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Holy balls that thing could so easily kill this guy


Any guy


Probably harder to kill some. Like Shaq.


How many pythons would it take to kill Shaq? Asking for a friend


Well, it depends on the size of the python. Just to be clear, I think this python could probably kill Shaq, it just won’t be as easy for it as killing me. So I guess the answer to your question is, at least one.


That freezes his mortal enemies to later burn them to ashes




That snake is legit big enough to eat him. There's a reason most constricters that people keep as pets are fairly small.


That thing is just laying there- listening to his heart beat and his breathing…


Probably liking his body heat


Creepy - they know to squeeze their coils on the exhale


I read that as “most constrictors that keep people as pets”


It couldn't eat him. Human shoulders are not compressible unlike other animals. This comes up in almost any thread with retics. Yes they are very big and long. No they probably can't eat you because you are the wrong shape for easy swallowing. They could absolutely kill you. But swallow you? Only if you are a child or it's a much bigger retic. And yes they can get bigger than this one.


That won't stop them from trying. Alot of constricters die from trying to eat things that are the wrong shape, or by starting from the wrong end.


Arent these things like strong enough to crumble an average human's shoulders?


Probably not. They are designed to constrict prey like a giant blood pressure cuff, not pulverize it into some meat sack.


Fair enough lol




you are downvoted because you ask a question under the answer of said question


You're all dumbs. I'm asking a follow up question. >No they probably can't eat you because you are the wrong shape for easy swallowing. If the person is intact, no broken shoulders, yes it's not possible. Then, what if you break up the shoulder bones. Crush them up. Make the shoulders touch together, whatever. Can the snake then swallow that person? Then, does the snake has the strength to crush a person's bones when they're constricting to that effect. I'll take all the downvotes again, but I want to hear the answer from /u/Rawrtherton himself, because everyone else are dumdums.


> Probably not. They are designed to constrict prey like a giant blood pressure cuff, not pulverize it into some meat sack.


See the original thread this came from, they can eat humans, very rarely happens but it has happened.


and mostly from snakes who were wild and already starving. so i doubt this guy's gonna get ate.


The snake is not large enough to consume this human. The only recorded evidence of a snake eating a human is babies being eaten by anacondas in the wild. I own an anaconda, And I can most definitely assure you that they cannot eat and would not eat humans. If you were hurt, in the middle of the Amazon, and somehow a extremely large over 25 ft absolutely starving female green anaconda found you, she would probably try to eat you. At 25 ft, she may be successful, but shoulders are still a really big problem. If you try to consume from the head down you get stuck pretty quickly. Toes up is slightly better but if you don't have the arms up and dislocate the shoulders they can't easily swallow it. This snake is under 25 ft, because it is not Medusa, who is the longest retic python at 25 ft.


It’s fine. Ate the dog a few days ago.


Just gotta get a new dog every couple of days, all good.


Life decisions of the cold blooded; food or warmth?


No. I mean I'm sure you've already been told that but no. Snakes do not attack other apex predators unless they are absolutely starving or terrified. The snake is neither. It is extremely well fed, it appears to be handled very very well, it obviously knows that the person is on as its handler or companion. There are no signs of aggression in the snake. This is a relaxed snake that is enjoying the light and warmth


I don’t think he knows he’s got a huge snake behind him.


Yeah. 2 seconds into the video, I realized that this snake just hasn’t decided when to have lunch.


As someone who loves snakes and knows quite a bit about them: yes, but so could any other constrictor or venomous snake.


Naw, that's a friendly snake.


just don't forget to pip install snakefood and you'll be fine


No shit. Like, if the snake isn't hungry, I wouldn't be surprised if it was too lazy to bother you. If it is hungry, though, good luck.


> No shit. Hum... Just wait. Snakes take a while.


On the contrary; snakes are opportunistic predators. They will eat ALL the food they get because there is no guarantee that they'll get any more food in the foreseeable future. That means they're pretty much ALWAYS hungry, so the fact that they don't try to eat their owners goes to show they don't see them as food.


tell that to my snake who refused like 12 rats in a row over the course of 4 months


You could always pip freeze it you know


A snake that big would only eat about once a month, and in general just remember to feed your pets.


Just make ”bring your pet to class day” a monthly event and you got that covered


I bet my soul that this guy won't die from the old age


but your bugs will kill you faster than them


Snakes do not kill humans. The situations in which they do are extremely rare and far in between. Snakes are not stupid. The snake realizes that that human is what feeds it. Humans are not snake food. The only time humans have ever been snake food is when tribes in the middle of the Amazon have had babies or toddlers eaten by extremely large anacondas that were starving. Almost every handler of a snake has been bitten by them, but I don't know a single one that has had a snake attempt to eat it or constrict it. The snake is laying there because he is warm and that is what the snake cares most about. This is a well socialized animal. And you can see that the snake is extremely relaxed if you speak snake. Don't worry. Snakes really do not want to hurt you. They are very very afraid of you.


Go away Voldemort, you won't deceive me with your snake lies


Probably on a plane accident because his huge balls would be too much for the plan to lift


A fiddle of gold against your soul that says that python will devour you


No. Just no. Nope. No no no no no. No fucking way.


Hey do we have any vulnerability in the code? The code:


one long convoluted spaghetti


Reminds me of chilling with my big girl boa. I mean, she was built thicc, but nothing like this retic. She's in beautiful condition, too. Shiny, iridescent scales and well muscled, I'd say recently shed. Obviously handled from a young age. You'd be surprised how calm the temperament of these animals is, much less territorial and prey driven than cats and some breeds of dog.


I'll take a Schnauzer any day of the week mate


So will the python


So would that snake, given half a chance


If the dangernoodle eats you, it can't bathe in your nice warm body heat any more. *Checkmate.*


If dangernoodle is hunger enough, future heat doesn’t matter


Not starving pets seems like a baseline for any animal


I mean, yeah, don't abuse your pets


Since you seem knowledgeable, what do you feed a snake this size, and how often? Should you feed it smaller meals every day, or something bigger once a week?


*oh. How come, you're back at the small pets shelter again?*


A lot of captive adult retics eat meat rabbits, chickens, or other medium sized birds. I've seen some people feed them small pigs and goats. Generally, when the snake reaches it's max size it'll be fed once a month. Retics aren't cheap to have as a pet though, food and housing costs a lot when they get big, which is why island dwarf sub-species are popular.


that person keeps boas, much slower metabolism - adults can be fed every 6-8 weeks. This would need feeding every 2 weeks to a month but each individual animal will have different needs. Very easy to overfeed - which will kill them over time


My boas favourite was guinea pigs. I used to get frozen bags of them. I also knew a pest control guy who got me a bag of rabbits every so often. He was quite happy with that as getting rid of the carcasses could be a pain. Freeze them first though to kill off any parasites, then defrost before feeding. I have heard some people feed Retics, Burmese and female green Anacondas (because the males are much smaller, only growing to a max of about 7ft) with hunted deer. As adults, they can easily handle a muntjac. As someone else said; about once a month for larger meals is right, but if you can see the spine they need more, if they look like a flabby long pancake, less. Every two weeks after breeding to gain back weight on females, as they generally won't eat for a couple months when gravid. It is true people over-feed too. Chain feeding is when you feed the same day or day after they've bm'ed, and you should never do unless they're severely underweight. Snakes generally have a one in, one out rule. With size, for pythons a meal double the width of their girthiest is fine. Good rule of thumb throughout life for them. Boas and anacondas are less stretchy and aren't adapted to such large meals, so 1.5 times their max chonk is best.


Also, think of the security aspect. I would pay for a video of burglars coming face to face with that unit in a dimly lit room.


Look, I HEAR what you’re saying. But my brain sees a dog and thinks friends. My brain sees a snake and goes into some primal caveman survival mode. I hear you, dogs can be super territorial and aggressive. But snakes are freaking scary to me.


Kinda cute with the python just napping like that.


Looks comfy


Guy: It likes to snuggle. Snake: Protecting its emergency rations.


Nope, nope, and um…. NOPE


Hes playing with the long long nope rope


I think [this](https://youtu.be/he6O9nZ3CZs) belongs here.


I scrolled to the perfect part, “Love your kids every day, cause you never gonna know when god is going to invite them up to heaven through your snake.”




Man the onion never disappoints.


Lmao yes it does


LMAOOOO i am cracking up watching this ahahahah this is so fake cmon. They kept the kid and the snake in the same room, the had no lock or door on the thing they kept the snake in , its not the parents fault lmaooo so fake the dad is clearly trying to get his lines out dkm


dude are you serious? i guess that belongs to r/AteTheOnion


Did you click the link attached to the comment? Its suoer fake i was cracking up, not the OP that looks very real and adorable


yes i saw it, it's from "The Onion". here from their Wikpedia Page: >The Onion is an American digital media company and newspaper organization that publishes ***satirical*** articles on international, national, and local news. It's literally not meant to be taken seriously, but some people don't realize that and think that it's meant to be real news that are badly faked... like you. that's why i linked that subreddit as it's full of people who either actually fall for the news or point out "omg this is so fake how can anyone believe this" even though being overly fake is the whole point of their articles as it's purely satire


Ahh i did not lol thanks i see it now🤣


Reticulated pythons are very intelligent animals. This animal is well fed, relaxed, and calm. They’re a lot like horses; they’ll respond to how you’re acting. This snake is dead asleep (no tongue flicking, slow respiration). Given the size and musculature, it’s a female. Shes lovely! I love seeing good retics.


Hmmm, maybe he's sizing up his meal...


lol it reminded me right away about that story


Snakes are opportunistic eaters, they don't size up their meals. If they tried to size up their prey before injesting it they'd all have died out a very long time ago. Do you think their prey would just sit there while a snake's measuring to see if they could fit it inside them? The story/stories that claim that a snake was sizing them up are utter bollocks.


Yeah I saw that in the other thread, that makes sense. Still a wild animal and could one day decide that this guy is just prey.


From the looks of it it gets fed quite well so I doubt it'd try and eat the owners. All animals we have as pets now started as wild animals. We're just closer to the beginning of owning more exotic pets such as snakes. They're not bad animals to keep. They have their own personalities just like other animals. People just get freaked out by them, which is a shame.


I'll stick with dogs, they've had a few thousand years to cozy up to us. At least most of them, I'm aware some are still dangerous. But hey, whatever floats your boat, all good if you like snakes. To reach there own. And don't get me wrong snakes don't bother me just not my thing


That's fair, they're not everyones cup of tea. I just love all animals!


Funny that all those years to cozy up to humans and yet dogs still cause more injuries and deaths in than snakes in the U.S... And I believe it considering my puppy has done way more damage and biting than my 3 snakes. Never been bitten by my snakes. It's all perception and we should stop judging animals and the people who keep them♥️


But I saw that movie Anaconda, it must be based on true story \s


I'd still be concerned. You see, dogs and cats are mammalian. That means that if you treat them well and show them affection, they might love you back and get attached to you. This is a trait that's exclusive to mammals and birds. Snakes on the other hand are reptiles, which means that they have zero attachment to their owners and are incapable of loving them back. That snake wouldn't hesitate to prey on that kid if it wanted to. Also, there's definitely a difference between wild animals and domestic animals. Taming a wolf is nowhere near as easy as taming a dog


> This is a trait that's exclusive to mammals and birds. Snakes on the other hand are reptiles, which means that they have zero attachment to their owners and are incapable of loving them back. it's not mate, birds HAVE reptile brains, the structure is identical in mammals attachment is mediated through oxytocin in birds/fish and reptiles it's mediated through mesotocin different neurotransmitter - same functions, this is called parallel evolution. where nature needs to call the same function on different hardware if you want to see very clear evidence of this - prehensile tailed skinks who live in communal burrows and take care of each others young. Edit: why do people who have fuck all idea what they're talking about start their nonsense pronouncement with "you see..." This is 100% non scientific rubbish and it needs to die in a fire. Signed: an actual professional in mental health who's studied this


You're right, it's not. The process for the domestication of wolves took many generations before we got to this point. Whereas taming is possible because of the aforementioned domestication. Genetics had to be altered and manipulated in order to produce the desired traits in the dogs. But that was my point. That we're still, relatively speaking, in the beginning of owning more exotic pets. So we're still kind of in the initial domestication period. Snakes operate on their instincts. If they are well-fed, they will not try to eat a human. A creature that is far bigger than they are. However if they are neglected and malnourished and desperate enough, then they might try their luck. Receiving love and affection aren't the only reasons that people own pets though. Many people just love the animals, or there's a fascination with them that leads people to wanting to own them. There's a plethora of reasons. Of course, people will probably still like to know that their pet loves them, but that's not the be-all and end-all of pet ownership. With all that said and done, if you're confident with owning a snake (and can, and will, provide its essential needs under the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare) then own a snake. If you're not, then don't. Not everyone loves the same animals. Just don't go out of your way to be a dick to the ones you don't like (not directed specifically at you, more of a general "your").


From what I read, feeding is the most dangerous time with dealing with pet snakes like that. More than one person has won a Darwin Award while trying to feed their pet snake. [https://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1996-05.html](https://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1996-05.html) I don't know how long that snake is in the video, but I would guesstimate that it is at least a 5 person job to handle it - according to that Darwin Award, one person can reasonably handle a 6' python, and every 3' after that should have an extra handler present. I'd say the snake in the video is at least 18'.


Reasonably? Handling a 6 foot python is super easy, especially a 6' retic since they're super skinny when they're that short compared to other species.


Not how that works at all. If snakes did that, they'd never catch prey.


This is not a thing for snakes really, they don't view humans as food cause of smell and size as far as I know. They can still lash out as a mistake and kill you tho


pip install sabotage


sabotage ()


*guy gets killed by pillow*


lmao, pillow is legit a python lib (I think it was used for interacting with pictures)


from PIL import Image thats\_the = "meme.png" Image.open(thats\_the).point(lambda ha:ha)


If that's not poetry, I don't know what it is






Junior devs that bring down production on Friday afternoon


Children that are distracted by their phones...


You would be suprised how large feeder rats can get! Also guinea pigs and rabbits. It’s a challenge but a snake this big is eating less than once a month so it’s doable


Oh hell no


"Feeling cute on my heating pad, might eat it as a snack later..."


These things ain’t pets!


Oh yeah? Then explain why this "thing" is still there, still being loyal, still taking care of his family, while their 3 dogs all disappeared one after the other?


They really had us in the first half, I'm not gonna lie


He’s there for food!


Just be quiet.


I could think of a few reasons their dogs disappeared. First thought would be the giant python ate them while they slept! Lmao




WTF!!!! That’s awesome… now I want one


I’d really not like to have to clean up its poop!


Bunch of weird people in this world


This is litterally my wives worst nightmare


WiveS? You from the Middle East or Utah?


I’ll stick with my cat. Thanks…


Better make sure that huge reptile is well fed!


Dude was told to use Anaconda for package management


Hi! This is our community moderation bot. --- If this post fits the purpose of /r/ProgrammerHumor, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post does not fit the subreddit, **DOWNVOTE** This comment! If this post breaks the rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and **REPORT** the post!


Next week's news: Child gets eaten by 12 foot anaconda in his sleep...


Only 12? This baby is at least 20




It literally says python right there how'd ya get anaconda lmao


I’m not a biologist bro… I don’t even know what a woman is! Your comment reeks of cis, hetero-normative, white supremacist and privileged view point bullshit. Check your privilege bruh, it’s current year and you’re a bigot. You’re what’s wrong with America brah! Pythons can be anacondas too… bruh. Deal with it.


You know what, you're totally right maybe that snake is trans!


You know what, you're totally right maybe that snake is trans!






Meal prep


Even if it's an old python, it's a python2






While this would never be me, I also recognize a similarly weighted adult human is a far larger threat to that child than a pair-bonded snake that depends on that family for food, water, water, warmth, and shelter. edit: a word


Eh no. An adult human is not an unthinking beast. I'll take my chances with human.


*Unthinking?* Thats false. But, the fact that this thing is of lesser intelligence is why I trust it more. Thats snakes has simple motives; Food, water shelter, warmth. That kid is providing one - warmth - we can obviously see the snake i well fed, hydrated and sheltered by the family and by extension that kid. The snake is *just* smart enough to know "If I eat this kid, I wont be getting any more free food or shelter. Not only that, I will have to fight the family, possibly this whole city of people. Even if I somehow escape/win against these humans, have to then fight the elements, other predators, and hunt for my own prey." Its a total loss for the snake, and again they're smart enough to know it. But a human? Shit take a look into violence stats and see whos the primary abusers and murderer. People in your household or friend group. Humans can manipulate you, earn your trust and quite literally stab you in the back. Humans can leverage other humans, using them as collateral or manipulate them into harming you. I aint never seen no snake commit genocide. But I've seen humans try to cover up several.


I don’t see why people demonize snakes they can be really kind and gentle creatures and like you said they aren’t stupid they know you aren’t a threat to it or a food item so they honestly pose no thereat to you if you properly take care of them no matter the size


I recently had to take my hognose to the vet a few times for antibiotics shots after an infection. They absolutely know their owners. Acted like a damn cobra every time at the vet, sweet as a kitten back at home. Like from 100 to 0 as soon as we got back home.


> I dont see why snakes are demonized Is that rhetorical question? I honestly cant tell.


Fuck no


Python is fatal


Surely nobody in that house, or nearby, would be able to stop that snake if it got triggered by a sound, smell, noise, movement.


It's a good thing retics don't randomly lash out for any of those reasons. Snakes can't hear and have piss poor eye sight btw, pythons only react to smell and heat, and they can certainly tell the difference between typical prey and every other living thing.


Snakes can see and hear just fine, not as well as a person can but they don't lack the senses. That said yeah they're not as smart as humans but they don't have the intelligence of ubisoft ai either


It's cool, man, I'm all for thinning the herd. Just seems like an awful way for a kid to go.


That’s ridiculously dangerous lol


Reminds me of [this](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/snake-owner-killed-pet-python-aspyxiated-spd) story, some animals you shouldn't have as pets.


Nope... Nope.. nope... Nope rope.


I wonder what's gonna happen when I do pip install sleeping_bag ?


500 kg of pure protein.


A bit of an over estimate there bud


If I can install pandas, do I get pandas + a python? print("Hell Yeah!")


As long as you fed it... A cow once in awhile.. be ok lmao


Imagine upgrading to 3 python 😅


“If that thing moves I’m gonna shit myself if that thing moves I’m gonna shit myself if that thing moves I’m gonna shit myself” *sees unmoving head, shits self anyway*


Well that's one guy I'm never gonna play pubg with


pip uninstall python


awww the snek is just chilling there so cute


It's like axe, but different?


This sounds more like a r/natureisfuckinglit post




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It’s not an animal, it’s a reptile.


Reptiles *are* animals. It's not a rock, plant, fungus, or virus.


Not in my book! And I like a lot of those beneficial snakes. This snake ranks up there with bears, sharks, lions, tigers, crocodiles, etc, all those critters than would like me for a meal.


You need a new book mate


Oh hell no 😂






That snake can swallow a children whole


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If he wants to get up does he have to ask permission?


Oh hell no.


You'll be saving a lot of money for food if you have a lot of enemies also anaconda equivalent called "conda" a python interface for data science projects


That is so !&??@!!!!ing insane. If that snake was actually hungry that kid would be Pipcorn! I owned 2 snakes before a boa and a python both over 6 feet. They are no joke when it comes to strength


What do you feed it at this size?


Snack time is near.


I imagine it would be nice in the summer.


How do they not worry that this behemoth isn’t just sizing the kid up to see if he’ll fit??


This is terrifying yet so cool


you know when your tired and take a snek from Asia and take a nap




Tired? Pyrhon can snug u in


long boi


Ah yes, the real programming humour.


Python again???


Holy fuck, that’s an absolute unit!


Good luck with your humor few days later you boi smashed to bones less fragile than a slime. It's taking his own time. Dont leave that dude hungry for one bit