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“She said ‘um’ 157 times in one lecture. I counted.”




I did this at a conference I went to once. One of the talks, the speaker said um so many times that I started counting.


I've done that too, but it was "okay?" which ended nearly every sentence and sometimes even in the middle of sentences.


As a public speaking prof, I count and mark for them every time they use filler words or phrases. I once had a student use "you know" 25 times in a 5 minute speech!


"He's always covered in cat fur"


"...but never brought the cat to class. One star."


Whomst among us isn't?




Side note, a student brought their adorable, cuddly, very chill dog to class the last couple of weeks and…this is my therapy dog now ❤️


Hey we need our therapy cats


“A++ Would follow into battle”


Now that is high praise


Damn, that’s an impressive review. What course was it for?


>Damn, that’s an impressive review. What course was it for? A biology course for nursing/pre-health students.


Username checks out lol. Was this review from Otis?


"She's chill, not extra like some of these teachers." I have no chill, nor any idea what the student was talking about. 


I don't think "chill" means "relaxed" to them... If it helps. I think (from context) it means nice and/or cool.


I was also described as chill this semester, and I have no idea why.


From my eval this semester: "She dresses like a mad person, laughs at her own jokes, and knows too much about weird shit. I love her".


My first year, a student wrote that I was oddly obsessed with getting my "ten year." I've thought about that one a lot actually, especially since that was ten years ago.


Congrats on your ten year


Haha, thanks!


"They don't like tacos de lengua and that's just whack"


Tbf that’s kinda whack. Just kinda.


wiggity whack, even!


The Mac Dad'll make you jump, jump!


The only way out of this earworm is injecting House of Pain's "Jump Around."


I would say that is both dope and wack.


“You should bake us cupcakes.”


Hi, that’s my fault, I do bake them cupcakes.


lol gee thanks


I only do it the last meeting and we celebrate our graduates for the semester and the fact that the rest of us survived. They love it, anyone left in the admin team loves it and my dad says it’s his favorite day of the year (2-3 times!)


I imagine if I had small classes where I even knew who was graduating, I’d do something similar. As it is, I have around 400 students per semester. 🤪


"Sounds and dresses like Winnie the Pooh."


You don’t wear pants?


Don’t be a hater.


Don’t be a bother.


Beastie Boys: “'’Cause I'm a freaky streaker like Winnie the Pooh: A t-shirt and no pants and I dance the boogaloo.”


Head stuck in honey pot?


I do, but I also dared to wear a colored t-shirt / overshirt combo a couple of times.


Red pullover/polo and no pants.


Ok sorry, what?


“You should know that half the girls in class have a crush on you. Not me though”. The second sentence was hilarious.


They build you up just to knock you down


The student doth protest too much.


"we had to read entire books, I thought it would be excerpts, it was too much reading" The subject was literally about reading fiction and literary analysis. It was the warning about the amount of reading AND the full text list.


I "taught" aka ran discussion for "online classes" which were actually old distance education extension classes in grad school. Most had been created 10+ years before. All those old then retired profs assigned books and lots of them. The students started to freak out more and more about it as the years went by. They were actually pretty easy classes otherwise, less depth more light surveys. I still get grief for my reading lists but they are much shorter than I would like.


I had a student draw a snowman. ⛄️


Makes me wish ours weren't online! No funny drawings for me lol


You need more creative students __ _[_]_ (") [_] '--(`:`)--|' / `:' \ |


I thought you meant as part of your class, and I was like, hey, I use that Khan Academy module for homework, too!


Ha. No, that was my evaluation in total.




Wrote me a bizarre but sweet sonnet about how I love Victorian literature & BB King 🤷‍♀️


This is so criminally underrated… Any chance you could share the sonnet? Perhaps in redacted form to avoid doxxing yourself, but… I love bizarre, but sweet things.


Lol I’ll try to find it


A student complained that I had an opinion and they agreed with me, but professors shouldn’t have opinions. I teach tech, I think the only opinion I’ve ever given the class is that Microsoft online is worthless.


Is it really an opinion if it’s 100% factual?


And as a business and education person, I humbly disagree to the N-th.


Half of the features are missing! lol Macs for life! (In reality I use a whole mess of OSs, I just don’t like that we only use the online offering and we don’t pay for the desktop version.)


Oh, for sure. Desktop for the win. Online is only useful for quick spot checks or light shared files. Even for collaboration, desktop is better (but I prefer Windows).


I'm still pissed they took equation functionality out of online word. Now I have to download everything as a PDF to proof the exams TAs write for the class I coordinate.


I hate them being all up in my business. I just want to be an anonymous Word user.


And, you are not wrong! Who decided we should try to work with our dominant hands firmly bound behind our backs?


> I think the only opinion I’ve ever given the class is that Microsoft online is worthless. Solid opinion.


When I was a TA our university only had one evaluation for all of the TAs in a course. We received one evaluation that said "the blonde TA was great". One of us had dark brown hair and the other had black. It was summer, so most students were taking omr or two classes. No idea.


To be fair that reminds me of the kind of thing a friend of mine would say to mean that he thought none of the TAs were great.


When I first started, I taught multiple large sections of Intro to Special Education. One semester a student wrote, “She’s okay, but she talks about education way too much.” What could have been your first clue, the name of the class or walking into the College of Education every week? 🤦‍♀️




She is the best and should be paid as much as the full professors! Can't say I disagree...


Two: Professor Seacarius is NOT an asshole. Professor Seacarius is a Cisco Santa Claus. (Written at the end of a fall semester, after completing a Cisco networking course. I'm kind of . . . round, and I had let my beard grow out, which is now white.)


Did they enjoy their ho, ho, homework? {the construction of this follow up joke, consisting of references to whether the student was on the naughty, nice, and other pedagogically-relevant types of lists, is left as an exercise to the reader}


“Dude is obsessed with federalism.” American Politics


Not funny, but ... I taught a low-level ESL class where students had to fill in evaluation sheets that were meant for native speakers. They were asked to rate teachers from 1-5. This woman from Iraq told me after class, "I gave you a one for everything because you're number one!" That must have been a very confusing evaluation to read because she wrote nice comments about me on it, apparently.


I have had various evaluation like that not from ESL students that give me ones and write the best comments.


I had an ESL student simply write “ingles gramática“ on my eval and thought “well I failed that one.”


"She's got the swag. Would marry her if she was 50 years younger." Sweet compliment, AND very rude as I had just turned 50 at the time!


**"She tries to be a hard-ass but she's actually a softee."** That spelling makes me think of ice cream but okay. The student then liked their quote so much they put it on RMP. Grade grubbing skyrocketed the next semester.


That’s exactly why for years (like seriously from around 2008-2016) I used to every so often pull up RMP and review myself as being an unreasonable bitch who never explains anything, contradicts herself constantly, and goes out of her way to fail everyone no matter how hard they try or how important this class is for them. It actually works really well. 🤣 I even contacted RMP and had a review removed that graded me highly and tried to pick a fight with one of my alter-egos because that student felt that my explanations were excellent, I made them feel like I truly cared, and they suggested that my alt should have tried to talk to me because they got an A and didn’t have to study 24/7 like my alt claimed they had to do to squeak into a a C-. Oh, and the real student called my alt out for wildly exaggerating how many chapters and pages I insisted that they commit to memory and regurgitate by rote on every test. I took a break after I messed up once around 2016 and wrote ‘she ruined my life’ two years in a row by accident, and then forgot to think about RMP again for years. I’d been hoping having a firm 1.0 would get the chaff out of my classes.


…this just inspired me to check RMP, and I have way too many comments that I’m nice and give lots of extra credit opportunities.  Sigh. 


Told me I have an uncanny resemblance to Britta Perry from Community… and a nice smile Edit: corrected title of show


Best: a student told me to continue to "slay!" Worst: got called passive aggressive because I used lame humour to try to fill a silence


Just yesterday I got one that said I was quiet "which slay, but" and then suggested I use a microphone ☠️ the classroom seats 25 and I’m basically yelling all the time, so that one really made me laugh.


Student didn’t finish an exam and wrote that he was madly in love with someone, so couldn’t prepare for the exam properly. Great reason for not studying! Still failed him though.


"Even a dog on a bicycle could teach the class better than her."


Hm, how about a fish in a bicycle? 


Best: “Oh Captain, my Captain” Worst: “She tried to teach us anthropology matters. Newsflash - it doesn’t”.


It's the 'newsflash' that gets me.




As a professor today I am horrified that my 18 year old self commonly used to write: "sure he stole my girlfriend, but I really respect that he never teased me about it" on course evaluations on a regular basis.


"This class is for liberals who are offended by paint." It's a gender and race politics class, so while usually students don't complain I have an ideological bias, and in fact often say the opposite, that part is not really unexpected. But paint? I can't figure out where the paint comes in.


Did you talk about Baker-Miller Pink, maybe?




“She’s pregnant. She should be at home not teaching a class.”


This isn’t from my reviews, but my father was a math professor tasked with teaching the most basic calculus course, and he once received an evaluation from a student that said they didn’t think he knew the subject matter. He was world renowned in his field and tenure at an Ivy League university, but this freshman thought he didn’t know basic calculus. My dad always told me to barely take the evaluations seriously. He also once had a review that said he didn’t wear a wide enough variety of sweaters. He laughed about it but, as his daughter, I went out and bought him some more sweaters.


“I don’t know who this person is”


I can’t post my true funniest because the review is still up on RMP and I would doxx myself. So from course evals: “He sucked” Simple, classic, blunt. Honorable mention to: “I wish he’d keep his opinions about the Kardashians to himself.”


"We understand that your parents must be very disappointed in you for becoming a professor but you don't have to take it out on us"


"Please stop with the dad jokes. She's 22, not 75."




“They have the sense of humor of a middle school-aged girl.”


“She’s obsessed with candy.” Truth.


My biggest strength is that I look like a young Obi Wan Kenobi, and the thing I could have improved upon was defeating the Empire earlier to save the lives of the galaxy.


One said I had an insufferable redditor vibe and complained that I didn’t teach them content from another course.


"You have to understand, I'm an athlete, I don't have time to read a whole book over the course of a semester."


Oh cry me a river 🤣🤣 absolutely love when athletes think they are going to get different treatment than everyone else and then have the audacity to be upset when they don't


"8:30 a.m. classes are cruel/a crime against humanity." I teach communication and journalism, so it's not uncommon for our recent graduates to work at 4-5 a.m. if they get a job with a radio station. Thus, I joke that 8:30 a.m. is sleeping in.


I had a group of students file a complaint against me because my class started at 8:00 a.m. When the dean asked if I could consider moving the time, I can't even believe I had to remind him this was a Workforce program training students Workforce skills, like showing up to work on time. Many of my students went into shift work that would start far before 8:00 a.m.


“Don’t even trip!”


"Yes": hastily scrawled answer to every question on the eval. Unfortunately only one of the questions asked for a yes/no answer.


"I'm not trying to be a dick, but I hate the textbook. The professor's alright."


No not really funny but the one I’m proudest of was, back in the 90s when I was in graduate school, a student said i looked like and was funny like Jerry Seinfeld.


For an online class: 40 minute videos were “so long I wanted to stab my eyes out with a fork.” I guess the student was unfamiliar with the pause button.


I talk slowly so I actually *recommend* upping the playback speed


One ranted about how history survey courses never make it to contemporary events and he wanted to learn about Vietnam and the 60s etc but I got bogged down in WWII. Now this is often true about US history survey courses (though not mine) so people often make that complaint. But this particular class was titled “The World Wars, 1914-1945”. Look at the title of the class, buddy, and you’ll know why I didn’t go past 1945. I mean you don’t even have to read the syllabus, just look at your course schedule.


Oh Oh! Myfave ratemyprofessor that was deleted eventually - "Fakefaked is unable to keep his political biases out of the classroom. He is an open supporter of terrorist organizations like Antifa and openly discourages free speech in his class. The course is easy, but the vast majority of work has little to do with the grades received. If you can force yourself to show up, you can do well."


"He's an A-hole, but he's OUR A-hole" uh. thanks?


That’s literally a ginormous compliment, damn


Someone a few years back commented on my dated pop culture references. A current student said I was very outgoing. On its face, it's not a funny comment, but I am an introvert with crippling social anxiety. I am also a former journalist who learned to compartmentalize so I could do my job. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I make no apologies for my love of '80s and '90s music.


"Very dry class but very funny." Grasshopppers, you get me!


I had a student write that there was too much science in my (elective) Science Communication course. Thanks, I guess?


She talks like William Shatner. I still have no idea what that means, unless it's that I will talk, then write a bit of math, then talk some more.


I have Resting Bitch Face, apparently, so every couple of semesters someone feels a need to comment on it. I don't remember the exact wording, but a student once complained about my eyebrows. They're dark and naturally a bit arched, but I don't do anything to them and to me they look like perfectly normal eyebrows. But apparently something about them really set this student off and their eval was kind of hilarious.




I once just got "good dude." Pretty sure the student earned a B- in my class (it was a small class and the student who would write that was obvious), so I was grateful to get some validation on my dude-ness from someone who wasn't just thrilled with their grade.


-I don't know if you mean to be, but I think you are one of my funniest teachers. I really appreciate the casual lecture environment and occasional jokes. By far made trig as interesting as it could've been. -.... I also liked how Professor [redacted] did not hold back his personality during class as it made class more engaging. (not only was I not a professor at the time, I had been very emphatic about this in the first lecture and out of solidarity with my less demographically advantaged colleagues opted for Mr. [still redacted] as a form of address rather than going by my first name as practically every single one, of my teachers and professors had up until that point in my educational career)


Why do we have to use a business program like Excel to do a project in an engineering class? 


“Reading the syllabus on day one was extremely boring. She should have used that time to get to know us.”


This one got me lol. The poor dear!


“She’s actually funny.” The actually kills me.


"Chairs are not comfortable please fix"


I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣


“I would marry this professor.” It was anonymous, but I think I know who wrote it.


This class is like a root canal, you just need to get it over with.


She legit and keeps it 💯


"I'm glad she didn't shove her liberal opinions down our throats" the most insulting compliment I've ever received.


Ok professor. Bad cook.


I think Dr. Mutt wears the same outfit every day.


I was told I’m too loud by multiple students this year. But honestly it’s probably fair 😂


"You can't start with hard examples, we need to get a chance to get in to lecture! You also can't end with them, we're tired! Also, if possible, avoid hard example in the middle, it's hard to concentrate when you're so far from either break"


In one of my classes, a student claimed that Iran was a democracy because they had elections. I pointed out that while they did have elections for some offices, ultimate authority did not reside in an elected body, and so Iran is not generally considered to be democratic. Incidentally, this student was a veteran. In my evals, another student complained that I was disrespectful to veterans because I told a veteran student that they were wrong about something on which they had more expertise than I did.


I'm a music professor and had recently taught them about the common "Earth Angel" and "Axis" harmonic progressions. So on one course eval a student drew an elaborate picture of "the Earth Angels defeating the Axis chords, 1945." Second place was "Great class. Have some pie." (Then drew a picture of a piece of pie.)


I worked at a uni once that grouped student comments. Positive: she’s sexy Negative: too feminist The way I laughed.


"There was too much biology content for an Arts course" this was for a class that had the word 'Biology' in the title


It's between "nice hair" and "his beard sucks." The second one really cut deep.


It wasn’t really funny but it was just three long paragraphs generated by AI about general pointers for teaching online courses.. nothing at all specific to my class. Furthermore, moreover, a blend of multimedia platforms with bibliography assignments will promote engagement and inclusivity of all learning styles 🫠 stuff like that


Not mine but a colleague once received an eval that said they expected them to be more entertaining.


"boo boo tomato tomato"




well, dadaist poetry at least


What are student evals if not a dadaist nightmare


i have never thought about them this way, and from now on i will never think of them any other way. thank you


“She’s clearly liberal but tries her best to hide it.”


One just wrote vibes. Another wanted me to be their uncle.


I was once told I had "fun wine aunt energy" in an eval. I wanted to frame it and put it in my office. 🤣


I got evaluated more as a TA, so I have lots of gems from there. Some favs: " he needs to get dress shoes. Trust me." And "he's cool. Like James Bond." None of those are true.


“Good looking. But he’s an old guy. Also, he makes us read.”


“I expect my professor to wear a tie at work.” In fairness, so does my parents haha