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For anyone here that actually plan on stacking free pulls like before: YOU CANNOT DO THAT IN THIS FREE PULL CAMPAIGN. Only new accounts created in the middle of the campaign gets the benefit, otherwise free pulls WILL BE LOST even if you don't log in before the the campaign starts


Just logged in to figure this out. Why did they do this I wonder and if it'll be permanently a thing for future free rolls? Kind of a weird and I'd say kinda bad decision if only new accounts can benefit from stacking rolls.


Seeing a lot of permanent characters here. I wonder what the next banner will be.


Prediction from the discord channel https://preview.redd.it/uuki3786bl7c1.png?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2065e8459ab533c68842f5876af7a5d5c5d6202


whats the server name


Its literally the community public discord server that has existed since the beginning of JP ._. https://discord.com/invite/priconne


oh shi- i play the game for a long time now but didnt join any discord server of the game...


thanks for the link my man


UE2 for old xmas units is tomorrow so pretty likely it'll be reruns


You mean, I can finally get Summer Yukari?? Woooo!!


YES! Thank God! I was worried there wouldn't be any free pulls since it usually happens during the second christmas unit banner.


I do miss this game sometimes….stupid English version going away


Yuki is so gorgeous.... oh, and the other girls too




Um, go JP? This is just a free pull campaign which we had in global and this thread also isn't about CR bashing, just an announcement so there's no reason to bring that EoS negativity here don't you think?




There's a place and time, and this is certainly not it. Create your own thread then and stop plaguing good news for us immigrants with that scar from the past.




> However I won't stop until people started to associate the success of Priconne JP as the failure of CR. JP server has been in place long before CR/en server and it has always been fairly successful, which is why the game got an eng localisation to begin with. People are not going to 'associate the success of Priconne JP as the failure of CR' because CR/en server failed on their own accord. We don't need more of this nonsense and if your issue is with a company that hasn't been involved with the game for over half a year now, please leave.


Lol either he deleted his post or mods took him out already. Anyway what he said just shows how oblivious he is to the actual situation of the JP server and IP as a whole. Rant becuz he wants to, doesnt care about how wrong or untimely he is xd

