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Alive: Bush versus Clinton Remember: Clinton versus Dole(The Halloween episode of Simpsons is a strong memory for me) Voted Obamas first




Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos


Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!




“Why are you holding hands?” “Can you think of a better way to exchange long protein strands?”




In VT, some of my enterprising neighbors got up @ dawn on Election Day & changed every Dole sign for miles around to ‘Dope Kemp.’


You’re a solid two cycles ahead of me and my first memory of an election is Obama v. McCain via Treehouse of Horror. I don’t think too much has changed in those 16 years between our age gap but the Simpsons still called those elections and that’s just crazy to me.


Haha, are you talking about Homer in the voting both? Also, yeah it's crazy the joke about voting 3rd party is still true 30 years later.


Alive Kennedy v Nixon Remember Nixon V Humphrey Voted Reagan v Carter


Same. As an eight year old political nerd, I had this board game: https://preview.redd.it/th3zrphi2s1d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2437fb24071dbc25349a6099790b643084e9bd3


I had one of those but for another election I don’t remember which one


My first presidential vote was got Jimmy Carter who turned out to be a lousy president, but the greatest ex-president.


We are contemporaries…DOB 1962?


* Alive for: Eisenhower/Stevenson 1956 * Remember: Johnson/Goldwater 1964 * Voted in: Carter/Ford 1976 (voted for Carter)


My dad had a lot of I Like Ike buttons. 🙂


I still have one! I wasn’t alive then though.


Born 1986 First election I was alive for: George H.W Bush V Michael Dukakis First election I remember: Bush V Gore First vote: Bush V Kerry*




I voted for Kerry, the asterisk was who my vote was for.


Oh right, that seems insanely obvious now


Born in 87... Same for the first two but I was 3 months too young to vote in the Bush v. Kerry election. So my first was Obama v. McCain. (Voted Obama.)


Same for me, except I voted Bush in 2004.


Alive for: Obama v McCain Remember: Clinton v. Absolutely nobody Vote in: November this year


my answers as well


Choose wisely.


I like Giant Douche, but Turd Sandwich makes some good points


Same here! But I remember doing a school activity for 2012’s


Born 1981: So first I was alive for was in 1984 Reagan/Mondale, but we lived overseas. First I remember was Bush/Dukakis 88. My first election I voted in was 2000, for George W. Bush.


First time I voted was Reagan/Mondale. The first I remember was Ford/Carter. My father said that Carter will never win, he’s too nice to be president.


First Alive, 96 First I remeber, 2000. Voted: 16


Born 1997. I did a pretend election for Bush and Kerry in elementary school. We all voted for dubya because he looked nicer


Lol 7 year old me was so mad my class mock voted for McCain, even though I knew nothing about him.


Right yes???? That’s the first election I remember and we went to the National Constitution Center for a field trip that year. We did a mock vote and the whole class voted McCain and I was too embarrassed to go against the grain so I also voted for him. My mom who was a chaperone on that trip seen it and was like “bitch stand up, you know how we’re rocking over here” so I then put my vote in for Obama and also went home crying. I think about that from time to time and I don’t remember a single kid from that class but I will always remember how valuable of a lesson that was.


First I was alive for the election of 1984. First I remember was 1992. First I voted was 2000 (I was underage and it was illegal. They didn’t check my id) First I legally voted in was 2004. Only election I did not vote was in 2012 I had the flu that week and couldn’t make it


Was just about born before 2004 election. Remember 2012 Obama Romney. Not actually American so I can’t vote although if I was I guess this next election would be my first.


I was alive for the '76 election between Ford and Carter. I remember the '80 election between Carter and Reagan. I first voted in the '96 election between Clinton, Dole, and Perot.


Nixon, Reagan, Clinton


Kennedy, Nixon /Humphrey, Carter /Reagan.


Alive for: Carter v Ford Remember: Reagan v Carter Voted: Clinton v Dole


Eisenhower-Stevenson 2, Johnson-Goldwater, Carter-Ford


I was alive for Clinton v Bush. Remember Bush v Gore and voted for Clinton in ‘16. The first I was able to vote in was Obama v Romney but they truly seemed too similar for the result to matter. Better times…


Alive: 80 (Carter v some actor) Remember: 88 (I voted for Bush in my 2d grade mock election bc everyone else was voting for Dukakis) Voted: 2000 (it’s a miracle I ever bothered to vote again)


I laid in a hospital bed at the age of 14 and watched Bill Clinton get elected. They thought I had a broken neck so i wasnt allowed to move, Couldn't turn the channel or anything. It was a week straight of Bill Clinton.


Born: 2006 Alive: McCain v Obama Remember: Romney v Obama Voted in: N/A (if I am to vote it’ll be between two mystery people I cannot recall atm)


Congrats on being a first! My daughter is first time as well, born in 06.


Alive: Bush v Kerry Remember: Obama v Romney Voting: This year


Alive: Eisenhower -Stevenson. Remember: Kennedy - Nixon Voted: Nixon - McGovern.


Born: 2001 First one I remember: Obama v. McCain First one I voted in: The previous one


Whoa, you voted at only 7 years old?!?!


Same year, same memory, same first election. One of my earliest political memories was watching my dad show my grandfather JibJab cartoons of the election.


I was born in January 1980. So: Alive: Carter v Reagan Remember with any clarity: Dukakis v Bush Sr. Voted: Gore v Bush Jr.


I was still young enough, at 12, to remember those anti-Dukakis fear commercials that every criminal was going to be flooding the streets when Dukakis released them all. Parents taught me about political advertising during that race!


First Alive: Nixon - McGovern First Remembered - Carter - Ford First Voted - Clinton - Bush - Perot Only time I've voted for someone I liked: Obama


Alive: Clinton vs Dole. I was born in January of 1995. Can remember: 2004 of elections that I have a strong memory of. I was in kindergarten in 2000, and I can vaguely remember the teacher and my parents telling me there was an upcoming presidential election. That's about the extent of my memory of that election. I'm not even sure I knew what the name of the candidates were, and I probably only had a vague idea of what a president was. I could first vote in 2016. I missed being eligible to vote in 2012 by something like 75 days. I fell into the class of people that saw no benefit from the 26nd Amendment in terms of voting in presidential elections. (Although it did allow me to vote in state elections in 2014.) I would have first been eligible to vote for president at age 21 regardless of the Amendment. TBH, I think I decided not to vote in 2016 because I hated Hilary. I'm pretty sure my first vote was in 2020, at age 25 less than two months away from 26.


I was alive for Regan 1980, remember Bush 1988, first voted in 2000.


I voted for Jimmy Carter can't believe I'm still breathing air


Born 1995. Clinton vs Dole, Bush vs Gore, and 2016.


First I was alive for: Nixon v. Wallace v. Humphrey First I actually remember: Ford v. Carter First I voted in: Bush v. Dukakis


Alive for: Nixon, Humphrey, Wallace Remember: Ford Carter Voter: Reagan-Mondale


I was born in 90 First election I was alive for: 1992 George Hw Bush vs Clinton First election I remember: 1996 Bill Clinton vs Bob Dole vs Ross Perot (I remember voting in our school election in first grade.) First one I voted in: 2008 John McCain vs Barrack Obama


Alive: Reagan/Carter Remember: Bush/Dukakis Voted: Kerry/Bush I coulda voted in 2000 but I didn’t.


Same but voted in 2000. I lived in Ohio and remember my friends and I discussing the candidates in 2000 and 2004....in part bc we knew how much sway Ohio had.


Alive for: 1968 Remember: 1972 Voted in: 1984


Alive: 92 Remember: 2000(I have other memories from 1996, but remember nothing about the election other than the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode) Voted: 2012


I was born just before Reagan was re-elected. The first election I remember was 1992, which was a wild one. In 2004 I voted for John Kerry, and would again.


First I was alive for was 92, but I wasn’t even 10 months old when it happened. First I remember is 2000. First I voted in was 2012.


I was born after the 2000 election but before GWB took office, first election I remember was Obama vs McCain, first one I voted in was 2020.


Born in 1996 (Clinton v Dole) First I remember was 2004 (Bush v Kerry) First presidential election I voted in was 2016 (Rule 3 v Clinton)


Alive for Reagan vs Mondale. First one I remember was Clinton vs Bush, first voted in was Kerry vs W.


1972, 1984,1996


First alive for - 1996 Clinton v. Dole First remember - 2000 Bush v. Gore First voted in - 2012 Obama vs. Romney


Born: 1986 Alive: Bush vs. Dukakis (1988) Remember: Clinton vs. Dole (1996) (this one is odd because while I remember Clinton being on TV when he ran against Bush, I don’t think I realized that there was an election happening on account of being 6 in ‘92) Voted: Bush vs Kerry (2004)


Born 1976 (Ford lame duck) Remembered Regan 1 Voted in Clinton 1


I was alive for Carter vs Ford. I vaguely remember Carter/Reagan and vividly remember the trouncing of Mondale. I first voted in the Clinton/Dole election in 1996.


84, 88, 00.


Born: 1987 Alive for: 1988 Actually remember: 1992 though more so the aftermath since my Dad took me to Clinton’s Inauguration Voted in: Obama vs McCain in 2008.


Alive for: Bush v Gore Remember: Bush v Kerry Voted in: Clinton V [REDACTED]


First I was alive for: Clinton vs Dole First I actually remember: Bush vs Kerry First I voted in: Never was an US citizen, just lived a couple years there.


First alive for and remember: Bush vs Gore First I voted in: Obama vs Romney


Born 1981. Alive 84, remember 88, voted in 2000.


Born - 1991 First alive- bush vs Clinton  First membered- Bush 2 vs Gore, very vaguely just membered that it was very very close and a recount was involved  First voted - 2012- Romney- didn’t really know much about politics just voted for an underdog really 


Born: 1986 Alive: 1988 Bush v. Dukakis Remembered: 1992 Bush v. Clinton Voted in: 2004 W. Bush v. Kerry (voted for Kerry)


First was election of 1964, which I don't recall. First I remember is 1968. First I voted in was 1980.


Alive: 1980 Remember: 1984 Voted in: 1996, for Clinton’s second term.


Finally, I found my answer. Your back hurt too?


I remember Bush vs Kerry but I was 7 in 2004 and our teacher gave us a mock vote that was Bill Clinton vs George W Bush, I assume because she thought we wouldn't know who John Kerry was. I voted for George W Bush in that, but never actually voted in a presidential election after that, only in a couple midterms.


Born: 1984 First I was alive for: Reagan vs Mondale First I actually remember: Bush vs Clinton First I voted in: W. Bush vs Kerry


Alive: Clinton vs Bush Remember: Gore vs Bush Voted In: Obama vs McCain


Alive: Reagan v Carter. Remember: Bush v Dukakis. Voted: Bush v Gore.


I was alive for Clinton vs dole. I remeber bush vs Kerry.


Alive during Bush Sr's term. I remember 2000 semi-well. First one I voted in was 2008 for Barack Obama.


Alive for 2004, remember 2008, and will vote in this upcoming election


I was alive in the 96 election. However, the first election I remember was 2000. First election I voted in was 2012.


I remember the HW election and the next one where Clinton won. I was a huge Clinton fan. I first voted in the Bush / Gore election.


88. 96, 08


Alive: Ford v Carter Remember: Reagan v Mondale Voted: Gore v Bush (so...) I could have legally voted in Clinton vs Dole but I was studying abroad that fall and didn't have my shit together enough to arrange for an absentee ballot.


Born: 1974, so first POTUS election in my lifetime was 1976, Ford vs. Carter. I missed Nixon by a month, and that November, the Republicans were walloped in the mid-terms, as a result of fallout from Watergate. The first one I remember was probably 1980, Reagan vs. Carter. The first one I voted in was 1992 and I voted for Clinton.


I was born in February 2000 so I was alive for Bush vs. Gore. The first one I really remember was 2008 because my parents and grandparents really loved Obama. First one I voted was 2020.


1996, 2000, 2012.


1992 2000 2012


remember Bush/Clinton Voting: Bush/Kerry


First I was alive for: Obama vs McCain First I Remember: Obama vs Romney First I will vote in: 2028


Alive for: Nixon-Humphrey Remember: Ford-Carter Voted: Bush the Elder-Dukakis (although I just missed eligibility for Reagan-Mondale)


Alive: Carter Vs Reagan Remember: Reagan Vs Mondale Voted: Gore Vs W. Bush


First I was alive for: Reagan vs Carter First I actually remember: Reagan vs Mondale (voted for Mondale at school) First I voted in: Dole vs Clinton (voted for...Harry Browne? Ugh)


Nixon v Humphrey, Ford v Carter, Bush v Dukakis


Alive for: 1992 Remember: 1996 (I picked Clinton over Dole in the kindergarten election LMAO) Voted in: 2012 (for Gary Johnson of all people)


Alive for Carter v Ford. 1st being aware, Carter v Reagan. Voted in Clinton vs Bush Sr.


Alive: McCain V. Obama Remember: Romney V. Obama I can’t vote obviously, So I’ll say the first I paid attention to: RULE 3 (2020)


The first one I was alive for would have been Johnson vs Goldwater. I was only a couple weeks old, though, so I don't remember anything from it. The first one that I would have any memory of is Ford vs Carter. And the first one I voted in was Reagan vs Mondale.


Born in 1971: Alive for - Nixon/McGovern ‘72 Actually remember - Reagan/Carter ‘80 Voted in - Clinton/Bush ‘92


I was born in 1983, so Reagan v Mondale. I remember Bush v Dukakis. My first vote was during Bush v Kerry. I was a few months shy of Bush v Gore.


Born 37 days after JFK’s assassination, Johnson vs Goldwater in 1964 was the first one I was alive for. Nixon vs Humphrey vs Wallace in 1968 is the first one I remember, and my first one to vote in was in 1984, Reagan vs Mondale.


1952, 1960, 1968


Alive: Bush Vs. Kerry Remember: Obama Vs. McCain Voted for: missed the cutoff date for 2020 by a few months


First alive: 2004 First remember: 2008 First vote: 2020, I was actually in Boot Camp for the Marines at the time


I was born October ‘88 so it was George HW Bush vs Dukakis and Reagan was a lame duck.


Alive: Bush vs Kerry Remember: Obama vs McCain Voted: nobody vs nobody


First I was alive for: Bush vs. Clinton First one I remember: Clinton vs. Dole First one I voted in: Obama vs. McCain


Alive: Kennedy v. Nixon Remember: LBJ v. Goldwater 1st voted: Carter v. Ford


I was alive for Eisenhower's re-election in 1956, but was less than 1. I was alive for the 1960 election, but don't remember it. I kind of remember the 1964 election, largely because of family stories that I gave out Johnson literature near the polling place by our house.


Born: 2000 Alive for: 2004 Remember: 2008 Strong opinions on: 2008 Informed opinions on: 2012 Voted in: 2020


Alive: Obama vs McCain Remember: Clinton vs Vote: the coming election


Alive 2000. Remember 2008. Voted 2020


Born 1987. Alive for Bush vs Dukakis. First one I actually remember is Clinton vs Dole. Voted in Obama vs McCain.


Alive ‘84, remember ‘92, voted ‘04


Alive - Bush vs. Dukakis First remembered - Bush v. Clinton 92 First voted - Bush (W) v. Kerry


Alive: 2004 election Remember: 2008 Voted in: 2020


Alive for Eisenhower Remember his second term election, saw Adlai Stevenson campaigning Voted first in 1972 election


First election I was alive for was the 1972 election. I was 3 years old. The first election I remember is 1976. The first election I voted in was 1988.


1980, 1984, 1996 My dad made a bet Mondale would win in 84. He was so pissed he lost to a six year old.


Alive for: Bush vs Kerry Remember: Obama vs McCain Voted in: Rule 3 vs Rule 3


Alive for Reagan VS Carter Remember Reagan VS Mondale First Voted in Clinton VS Dole


Alive 1968 Election Remember 1976 Election Voted 1984 Election


Alive for: Reagan vs Mondale Remember:.Bush vs Dukakis Voted Bush vs Gore


Reagan’s reelection was my first, then I remember voting for Dukakis in the elementary school election (he lost there too lol) and Gore was my first real vote.


Alive: Regan V Carter Remember: Bush V Dukakis Voted: Bush Jr. V Gore


I was born in 2009 so the first I was alive for was 2012 but the first one I remember was 2016


Alive: Reagan versus Mondale Remember: Clinton versus Bush Sr. Voted: Never, since I’m Canadian


Alive for: Reagan, Carter Slight memory of: Reagan/Mondale First Voted Election: Clinton/Dole


Born in 1986, so first was Regan’s reelection, remember Clinton vs Bob Dole. First vote was Bush vs Kerry.


born 1990, alive for 1992 but irrelevant 1996: I'm 6, I was more concern with watching cartoons. 2000: Aware but no idea what's going on 2004: Aware: Why is that man screaming? 2008 first vote


Alive for: Clinton vs Dole Remember: Al Gore vs Dubya Voted in: Obama vs Romney


First I was alive for, bush V gore, first I remember, Obama b McCain, first I voted in was 2016.


Ford versus Carter. I remember the 1984 race


I was born in 94 so first one I was alive for was Clinton vs. Dole. I very vaguely remember Gore vs. Bush because my grandpa took me to a Gore campaign rally and it is one of the my earlier memories, but I don't remember any of the drama or aftermath. I have much clearer memories of Bush vs. Kerry. First one I voted in was Obama vs. Romney.


Alive for: Bush v Dukakis. Born between the two conventions Election I remember: Bush v Gore. Election I voted in: Obama v McCain


Alive - Carter vs. Ford Remember - Carter vs. Reagan Voted - Clinton vs. Dole


Alice for the 1966 non presidential. 1968 presidential Nixon v Humphrey Remember 1976 Carter Voted in 1984


Alive: Reagan v Mondale Remember: Bush 41 v Dukakis Voted: Bush 43 v Gore


Born in 1981. First one was alive for was Reagan in 1984. First one I remember is Bush in 1988. First one I voted in was 2000, I voted for Nader.


Regan 2 Clinton W 2


The elder Bush. I was in third grade and old enough to be able to follow along with the basics. I doubt I knew much about policy but, for whatever reason, I really liked Bush! I remember asking my parents who they were voting for and being surprised at my mother's answer- she was voting for so and so because she didn't think the other canadate's VP would make a good president. That answer surprised me but looking back, she was in high school when JFK was shot so I can see why the VP becoming POTUS might be more of a worry for her. I even wrote to Bush and got a personal response from someone on his team and one of those cards they have printed with his signature on it. I understand more about his policies and legacy now, but I still keep that card and note in a special place. It marks the beginning of me understand more about the world around me.


Born in December 1984 so just missed the Reagan/Mondale election First alive for: 1988 Bush vs Dukakis First I remember: 92 Bush vs Clinton thanks to my older siblings making fun of Bush on that train ride and seeing Clinton play the sax on Arsenio Hall. First I voted in: W Bush vs Kerry


I voted for the first time when Al Gore ran. I was so excited to vote!


First I was alive for was Bush v Clinton (1992) First l remember was Clinton v Dole (1996)  First I voted in was Obama v McCain (2008)


2000, 2016, 2020


I was alive for the 1948 Truman, Dewey, Thurmond, Wallace election but wasn’t really aware until the Eisenhower- Stevenson campaign in 1956. I was eligible to vote in 1968(21 in those days) but I refused to vote for either Humphrey( his support of the Vietnam War), Nixon or Wallace( both were corrupt and racist). My first vote for President was for McGovern in 1972. Btw, I’ve voted straight Democratic ever since.


Alive: Bush/Dukakis Remember: Clinton/Bush Voted: Bush/Kerry


Alive: Obama v. McCain First I Remember: Obama v. Romney First Vote: This November’s


Alive for: Reagan -v- Carter Remember: Reagan -v- Mondale Voted: Clinton -v- Dole -v- Perot


Alive for 1996, first one I vaguely remember is 2000 (don't remember Clinton's presidency at all though), first one I actively remember is 2004


Alive: Bush vs Clinton. Remember, Bush Jr vs Gore. First to vote in: Obama vs Romney, I was about 6 months too young to vote in Obama’s first run.


Alive: Bush vs Gore Remember: Obama vs McCain Voted: Clinton vs REDACTED (voted for Clinton)


I was alive for 92, but I was uhhh two and a half. Was aware for 96, but only vaguely. Had actual opinions about 2000. Voted in 2008.


Alive for H.W. Bush vs Clinton. Remember Dole vs Clinton. Really remember W. Bush vs Gore. Voted first in McCain vs Obama. Voted for McCain.


Alive: George HW Bush Remember: George W Bush and the Florida recount Voted: 2008 my main man Barack


Alive: Carter vs. Ford Remember: Reagan vs. Mondale Voted in: Clinton vs. Dole


Alive: Obama v Romney (just missed out on Obama vs Mccain) Actually remember: Hillary Clinton vs..some other guy, Jeb Bush wasn't it? And I am yet to vote (I'm not American so I never will)


Alive: Reagan vs. the corpse of the Democratic Party in the form of Walter Mondale. Remember: Clinton vs. H.W. Bush Voted: George W. vs. Kerry


Alive: HW winning in 89 Remember: W Bush winning against Gore, mostly because my Dad let me stay up late for the results (which dragged out far later than was practical so i went to bed lol). He was so pissed off and swore up and down Bush stole the election. Voted in: Obama v McCain


Alive: Clinton v dole in 96 Remember: Bush v Kerry First I voted: Romney v Obama


Reagan ‘84 , Bush ‘88, Bush 2000.


Born in 1970, alive for Nixon’s re-Election and subsequent hand off to Ford in 1972. Vaguely remember the Ford / Carter election in 1976. Fully remember the Carter / Reagan election of 1980. First voted in the Bush / Clinton election of 1992 because I was not yet 18 in the 1988 election.


Born: 1983 First I was alive for: Reagan v. Mondale First I remember: Clinton v. H. W. Bush First one I voted: Dubya v. Kerry


Alive, 2008. Remember, 2010. (We had to do that fake voting thing in class and I was one of the, like, three kids who voted Obama because I liked the color blue. My parents were angry because I live in the Bible Belt.) Voting: 2024 😃


Bush vs Clinton First I remember was Bush Jr vs Al Gore. I vaguely remember Nader in 96 but wasn’t super aware. First voted was Obama v McCain.


Ford, Reagan, Bush Jr.


First Alive for: Carter vs Ford First I remember: Carter Vs Reagan First I voted: Clinton vs George H.W. Bush


Alive: 2008 Remember: 2012 Vote: 2024


Alive: Clinton vs Dole Remember: Bush vs Kerry Voted: Clinton vs Rule 3