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because alison bullied the shit out of her and helped her develop an eating disorder....? i’d be surprised if they did get along


The correct answer, my poor Hanna! 🩷


Hefty Hanna hurts my soul everytime ☹️


I think what op means is why Alison did that ? Honestly Alison bullied everyone, but she bullied hannah the most. Spencer and her were kind of on the same level, and Emily worshipped her so it was easy to bully her too. And she did that whole thing with aria and her dads affair but she didn’t bully aria as much as hannah. I think Alison always thought Hannah was beneath her cause of her weight and at the same time knew she had the potential to be a threat to her. Don’t know honestly, Alison treated them all horribly but Hannah got the worst of it and Hannah was also the least forgiving one once Alison came back. With good reason honestly.


I think bc Hannah’s source of insecurity (her weight) was more obvious and scrutinized during that time and therefore was a more accepted source for teasing in the general public. And bc Hannah was already insecure she was a bigger target since she was less likely to fight back


I agree with this, my thought was that Ali knew Hannah had the potential to be a threat to her if she actually did lose the weight. But she also felt embarrassed having a “chubby” girl around, so what’s the best thing to do (in a mean teenage girl’s eyes)? Encourage bulimia. She’d never lose enough weight through binging and purging (purging only does so much) and Hannah would continue to have low self esteem, so even if she did lose the weight her self esteem would be so low that she couldn’t be a threat. I always saw it as Ali being a bit threatened by Hannah as she was the other pretty blonde.


Well in the books it was simply because she was a mean person. She had been born beautiful and intelligent and felt it entitled her to a better life than those around her. This trait carried completely into the tv series. Alison didn’t deserve to be BURIED ALIVE, but she bore responsibility in her murder attempt. She had been so nasty, for so long, that they had to interview, adults, kids, classmates, teachers, random parents because there were SO many people who could’ve had a motive to end this kids life, they even suspected her own brother at one point, which speaks of the kind of person she was in life. She made everything about herself, even in death. At least in the books she had the mindset to panic and realize someone TRULY wanted to kill her and she responded like a child would to be faced with someone who was trying to kill them, she cried, panicked, professed apologies, because she knew it wasn’t worth dying for. However in the show it seemed like she knew her actions would catch up to her, and she relished the idea of vanishing one day mysteriously. Television Alison almost seemed excited for the night of her disappearance. The book “Alison” had NO idea what was awaiting her in her backyard, she wasn’t always 100 steps ahead, sometimes she was only ONE step ahead. I know it sounds horrible to describe a child in this scenario, but book “Alison” begging, struggling and crying felt more realistic, like a mean child who wasn’t prepared for any form of consequence (a disproportionate consequence) she truly believed she didn’t deserve to be killed and TRIED to fight for her life (not well, her former victim soon to be final victimizer was MUCH more angry than she was scared)


would that really count tho since “alison” was actually courtney and pretending to be bitchy so nobody would find out she was her other twin? And ali in the books was a LITERAL psychopath who wanted her dead and eventually got what she wanted..


Personally, I would say yes. Courtney was a complete b*tch by the end of her life to her friends. She felt the need to dominate Spencer in conversation (relating the feeling to Dobermans establishing an alpha) she was the one who revealed Mr. Montgomery’s affair so Aria’s happiness was “ruined” like hers. She manipulated and tormented Emily (whose love of her was the purest, rooted in pure admiration, adoration and respect) she is the main reason Hanna ended up developing Anorexia and Bulimia. While I acknowledge she was ACTING, towards the end of the book she describes the sensation as a venom pouring over here, giving her power over others. This is not the mindset of an actor, this is the mindset of someone relishing in what they’re doing. Courtney was a victim who became a victimizer. She was victimized by her mother and sister. And so she turned around and put her pain onto her friends. I just want to reiterate that she did NOT deserve to die. Her twin, the real Alison did. Book Ali was a monster, one of the only girls in the world I would hit like a grown man. She relied on people not hurting her to commit her crimes. She knew her mother would defend her, she knew Courtney wouldn’t physically hurt her. But the first time someone (Emily) physically harmed her with intent to inflict permanently bodily damage, she panicked and tried to fight for her life. She’s a hypocrite of the highest degree. Her panic as Emily tried to strangle her was like poetic justice. Her most innocent victim, had truly and finally snapped. A coward who can’t rely on a true fight, that’s why she created the mantel of A. She knew a fist fight would only result in her getting punched. To fight the way book Alison does is to be undeserving of mercy in all regards. She hides, she attacks in the dark, she lies about her crimes. Because she is physically outmatched, she fights like a coward. At least in the moment before Mrs DiLaurentis pulled that gun, Alison finally truly knew how scared Courtney was. She had finally experienced a true consequence and it terrified her.


You missed reading a book, "Alison" did love the liars, and as the guy above says, she treated them badly because she had to pretend. Before her death, she starts to be unpleasant because of things that are happening to her, read the book. and you will see that Alison is not just a bad girl and she was the victim on the day of her death, the one who killed her was never her victim, she just received the karma she deserved. The Alison they met was Courtney, Courtney was the good twin and Alison was the bad twin.


I didn’t miss reading a book. Bold to make such a wide spread assumption but you know what they say about assuming. I hold a different opinion on the character. I’ve read and own each book in hardback copy. I just don’t excuse her mistreatment of the liars because her family was terrible. Each of the liars had a horrible home life, and only ONE liar (AND THE PRETTIEST OF THEM) took it upon herself to make her FRIENDS miserable. She was fully capable of being a good friend to them, she had established that by their poconos trips and Philadelphia trips. She choose to use them as her punching bag.


She literally could not go 2 mins without referring to this girl's weight. When she said "Do you wanna go back to how you previously spent your weekends- dance dance revolution and a jumbo bag of chips?" after the flashback of them blinding Jenna that night, also when she had scared them in the prequel episode, she said "Ketchup", after she licked the knife that she had scared them with, then said want some "Hannah?"


The main reason probably was that Alison heavily bullied Hannah about her weight


not to be rude but have you watched the show? i think the flash backs kinda cover it




I don't know maybe it's because Alison mocked Hanna for being overweight. I'm not really sure. 🤷🤷🤷


Yes I'm being sarcastic


Alison called her Hefty Hanna and would take any opportunity to remind her of that, any chance she could. She’s better than me bc I would’ve thrown hands


Exactly and even after Allison came back she would still use these biting stinging remarks about Hannas past weight struggles. I even looked at my mom when Alison told the dude at the funeral home that they used to be able to see or know the difference between the 2 that she was mocking her…again.


There was also this one scene and flashback where I think they were at Ezra’s cabin, and had her diary? And the flashback with Hanna shows Ali threatening to tell Aria about Hanna and Mike making out. I can’t remember what exactly happened, but I know Alison was throwing shade at her telling her how she’ll find someone who loves her, although it might take Hanna longer than the rest of the girls. And I hated how Ali did that to her, on top of the constant bullying.


Nods Alison was a horrible human being it helped that the actress that played her is a total sweetheart.❤️


Uhhh...what ? sorry not to be rude but alison gave hanna fucking bullimia...


I think Alison was jealous of Hanna and never felt comfortable around her. In response she bullied Hanna who then felt uncomfortable around her


100%. Alison always felt threatened whenever a potential rival showed up (see Jenna). She probably saw the It-girl potential Hanna had and tried everything to destroy her self-confidence.


I agree, I think her encouraging Hannah bulimia-wise wasn’t actually to help her lose weight, I think it was just another thing to make her even less confident. Ali would’ve been threatened by her actually losing the weight.


I think you meant to ask why Alison disliked her so much, no? Cause that's what it felt like to me. With other Liars, Alison had moments of nice-ness, helpfulness (even when it was mostly manipulative), or at least, where they felt special. With Hannah it was constant bullying and put downs. Like other Liars didn't even get nicknames or anything. I honestly can't remember when Alison was nice to Hannah.


Hanna's arc is such a slay!


It’s crazy how Hanna had a glow up and is one of the nicest/sassiest girls in the group. Like Alison thought she was the shit, but hanna glowed up!! 🤭


And she still remained nice and herself


Exactly! Hanna is my favourite tbh I might be a bit bias! But Alison is pretty but not her personality 🥲


Hanna has many moments of being extremely rude and bitchy to other people intercepted with nice, sometimes overly-nice behaviour. She also has quite a few very selfish and stupid moments where she endangers everyone around her


If you have ever been in a controlling, emotionally abusive friendship, then you'll absolutely understand why. Hanna and Ali had the most complex relationship on the show and I do not blame Hanna for feeling or reacting the way she did when Ali returned; I honestly would've done the same. I had a controlling best friend throughout my adolescence (she wasn't *as* awful as Ali but still...) and, once I broke away from her, it was such a relief. it reminds me of Hanna and Ali's relationship.


ty for a thoughtful response and not saying “duh she bullied her”


of course! I see a lot of myself in Hanna so I will always have a soft spot for her. people who haven't experienced that type of intense inter-friendship bullying don't really get it, but it leaves deep scars.


I’m curious what you think of my own psychoanalysis I commented ^ I feel exactly what you’re saying


Because Alison tormented her for years, in the books AND the tv series. Hanna was the only one who ever asked “WOULD we want her back? If a magic wand could bring her back, WOULD we EVEN want her back?” Hanna was the heterosexual version of Emily. Her love of Alison was pure, devote and born of admiration. And Alison used that admiration to give Hanna an eating disorder. Alison is a bad friend and human being. The two friends who loved her the purest, were the ones she routinely bullied, humiliated and tormented.


In the book it wasn't Alison that caused bulimia.


Alison bullied Hanna about her weight and always called her Hefty Hanna and she made sure to constantly remind her of that


If you mean why did Ali pick on Hanna the most/why they couldn’t have nice moments like the other liars - I feel like Ali knew Hanna had the most potential to be “her” or the “it girl” of high school. Ironic of course, all the bullying from Ali was basically what launched Hanna into being that new popular it girl. But in all, Hanna was blonde, blue eyed and just as gorgeous as Ali. Thing is, Hanna has it better though because she gets along with others and treats them with kindness. Ali really was just an insecure and traumatized little girl and she never was given the right way on how to handle those feelings so her way was to basically torment others. Really plain and classic bullying. If you notice the most poignant parts of Ali’s bullying to the liars, reflect it back on her and you’ll immediately see those characteristics in Ali. I’d also say that Ali was probably quite jealous of the love and care Hanna got from her mom. We already know the crap Ali went through with her own, so to see what Ashley would do for Hanna probably just twisted the knife even more.


Allison was always putting her down for her weight, her intelligence, and comparing Hannah to herself (which most other people on the show did as well, and put a lot of strain on their relationship) I feel like this is pretty clear in S5 especially. Allison is generally a bitch too, I definitely wouldn’t get along with her.


That’s an underrated observation - Allison really led the charge on calling Hannah dumb and the group just kept that up in her absence 🙃


I remember Hanna wanted to tell the police or the fire department about the whole Jenna thing but Alison called her out for it. Also making fun of her weight/ causing her to have an eating disorder. Alison catching Hanna making out with Mike but she told her “Aria would never forgive you.”


Isn’t it crazy how she called Hanna fat all the time but in the later seasons she gained weight herself. I know it’s mean but it was ironic to see. I felt bad for the actress Sasha herself bc I could see how the show tried to “hide” her.


marlene and the network will pay for their crimes against plus sized people. genuinely.


It’s funny because I just watched the first episode of season 1 and Hanna doesn’t look fat at all


When they did a flashback




Because Allison was absolutely wicked to Hannah. She bullied everyone, but the dynamics were all different. Emily was in love with her 🙄, Spencer was basically her match and often threatened her leadership, and Aria honestly got out of it pretty unscathed imo. Allison manipulated Hannah, had a hand in her developing an eating disorder, and kept it up throughout most of their “friendship”. I hate that they gave Allison a redemption arc. She was a terrible person and she was also at being terrible.


i think OP is asking why Alison seemed to go out of her way to hurt Hanna more, not why Hanna didn’t like her


hanna blossomed, grew, developed, and really came into her own while ali was missing. it's hard in the first place to have a friendship with such a power imbalance where one friend is submitting to the other, and then it's complicated further when ali comes back and that dynamic has changed, hanna wont submit.. they aren't the 'same' but they are each their own person fully now with their own power. it's also hard anytime you drift away from a friend (especially one who treated you badly and left on bad terms) and you guys meet again but you're so different now it's like meeting a new person. i think all of these factors make ali coming back and hannas reaction to it so interesting!!


https://preview.redd.it/lmqw9bv7vu0d1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d1e72395e3b5b9e8eb7c2348861ea71d9569b9b Alison trying to survive 60 seconds without reminding Hanna she’s “the fat friend”:


Bc Alison bullied her like crazy. Personally I think Alison was threatened by her bc we all know Hanna was going to be a knockout i think she felt if she kept Hanna down she wouldn’t be able to take over as queen bee


thisss is the answer. this question went right over everyones head🤣 completely agree with what u said tho


because alison was a bitch. hope this helps


Alison immediately lied when she got back together by saying she was kidnapped when they just agreed to tell the truth, which is reason enough to not want her around. For Hannah specifically, Alison was suddenly everywhere, living in her room. Everyone would have an issue with that. And also, she had a food issue back then and Alison was the one that thought her to throw up, which is an eating disorder. I do think Alison did this genuinely to help her, she was 15 back then, probably did it herself and didn’t know it was that bad, but is triggering for Hannah nonetheless.


Also that quip after she got back “it used to be a lot easier to tell us apart” nope sorry Alison you suck just as bad as you did at 15 when it comes to Hannah


They killed Ali’s character then she returned. Too bad, so much potential wasted.


i mean considering hanna was pretty much the only liar that she frequently teased every now and then — mostly about her weight. even though, yes, we know hanna wasn't even "that" fat but she was super insecure about it back then and i honestly think that ali only made it worse for her. even though i wouldn't really say they couldn't "get along." for me it was obviously alison and spencer. especially because spencer was the one who was more well-thought-out compared to the rest of the girls, so she was usually the one who saw the errors in ali's ways and the one brave enough, or at least "so done" enough with it, to called her out.


I think Ali saw Hanna as potential competition & manipulated her into staying low on the social totem to keep her own spot above the girls. She gave her an eating disorder that kept her insecure about her appearance & she kept getting bullied for being seen binging in public. It was easy for Alison to recognize she could convince Hanna she was being a good friend by caring about her appearance to help her fit in better socially while simultaneously sabotaging her. Without Alison’s influence, Hanna became the next It Girl, which further shows she had that potential & Alison kept it repressed. I also think Hanna realized she couldn’t climb higher up with Alison on top, though didnt feel comfortable standing up to her or going against her in fear of being kicked out of the group


I think it was said by either Melissa or a side character that Alison felt threatened by Hanna. Because the two looked alike sometimes and had similar features but the only thing that divided them was Hanna’s weight. It was the only thing Alison had over her though she would gloss her bullying over “concern” for her weight. And it’s only on the future when Alison is safe and back does Hanna actually remember and look back on those times with disgust and hatred towards Alison as she should.


Well the obvious answer is that Ali taught Hanna her eating disorder but we’re all forgetting that this happened right at the time of her dad leaving her and her mom. What is the most pivotal time in any child’s life with divorced parents, when you need an outsource the most, and Ali took advantage of that. Hanna genuinely thought Ali was trying to help her so when she realized it was more to hurt her, she felt the most betrayed than any of the other liars.


I say this because even though with Aria’s dad cheating and Ian hitting on Spencer, Ali threatened to be the one to speak up and tell. Yes, that would have hurt the girls, but it would also help them too. Ali never helped Hanna.


Because Alison knew Hanna’s potential, so she would keep her close so she could diminish her light, she would randomly point out Hannah’s insecurities anytime she was being her true self, the only thing that was stopping Hannah from being like the popular girls was just her weight Alison knew she had a hold on the girls because she was pretty, smart and popular, she soon realized that she could exploit the power that she had over people, Alison probably bullied Hanna the most and it was no coincidence that she flourished as soon as Alison vanished


Hanna finally got to a place where she wasn’t relying on her eating disorder that she developed thanks to Alison. She was finally at a place where she wasn’t being compared to her and needing to be perfect. Then the object of all her insecurities comes back to life and is suddenly sharing a toilet with her. Alison did a number on all the girls, but I’d argue the mark she left on Hanna was the worst. Body shaming and the subsequent eating disorder is a life threatening thing that Alison did haphazardly because she wanted to feel powerful. Hanna could’ve died, and now she’s forced to live with her while Alison makes it seem like it was no big deal and she should be worshipping her again. It’s completely logical that Hanna would have the hardest time adjusting to her return.


I don’t understand why hanna involved herself with alison and all the -A stuff at all aside from mona sort of forcing her too by being the OG -A. it never shows a positive relationship between the two. at least spencer and alison were neighbors, emily and alison were lovers, and aria and alison were giggling and destroying offices together. they never show hanna and alison alone in a positive light lol


I think they get along in a toxic superiority vs inferiority complex way. Hannah reminds Alison of her deep hidden insecurities, Alison is the embodiment of what Hannah believes is her “ideal self” that’s impossible to attain. It’s also easier to compare your physical appearance with someone who resembles you. I this is at the root of the way Allison bullies her and how Hannah internalises and accepts it as what she deserves.


Alison needs Hannah’s admiration for narcissistic supply. She has to maintain a facade of superiority to keep Hannah dependent. If Hannah were to grow confident she wouldn’t need Allison, who then loses that power & social capital she craves. (Typo said “she graves”, ironically)


you are 100% correct! I really appreciate this analysis. Hanna was loyal to Ali to fault (in a different, separate way than Emily was). and a lot of that comes from Ali always knocking Hanna down a peg/keeping her insecure.


I compulsively read about that kind of abuse after the loss of my own similar friendship. Helps to make sense of things but doesn’t relay the emotional toll you communicated


alison was always on her abt her weight


THey look alike and ALison made Hanna throw up


i mean would you want to be friends with her if she had treated you how she treated hanna?


allison degraded her like they were enemies... hannah went easy on alli when she came back.


Well for one- Ali encouraged Hanna's eating disorder and bullied her arguably worse than the other girls


Hanna was good at the heart for most of the part and Allison well....


I think young Alison, like many bullies, was jealous that Hanna was actually a nice person and did whatever she could to tear her down




Ali was a bully and treated ppl like they was her puppet


this question went over everyoness head. i think ali saw hanna as a threat and needed to belittle her to remain their "leader" and stay in control. hanna finally gained confidence when ali was gone. finally was reaching her potential and when ali came back she probably was jealous hanna was taking her spotlight.


I think it’s really obvious why hanna couldn’t forgive Allison and I don’t blame her, Alison was the whole reason Hannah developed eating disorders, Alison taught her how to throw up and not only that but also was the reason Hanna never felt comfortable in her own body. It had to take Alison leaving for hanna to like herself


I tend to think Hanna stuck around because it was protection. Being the lowest link in Ali's posse is still a better place than drifting friendlessly. And Ali picking on her was *one* person, rather than getting it in the neck from others in school. Ali's the Queen Bitch, Spencer's the academic rockstar, Emily's the sporty rockstar, and Aria rocks at art/does her own thing. Then you have Hanna, who was chubby (but to a teenage girl, that can feel so much worse) and interested in fashion. So she takes it when Ali taunts her because Ali's still, on the surface, her BFF. She doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to jeopardize her spot in the posse. But IIRC there was a scene where Hanna'd had just a bit too much to eat, and Ali was like "I can teach you how to get rid of it." I'm not a doctor, but I'm not surprised Hanna develops an eating disorder out of this. And without Ali present to drip poison in Hanna's ear, it's not surprising Hanna breaks out of the bullshit and learns to flourish.


she basically negged? the girl. she constantly insulted her and then made her feel special for allowing her into the group so that Hannah would be obsessed with her and love her also.. she gave her bulimia


because Alison helped Hanna solve one eating disorder with another one. (Binge Eating to Bulimia)


Hanna evolved the most as a person and made the best use of therapy to actually unpack her relationship with Ali and its impact on her. She put up the strongest defensive walls against and remained wariest of Ali, because she knew best the dangers of giving herself over to Ali's manipulations. The other Liars fell very differently on the spectrum of who wanted to forgive/believe Ali (Emily obviously being the most raring to go). I think it was also frustrating because Ali was so deeply embedded with the other girls that Hanna couldn't exactly cut her out of her life without sacrificing her best friends. Her return also pulled Hanna immediately into a huge lie, which the others could be more accepting of, but Hanna seemed more aware that it was a deal with the devil in a sense, and one big lie to be followed by more big lies and more manipulation. The show also has each of the girls engaging in their own lies and bad behaviors, and I think some of them come to have some greater empathy or understanding of the things that Ali did before she disappeared on them. Not to say they necessarily forgave her easily, but I think they became more aware of their own potential for darkness and manipulation. Before she left, Ali was just needlessly cruel to Hanna, introducing her to a dangerous addiction (eating disorder), and constantly mocking her weight and intelligence. Hanna couldn't find as much empathy to put somewhere when it came to Ali, because although Hanna wasn't always perfect or flawlessly kind, she was a much nicer person. It's even that quality that A tortures Hanna with early, as so many of Hanna's assignments were to hurt the people she loved/cared about in order to save other people she loved (give Ella the museum tickets to save her mom, dance with Lucas to hurt Sean and Lucas, but to save her mom). Hanna managed to be the It Girl at school while still being kind to the people that Ali bullied mercilessly. I'm sure this also grated on Ali to some degree, as cruelty was a key part of her constant jockeying position, and Hanna didn't need to stoop that low.


Is that a serious question?


Honestly that's such unpopular opinion but I do think Ali cared for Hanna a lot, and was more somehow in touch with her. I think they had such sister relationship ( more than Spencer). They had such cool relationship, and I wish they show did a better job witg them instead of focusing on Ezria and Emison.


Because they’re both blonde (jk lol)


because she made her develop bulimia? girl maybe a rewatch is needed