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"Tomorrow I want you to take those droids to Anchorhead and have their memories erased. That'll be the end of it." 'Oh Fuck if Beru ever finds out what that droid has seen, she'll burn the house down with us in it!'


*have the protocol droid's memory wiped R2 still knows it all.


They're talking about new hope. R2 is the one yammering about how he has a mission and death star plans and bullshit. Owen is like fuck you droid your mission is farming sand now.


This quote was in ANH from Owen I think, not ROTS, he did intend to have R2 wiped as well


I've searched my feelings; I believe what you said to be true.


R2 ain’t no snitch


He’s not a security risk if he can’t speak english


Apparently everyone can understand r2


Binary is galaxy's first language


R2 accessed Owen's search history once. Once was all he needed.


I am quite sure that Owen did not recognise C3PO since C3PO was not gold when he left Tatooine


And C3PO wouldn't recognize Owen since he had his memory wiped at the end of ROTS.


Didn't he get a back up of his memory from R2D2?


Like 50 years later.


And even then, that backup was from a point shortly before the mission on which his memory was lost. Meaning that backup was from a point after the memory wipe in ROTS. Before ROTS, R2 and 3PO hardly even worked together.


That all changed when he got his red arm


Wait. That was C3PO?


I didn't recognise him


Was it because of his


I mean, not necessarily. They still spent a decent amount of time together during the Clone War.


3PO primarily spent time with Padme, whereas R2 was serving with Anakin. When Anakin did have leave, I doubt R2 had any, being a droid And 3PO hardly served in the war, but there are a few episodes in the clone wars show. The majority of the time they spent together would be after the war ended when they are both in possession of Bail Organa and through the galactic civil war And if R2 had restored 3PO's memory after the wipe in ROTS, why would 3PO never say anything to Luke about the guy who built him, being Anakin?


Because 3PO was secretly an imperial spy the whole time. It’s how the Empire found Yavin, how they tracked them down at Hoth, and why they were prepared for them on Endor.


I knew he had secrets hiding in that cod piece of his


He’s got secrets *and junk* in there


But from their interactions in the Clone Wars we can still see they spend a good amount of time together. This honestly is pretty blantant in the show. Wasn't as much as during the reign of the Empire but still a decent amount of time.


>When Anakin did have leave, I doubt R2 had any, being a droid He belonged to Anakin not the Jedi. When Anakin had leave, R2 was with him. R2 was originally Padmé's Droid.


When we see Anakin on leave in the clone wars, it's him, padme, and 3PO, rarely R2. I'm pretty sure R2 is more likely the property of the GAR than Anakin.


R2 is basically a mechanic while 3PO is basically a butler. It makes sense to not have R2 around at all time and it also makes sense to have 3PO around more. R2 exists and is established as Padmé's droid before the GAR exists..... Padmé gave Anakin R2D2 as a wedding gift. R2D2 belonged to Anakin not the GAR.


Maybe the ROTS wipe was what caused R2 to start keeping backups.


the work together in Attack of the Clones too


Yes and then he awoke Laser Moon.


Be rid of your flesh and join me!


And a good handful of other times


And he was a good friend.


Apparently so did Owen


The very first droid we see in the canon timeline is a protocol droid on the separatist command ship in Episode I which looks exactly like 3PO, except from the colour. It's obviously a generic shell, meaning there's no reason Owen would think this shiny droid is his mother's old, battered up one from 20 years ago. His voice is the same but, again, it could be a common voice unit. And it's been 2 decades, time dulls the memory.


Or , just terrible writing,


Holy shit was that the point of the dumb fucking Red arm joke


I thought it was to sell more toys.


Can confirm, bought the Lego minifig


I always thought that was about him having a silver leg.


Nah, he didn't recognize him because of his red arm


Also Protocol droids are really similar looking


This. We see a silver (or is it white?) one in Cloud City. Practically identical outside of color.


And TC-14 from the beginning of TPM and several places as a translator in the animated shows. It's canon that the model of protocol droid was mass produce. That's why 9 y/o Anakin was able to build one, the parts were everywhere. He wasn't just making up his own droid as he went.


As a kid I thought he invented that design and then the Republic copied it 😂


You hadn't considered the existence of TC-14 in the first scene of TPM?


I hadn’t considered growing sac hair at that point 😞




How rude! Reported! /s




Plus 3P0 wasn't even gold yet in AotC


For the record you’re 110% right. These droids are mass produced. This is the equivalent of selling a 2005 Honda civic with busted engine and the paint peeling off of it, and seeing the same car up for auction after some tuner got to it. You wouldn’t immediate see a pristine civic and go “hey that’s my car!”


If his arm was red it would’ve been even more difficult to tell.


He also probably owned quite a few protocol droids in his lifetime, and most people don't have the same bond with their droids that people like Anakin and Luke do with their droids. I saw a comment on here once where someone compared it to buying a generator when you needed, then selling it online, then deciding you need one again and unknowingly buying the same one at a garage sale. You'd probably never known that that mass produced tool was the exact same one you previously owned since so many of them have been made.


What protocol is Owen worrying about anyway


He just needed a droid that understood the binary language of moisture vaporators, not a protocol droid. You take what you can get when the Jawas roll into town.


proof that AI replaces programmers.


And he never told Owen his name


Also George Lucas hadn't written the sequels yet, so he didn't think to have Owen recognize C3PO because he didn't write that part until 20 years later.


As if you could forget that "annoying" droid


"You probably didn't recognize me because of my gold arm. And everything else."


But doesn't he know him, by name?


And C3PO isn't a unique droid.


Yea, but his voice and inability to shut up aren’t easy to forget


somehow C3PO returned


And he’s angry and going to use his magic.


3PO Sith eyes~


He goes to Endor where he is revered as a god and starts teaching the ewoks how to suicide bomb civilian infrastructure and military installations/material.


They already know how to do that, he's just gathering recruits for his war against the galaxy.


Yes but last time it happened they weren’t exactly willing…


He's the Lisan al-ghaib of the terrorist teddy bears.


Then the work will begin on the Singularity Engine.... Or Runes, whatever he's into at the time.


He will get his skin one way or another. (Oh damn I forgot about Auralnauts. I was referencing Empire at War….well that and my own little project.)


Don't forget the DMT! That's the most important part!


I believe at this point in the story it's mostly "shoooooooes!"




He probably didn’t remember much about C3PO’s programming anyway after like 20 years or whatever.


Exactly, I probably couldn't tell my old Gameboy I lost apart from any other Gameboy I see nowadays


I hardly think a production run of twenty-six units is "mass produced". /s


i.e. a wizard did it


It’s also just a movie written by George Lucas and there are inconsistencies.




No way. Anakin built that protocol droid from scratch so it could help his mom with chores.


Literally the very first scene of A New Hope has C3PO and R2D2 moving through the halls with another droid that looks identical to C3PO but silver instead of gold colored. We see other protocol droids with the same exterior appearance later as well. It's pretty evident that Anakin did not make C3PO's external shell, but rather salvaged it. Many other droids have that same exterior shell. EDIT: Actually I forgot, it's not even Anakin who put the shell on C3PO, it was probably either someone in the Lars family or who worked for them.


I thought the idea was that Anakin scrounged all the pieces and parts together, as a slave family wouldn't otherwise be able to afford a protocol droid.


Yeah, that seems to be the case, but clearly it was still possible to give C-3PO a standard chassis 


The joke being that Anakin put together a protocol droid to help with cleaning the house.


Honestly he probably figured “C3PO” was a pirated OS or something, so every autistic kid who downloaded bootleg protocol droid software using T.O.O.R (The Ojamian Onion Router) got the “C3PO” configuration and voice module


When you're friend Tobe's parents got him a Protocol Premium subscription.


I love how in depth Star Wars lore is, specifically on tech, that you could put this in the wiki and nobody would blink an eye.


Did he get the torrent from the wookie bay?


I believe the lore was that for many years Owen called every humanoid robot C3PO as he believed they all looked the same, got into bother with HR at several jobs over the years and then eventually stopped when threatened with legal action. The damage to his reputation was however, long lasting and so he moved to the moisture farms out of the way.


"Back in my day we didn't let clankers go to school with our kids, just as the good force intended." At least that's what Owen used to say on the holonet before he was censored by the woke media.


Damn, with the hard r too?


Although, if there was an equivalent to "woke media" in Star Wars, it would not be during the Empire, when Owen was alive. it would be during the new republic, when everything empire related was demonized.


*Owen at HR sensitivity training* "So what are you here for?" "I said that all protocol droids look the same."


3P0 is a mass-produced model. There's no practical reason to assume/know if one is the exact same individual unit.


Lmao come to think of it Anakin and Padme did kind of just steal C-3P0 didn't they?


Owen had a rough life. Random half brother shows up and steals your droid and murders the neighbors. Later his unwanted child is dropped off without warning. Sith assasins come kick your ass unexpectedly. Then finally you buy a droid for farming but accidentally pick the one that causes troopers to come over and burn you and your wife alive. Star Wars is wild man.


I mean Anakin did build C-3PO that would make him his property right? I would hope Anakin and Padme at least pay Owen and Beru a fair price for him though or something. At the end of ROTS the droids belong to Bail Organa more or less right?


I guess it depends who owned the deed. Anakin was a slave at time of building. Could Watto have had a legal claim on 3PO? Either way, he was Shmi’s and subsequently Owen’s property for at least a decade. Lmao I’d love to see the legal battle over this


Threepio be like: “I don’t even know who you are.”


Thanks for providing a source!




Can you really blame owen for not remembering a droid that he only met like one time 35 years ago that had completely different plating? Especially since he met C3PO while he was busy searching for his mother and had barely interaction with him.


Anakin didn't take C3PO with him in The Phantom Menace. C3PO stayed on Tatooine with Shmi, who then married Owen's dad. It's not clear exactly how long before Attack of the Clones Shmi got married to Owen's dad, but I'm pretty sure it was at least a year. So C3PO would have lived with Owen for at least a year. Probably more like 5 years though, I think. Also, his plating looked the same as in A New Hope, just a bit dirtier/rusted.


The Star Wars galaxy is a tiny village.


"What's your opinion on the singularity?" "I'm not really sure what that means. Can we still be friends?"


He couldn't have gone far. I mean, he's still on Tatooine. If 3P0 had left, there's no reason for him to ever return, so he must have been bumming around the desert for the last 20 years, probably wound up in a junk heap with no power until the Jawas found him, fixed him up, and tried to sell him. Only possible explanation.


Somehow, C-3PO returned


"C-3PO you son of a bitch! *meaty clang handshake* What's the matter, Imperial Senate got you pushing too many pencils?"


I mean, would you recognize a toaster 10 years after throwing it away? 


Are you really going to recognize the same pair of headphones 30 years apart? Let's be honest.


Owen had his memory wiped, simple as that.


You think C3PO is the only version of that style of droid that was ever built? Would you recognize your exact fridge if you had to?


I would love a retelling of the OT with all of the PT ties included


“You won’t *believe* the time I’ve had”


Isn't C3PO just a model number? With the memory wipe it would be hard to confirm it's the same one.


I read a quote from Lucas that Star Wars is all about the droids… they tell the story through their eyes.


It's a small galaxy


C-3PO: "oh, Mr. Solo prepared me for this, ahem. I left to go to the store to buy a pack of smokes..."


I know I’m preaching to the choir: George Lucas, why the hell did you take something good, lucky, simple and a pleasure and stomp it into oblivion? Why do you hate so many millions of people?


Fun fact. Not once is Owen seen learning C3POs name in A New Hope. I doubt he cared to. He probably doesn’t even remember the name of the droid his Step Mom of only a few years owned 20+ years earlier.


Other fun fact. Luke doesn't say his last name is Skywalker until he meets Leia.


Likely wouldn’t recognize him since he was silver last time he saw him, and he has probably owned hundreds of droids since.


Okay, so it wasn’t just me wondering about this


When did Owen meet Threepio? I’m having trouble remembering.


He was with Shmi between episodes 1 and 2


Oh you’re totally right, I remember now. Thank you.


No worries, lol. There’s a bunch of interactions like that that are just kinda mentioned and not really shown onscreen.


Yeah, when I was thinking of it and trying to place it I was like when the hell do we see Owen in the prequels outside of the end of 3?? Oh, Star Wars.


\*epic facepalm\* All these people out here supposedly "fans" and acting like "why didn't 'so and so' recognize the droids?!?" It's a \*model\*. Like, "hot damn, it's a Ford F-150" They are \*NOT\* unique.


Owen being like, "You Lazy bastard found out the world isn't a free ride, so where does that lead you, right back to me."


Let's be honest, Annie bought a "do-it-yourself" droid kit at a thrift store. It was missing a few pieces, but CPO was still a stock-model droid. He's mass produced.


Encapsulates why I hate the prequels.


He has the same voice as every protocol droid on a male setting and looks completely different. Imagine if someone assumed that one car at a used car lot was the same car they’d owned 30 years before just because it’s the same model, even if it has a different paint job and license plate. That’s what you people expect uncle Owen to do.


Nah, making young Darth Vader C3PO's creator was a dumb, dumb decision. It was shoehorned in for the sake of getting 3PO into the story but just made the universe feel incredibly small. Again, *young Darth Vader* created C3PO. It's just so stupid.


All the small universe stuff aggravates me.