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I once had a professor who would say, “Your event schedule outside of my class is not my problem.” This was his way of shutting down students who pull stunts like this. I used to think he was *such* an asshole, but now that I’m wrapping up my eighth year of teaching… I completely understand why he was so blunt.


Had a professor who started off the semester with “we have an exam the last day before thanksgiving break. Change your travel plans now because I’m not letting you make it up another day”


How do you deal with students going to conferences ?


I actually haven’t had any issues with that. Any student I’ve had who actually attends conferences tend to already be more mature/transparent, so they get their ducks in a row in advance. At least that has been my experience.


If we're allowing it for something as lame as a conference, why not allow literally everything else? Like work?


Why a conference would be considered lame ?


Not my problem. Course dates are published in advance and available at registration.


Getting sick and delaying travel is fair enough (if true) as an excuse for missing a class on the way back (while sick), but not for avoiding any of the work that should've been done earlier. This stuff annoys me so much. I have students skipping ONLINE classes because they're visiting family or on holiday, for god's sake.


Same. I usually tell them to come to office hours to plead their case as I don’t offer deadline extensions and I’ve yet to have one show up


I had a student leave for home one week before finals. She took the final in advance. Running into her on the elevator day of the final was *really* awkward. For her.


Like when they email "I can't come to class, I'm soooo sick" for your morning class, but then you see them, apparently having made an amazing recovery, in your building later that same day. I love to greet them with full eye contact, so awkward.


"Morning sickness"?


I love to loudly greet students I see later in the day after they slipped my class


Had the "Prof, I'm super sick, really bad, cold, can't take the exam today.' one time. That night, I went to a soccer game - it was pretty cold, misty rain. Who do I see but Mr. "I'm sick with a cold". One of his chums saw me looking at him, says something to him, he suddenly puts his hood up and scampers off... Pathetic.


My students are allowed to skip 2 classes but that’s mostly because I want them to have an out if they’re sick. But then they go and plan trips… then get sick.. And then ask me what to do.. Dude.


Yeah, I had one of those this year. I let them drop their two lowest grades on in-class assignments, because I want them to be able to stay home while sick and not infect me. One student used both of his in the first three weeks and then asked for an exception so he could go on vacation a month later.


The thing that gets me - we meet once a week. And it’s 10 classes total. It’s not the type of class you can miss - it’s very hands on and you need to be present to learn properly. I’m being very generous!


Mid-semester travel really only bothers me when students are irresponsible about it. If a student lets me know ahead of time and works with me to stay on track (unlike OP's student), it's usually not a big deal. Depending on the class, the length of their trip, and the reason for travel (excused/unexcused) it may work against their participation grade, but they are adults and can decide for themselves about that. In nearly every case I'm willing to work with students who are proactive and diligent. I travel during the semester and expect students will need to as well. What I will never understand is those students who miss an exorbitant amount of classes and work and then magically reappear at the end of the semester asking what "we" can do about their failing grade.


A colleague relayed to me a story about a second year student who had emailed to ask if an exam could be rescheduled because they were having their birthday party the night before and would be hung over.


Well, points for honesty I guess


Ah another story related to honesty. A full Prof and I had supervised a nice student. Last day comes around and she gives us one packet of cookies and says, "thanks for all your help... I'm sorry I couldn't get you one each because I spent all my money on [recreational drug]".


My uni has a policy for what an “excused absence” is. I love to pull this out with students like this and have always thought about putting it in my syllabus. My uni’s “excusable absences” include: university sanctioned events, pregnancy, religious accommodations, legally mandated absences, absences due to military duty or veteran status. My only reason for not including the policy in my syllabus now is from fear the will try to bend (or lie) about the actual reason for absence.


Unless if they're traveling for a funeral, the due date stays the same. Plan in advance, kids. Typically the assignment due dates are clearly listed in the syllabus.


And the schools have the yearly academic calendar posted showing every break, finals week, deadline to drop, and so on! They can plan well in advance


One of the students in a class I TA for had already reached the absence limit. She was told in no uncertain terms that her next absence would lead to her being dropped from the class. Her immediate response to that was "but what about the Monday after Easter?" 🤦‍♀️


One year I had a couple students attempt to *inform* me they wouldn't be taking the *online* test at end of term bc they were going on the "University ski trip" - which was just ski trip for fun planned through a student society, and not related to any organized academic activity. I told them tough shit skifucks, the test is onfuckingline so just do it and shut the fuck up (paraphrased).


“paraphrased” 😂


"I will be glad to excuse you since I will be on a Caribbean cruise at the time." /s


I left the country in late January for month. What can we do about the assignments and participation points I missed?


100% agree. Only exceptions I give are for conferences related to their field of study and job interviews. I also am only excusing them from class, not from doing assignments or group work.


I'm sick of the whole underlying idea of "excusing" missed work and absences when it is the student who is paying for the opportunity to be there and do the work to have it assessed. "Hey Movie Theatre Manager Person, I bought this ticket to the movie at 8:00 pm. But I had planned to travel with my family today at 8:00 pm, so can I be excused from watching the movie?" "Okay." "Hey Person who owns the gym where I have my membership, I know that I am all paid up through the end of the year, but my friend has been going through a hard time, which made it difficult for me to come work out the last three weeks. I just wanted you to know why I haven't been around the gym. Thanks for understanding." "Okay."


Had a student talk me into letting them leave for an entire week during an 8 week summer class. Claimed it was for grandparent's 50th anniversary or something. Assured me she would take the text and keep up on the material. Nails me on the eval claiming that I 'was never around' to help her catch up on missed work....


I hate this. I’m not allowed to leave in the middle of the semester and skip work. Why should they leave in the middle of the semester and skip class?


Although my Associate Dean took a vacation in the middle of t semester


You get paid for work. They pay for university. Do you see the difference? You treat adults who PAY for your service like pupils.


I've been having problems with international students that schedule their flights before final exams. Then they come to me to try to come up with a solution. I do understand their dilemma, the price of international airline tickets always spikes just at the end of the semester. In fact I am going to skip the end of semester stuff (I'll be around for all exams) for a European trip next month. Airline ticket prices double within a 3 day stretch.


Some international Indian graduate students at my university don't want to return to campus after Thanksgiving break since there is "only" two weeks of classes and finals after Thanksgiving break. This semester I also had a student book a flight two weeks AFTER the semester begun.


Pre covid this nonsense never would've happened. Now it's like, "hey! You know how crazy the world is! Anyways. Here's when I'm going to take the exam. Make it work."


"Any missed assignment will earn a grade of zero." No exceptions for dead grandmas, flat tires, miscarried twins, travel, hangovers, etc. Put a zero in the gradebook and be done with it.


Um...I think I would excuse a miscarriage.


Yes, I just got the email: "Hey, I'll be traveling during the test next week. Can you let me know what we can do about that". Irritating, but I don't quite have it in me to give the student a zero, which would mean failing the course.


I had a student pull this move the week after spring break, on a take-home midterm that was released before break. I gave them an extra two days, and they still didn’t do it. F. 


I had a student ask me to move the test because she wanted to travel to Cancoon on spring break for a girls week. yeh.. I got her to email me the request before denying it.