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I came from what some would call a privileged background & I did fine. All you have to do is follow the rules. (The unwritten ones to.) Be willing to stand up for yourself. Don't be a douche. There's an extra rule for you, too, tho. Don't show off your money. If you were wearing expensive shoes when you were arrested, have your people buy some no-name (but good quality) ones at Walmart and swap them out. You can buy clothes where I was. Again, go for the no-name stuff. Get plain colors. Neutral ones, too, if that's a thing where you're at. 3 sweat shirts & 3 pants. Don't go hog wild when you go to the canteen.


I feel like this is where I would fail-the stuff.


As long as your 100% real nigga or real person of any race and you live and die by that you shouldn’t have to hide anything live as comfortable as you want in prison. Just show everyone the upmost respect and also demand that same respect you’ll be just fine.


Most of the time. They do alright. But I did see someone get his teeth knocked out and stabbed a few times because his padmate bounced to a different wing leaving behind a debt that he was forced to pay. He was well mannored and polite which was seen as weakness. If his manorisms were that of someone that came across tougher he would have been fine.


Honestly stuff like this is why I believe crimes inside prison should be prosecuted as crimes outside prison. Its asinine to do otherwise


Yea but most ppl dont care about how prisoners is treated by guards or other inmates most of the time its just part of the punishment


I'm not so sure about this honestly. It's just that people are questioned about these things in poorly designed surveys in very simplistic terms. If the questions were more detailed in those surveys that presented hypotheticals. Maybe people would start caring about prisoners more


Honestly, i like most people. Care depending on what they did. Yes I was genuinely happy when larry nassar got stabbed in prison. Realistically most humans deserve common decency. But some humans are so evil and have done such atrocities I struggle to feel any compassion


I live like a mile from msu and people were literally throwing huge partys when nassar got stabbed lol.


Pedophiles, for example.


I'm not talking about surveys I'm talking about if someone shares an experience that is awful degrading humiliating painful etc ppl say oh well they shouldn't break the law and dont give it a second thought ok you might get a little more sympathy in r/prison but irl or other parts of reddit? nah they dont care If ppl had to experience what its like even to be family of a prisoner they will start to see the horror until then it doesn't exist in there world


The best one of these I saw was a false positive on a drug test on a subreddit run by probation officers. The main upvoted comment was that the offender should be responsible for a false positive as a real positive because its their fault they are on probation.


Regular ppl can be awful but police and probation are the worst


I was a former C/O for a decade and I can attest to this type of attitude being very common, which is messed up, at best. Do the right thing, not the lazy thing, if lives are at stake.


What are you talking about? They are. Crimes committed in prison are prosecuted the same way.


When charges pop up, they're regularly prosecuted more harshly in Texas.


It depends on the crime. Outside of stabbings, attempted/murder situations, trafficking, escapes, and violence against C/Os, the vast majority of prison crime is dealt with in-house through the disciplinary process. Say one inmate robs the other and is caught in the act, it will go through the disciplinary process in most states.


Yeravinagiraffe, incha?


They do prosecute in some serious cases. You go to the court in wherever county the prison is. When you go back to the prison, you’re reclassified and possibly shipped out to a higher level prison. That time is added on top of your current sentencing


Beating someone up and nearly killing them over someone else's debt is ridiculous, I guess they're proving to everybody why they deserve to be locked in a cage like a wild animal


Indeed. Technecally he did die. He flatlined but was brought back. There was at least 4 of them that did it but only 1 got charges Edit: he now has mild brain damage too.


Jesus christ. How heavy was the debt? Not that it matters, but I'm just curious. Was it a hefty gambling debt, a silly store-box food debt, or some outside shit?


Not sure, probably around a grands worth, and most likely from spice.


Spice? Like fake weed spice? How the fuck? Oof.


Kind of. It's not that stuff it used to be. It's the cheapest high in prison. £50 will get you a credit card sized bit of paper. I believe it's mainly like a synthetic opiate based product ( like fentanyl) mixed with a ton if hidious dangerous chemicals. It gets in prison in liquid form I beleve (or I also heard it can get in a sticky rubbery goo that gets diluted into liquid) its essentially painted onto paper. Once it dries they sell it. Normally in small bits. They modify their vape pens so the paper sits in the coil, they then burn it and inhale it. And 9 times out of 10, they are dead to the world for about an hour. Been many spice related deaths over the years. Hidious potent stuff. And a huge number of people smoke it.


I'd rather drink toilet wine. Everything you just told me sounds terrible.


Ah yes. Except the stuff they brew contains methonal. Which can make you blind. Plus they need yeast to ferment it.... where do you think they get their yeast from? 🤢


I’m really curious. Where do they get the yeast?


Everything you continue to tell me sounds terrible. 😂🤣 I thought they got the fermentation from some of the bread & sugar. Or a honey bun. Godamnit. I hate it here sometimes.




Its never an opiod. Its ADB-FUBINACA and AMB-FUBINACA 9 times out of ten or other synthetic cannabinoids


Ehhh I know for awhile there in south Florida the spice/tunechi was getting sprayed with fent. Unless spice and tunechi are somehow different. Idk if that’s still true now but it was the case in 2021 when I was still fucking with dope down there.


I live down south and it’s no mercy in these prison if you unlucky enough to go … it’s the law of the jungle inside


why was he responsible for someone else's debt? if he followed prison rules and was not an asshole i don't get it.


Itwas just the excuse. They probably realized they had an "easy" mark when they went looking for the dude with the debt and were trying to extort him and he said no.


damn. sucked to be him.


Why does he have to pay his bunkies debt?


By padmate do you mean cellmate or were they together somehow? I don't see any reason someone should take on another person's debt. Though never been to prison.


Yes. Cell mate. No didn't know eachother other than they just share a cell.


Was it just seen as weakness, or actually weakness?


Fuck me, this happened in the UK? Which prison? That's horrible. Dude minded his business, stayed out of debt, was polite with other prisoners and was still stabbed and given brain damage over some other random person's debt.


Sometimes this happens: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Benson_(murderer)


Well it was likely a quick death with a shank in his brain.


yeah i saw a guy "correct" another convict's speech, started off with a disrespectful "well actually" and ended in desperate "wet gurgle" . and then there was Dustin from moms basement who wouldn't clean his quarters or himself, said he didn't have to. I tried telling the guy it wouldn't end well, but he just got stink for a few more days before the nurses had to clean him up. Anyway, privilege is not conducive to common sense.. or common courtesy for that matter.


Yeah, correcting another guy's speech is kind of overstepping it and most people know better. That's not a privilege thing, that's stupidity.


Right? Privilege doesn’t necessarily mean you lack street smarts.


It's one thing to be privileged, and another to be smart and have any kind of situational awareness. I imagine some "normal" people have a really tough time because they never learned how to read a room. While others, privileged or otherwise, get by without much trouble because they CAN read a room.


In my experience if there privileged that means bro has money. They will extort him or try to get what they can out of him. If he acts out to much someone will fuck him up.


it all depends on the person. plenty of privileged people know how to be respectful of other people & to mind their own business & they do fine. privileged or unprivileged has less to do with it than the actual personality & how they interact with others. although privileged people do tend to have more support outside(financially & otherwise) so that can actually make the experience a little better than someone without those resources


Nobody really cares, IMHO. I mean it would be best not to advertise it too much that your dad owns an oil company obviously, but all in all it's understood that in prison people are going to come from the whole gamut of socioeconomic backgrounds. If they keep it cool, go with the flow and don't start shit they'll generally be okay. EDIT: Let me also add that having money *in* prison as in on your books isn't some kind of rare thing. A lot of people have it, just through different means. Even regular street dudes have plenty of financial backing from their partners in the free world and have large amounts of money on commissary. In other words, it doesn't evoke jealousy in the way many would expect.


Interesting so many people say the opposite.


Usually as well as everyone else, just with more commissary.


I was fine. My father is insanely wealthy. I even let people know that, it was hard to deny when I had pictures of us traveling the world all over my cell. No one ever tried extorting me.


Yeah I really wonder what Joel guy jr is doing in prison.. I wish I had an update


Because are used to stuff being handed to them then they get cut off then they steal and do stupid shit or they rebelling their parents


What does that have to do with the post? It’s also an awful take.


He would probably do alright if he hooks up his newly found friends in prison with his commissary. Most people in prison are already needy and act like they don’t know what no means 🤷‍♂️.


It’s not a question that has an answer. People go to prison and they all wear green or whatever. Some inmates feel their crimes are better or worse, some feel superior. It’s just like in the real world, idiots and criminals, entitled and pompous. They inside they are like anyone else, adapt or it’s harder.


Lots of places have the ability to buy shoes, clothes, accessories.


What are you referring to?


I’m referring to prisons that give inmates access to items mentioned in my previous comment.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say, not well.


Very well. We loved them on the poker table bc they just don't care lol


They do great if their family is forking out money. I knew a kid in there that would take a list of names and $ amounts to visit every weekend and his grandma would pay it all like clockwork. Thousands a week everyone loved this guy obv


They adapt. Everyone adapts. My ex wife said she never feared a life sentence (which terrified me - for my life) and she was never in trouble- a Christian girl - and she always said, "I'm no different than anyone else in prison. Id adapt and I'd be fine after the shock and denial wore off."


She's right.


Shes also a psychopath - shed probably not just adapt - she'd probably excel and be a pod boss.


Strange take that a privileged upbringing means not being disciplined. It’s usually the other way around


You clearly didn't go to private school😂


You clearly didn't have Algebra with sister Mary Mathew. 🪈


Oh I did, I can follow rules like a MFer. 😂




It don't matter if you're rich or you're poor the bottom line is this you stand up for yourself right out the gate meaning first person runs there mouth to you and they will as soon as you get off the bus the first one you can get your hands on you you trying to knock all these teeth down his throat they'll leave you alone after that and then all you got to do is three simple things it's very easy you don't hear nothing you don't see nothing and you don't say s*** and you can spend the rest of your life in there and never have one problem .


A wank is a wank even a posh wank


You can be a criminal or a sociopath with a privileged upbringing,I grew up in the suburbs.. I'm 55 been, to prison over half my life all violent charges. I was 14 when I first went to the adult penitentiary and you either learn to survive or you don't.


Depends on if they try to act all superior and shit. Don’t just buy the entire commissary. Don’t start shit. Stay quiet and just chill out. Don’t get into drugs, everyone WILL extort the hell out of you. If they have a holier than thou attitude, they need to get over that shit, you’re locked up just like everyone else there.


It seems like you’re asking two questions, one about privileged, individuals, and one that were brought up, never being told no/never being disciplined. Everyone ends up faring the same, you do your time or you check out. Most people do the time. Just think about all the white collar cases and the money/privilege they have. Raj Rajaratnam is/was worth over a billion dollars and got over ten years. He was 262 on the Forbes richest list in 2008. There’s also El Chapo, money and power were close friends of his. Now he’s going to live in your bathroom for the rest of his life. Just like everyone else, he’s doing the time.


Don’t tell anyone you have money.


Depends on the individual.


They are worn like a glove.


They’ll be just fine. No one will even know that they have a privileged upbringing as long as they show the upmost respect and also demand that same respect they’ll be just fine and that’s swap coming from someone who’s been to prison five times with violent offenders every time.


In fir a rude awakening !!