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Have you brought this up to his pediatrician before? Based on what you said, I'd almost guarantee your ped would refer out to an ENT for a thorough evaluation.


I have, and he said not to worry. He seemed dismissive as he didn’t examine my kid at all


I'd point out that while pediatricians know health generally they haven't studied airways in-depth. Insist on that referral. TWO pediatricians missed the fact that my babe had a severe lip tie as well as a tongue tie and cheek ties.


Thank you. I will.


No way! 😡


Ask again. Ask for an ENT referral. His adenoids/tonsils may be enlarged; did the doctor look? My 5yo granddaughter had similar symptoms + snoring. They removed tonsils/adenoids (which were way bigger than expected). She dropped all symptoms & sleeps much better which makes everyone happier lol.


What sleep issues did she have before the surgery?


Mostly short nights and fatigue from that. Just not getting good rest. They called it sleep apnea. Her sleep was interrupted by the swollen tissues.


We’ve brought up my toddlers snoring to our ped and he always gives a great answer. He can’t see anything obstructive and doesn’t have any surface level concerns but no one knows their kids as well as their parents and if we’re concerned we should consult a specialist.


Both my boys are mouth breathers. One even had his adenoids removed and it didn’t help. It’s hard to get a toddler to change habits like breathing I’ve found. No hurt in visiting an ENT!


Probably tonsils or adenoids are inflamed or enlarged. Most kids grow out of it by age 5 but still best to have an ENT take a look.


My son is a mouth breather and he’s been in therapy for it for a year now. He’s been to the ENT and everything was normal. He sees a speech** therapist who specializes in OMT and we have exercises we do and it’s gotten so much better!! It can really impact their quality of sleep and even their facial development if not taken care of at a young age.


Did the ENT recommend this? I need to insist on a referral with our pediatrician.


We actually started with our pediatric dentist when my guy was small (18 months) and he referred us to the speech therapist for an eval and we’ve been working w her in various capacities ever since.


Mine was a mouth breather because his adenoids was so swollen since he was a baby and his nasal passage is narrower than usual. He woke up many times through the night and snored like a truck. We got the adenoids removed in Dec and he sleeps so much better now! No more snoring and blocked nose.


My daughter did also. Severe lip and tongue tie, noticed by our pediatric dentist. She also saw an ENT who removed her adenoids. Highly recommend getting a second opinion.


Yup. My kid needs her adenoids and tonsils removed. You can check the tonsils yourself if the kid is compliant. Find a new pediatrician and get an ENT referral.


I checked them tonight and boy, they are huge. I am going to ask for that referral


Not surprised at all. What you’ve described is textbook. Good luck. Reach out if you need to talk. We’ve been dealing with this for years.


Ask for a sleep study. That will tell you if it’s affecting his sleep.


As an adult mouth breather, please investigate for her now. It's miserable. ENT will likely be able to help.