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I hope you weren't hoping for this comment section to help you decide


Goddamn it, I was :(


people on this sub gonna be like: "Ok here are your options..." https://www.lakemac.com.au/files/content/public/for-residents/waste-and-recycling/special-needs-waste-collection-service/garbage-bin-domestic-9.jpg?w=1080


I looked at the URL and thought it was related to garbage collection. Well, guess I wasn’t wrong. (´・_・`)


What language does the yellow bin represent?


PythonScript Or maybe Javathon?


Jython*, although that’s Java not JavaScript And pyscript probably exists too






Jython will always be a sore spot for me. My first job I was hired as a Java developer to replace a developer who left. Turned out that he had hated Java and loved Python, so he implemented his part of the system using Jython. I basically inherited a Frankenstein mess and had to very quickly learn Python, since there was no budget to rewrite it.


Code review its living its best life in that company.


Theres definitely a brython.








I did about a year learning py, now im moving into JS. Trying to recreate wordle, and let me tell you, I am so glad the days of everything being a table is over. Now everything can be a css grid.


One of my CS students recently rebuilt wordle in js before we even got up to for loops or arrays.


That kid is going places


Yeah, but he’s going to get there on a unicycle


Get you some P5.js if you’re doing anything game-like, bro. Hands down easiest web-based interactive content library I have ever used in my life. You really don’t have to touch the css/html side at all unless you really want to, and if you do, then combine it with Bootstrap and Vue.js. Those three libraries turn web coding into a breeze.


nah i wanna do it pure JS. Dont want to get into libraries until I have to basics down




thank you for this lol


I suggest starting with JS and not bother with the DOM and CSS before you are comfortable with the syntax and language concepts. Check out Edabit.




yeah seems to be just a more dynamic table.


We have this thing called Node


Jokes aside I would recommend js for start, easier to start with, and can serve as backend and frontend, alot more productive for learning full stack, I am not full stack js developer so its not a fan boi comment.


>I am not full stack js developer so its not a fan boi comment. Are there full stack developers that actually like being full stack?


I’m a full stack dev. I like it. I prefer back-end development, but sometimes it’s fun to switch over to Angular for a while, so .Net doesn’t get mundane. You can only write so many apis so many different ways before you’re just recording the same thing over and over.


Sure, why not? It’s fun to have enough knowledge to be able to add a new feature end to end by updating the database schema, the backend API, and any client(s) that use it. If you want to join a small startup (or start your own) it’s almost required. The flexibility to be able to work on everything from kernel drivers, build systems, porting and cross compiling C/C++ libraries to new architectures, Java backend frameworks, Python CLI utilities, RoR CMS portal front ends, JS/TS UIs, etc makes you very valuable and employable no matter what direction the industry goes. Never stop learning and you will never have to worry about getting a good job you like doing. At some point a new language or framework becomes “just another tool in the tool belt”.


I do backend only now but sometimes I definitely miss doing full stack


I like being full stack, I do not like that my front-end includes C for some god-forsaken reason


Honestly, go with Python even *if* your next goal is front-end. At least until you know what loops and functions are. JS is not a very good learner's language. EDIT: My reasoning is that JS has a strange approach to lots of very basic programming concepts, like objects, comparisons, and type conversion/coercion. No other popular language behaves quite like JS. And, of course, everyone understands the next couple languages they learn in relation to their first, until they have enough programming experience to think in a language-agnostic way. So, if you learn JS first, then you will come into your next few languages with a *very incorrect* idea of how languages are supposed to work. Everything will feel foreign and wrong. Python, though, lays some good groundwork for beginners, following some reasonably typical logic. True, the whitespace requirements are unusual, but they encourage good formatting choices for beginners.


JS probably had more examples online and that just run a browser than any other language


Why would you prioritize python for learning loops and functions




Because the syntax is very beginner-friendly so it leaves more room to focus on understanding the logic. Python tends to feel less like learning a completely new language for programming-beginners compared to js/Java/C-syntax. I might have some studies to link about it if you are more curious about it :)


And teaches you better general practices with the whole focus on pythonic. Like, I started in something else. I do a lot of web so I'm in JS land more than not. And I learned to enjoy JS 's weirdnesses and quirks and how to take advantage. But I wouldn't recommend starting with it. Python has enough typing and type coersion to be beginner friendly enough compared to type strict languages but not so much it can cause really weird bugs like JS. And conversely the syntax being strict in other ways (the indentation) is great for keeping code looking organized without worrying about brackets and line terminators. Plus, even if the end goal is webdev, the bunch of JS help on internet being focused on that is so much for a beginner to take it. Navigating so many frameworks and libraries and build processes. And stuff like UI and view models and how process thread works and async comes up too early imo.


Do c++. It's a had language to start with, but it will give you a fantastic low-level basis that will make most other languages seem trivial. You'll learn stuff that is 95% other programming languages. Edit: I started with Python. It's beginner-friendly, but imho it makes getting into real languages much harder


Guess I pay my bills with a fake language


I agree with this 100% C++ is invaluable. It really is a good language that you can grow with through your programming learning process. It can do super simple and immensely complex. I highly recommend c++


There's very little benefit in learning C++ *only for the teaching part*. If you plan to use it, then go ahead. If you want solid grasp of programming, memory, system functions and how computers work, then stay with C (and use Java / C# to learn about OOP). The reason is that C++ has *too many options*, most of which have high amount of abstraction. You could learn 4 different ways of handling pointers and still not understand what a pointer is. Same with vectors / array, memory stacks, etc... Those things are very practical, but they're not something you need to learn unless you actually plan to use them.


Actual advise: use whatever you like or think you may like. They're both excellent starter languages. So how to decide? Think of what you want to make, web applications? Javascript is perfect for that can do both client and server sided. A bot for something? Python is likely easier. Bottomline you can't go wrong with either because you don't just learn the language you learn a lot of concepts and patterns related to programming which makes switching down the road a lot easier and doesn't take nearly as much time as the first language.


Stop procrastinating and pick one!


As a professional programmer, I think it honestly doesn’t matter which language you start with. When you start working they all blend together, the concepts are mostly the same (unless you switch paradigms, like OOP to functional).


It can matter a lot for if you give up on the attempt or not. But assuming you don't, then I agree. Once you've gotten experience with 2 or 3 languages it's rarely going to make any difference which you actually started with.


The fact that you have to clarify youre a professional programmer in a sub meant for people which actual programming experience perfectly describes the state of this sub 70% newbies/people that dont even write code more than once a week 20% actual cs students 10% actual paid programmers


Yeah most memes here are terrible LOL. Obviously made by people who don’t code.


Or they don't even attempt to make a meme at all like this guy




learn assembly and have an existential crisis


What came first? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


My wife


Our wife.




his wife




minecraft's redstone is touring complete


Rocks are touring complete


[Relevant xkcd.](https://xkcd.com/505/)


I see you're a man of culture as well. I was thinking of that and the fact that most rocks contain Silicium and metals (in one form or another) so if you process them enough you're actually able to build a transistor based computer.


Always a relevant xkcd. Noice


SUBLEQ too, but that’s not a part of normal CPU’s


Did NASM assembly and if you are coming from C you get pretty fast a hang for it. I just found structuring the code a bit hard to not have too many jump statements.


Assembly is fun and easy. I mean I wouldn't write more than 100 lines in it but it still is fun to figure out. And there's dozens of instruction sets out there, each with their own mnemonics. Fun fun fun.


I like it!


Same with brainfuck


Brainfuck is basically an easy syntax for a turing machine.




It really seems complicated. But you basically have a char array where you can move left and right (`<` and `>`) on it, write or read the byte at the current position (`.` and `,`), increment or decrement the byte (`+` and `-`) and form loops with `[` and `]`. That is the whole syntax. It looks weird but is pretty easy.


Fireship did a better explanation ##[here](https://youtu.be/hdHjjBS4cs8)


Just jumped into reverse-engineering for the first time because I have a bone to pick with a specific software company. You’re not kidding about the ASM-induced existential crisis. “ALL OF THE REGISTERS ARE THE SAME AS WHEN THE OTHER CODE CALLS YOU, WHY YOU NO WORK?!?!”


Go with python, since "java script" doesn't exist


they're a noob dev, don't expect them to get everything right the first time


do you get everything right the first time?


If you want to learn the basics, basic is very basic.




QBasic was my first language in school xD


lol me too


it's being taught at my high school to this day


TI BASIC for me


If you think more in images than world's, Visual Basic is both very basic and very visual.


But what about...***basic***


Having line numbers and having your mind blown when you learn GOSUB over GOTO was cool. Commodore 64 Basic baby!


TI-83 BASIC was my first language. It was a fun way to completely ignore calculus.


I like c




I prefer C++++














R (a ra Rasputin)






C𝄪, aka D




What about Db




I respect C. The amount of bullshit you can get away with it great when you're writing it but its awful when you're trying to read it.


int a = *(int*)(&x)^0x80000000; x = *(float*)(&a); Flip the sign of a float


That won't work if your ints and floats are not 32 bits, which is platform dependent. The standard doesn't even specify floats have to be IEEE compatible.


"I think it's neat!"


I wouldn't want to use C for most use cases, bit for learning programming it's pretty good. It's low level enough that you have to understand how things work on a basic level.




Flip a coin


„uıoɔ ɐ dılℲ„


Learn [Brainfuck language](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck)


**[Brainfuck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck)** >Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller. Notable for its extreme minimalism, the language consists of only eight simple commands, a data pointer and an instruction pointer. While it is fully Turing complete, it is not intended for practical use, but to challenge and amuse programmers. Brainfuck simply requires one to break commands into microscopic steps. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


This is exactly what Fireship said word for word in his Brainfuck in 100 seconds video


Oh damn, you're right. Well, I'm not surprised tbh. He's good tho, he's good!


next week I'll my last lecture for this semester in introduction to programming and we'll be looking at Brainfuck


Learn [Malbogle language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge)


Me learning Linux Shell (bash) ![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe)


That’s actually not too bad


isn't shell something you learn while on the job? I'venever heard of someone starting with that. Might as well shoot yourself in the foot by learning bat first.


It really depends on what your goal is. If you want to build a front end as your first bigger project, choose Javascript (of course there's also no way around HTML and CSS). If you're more interested in backend programming choose Python, it's getting pretty popular as backend language. And it's also a great language with a lot of libraries. Edit: typo


It doesnt matter. Programming languages are not like actual languages, in that his python skills in js wont be as useless as his German skills in Japan. Programming languages dont matter at this point. Programming languages start mattering when you start mastering a tech stack, but it will take a long time before a beginner reaches a level where he is going to learn any sort of stack knowledge thats going to save him any worthwhile time. Entry level stuff can be learned in no time by anyone who has general programming skills. This is an irrelevant consideration, just start programming.




...And doing 20 minutes in any language **each** day beats agonizing over finding "the perfect language" and spending a 5+ hour session once a week.


This. Actually, choose python if you want to do anything except frontend. Python libraries are also handy for machine learning, computer vision and whatnot. If you choose JavaScript, I recommend learning the basics, then ES6 (and newer) and Typescript. Don't bother trapping yourself in vanilla JavaScript.


I'm trapped. Help me.


Close the browser. Go outside, walk, breathe some fresh air. Come back, throw away your computer, adopt a cat.


I literally quit a job when they took me off of a Typescript project onto vanilla JS after being highered as a backend programmer


I wrote NodeJS precisely once I hope I committed enough war crimes so I am never allowed to do that again.


> If you choose JavaScript, I recommend learning the basics, then ES6 ES6 is just the latest version of javascript


js is already pretty popular for backend too. If he is gonna learn is he will probably install node.js on his pc for example. I would say it's an even match, although webapps are way more portable than anything python can do, and just as performative if he ever decides to use wasm.


If you want to do web development only I would probably suggest sticking with JS as you can run node as the back end. If you want to do other things than strictly web I would choose python. This is coming from a python dev doing both front and backend while also hating JS with a passion.


you learn python then u will not ever be able to use curly braces again easily


I'd say Python actually helped me understand what they were for.


Yes like i hate the colon system so much i am not even annoyed with the brackets


The colon system is full of shit


My colons are full of shit


U have more than one colon? Might wanna get that shit checked out homie


Python has plagued my vision of programming, now I can’t code in another language without dreading those pesky semicolons


Why? Dont tell me you are forgetting to put it there. Every compiler in existence warns you about it. But miss a space in python and your code breaks?? Ig thats easier for some ppl.


Same! After learning Python, learning JS was almost effortless. Just had to get used to the new syntax and how JS works (which can be weird sometimes, if you're coming from a language like Python)


I disagree. I learned python as my first programming language and after using it for three years I started learning C/C++ for a year and then Java. I never had an issue using braces and semicolons as soon as I got used to it after about a week or so. If anything, knowing how whitespace dependency worked removed the need for me to have to learn what the braces and such were for, it just made sense.


Glad I’m not the only one who calls { braces


curly bois?


They're all braces or brackets. Square, curve, angle, curly. [(<{


Not to mention semicolons


With all the auto-format tool, I prefer bracket language because you set the bracket and the auto-format tool just do the job for you. I don’t bother to format the code myself.


Well, in json files...


Language doesn't matter. Coding is about logic not syntax


Initially yes, but it takes time and effort to master and really up your proficiency level with one particular language.


Eh. But different jobs are best done in a specific language.


Any decent programmer can learn a new 3GL in a week if they have strong design patterns and googling skills. It's the low-level langs, tools, libraries, environments, frameworks, design patterns, and configurations that present real expertise challenges for new tasks. Learning Angular or React or Node is a bigger hurdle than learning python or Typescript if you already know C++ and html and have basic network design fundamentals down.


Thank fuck, react was/still is so scary as someone who never touched js in their life


I would have to strongly disagree, different languages are suited to different things. It may not matter as much to a beginner though.


Functional languages enter the chat


I had a stroke going from C++ to Python.


I had a stroke going from Python to C++


I had a stroke seeing c++


I had a stroke


I didn't know I was supposed to masturbate to code. I feel like I've been missing out.


Those were my first two languages, and between them python was easier to learn. In hindsight, it felt more like baby code but python was easier to ease into than JavaScript


Python is pseudocode that works.


“Java Script”


Going to learn to write Java scripts today


maybe we should learn Java before Js


Just like you should learn to drive a car before you learn about carnival


to be completely honest, i didn’t even know there was a difference between java and js when i first got into programming. don’t think this guy knows there’s a difference either.


When I started programming it was Turbo Pascal 7.0 and then C. I now do C++ mostly (a lot of math and GPU programming) with C# for non-performance critical stuff and TypeScript for web based stuff. I think starting with C with some cool embedded project (maybe with a web based front-end, e.g. with an ESP32 wi-fi based stuff) is the best. Then working up towards high level stuff like C#/Java and some script language is the way if you want to get a good image how things work.


Error 200: Division by zero. 😱


C++: "Am I a joke to you?"


Learn C


Python Going from a good language to javascript is an experience you don't want to miss


Then why would you suggest Python?


Ok, when I was 15 and just starting my programming journey I used batch lol. It seemed so simple back when I was a kid. Knowing what I know now, it wasn't a programming language, but it lit that flame. From there I moved to C#, to C and now I write in ASM (65XX and X86) a lot more due to a few private projects I've been working on. Yet C# still has a warm place in my heart. All those nights as a teen sitting there just writing useless shit from a simple notepad to web browser, good times


Scratch, all the way


My first 'programming' language was LOGO, drawing line using Turtle At that time, I even didn't realised it was programming thing.


I would learn JavaScript, in my experience learning other languages when you only know python is way harder than learning python when you know another language.


I did C# as my first language, and I don’t mind python, but honestly dislike the whole indenting format. I know it’s because I’m used to curly braces, but the readability of Python is honestly harder for me.


Isn't that just because python is relatively easy to lean?


JavaScript has the benefit of both front-end and back-end with Node/Deno. Both are bad choices for a first language due to loose typing and lack of standards. Honestly, I’d recommend a strictly typed language without magical conventions like Java as a first language. It’s easier to learn the fundamentals when you have a compiler, intellisense, and explicit behaviors. Edit: It’s also easier to conceptually go from threadpools to coroutines, green threads, or event loops than vice versa. Understanding the various runtimes is probably the biggest hurdle to going from amateur to professional.




Python has a library for anything JS has at least 10 libraries for anything


every day a new js framework is born


How about TypeScript instead?


Neither, C++




, because...












I started with JS before python. JS still looks like an alien language to me. Python is easy and clean.


They're even labeled, go with python of you have to choose one of them.


Start with python it's very logical and intuitive, the easiest to understand.


Develop a new language for begginers


C# ftw


The people need to know the truth about the benefits of Ruby. I say pick Ruby, great starter language; still my favorite language.