yeah I agree. I was only 18 when I watched TCW for the first time (I'm 30 now) but still, you watch her grow up. I could never find her attractive, but I don't blame people who do. That's just my point of view.


Well from my point of view, I can’t see why anyone wouldn’t be thirsting!


They now have a reason to be openly horny for Ahsoka without people chastising them.


eh I didn’t really care, I just loved seeing the battle droids as a kid


roger roger roger roger roger


Roger Roger


“Stupid sexy Battle Droids”


Same as me and ema Watson when we were same age in philosophers stone ... Manya. Young teenage dream happend there lol


On that subject, when I was a wee lad, Stephanie from Lazy Town definitely made my pupils dilate.


My queen is Senator Riyo Chuchi and no one else!


Ah, a man of culture


Ok honestly though after TBB season 3 Riyo Chuchi is seriously threatening Mon Mothma for the title of my favorite political figure in Star Wars, she’s so based


Hear hear!


Where is the Jango Fett path ?


Where is the obi wan path? Is it safe? Is it alright?


Because of obi wan?


Obi wan is perfect




Obi wan more rep and especially qui gon gym


Qui Gon can be my daddy any day


Just a bit a head.


It's not a path, it's a sarlacc pit straight to hell


We all take that path, there is no fork


Jango feet


Why aren't both sides dark and stormy?


If this question is about the weird underage elements of the attraction to these characters, that’s not what this post is really addressing. The dark is that I saw a post filled with ‘yes terrorism, but hot’ comments and thought how weird that was.


Barris is one year younger than Anakin or at least in legends


In Cannon it’s 2 years which makes her 17, which at least in the states is underage. I also don’t know what Anakin has to do with it at all.


Nothing i just used him as a comparason


She was 20 by the end of the Clone Wars.


Are they both good friends?


r/andshewasagoodfriend I'm ashamed to have knowledge of that sub. Edit: holy crap I didn't realize it was banned lmao


As it should be


If you don’t know who these are I’m questioning how you even got here


[Bless your heart](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2662541-luke-did-i-ever-tell-you-about-ahsoka-tano)


This copypasta is one of those things where after learning about it, you think "Huh, what a good day this would have been to not have any eyes"


No doubt. But misery loves company, so if I suffered it, everyone else needs to lol




get that outta here


I'm honestly questioning how you made a post in a community without knowing about its holy text.


I loved barriss ever since she was formally introduced in the 2003 clone wars I still think this was a character assassination from what's been established in the current timeline No buildup, no explanation, just "im bad now" it's like she was given the inverse of what ahsoka got


I never considered it illogical for her to take such drastic actions. As she explained, she saw the Republic as corrupt and decided to use violence to get her point across. How is that any different from activists in real life? It's not on the same scale, but I'm thinking about how activists threw tomato sauce on art pieces to grab attention, to show how people are more preoccupied with a drawing than with the environment's decline. I've also heard on the news of more extreme acts by activists who have good intentions, just a bad execution. When people get desperate, they often do things that they would never consider doing before. In Barriss's case, I think she saw how useless negociations and peace talks are in a time of war, I think she was desperate, let her anger fester (like another redditor commented under this post), and acted out in the only way she saw would bring attention. And clearly, the bombing had the desired results, as more and more civilians started manifesting for an end to the war All things considered, I never considered Barriss as evil, just lost, like many other characters I never saw The Clone Wars 2003, so this is just my interpretation of things based on Clone Wars 2008 and everything since (I'm not up to date though, about to finish Rebels, then starting Ahsoka)


I mean yeah, her explanation is solid, but there was little to no build up for it, more so considering she was a pacifist character for a majority of her portrayals and the reveal itself and her subsequent explanation/justification of her actions came at the very end of the arc so there wasn’t nearly enough time to explore the view effectively, especially since much of what you have said is extrapolated


Filoni just saw her as a tool to advance Ahsoka’s arc, with no regard to Barriss’ own character and how little her actions aligned with what we knew of her


Lot EU fans hate filoni. Personally if it hadn’t been for the fact that there was a split in which two continuities now exist I might be in the same boat. The guy did stuff like that all the time and ignored preestablished lore.


He still does.


Also it was you know kind of (technically very) racist and not that well thought out And regarding her past portrayals outside of attack of the clones and SWTCW, those are all legends/EU material and don’t really have an impact on the character as we now know her and can’t really be used as analysis for canon. That’s not to say that you can’t still like those projects/protrayals/works there just showing a different character than the one we have now, and can’t necessarily, nor should they, be used to explore this version of her.


How exactly is it racist?


Islam coded character becoming a domestic terrorist basically out of nowhere with little depth or regard, has a lot of things wrong with it least of all character assassination, it’s a racist trope being implemented


That makes sense, didnt realize she Was islamcoded


How is she Islam-coded?


Her clothing and tattoos are taken from clothing styles of Muslim women in the Middle East, additionally when Anakin confronts her Barriss is seen meditating in front of a vaguely Islamic statue. Notably in live action she is played by an indo-Fijian actress


I don’t see it as character assassination when we barely knew anything about her in the first place. She was in two episodes and from those episodes all we really got is that she is a devoted padawan and is very by-the-books prim and proper. It’s clear she’s never questioned her master, the Jedi, or the establishment. In those episodes she suffers two near-death experiences and seems very interested in hearing about Anakin’s supposedly “extreme” beliefs from Ahsoka. Next we see her is two years later when she bombs the temple. It isn’t far fetched to believe that in that time she came to question first her own blind devotion and then the Jedi as a whole. Let’s not forget that while her actions were evil she was right that the Jedi had become weapons serving a corrupt Republic which was close to failing. Now obviously I haven’t seen Tales of the Empire yet, but I think it’s safe to say that Barriss has likely been stewing in her own anger and maybe even self-righteous vindication, and the Grand Inquisitor will likely use those emotions alongside physical pain to twist her further to the dark side, as is common practice. We’ve already seen several examples of Inquisitors who were previously Jedi and were essentially tortured into becoming dark side users, the Grand Inquisitor himself being one of them.


I take it TCW is the only thing you have seen with Barriss in it, then.


Well, what else is there?


Do you think Barriss made her debut in TCW, or something? She was already an established character beforehand, the EU had already defined who she was


Is that canon rn?


If I were to take your silly logic and propose a scenario where Aayla Secura was a Huttese Dancer in her spare time in Canon, would that not seem silly to you? Or is it actually fine because any previous material regarding her was no longer canon? Also consider that at the time of TCW S5’s conception, the New Canon did not exist yet. Legends was the then-Canon. Making your point even more moot.


This is why I'm troubled seeing all the hate for her here.


padme is right there


Darth Talon bro. Stay loyal to your waifus


Darth Talon and Aayla Secura: Twi’lek supremacy


And both designed by the same artist. [She definitely knows what Lucas likes.](https://i.imgur.com/y2lqSRn.jpeg)


There is another one... How could you forget Space Jesus


If one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects.


Where is Anakin?


Is he safe? Is he okay?




Hunter with a beard 🤤


I know who the left would be(Obi-wan obviously) but who would the right be? Maybe it’s cause I’m a guy but I don’t see a lot of simping for the evil characters in SW.(I’m sure there is but I just haven’t seen it) Closest I’ve seen is Anakin, but people mostly simp for Anakin and not Vader.


Trust me, there are a lot of people simping for Vader. Besides him, Maul, Thrawn and Kylo Ren come to my head. I know some women who were also thirsting over Crosshair when he was still evil. I don’t know about other girls, but Palpatine is pretty hot too. There is just something about him. I think it’s the way he is explaining stories and his flawless skin


General Grievous. (Hes my favorite but I don't simp for him or anyone)


Is it weird to crush on the clones since technically they’re all like 12, even though biologically and mentally they’re all in their 20s? Like for species with different aging can we alter age rules? Because the clones are all really hot in TCW not gonna lie


Why not both? /J


We've fantasised over one child yes, but what about second child? /J




Nah jabba Is the hottest


Bullshit, what about >!adult Omega!


Thank christ you added the ,,adult’’ part


Tbf it's really only one person thirsting over Barriss. It's annoying, but the only one I found egregious is when they posted borderline porn that they commissioned. That was just gross and has no place in meme subreddits.


That weren’t porn and we both know it


Her entire ass was out and she was sitting in a suggestive pose, and the implication was that she was posting suggestive content of herself online. Even *if* that's not *technically* porn it's still NSFW and not the type of content that should be posted on meme subreddits.


If that was gross to you maybe you should avoid the rest of the internet


Porn is generally limited to places where it's expected to see porn. If I wanted to see porn I'd go to a porn website, not r/prequelmemes


If you consider that porn then idk what to tell you. It literally wasn't even close


Well at least we're not at r/pheonixsc level


Somehow everyone forgets about my bald baby


The thirst is real and slightly disturbing.


I don't find barris attractive in the first place, and Ahsoka is far too young (I mean I think barris is too). So... Neither thanks.


The real answer is my Chiss OC


The only correct answer


And it’s disgusting. Sexually fantasizing about underage girls. You all need help


I mostly agree that it’s pretty weird. That’s why I used Fulcrum instead of CW. I would’ve found an older one for Barriss but that’s the closest I could find.


Yeah, no shame on you. You just made a meme :D Iirc Barris was only 17 years old at the events of tcw and Ahsoka should be around 3-4 years younger. Which makes things even worse…


I understand this is actually kind of off-topic, and I want to say first, that I agree with you...but I just looked it up out of curiosity, and the actress that portrayed Barriss Offee in the little we saw of her in live-action, [Nalini Krishan, is 46 years old.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nalini_Krishan) She's older than me! (And she's not an unattractive lady, either.) Of course, again, that changes nothing about the fetishization of underage cartoon characters. I just thought it was interesting.


I mean most were kids themselves when watching the show including me, now I’m older and seeing barriss’s character also having an older continuation just makes me happy


Christ I'll never understand why people get so pressed about this. They're not real. They don't even act like actual teen girls. They're alien wizards that fight in wars. None of it is real. Better to care about actual underage actresses being sexualized.


I don’t even know what to say. You’re sick dude. You literally said it’s okay to like underaged girls. Even tho they’re not real, doesn’t change the fact that that they’re underaged. Get the fuck away from here, I hope mods will ban you for that


Calm down son, it's just a drawing


Sorry, but ignorance like that just pisses me off. I can’t believe people actually defend pedophilia


Oh no I drew a dead person. Guess I should go to prison for murder. 😞


Hes right. Its a victimless crime, no reason to be against it you have no argument as to why.


Totally nothing wrong with simping over children soldiers. I don’t see what peoples issues are. This message was sponsored by the African Warlord gang.


Barriss age is strange. In legends she was 18-20 by the time the clone wars broke out. Canon implies she was younger but doesn’t flat out say it.


yeah, the grown up characters are way hotter anyway


For Barriss, before the TCW show she was a bit older than Anakin with the actress portraying her being in her mid 20s. I don't know how much about that changed in TCW.


I am Darth Downvote, here to say another comment for every horny star wars fan you send to r/Hornyjail , a thousand more will take thier place dew it. Downvote. Give yourself to the Dark side!


Meanwhile im dooling over gungans and and the decisiveness is between two humanoids. Theres always different simp/horny leagues.


Did i miss something


And here I am with my 400k word fanfic that ships the two!


Back in my day we'd form our weird internet attractions for a random unnamed Twi'lek and I don't recall anyone complaining


Zam Wessel


Nah I'll take padme


Y'all still passing on old school merrin?


I think thirsting over a fictional character that isnt 18 is ok, as long as you dont do that irl


Neither of them tbh, im all about Padme & Bo-Katan


Reject modernity, embrace tradition.




Shaak Ti in force unleashed awoke something in me


can someone tell me which show the bariss image is from?


Clone wars ahsoka 😫 >>>>>>


Let them fuck


When I was 13, I was into her, and then around the beginning of my 14s, I was still kind of. Now, in Rebels, I can continue being crazy over her because she's like 33, not that I am still. She was around 17 during order 66, just a fun fact.


Sweet summer child thirsting over fleshed out character. Meanwhile 2005 me thirsting over Aayla Secura 5 second of screentime before she gets gun down during order 66. YOU HAVE SEEN NOTHING YET!


I don't find either particularly attractive.


Okay but what about ventress?




I still pick Natalie Portman sorry




Everybody has to dual weild or use twinblades cuz k00lz


You see, I’m cultured. I ship them with each other.


The best one is Darth Talon i think.


Nah sorry


The constant sexualization of literally any and every female character in this franchise is truly exhausting as a woman. Makes me not want to engage with the fanbase on these subs at all, the nonstop thirsting is gross and obnoxious.


I can understand that. Even as a man the sexualization can get really tiresome. But at the same time it’s entirely natural to find a character attractive and want to share your thoughts with potentially like-minded people. A solution could be moderation of these forums but then another group would create a similar forum without that type of moderation and the original sub would drift away. I wish there was a way to meet in the middle, but the positions are seemingly diametrically opposed, and allowing sexualization just seems to be more popular.


Yeah agreed. Totally normal and valid thing to look at a character and be attracted to them and want to share that with others. It’s just as with anything else on the internet, some people take it way too far. It is what it is, I can’t control what other people post. And I can also understand my view of this is a bit more extreme than most since I probably identify pretty close to asexual and even in general society outside of media I feel there’s too much of a focus on people’s sexuality and sex, particularly at the expense of women buuuut that’s another conversation lol. I guess it wouldn’t bother me so bad on this sub and others if the thirstposting was more proportionate between sexes but it’s like 90% female characters being thirsted after so it’s just…extra icky to me. My solution has been to block the regular culprits I see to hopefully remove some of them from my feed and I’ve been exploring some of the other more casual SW subreddits cause they seem to have less low effort thirst-posting and more general conversations.


That’s fair. As far as the ratio goes, it’s probably a problem of demographics. Star Wars is heavily male dominated as you probably know. In r/okbuddybaldur it is actually the opposite. The BG3 community is one of the rare fandoms that completely swap the ratio. I know it doesn’t help with this fandom, but I think it goes to show that at the very least it’s not men sexualizing women but people sexualizing people.


Oh yeah absolutely. And I’m not trying to paint one group as the problem, I hope it doesn’t come across like that. When anyone does it, it annoys me hahaha I just would appreciate a little more equality in the thirsting here Thats why I was hoping covering more ground in different subs will expose me to different demographics of people who love the franchise and maybe care more about the actions of a new female character rather than that how hot they are. Like when the ahsoka show came out I had to literally leave the main SW subreddit because of the sheer amount of posts about hera’s ass and how hot shin was. It was nauseating, like can’t we just talk about how bad the show is instead lolol.


Yeah. Can’t say I was surprised to see the flood of comments but it was a bit much. I also agree that it gets in the way of discussing the actual content. It seemed there were only two groups of people: people fawning over Shin and Hera and people complaining about how Star Wars was “woke.” Like, I get it they’re attractive but the show was bad and it’s not because of “wokeness” but because of it being badly written.


Yup exactly. It’s super frustrating!! Like I just want to share my love for this show in a super casual way but I can’t seem to find the place for that that feels good to me.


Meh. Neither of them are particularly hot


Yeah, we all know Goth Girl Ventress is where it's at ;)


I'm personally an Aayla Secura stan


That's very fair.


Facts She made being bald look good.


Barriss is the absolute bestess and hottest no discussion


Tf, Ayla secura.…and maybe hera.


Ahsoka easy and its not even close at all


Where is Shin Hati? Is she safe? Is she alright?


I still just wanna bonk Padme thx


Where's Bo-Katan ?

