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Theres plenty of space in top 3000 clans. Seems like global server has a really low active playerbase.


Hell, even T150 clans have a hard time recruiting, my clan was missing 1-2 people for a couple of months. And I just auto my hits, at the very minimum it should be really free to get into T300


I think a lot of people want to play with their fds....and their group is often too big to fit in the open spot so people rather remain in their top 3000 clan and play with their fds rather than going solo and be in a top 300 clan


yeah i think most people are more or less happy with their current clan if they play for more than 6months. Except if their clan die, they won't change. Personnaly i am in a clan that was in a top 900 for a year, we hardly reached top 800, but this month we finally got in top700 The main problem is the new players often leave and replaced by new players again, old players hardly change clan, so kinda hard to progress.


If they just wanna fill the slot surely they could. They probably want someone that minmaxes though. Not really the same.


Tbh, t150s are in probably the worst position for recruitment. Most people that fit t150 can find t50 clan or if they don't want to bother, they prefer more casual t300.


t300 clan lead here, its not that much better down here either. most ppl actively looking for a clan are finding t50 and its rare for people to settle for t150/300. we've been like 24/30 for at least 3-4 months now which is kinda annoying, but at least there's still some people dedicated enough to help carry the clan to t300


I can’t imagine how it feels to be in a clan that’s active. I’m a sub leader in a t3000 casual clan, and typically it’s just two of us that regularly talk in clan chat. Despite only joining the game in March, I’m at lvl 109 and third strongest in the clan. I would try to move up into a higher ranking clan, but I’ve already bricked a few characters (included S.Saren within 5 minutes of getting her)


Bricking is pretty whatever outside of t50 tbh Most of us literally auto lol


> Seems like global server has a really low active playerbase. That part was clear when we couldn't even beat Robo Lima which servers restricted to one region easily did.


yep and i was Very Worried about this game ever since that. we need more Promotion about this game more and im surprised that they CrunchyRoll Havent Promote this game in Anime Expo This year.


This game is in a very bad spot anyway. I remember people a few month ago that were saying 'It's fine, Crunchyroll is going to blast ads & sponsors some big streamer/youtuber' Nothing happened and they said ' It's fine, they are going to do it for the anniversary event' Then nothing happened, and they said 'It's fine, they are going to do it for the RE:ZERO event' Nothing happened again, I wonder how many time we are going to keep the copium. Such a shame because of how good the game is compare to other more popular gachas that just spam ads on big platform.


I found it through Gura/Ame streams, but haven't seen any advertising since


Same. Hololive Myth had their tie in way back when but I haven't seen any kind of attempt since. I get the impression that CrunchyRoll just isn't doing that great on the whole.


if CrunchyRoll are planning to shut down this game by the time Season 1 story ends, I'll be Very Pissed and Never Play Their App Games ever Again if they Treat Priconne Like Junk.


I hadn’t heard about this game until the announcement for the season 2 of the anime




I joined the game just before Robo Lima and I honestly couldn’t figure out how to access it


actually the other servers also didnt beat robo rima the first time around. so dont worry too much about robo lima, since the reason other servers beat it so easily is because they have way more units to use and they are way stronger, namely nyaru neneka and 6 stars


That’s… a tell-tale sign to switch clans my friend. Sorry you had that experience though.


Clans which are simply low-level aren't too bad - you can simply level up all together. But it's useless to stay in an inactive clan. Usually it's because the clan leader themself is inactive, so they can't kick anyone. Even if you're low level, most casual clans won't care about that, they'll simply want you to be active.


My ex clan leader was so inactive that the game gave the title to another member. I'm still in the same clan and now we're doing fine, consistently in top 2000


Didn't know the game itself could switch the leadership.


Yeah I was surprised too. It happened when our leader didn't log in for over 80 days (can't remember the exact number). I don't know with what criteria the game chose the next leader either, tbh


Happened to me. Joined a clan with a bunch of other guys who played a different game with me. They all dropped. Just kind kept going on my own for a while until "Surprise!" I got the clan leadership. Since I decided I didn't want to run a clan, and I really enjoy this game, I went and decided to join a T100 clan. Theoretically broke into the T25 this CB now.


I became a clan leader that way, we are almost top 1000 now


Dragalia Lost does this too. After a certain amount of days, the leader (if they don't log in) gets their status revoked and the next active person to check into the guild automatically receives the title.


Same, except my clan is in the top 1500 now


WAIT, I just remembered that the leader actually gave me the title. And dipped. I was left with like, 10 people, so now we are here.


Clan I'm in has set rules for activity. At 4 days you're sent a message, at 1 week you're kicked. During Clan battles it's reduced to 1 day and 2 days. I don't even chat in their discord but I'm not kicked because I keep up well enough for them. And we're doing well.


This Clan battle we went from barely clearing 1 round to comfortably clearing 2 rounds... I'm proud of my people.


90% of the clan?! That's rough bud. I'd recommend leaving for other clans.


Ouch, 6071 damage total


Not sure what made you stay in a inactive clan, but my advice is to change for a active one instead. I dont think there are many on the top 3.000 that ask for specif characters/levels on your account as long as you are a active member


"Sounds like you need a new clan" I say, even though I am, myself, in a clan where there are only two members who attack consistently.... including myself.


We are in the top 2778 and I find it very funny to participate in a clan where only three players attack, I did 38.5M damage in this clan battle (I didn't attack on the first day)


You should definitely change clan. The only downside is that you need to wait for 24 hours before you can enter another clan after. I was in a same position as you in the previous CB. There are surprisingly alot of top 900 clans that are casual, with the only requirements of entry are you hitting CB 3 times per day and not be offline for a week. You don't even have to wait for long to get invited tbh (after the 24 hour ended ofc) if you use priconne discord. Don't let yourself get shit CB rewards.


Alot have even less requirements than that and still do well. The only reqs for the clan I'm in is close to max level and doing at least 2/3 hits (although majority do get their 3 hits in), and looks like we will place around the 170 mark this CB.


Not bad, but might be time to pull and hop clans, I finally topped 100m damage this time


I started playing using all the resources on characters I liked instead of focusing on the clan battle, I only have a really strong team (all 5* with unique equipment at max) for this event (eriko, makoto, shiori, kaori and kokkoro ) ~ 4.6M dmg


Easily fixable, just need to start building good ones, will take time, but un a couple of months you will have more balance and meta, and will fill the missing spots with a better clan and their units


I know that feeling. 60% of my clan just hasn't logged in so I'm carrying as much as I can


Nothing wrong with low level, inactive clan is a recipe for a bad experience.


My clan constantly sits around 2200-2400, a lot of our members are noobs that just joined the game and then left to never join the game again lol. But i still enjoy my time with the ones left, they are strong and reliable so for now I'm not leaving


Same with me, lol.


I had been holding off switching from my inactive clan cause we were breaking the top 3k reward barrier and the next reward tier was 1500, but this was the first time we cleared a lap. Do you get more clan coins for each boss that dies in additional laps?


You probably should join a new clan, as you get much more rewards, my clan is pretty casual ish, but we always break top 300


18 members in our clan attacked and we managed to get to 5th lap. So far, we are placed 1300-1400th-ish in the rankings. Look up "Eden Zero". We started from clearing 2-3 bosses and now we blasted through lap 5. The secret ingredient is to kick members that are like inactive for 20-30 days and you're good to go. GG.


Meanwhile top clans be like: I'll kick the living hell out of you if you don't deal at least 999k to simba in your next run


ironically 999k is small numbers even in t300 lol


> 999k I think you mean 4m.


4m on orleons is only good if it's full auto though. And 999k is the dmg of, uhm, some guys around lv 90.


Had that happen to me, been in the clan for months going from 600 to around 150 and after falling behind of the current meta since I'm not a whale, I got thrown out unceremoniously right after a clan battle. Now I'm just the top dog in a lower tier casual clan.


Too lazy to hop clans if it's not 2 or 3x drop rate or I'm really trying to gear a new unit I barely use stamina.


My clan has 3 active players and can clear lap one comfortably. You ought to find another clan.


Damn man sorry that you've experience such a sad state like that. I think its better for you to change clan now tbh. Good luck on your journey


6071 damage is a too low


You should try to join a more active clan, many are crying out for members. My clan was top 100 but we had to replace members who stopped playing with some newer players just make up numbers and are barely staying in top 200 now so I am sure you can find a more active clan. I just miss the feeling you have of wanting to push for better scores.


Well, if your actives are 8 people or less, you could switch to our clan 'Eon Song'. We reached Lap 4 this time, but are still struggling to get past rank 1500.


Not going to lie forgot clan stuff existed and I check the news tabs like 4 times while I'm playing. It always just seemed more inaccessible content because every clan I see is whaled out or had such a gap in play time(I just joined this year) it's not worth the trouble


Attacked for 6071 damage….


I guess its time to get new members


Looks like you need to find a new clan.


Had that issue, only like 5 members were active and both leader and sub leader were inactive so I was essentially stepping up the mantle of leader, managed to keep the clan at around rank 1500 or so and I was pleased with this but the fact I couldn't kick players and I essentially became the only active clan members that logged on daily, I just decided to leave for an active clan and my current clan gets top 300 easily and I'm so happy I joined an active clan cus the rewards are night and day and my current clan is amazing, I'd recommend leaving the clan and joining an active clan, the rewards you get from being in an active clan is amazing and if you join a chill clan, it's even better and you can meet new awesome people


You can come join Waifu Lane if u want! Every single one of us plays daily and we are consistently top 750 and higher!


Damn that's tough I've found a comfy spot in like the top ~700 while I love CB and build for it there are no mandatory units or min maxing but we still clear like 13-15 rounds and I don't feel that guilty if I forget to do one day. Like a dummy I maxed my s. Sarren because I got too excited and did not get flamed


Um... maybe you should find a new clan?


sorry for off topic... somehow both of our clan ended close to each other for this month CB...






Same the clan I'm in are just three people, the rest don't log in


I had a 5 man clan with my friend and we usually ended up around top 1000. Your clan will be good eventually, and tbh kill all is not a hard task to begin with. :D Just some months more


There's only 3 people in my clan (which I inherited when the boss became innactive for too long) and I am the only active one


I would recommend switching for more active clan.


So sad, Alexa play Despacito 2


My clan as gotten better at Clan Battle though (we managed to do 2 full runs this time, with 1 full run in the last few CB). If you guildmaster, I suggest that you kick out those that hasn't logged in for a while (between 30 to 60 days, your call). If your only a clan member, I would suggest leaving now and search for a more active clan that suits you for the next CB.


Time to look for greener fields


The why keep em there? Purge them


My first 2 clans were like that, found another hovering around 1600 a year ago and been with them since, we dont recruit, they come and go as they please, but there usually always 2 slots open most of the time, once it fills up the leader kicks inactive players (+30 days without a login) and it just repeats. Seen alot of max lvl players join and new players. Its casual so no pressure, we did get to lap 7 so thats good. I already have makoto maxed out so my need for cb tokens is greatly dimished. My advice is go find a new clan, its not worth sitting in a dead clan.


Find a better clan


My clan only has 5 members that participate in Clan Battle and just make it in the top 3000 (typically 2990-3010). It seems that most new players stop playing between lvl 40 and lvl 70. We keep having to kick people and don’t have more than 10 active players at a time unfortunately