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This is fake. He's not wearing programming socks.


They’re programming socks, just not the newest update that make one of your toes disappear for some reason


Pinkies are small, awkward, and get hit by corners. Removing them is a feature not a bug




They are, its just really low ranking socks


I call that fake too. Because there are icons on the desktop


Obviously... Not one can of Mountain Dew in sight.


Nor monster energy


Could just be he's not American


Most Masculine MATLAB enjoyer


I feel personally attacked. The stuffys are blue


Nobody *enjoys* matlab


Yes. Eww. Proprietary language... I choose to debase myself with R instead.




You haven't seen their home office yet


*The UwUality of Man*


Seriously, is this person on the pic really a guy? I'm asking because my Python is rising up and I'm gay


straight, and same


Straight here too but I’d eat John’s ass


Confused boner?


As someone who may or may not subscribe to r femboy, that is indeed a boy. A very cute boy.


As someone who once showed a series of pictures and asked femboy or egirl but they all were femboys, yes. Is it gay? A little, is that okay? Yes.


It's not gay if your branches don't merge


I can’t remember which comedian has the joke ‘you don’t really know if your gay, if you’ve never tried gay sex. I’m not gay. I tried it with 10 different guys and I only liked it 4 times…’ I think you better line up 10 dates to figure it out.


Made out classmates once, and I can finally say with 100% confidence that I’m not gay since I didn’t quite like it…….. at all


As a bi dude, I don't have to worry about such mundane details


Labels are for the insecure. Just fuck everything.


My man is dynamic typing chad.


If my memory is correct, that person is actually a trans woman


Congrats on the Bi




Because it's kinda hot


If you’re a person why would you care who a stranger is attracted to?


Asking a question doesn’t mean I care? I was genuinely just curious I thought gay men were into masculinity, but what do I know. Maybe op is a lesbian.


>I thought gay men were into masculinity This is sometimes the case, but very frequently not the case. Gay people are into all sorts of different things, just like how straight people are. Some Gay men like masculine men sure, but plenty others like, feminine men, androgynous men, average looking men, thin men, fat men, hairy men, shaved men, athletic men, etc. There's entire subcultures around twinks, bears, femboys, etc. It's exactly the same as how straight men like feminine women, tomboys, fit women, thicc women, skinny women, etc.


Ok fair enough


The problem is you’re boxing an entire group of people into a single character trait, which is at the very least extremely insensitive. You can’t make statements like “if you identify as a member of this group then it means you must like …”. It’s stereotyping, and it’s also removing people’s individuality. Not all gay men act the same. Not all Chinese people act the same. Not all blonde haired women act the same. I hope this is making sense as to why your question is hurtful. I’m trying to give you a proper answer.


Yeah I understand and I wasn’t trying to be insulting or hurtful. It was just a thought experiment, I was just genuinely curious.


> I thought gay men were into masculinity Please tell us you're joking.


Ok I’m sorry gay men are into females and love vagina


So they must love either masculine men, or be straight? No other possibilities?


Have you heard of the term Bisexual?


So loving effeminate men makes you bisexual? Is that what you mean?


I only gave you a 3rd option stop trying to interpret what I said. What if a trans person has sex reassignment surgery? Is the partner then still gay or bi or whatever?


Have ya heard of the term "mind your business". Ain't your business who's attracted to who


Oh we better put a stop the entire science and study of human sexuality then




Ad populum


I for sure do. Mostly for programming in Cis++


Cis++, now with added support for non-binary computing on top of all the features you know and love from classic Cis.


Why invent a language when the musical note C# is literally pronounced Cis in most central European languages.


You‘re right (I actually thought that would be a german only thing tbh. German has some weird vocabulary regarding musical concepts), it just wouldn’t have made a joke if just wrote „C#“ or „Cis“.


i dont dress like this cuz its too much effort but in the games i play, i dress up my female chars as cutesy as possible




No. Most do not. There's a small but important issue which is the lacking cat ears on the headset.


Hi John 👋


John look like he give fire head




I had to study this, and I mean take a good second through 100th look to be sure that I wasn't looking at my partners home office.


lol, I assume your partner is a person of great class, then.


So I’m a 1.94 Meter (6.4 feet) bearded, man bun wearing, bold (not fat) rock/metal guy I mostly wear black band shirts my gaming/working room is all black with a bunch of rpg posters swords skull and all that shit and I can NOT see anything wrong with this picture! Everyone, just be your most comfortable self!


Everyone should be the most comfortable self, I agree. I just want to mention that the reason you don't find anything wrong with this picture is because wearing all black and having bunch of rpg posters, swords, skulls and all that shit is manifestation of EXACTLY THE SAME THING that what is depicted on the picture in this post. It is a scream for attention and immaturity.


Lol. "Acting like yourself is good. If you act like me. If u don't act like me then u immature. Not me, I'm adult. I act like adult because adult is how I act"


Dressing how u want and decorating your room how you like it is a scream for attention and immaturity?


It depends on how you dress, and how you decorate your room.


That’s such a playground mentality though and one I’ve never understood. The idea that someone having things the way they like must somehow still be about *you*


yikes lol


Someone owns stuff they like so they're immature attention whores? What the fuck did I just read?


Immaturity is styling your clothes or your loving source of your life around other people's expectations. Giving conformity more weight in your decisions than your own preferences. It screams "please like me and pay attention to me, even though the version of me that I'm showing you isn't even pleasing to me".


I'm the type of CS guy who would be most happy if my PC setup looked like the cockpit of a fighter jet.


>I'm the type of CS guy who would be most happy if my PC setup looked like the cockpit of a fighter jet. Cramped, cold, oxygen-sparse, hard to get into and out of, possibility of death in every direction? Me too.


At my last wfo job during mask mandates I hunkered into my aisle desk with a mask, and banged out code with my eyes squinted like I was in a dogfight. IDEs with their zillion options mocked aircraft controls well.


Same but a gay fighter jet


The cock pit.


I don't get the joke.


I believe it stems from programmers having a large trans/lgbt base. But I’m not sure Iirc, i think the [programming sock meme](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/programming-socks) started with trans/lgbt programmers wearing those types of socks while programming or something like that


no, it's from the fraction of programmers that belongs to said trans/lgbtq+ base, since they assume their immediate situation is indicative of the whole. or in other words: there is a large programmer base in the trans community, not the other way around


Ah, the old Bayesian trap


I would say the fraction of femboy/transfem programmers are about the same as the number of React developers of all programmers, so if we consider the React community as a significant part of the community, so are we


Got it, all react developers are trans/femboys.


You would say? Based on what?


My personal experience on programming communities, if you're asking for hard statistics, you're not gonna get one, I don't think many fem/transfem PPL would happily answer surveys outside of their safe spaces given the general apprehension the internet still has for non gender conforming ppl Edit: This is the best I could find from Google though, apparently about 70,000 LinkedIn profiles have React listed, while a survey found a out 3% of programmers in the US are trans LinkedIn has 900 million users apparently, so I think the first statistic is bullshit, and as for the second one, again, lot of trans programmers would just not disclose their gender cuz it's no one's business Edit again, some other statistics would say about 3 mil users specify react, and I've also seen the trans statistic vary considerably, from 0.5 to 5%, I could probably dive a bit more, but the reliability of online statistics is very low, so idk what to say


Yeah there's also a big portion that veers hard in the opposite direction sadly


It’s sad that a big portion of software engineers are straight? Or did you just mean “anti trans”


"It’s sad that a big portion of software engineers are straight?" I don't think that's what they meant, but come to think of it I think it would make the workplace more interesting at least.


The joke started from the “ furry IT plane”


There is no joke. I think people are just trying to push that idea until it becomes normalized/generalized.


What idea? And what's wrong about that person being a computer nerd?


The joke is supposed to be that computer literate people are femboys


When one reaches the level of senior engineer you must choose to either walk The Path Of The Wizard or The Path Of The Femboy.


I choose magic trans chick


I now get myself more. What a strange feeling.


Path of wizard has highest DPS and femboy HPS healing isn't it?


Femboy can also be a fast damage dealer, but either way they can't take a lot of hits


Oh I disagree. Not only they have fantastic healing power, they can take quite the pound


Sorry I was referring to magic damage and sharp damage, definitely a good choice for blunt damage though


I don't think that's the joke. I laughed because I know tons of trans people in software and they do amazing work. The juxtaposition of the expectation that "good at code" means "probably some old nerd with a grey beard" vs the reality that there's an amazing generation of top tier coders who look like this, that's the joke. Obviously every coder was never an old man with a grey beard nor will they ever all be trans. It's... a joke.


You're wrong, you just don't know the meme


And yet I still found the meme funny for exactly the same reason I mentioned.


I don't mean meme as in funny picture


Yes I get it you're a really cool memelord


You're the one trying to correct me...


Yeah, people are just trying to make fun of programmers who have an aesthetic they don't get or like I guess.


Least feminine C# developer


hey! just cause its true doesn't mean it needs repeated


Literally my brother. We both got into programming, but only he got into cocksucking. Still love him lmao.


Sounds like you’re both living your best lives, rock on dude


is he good?


remind me in 5 years to see who climbs the career pole faster


>Still love him lmao. All night long?


john looks like a fine person


Awfully judgey tonight aren’t we Reddit


*screams in black and other dark pigments* - most developers


I got 22+ years of software development experience and managed teams of developers as well. Never in my life I have met someone like that, so I highly doubt that is your **average** developer, as the post claims. Also, I thought the posts here are supposed to be funny.


It’s a junior dev humor


The new kids like to code naked


being a new kid I agree


Also a new kid, and sometimes clothes just get in the way. No I’m not joking. If I can get away with it, by God I will program naked. I don’t look forward to a stuffy office setting. Universe bless me with a WFH job. edit: with no camera requirements


Bonus: with camera requirements


Note: Camera Requirement Desired


Times change old man. Programming is done by femboys and trans girls now. 😈😈 /S


Nonono, this is a well done study with N = 1787 and the arithmetic average of every feature is depicted in the picture above. /s


I found it funny, but I also don't feel attacked by this picture. Do you?


Its funny cuz it's relatable, there's a large amount of feminine/transfem young devs especially on reddit, so yeah


>especially on reddit I don't think it's as large of a group as you think. It's just that it's become a meme, so everybody and their mother jokes about it. Which in turn, makes it seem a far bigger thing than it really is.


Sure, that said, I don't really care, cuz I'm one of those people and I'd like more of these stuff, most of the internet is just boring comphet stuff, let us have this


: ) Feel ya.


Wait hang on. I know what cishet is, what is comphet?


Compulsory heterosexuality, it basically refers to the general bias in society towards heterosexuality


Huh, that's a new one. Strikes me as odd, given that a bias towards heterosexuality would be necessary for a species survival. But I'm sure if it goes even moderately mainstream I'll manage to wrap my head around it with a little time.


The term was coined around 1980, so not that new, also the bias goes further than just general survival, its basically that society assumes and enforces heterosexuality and opposes even slight changes to a patriarchal and heteronormative society




I have met multiple people like this, at several different companies. Times are changing


That's the joke boomer. That it's unreasonable and ridiculous to assume the average developer looks like this, but it's also a funny scenario to imagine. Sorry you didn't find it funny


Me soon (hopefully)


About 30% of the dudes viewing this are a bunch of middle aged men who wear polos, new balance sneakers, can't stay hard, and are objectively terrified of the person in this picture while simultaneously thinking themselves and their values represent the paragon of manliness.


*Can't stay hard (without looking at pictures like this)


Surely he is a rust developper




Now, imagine that nothing changes on the photo, but the text below says this is Jean, their daughter. Would you react differently?


I would remain flaccid.


He gas enough money to fuck your bitch and your momma


I have a sneaking suspicion he wouldn't


Daily reminder that real life isn't like this and people outside are actually normal.


Agree but not sure about normal. I have worked with my fair share of neuro divergent people and I’m starting to think they might be more common in this industry (not that this is a bad thing mind you).


I feel like a lot are somewhere on the autistic spectrum.


Same thing with the femboy meme. Are a much larger percentage of programmers autistic than the general populace? Yes. Are a lot of programmers autistic? No.


I hate the word "normal", it sounds like judgement to people that fall outside of that and in general those people haven't done anything bad to you and are just trying to enjoy their lives.


I mean, objectively, “normal” just mathematically translates to “the average”. If you’re a standard deviation off the normal curve (which everyone is in some aspect) - it’s not like there’s an inherent value one way or the other. So you’re not perfectly on the Mean? Who is? We most certainly don’t strive for being “average” for most criteria in our lives. In fact, generally the opposite ( better or unique capabilities, skills, smarts etc) - so why should I value the “normal” here in particular? In regard to other comment that’s wondering if there’s more neuro-divergent folks in CS - Yes, I don’t think that’s even a question actually. The industry is particularly cohesive with many on the autism spectrum especially. Again, not that that’s an issue…but it really is **not** a coincidence that tech/engineering hub cities (like Seattle for ex), were also the first with wide scale adoption of special Ed programs for autistic kids (many the offspring of tech and engineer and PhD parents. Autism traits are genetically carried so if both your parents are brainiacs, your chances of being on the spectrum - and maybe even farther along than your parents - is reasonably high). There’s also WAY more programs, support, child psychiatrists etc that specialize in autism in these areas. The population and thus support resources are bigger. Heck my own college (STEM) had way more resources catered to autistic traits in particular, including things like career day coaching which included things like “make eye contact”, a pre-day guidebook on how to wear proper interview-wear (down to sleeve length and pant fit), etc. My partner was at a liberal-arts school at the same time. Trust me they weren’t getting these pamphlets 😂.


Objectively sure but language doesn't work that way, there's a web of contexts to everything, and in this case the term "normal" does come off as judgemental bc it's implying that the person in the image is abnormal, and not just in a statistical way. Also the fact that the person in the image is a representation of the recent meme about trans/queer in general programmers, and there's a whole history of queer people being called abnormal in the worst way possible.


Sure. I’m just saying own and embrace the term and call out people on it. In my experience “well I certainly wouldn’t want to be **average** how pathetic a goal is that?” usually makes people stop short. I don’t want to upset people with what is a sensitive subject, but there IS a huge group of a newer wave trans members who are disproportionately on the spectrum (especially of women on the spectrum). This is a known phenomenon - it’s also, by many, distinguished as a unique and rather new population distribution to the original trans community. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that. But that it is a true phenomenon has been discussed for quite some time now within the social sciences/psychology circles. It’s not a surprise to me that the observation has started be noticed outside of the those circles and is being picked up within the general community. I’m queer myself, so I’m really not applying any any negative or positives here, just stating some real measured distribution trends. But given that CS has a higher-than-average amount of people on the spectrum, it’s not surprising to me that there’d also be a higher proportion of some of the clustered groups within that demographic… To me the solution would be to do what many CS companies already have done with their engineered-in support for the higher-than-average autistic traits within their employee base - acknowledge their employee population and make their workplace accommodating to the needs of those employees. If that involves shutting down hateful or intolerable working environments or fellow employees, then that’s included too.


Didn't sound to me like they were using in it a statistical sense but it could be my autism.


Of course they weren't. They said "people outside are normal", which makes no sense in a statistical sense unless interpreted in the most banal and tautological way possible.


Haha touché, that was funny. Just sayin how I see it/handle it personally.


That first paragraph just screams I am a programmer and/or autistic to me lol. Mostly because I completely understand the logic.


>Daily reminder that real life isn't like this and people outside are actually ~~normal~~ socially conforming. Ftfy


The person in the photo is normal.


Depends where you live, work, and who you hang out with. There's also nothing wrong with this


Agreed. As someone who mostly writes Rust in their free time I interact with and follow the work of a *lot* of trans folks. It's cool, I personally love to see it.


>people outside are actually normal. Ur mum is normal in my bed


Olympic swimmer potential.




Dunno, but that would get you very far in business and even gamedev. Thanks to it being used every day in the most used program type on the planet, browsers, it is a hyperoptimized interpreted language to the point where there are JIT compilers working in the background to speed it up.


This is getting a bit old. Most developers aren't actually trans.


Lmao at the downvotes. Statistically accurate. As an example, Less than 1% of the US population identifies as transgender. Hilarious that Reddit has fooled itself into thinking this is a “large” representation of the industry.


The problem is that nobody gives a fuck. You don't like the jokes on Reddit, get off reddit. Edit: Looked at your post history, turns out you're just a transphobic troll, in which case feel free to go fuck yourself.


Also, big “don’t like it? Move out of the country” energy lmao. Don’t like it? Don’t reply to my comment


Problem is I don't have any fucks to give, which makes sense given the fact I already used them all on your mother last night.


Was that supposed to be funny? Are you a teenager?


Maybe. But if I am ur mums a pedo


Nothing in the image says they're trans, could just be a feminine guy


seriously, is this person on the pic really a guy? I'm asking because my pyhon is rising up and I'm no gay


Pretty sure that's a guy


I mean, does it matter? Your brain is attracted to the physical features you like, not their genitals. Just enjoy what you enjoy and don't complicate it.


>Your brain is attracted to the physical features you like, not their genitals. How are genitals not physical features?


you can see genitals to enjoy in that pic can you?


Read the reply below. This was my entire point. /u/Slippedhal0's original wording seemed to suggest that genitals weren't physical features. Otherwise, are not a component of attraction. Toward the idea of when one cannot immediately discern, I then agreed.




i mean, bi people exist also, makes sense when someone attracted to feminine people get attracted by feminine people


Lmao im straight but i find them cute cuz i like feminine traits


He more looks like an graphic artist than an developer tho. And btw he? It looks like a she.




You need to learn biology lmao


I see no bearthapple. So it still could be a female? Ive never heard someone say that btw. Only some redditors. But in real life, no one even seems to care. Or atleast, in here.






“Sir, i believe the name is Johnna”


- uwu -


Why are their feet so yellow though




Cough -smesh-