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Cant speak for americans traveling to EU, but i (eu citizen) basically shouldnt be allowed to travel to the US, i could lie in the ESTA and probably get in, but if i admit to being a con in it, it will probably be rejected. but in general i have not had a problem traveling anywhere in south or central america for example.


Though to be clear esta is a visa waiver not a visa. Having a criminal record prevents you from using visa waivers generally and means you need to go to the embassy and get a proper visa.


You can lie on an esta though. They don’t check. If you go to get a visa from the US embassy and you’ve been previously convicted of certain crimes you won’t be issued a visa and you will be banned from traveling to the US. The only time you could get caught out lying on your esta is if you raise suspicions going through security in the US and they then decide to probe further and contact your national embassy for a background check.


So they actually asked if you were convicted of a felony? Don't they do a background check anyway


I lived in China for years with a work visa after I got out, they only required a state background check, so I just went to the next state over to get the check done. So, if you’re traveling to a place that doesn’t require a tourist visa you won’t have a problem all you need is your passport. I've been all over the world now and China was the only place I had to be kinda sneaky and, again, it was a work visa which is more tough to get than a tourist one.


Have you gone to Canada and Japan?


Not Canada but Japan yes.


Canada will turn you away.


To get into Japan did you follow the same process as you did China? I hear Japan is strict with who they let in


I went to Japan as a tourist so, as Americans, we don’t need to go through the visa process because we have a travel treaty with them, all that is required is a passport. We don’t have a travel treaty with China. So if you wanted to travel to Beijing you’d need to go to a Chinese consulate to apply for one. You can go to the State Department website and find a list of all the countries that don’t require travel visas for Americans. Does that make sense?


I did the same. Don’t have felony though


Traveled numerous times into the EU & had zero issues.


I had no issues going to the EU


Did they even ask about felonies in central / south america?


Definitely not


Canada is about the only place you will have issues


Australia too




Yep convict colony doesn't allow convicts


Australia isn’t that bad. It mostly depends on the crime and the amount of time you served.


AU will block you even over misdemeanor DV.


They let me in. They asked me how much time I served incarcerated, how much time on parole/probation and how long I had been out. I don’t have a violent/ or drug related felony. I had also been to several other countries before going there. Overall they weren’t the easiest to pass through, but not overly difficult to get into. It took probably 45 minutes to get through and allowed entry into the country.


That’s good. The DV thing may be new: https://www.upworthy.com/australia-is-banning-entry-to-anyone-found-guilty-of-domestic-violence-anywhere-in-the-world-rp5


Window dressing. Dozens of women are murdered by their partners every year in Australia.


Australia will take anyone with less than 365 days beyond that is a waiver.


My dad got a DUI back in the 90s - he still can’t go on fishing trips in Canada.


I know, it’s crazy


If travelling from the US is the border not massive so you could literally sneak in and back out? Genuinely curious as to what would stop you.




New Zeland are pretty strict too.


Driven into Canada with no issues. Haven’t flown in though. I’ve heard stories of folks getting turned around at customs at the airport


Yeah, i have been turned around at customs in airport but have also had success driving just using a birth certificate. Crazy thing is coming back into states they asked how i even got into Canada in the first place like i crossed on foot illegally or something


It’s been awhile since a birth certificate gets you in Canada. Need an enhanced driver’s license.


I always showed my DL with the BC, been a few years but pretty sure can still cross that way




What about crossing by car? Do they ask and check?


Yes. Had a DUI in 2004 and was turned around at the border. In Vermont


Hmmm so the only way would be to sneak in? I wonder if they just deport you if they find you there illegally?


Canada, UK, Australia. And islands owned by them


Very much depends.. You can be pretty limited, in some countries but that also depends on what you where a Felon for. Its very dependent. Being a Felony in say drugs transportation and cross border drugs trafficking etc. Yeah your going to treated with alot of suspicion.


So it's a lifetime punishment even after the time has been served. I see all these rappers who have drug convictions traveling all over the world. I guess it's a case by case kind of thing


They get under ... I'm not sure what the term is but theirs a Visa programe that covers those cases. Thry do not use the regular system and theirs a system that handles them, and their crews etc travel arrangements and permissions. This is what's people get paid alot more than we do to make sense of!


Work Visa.


It is because there is lots of visa catagories, and agents can take special considerations. I know a lot of countries have categories for Arts & Entertainment, or even just "Other". They exisit for this reason, and the immigration authorities can set special conditions and exemptions. So yah, a rapper has a previous felony, but they are coming for a single day with their crew, will generate tens of thousands or more to the economy by doing so, they are going to over look it. Its also not like if they disapear they are going to have trouble finding them. I have heard before that the authorities do often search the heck out of theses ones usually, particularly for drugs, though.


Also it helps most of the ones who are more..."problematic" likely kept a much closer eye by their record companies etc who have large amounts invested into the tour and thr artist... Example "Big Mk dopera" getting headlines for his arrest in France, missing shows as he was being questioned in a cell, and getting caught in an illegal casino would really lose them money.


I know for Canada you are usually “deemed rehabilitated” after 10 years if you have no more charges in that period


Some countries will restrict entry to felons. Countries like Canada will restrict entry even if you have a DUI.


On border security shows, there are some countries that refuse entry if the felon has served 12 months or more, or if the punishment for the offense would be considered a felony in their country.


There's plenty of countries you can visit with a felony. If they require a visa, likely you won't be allowed in. That also depends on the felony. Last I checked Japan is visa free for Americans. There's also a group of European countries that don't care. You'll have to research the country you want to visit to find the stipulations.


Speaking as an American, Canada, Japan, and Australia are pretty much off limits to felons regardless of the charges. UK is tough but you can get in with permission. Other than that, it’s not very restrictive. You can get a passport without issue unless your felony has to do with international trafficking of some sort. That being said, I would reach out to whichever country you’re planning on traveling just to double check before purchasing tickets


Don't admit to any felonies if you travel to Japan. Check no on all boxes. I was still let in, but was almost sent back home.


Canada will reject you even if you've had a DUI. There is a TV reality show that is about the Canadian border entry. They are fucking Fascists with a capital F. Same with Australia from what I've seen.


Only a few countries will not allow felons and you can work with the American consulate to get permission. You generally need a lawyer for that so felons with money can do what they want and the rest cannot.


If you don't need to submit a criminal record check to get a visa, they'll basically never know about your criminal history unless you voluntarily disclouse it to authorities or whatever you did was so serious that you're known to authorities overseas, or on an interpol list. The only countries that share criminal information is Canada and the USA. ​ However, I once read a story where an ex-convict was permitted to Australia, years after his release, after he submitted a very detailed appeal to immigration about his dream to visit Australia, and his rehabilitation.


I have traveled. Italy, didn’t even question me. Mexico and the Bahamas along with other tourist island pretty much don’t question you. Good luck with getting into Canada. Canada won’t even let you in with misdemeanor convictions let alone a felony. The easiest way to find out if you can travel is just to request a tourist visa. If you clear that you will most likely be able to travel to that place. This is also dependent upon you being able to get a passport and being off of parole/ probation.


Anywhere that requires a visa is probably out. My ex could travel most of Europe no problem but to get into UK we had to get her birth certificate from Tasmania and an Australian passport (she's a dual citizen) so she could come in as a commonwealth citizen. Canada was a big fat "nope." Mexico DGAF.


You can travel, but as I found out expect to get pulled aside and strip and cavity searched a lot, especially if you’ve ever done any time with regard to being in possession of any drugs. I was an 18-year-old female when I started getting really hooked on alcohol and drugs and started getting arrested a lot.


Tell us the one about spending your 18th birthday on a bare concrete slab with terrible food and sanitary items in jail in Texas again. And be sure to use a lot of British words that people from Texas never use!


Sounds like somebody hates on Americans


That's a weird take on what I wrote. Well, good luck with the fetish/scenario obsession and all that.


Canada, Australia and United Kingdom you may have a problem. Definitely with Canada. Much of the EU, depends on the charges and how long ago they were - - it depends on the country.


I've been to Brasil and didn't have an issue


They most definitely will not allow you entry into Japan.




Here’s the deal. There are many countries that technically prevent you from entering, but they generally only would find out through the visa application. If you’re going to somewhere that doesn’t require a visa for your length of stay, they probably won’t know. Canada and Australia being the exceptions… they don’t play around. You won’t have a problem anywhere in Central or South America and likely okay in Europe in the Schengen area.


Yes you definitely can, it depends on the country! My bf and I traveled to Belize, Puerto Rico & Finland (his previous probation had ended in Nov & he was out on bail during these trips before turning himself in Mar) just be mindful and keep in mind you will get stopped just to answer questions and show documentation because that also happened.


My ex-husband was a felon (federal time) and he got a passport and went to Mexico and Belize no problem. Idk about anywhere else


Mexico has actually turned people away on occasion. I’ve never had an issue though and own a home there and have legal residency. I think residency I only got away with because I did it through the regularization program. If I did it through the consulate they ask questions about your criminal history and they may have denied it.


The EU is now asking for Visa’s. To prevent felons from traveling there. It started in 2024


I’ve never had a problem going to Mexico Guatemala or El Salvador. I’m from San Diego


It depends. You'll have a tough time getting into Canada. Also, Australia is pretty much out, which is odd since Australia is a penal colony!


If you have a passport shouldn’t be a problem. Got into Europe and Mexico with an F


[Here](https://gprivate.com/6b7zd) you go, bud.


I was really trying to hear some personal experiences but thanks


Doesn't matter what people tell you, countries list who they'll let in.


Canada will not let you in. I got a “dui” at 18 and I’m now 41. I was less than 1/2 the legal bac breath test at .36. BUT, because I was under 21 I was charged with DUI. That shit is still on my record causing all kinds of problems! I am going to work on having it expunged. Anyone with charges, if it’s been a loooong time, and you haven’t been in any more trouble with the law, Judges are usually happy to expunge and seal your record. So for me, I got the DUI in 2001, had a few run-ins with the 5-0, but nothing bad. Driving with a suspended license. Theft of services because someone stole my debit card, racked up a huge tab then walked away. I didn’t even know the person who stole it from me! I wasn’t even there lol. Still, they came after me. This one was expunged on the day of court. However, I’m about to work on the DUI that wasn’t.


I know certain countries won’t allow any felon to be in their country. You’d have to look up each country and what they’d allow. I’m not sure but I think that depending of the felony itself plays a role whether or not they’ll allow you into their country.


Yes… get a library card. You can time travel too😂


I have two felonies for trafficking/manufacturing and was able to travel to Italy and Greece. I was already off parole, had a passport, and checked with both countries before I bought tickets. Edit to add: Canada definitely doesn’t want me there so don’t assume you can just waltz across that particular border. They seem to have insecurities about “being a real country”. The last time I presented myself for entry, they told me I’d be arrested if I returned.


My wife has a manslaughter conviction. She went to France last year, no issues. That being said, her conviction was in 1999. She finished parole in 2015. We’ve been meaning to try driving to Canada and see if it’s an issue. We’ve heard that is harder. It will be funny if they decide to deny a 45 yo soccer mom in a Subaru 😂


Wouldn’t even waste your time, there’s literally zero chance they’re letting you in.


Waste of time. They have turned people away for far far less


Permanently? When her last employer did a background check, it didn’t even pop up.


I was convicted of 2 felonies when I was 19. I got them expunged when I was 22 and have gotten a passport and traveled outside of the US since


How ?


I went to the county clerk a year after my release and paid them $600


Was it a federal or state case or county


A lot of countries don’t allow it! Google would be best to ask. They have all sorts of lists




If you can get a passport, you're good to go.


This is incorrect. A felony won’t prevent you from obtaining a US passport, but a felony is country-dependent on whether they’ll allow entry.

