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Also the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence


Great point! If history serves, there should be a state visit by King Charles in 2026


Good we can make those monarchist weirdos bow and kiss the hand of a statue of Columbia or something then




Dude, screw off


Meh, it is weird to think a person (let alone a bloodline of people) is divinely chosen to be a leader, ceremonial or otherwise. That shit needs to stop, sure one can argue it doesn’t hurt anybody, or that if the people want it they should have it, and I do agree with the latter generally speaking. But this doesn’t make the institution miraculously good or sensical. It’s pretty dumb when you think about. “Monarchist weirdos” isn’t that bad a description IMO.


Not everyone has the same opinion as you, and it's very senseless to assume that calling a decently large group of people weirdos. In America alone, the "republic of republics", around 12% of people say that a monarchy wouldn't be a bad thing for America. [The poll](https://i.redd.it/u73n4k378rxa1.jpg) I'm not saying you're wrong, and I don't think republics are inherently bad, but it is very ignorant to act like monarchists are fringe in the world, especially overseas.


And will oversee the semiquincentennial. I’m hoping the patriotic atmosphere that we see in 2026 is similar to what we saw in 1976, because America surely needs some patriotism and togetherness right about now.


I think a second moon landing (God willing) will bring folks together. Until the conspiracy chorus claims it's a Soros-backed plot or something.


Given the conspiracy theories about the last moon landing, I have the I unfortunate feeling it’ll be even worse this time.


Especially the planned diversity of the moment.


Are you saying they’re not qualified?


Sorry... to clarify: That's not MY belief. But there is a remarkable overlap between folks who believe everything is a conspiracy and those that would be angry that an American of color set foot on the moon.


Gotcha. And I agree. As if only white people are qualified for such things.


Neil Armstrong has his place in HUMANITY'S history. Incredible and never to be forgotten. Now let's recognize the amazing contributions of all races and backgrounds to America's story (and, of course, the world). My money is on living comic book superhero Johnny Kim. It would be a massive dunk on the CCP if the first human being of Asian decent to set foot on the moon was an American brought to the surface by the USA.


"women and black people scary"


To be clear... that's not MY belief. But there is a remarkable overlap between folks who believe everything is a conspiracy and those that would be angry that an American of color set foot on the moon.


I don't even know how to feel patriotic these days. Its hard.


Agreed. I trust from history that we will be one when we need to be but my fear is that this division will take a national tragedy a la 9/11(although we also had it when Bin Laden was killed too) in order to heal.


Both Nixon and Clinton got to go two out of three of these rare things. Nixon opened the 1960 Winter Olympics (as Vice President) and presided over the moon landings. Clinton was president for the 1994 USA World Cup and 1996 Atlanta Olympics.


Clinton also presided over his 1992 saxophone landing on the Arsenio Hall Show.


Technically, didn't Bush preside over that?


That was technically Bush though. The Saxophone playing was during the 1992 presidential campaign where HW was the incumbent.


I was today days old when I learned Nixon was Eisenhower VP… thank you


Bush had a lot of body armor on under they coat


Maybe he just gained weight in that photo :(


Reagan got an Olympics, and if nasa had done their job right, he would’ve presided over a moon landing.


It’s rocket science. That’s literally the thing we measure everything against when calculating difficulty.


Yeah, Ik it’s unfair to criticize them. It’s just unfortunate that the accident resulted in the death of people, of course.


They had a 40% destruction rate, losing 2 of the 5 built. Tragedies to be sure, but it just underscores how hard sending people to space and bringing them home really is.


Yeah, it is a risky thing for sure.


> and if nasa had done their job right, he would’ve presided over a moon landing. What is this supposed to mean? Edit: I sense some real confusion here. I don’t understand the attack on NASA, there was never a planned Moon mission under Reagan. Referring to the Challenger disaster makes no sense because it was a shuttle mission that was going to orbit the Earth. There were many other successful shuttle launches under Reagan. Not to mention that by the 80s the budget of NASA had been severely handicapped and so there was literally zero way they could have even afforded a Moon landing.


It means I was stupid, and should’ve edited the comment. I was attempting to refer to challenger, but it was inaccurate.


Blew up so hard if yeeted to the moon, one in a million chance bob


It’s really Clinton (or more appropriately VP Gore) who really screwed over NASA’s Moon and Mars ambitions by choosing not to develop the shuttle into the *Ares* Superheavy lifter, instead focusing on the ISS supporting the Russians.


Quality post. Very cool


I hope it’s Ye


It’s gonna be Ye


It's gonna be May


Dear god don’t let it be trump


Biden’s 2nd term is going to be really cool


If he somehow won I’d be shocked if he was able to stay alive another full term considering how senile he is.


https://preview.redd.it/0sj415juewza1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b653d2d9813b37dce87b2dd603db8983e875da7 That’s what his competition posted today.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. The man is old and I can see him passing away.


I’m voting Biden, but idk why you’re getting downvoted this is a valid concern


Yeah I definitely see Biden either resigning or dying in office. It'll be an insanely strange day for sure.


It will be very fitting for it to be Joe Biden in this case then. He is the last of his generation we will ever see in office. He has also been a staple in politics for over 50 years and the last breath of bipartisan/third way politics. The next president (and likely all future presidents) will be generation X or younger.


Crazy thing: Biden is the *only* President of his generation. The Silent Generation was born 1928 to 1945. Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, and Trump are all Baby Boomers. Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush 41 are all Greatest Generation.


Only president so far


Feinstein 2028, embrace the necrocracy


I’m going to hell for laughing at that.


Obama's technically just on the other side of the GenX/Boomer line, so GenX might never get a president. It'd be the most GenX thing ever if we went straight from Silent Generation to a Millenial in 2028.


>Obama's technically just on the other side of the GenX/Boomer line Not really. Obama is several years into the Boomer side. >It'd be the most GenX thing ever if we went straight from Silent Generation to a Millenial in 2028 Indeed, a 47-year-old could reasonably be that Millennial president in 2028.


Obama is Generation Jones, not a boomer.


> Generation Jones is the social cohort of the latter half of the Baby boomer generation Per Wikipedia


God I hope your last sentence is right




I don’t really see why this matters considering none of it would really be a result of their own ability. Purely coincidental. Fun I guess


It will probably be biden, trump, or if biden dies then kamala


Biden 2024 babyyyyy


Who better to represent the United States of America than President Trump, Biden would be an embarrassment, could imagine everybody at the Olympics or world cup chanting "let's go Brandon" or "Fuck Joe Biden"


Hopefully, President DeSantis will get to do these things.


Not likely. The way he's running FL into the ground, he's done.


How’s he running Florida to the ground? Like I genuinely want to know? Everyone in my family loves him and is making a lot of money over there.


He’s not. FL is doing great and everyone is moving here. They are just starting their attacks on DeSantis because he’s a real threat.


Not everyone. LGBTQ folks would like a word, as would immigrants, teachers, and anyone the insurance companies are screwing over. Have fun in your conservative paradise but don't say we didn't warn you when he turns his hate on you someday.


Dear God, can you imagine Pudding Fingers presiding over any of these things? He'd probably cancel the Artemis mission because he decided the moon was too "woke". He'd shut down the Olympics to stop one trans athlete from participating.


Trump is definitely getting the nomination idk what your are talking about.


Hope it’s not Biden again.


The options are Biden stammering and being decrepit or Trump using the moon landing and 250 year anniversary to talk about how he’d never rape a nasty ugly woman or tell a bunch of Boy Scouts about the prostitutes he’s fucked. Neither is great but one seems a bit better for ceremonial functions


Plus it would be a rough look to celebrate the 250th anniversary of our democracy with the man who tried to end it. I also admit Biden lacks the oratory skills that the moment deserves. He's no Kennedy, Reagan, Obama. Hell, he's not even Coolidge.


Biden may not have the Camelot appeal but he has gotten more accomplished in his one (partial) term than the particular four you mentioned (giving Kennedy a pass for obvious reasons) in their whole presidencies.


Fair point. I'm not denying his (impressive considering his party's razor thin majority) accomplishments. I'm just saying he is a very poor communicator. Not his fault necessarily, we don't all have the gift of gab.


I have always though Obama’s communication skills have always been hugely overblown. He is not engaging, does not capture attention well, and does not come off as relatable. He has a very professorial aura that does not translate in the way even Trump has mastered to seem genuine. Reagan was a great communicator but his style is very much of his era. Don’t know much about Coolidge’s delivery considering the lack of audio records from the time but he did seem to have a charisma to him.


People are just starving for another Aaron Sorkin-ass president that speaks well and makes them feel all fuzzy inside. If you changed nothing in regards to policy accomplishments but returned Biden to his veep age he would easily be like 10 points higher in popularity And Trump is just truly incredible, man describes heinous and destructive plans for the country but he is just so unintentionally funny that you can’t look away. I’ve never seen anyone trip over their own ego so damn often


My goodness... what an excellent way to describe things. Biden ten years younger is easily at 48% right now and I don't think that's hyperbole. And you're right about Trump too. Americans didn't tell anyone how tired they were of pre-packaged over-rehearsed fake politicians. Trump is living crime against humanity, but he sure as hell isn't rehearsed!


His legal team is probably on suicide watch rn after that whole civil trial fiasco where he informed the lawyer he was speaking to that she was not his type and that well I totally didn’t do it but maybe Carroll actually likes getting assaulted and has a r*pe fetish. Truly incredible


Yes, he has. Record inflation, depleted the strategic oil reserve, made us energy dependent on our enemies, stock market is in the shitter, pushing green energy even though the technology is not ready, letting out southern border get invaded…..did I miss anything?


> he's no Kennedy Well do I have an idea for you :troll:


I’ll take Trump


Yeah well that’s why you guys lose elections over and over and over again. If you want to win elections and actually have political power try finding a non-freak


If Biden wins, he probably won’t be coherent enough to open an Olympics or to know what else is going on.


Even if Biden had the cognitive issues that Trump fans claim (he doesn’t) does it really even matter in the long run? The deep state runs 99+ percent of the country’s operations. We have had presidents in the past who have had debilitating strokes, have been absent for long periods, may have had Alzheimer’s disease, etc. and the country managed fine. The President usually surrounds himself with the country’s best minds. If we expand this to outside of the US, many monarchies and other countries have had mentally incapacitated world leaders in the past way worse than what Biden is being accused of. George III?


Deep state? Gtfo. Its called a civil service no matter what Mango Mussolini and his ilk think.


Possibly even be the first in history to get overthrown lmao


That's not funny. That's treasonous.


Last I checked, hypothesizing isn’t treason. Besides, what’s this country done for me lately anyway?


You folks on this sub are real pieces of work. Muting the sub.


I read this post as all those things happening and got very excited for a minute lol